We tried through this paper to deal with the case of
the vertical inconsistencies caused by the refinement
of the model. Models are generally refined because of
the iterative, incremental and adaptive nature of the
modern software development processes.
We explained how our constraint-based
consistency checking proposal treats this type of
inconsistencies. Our approach adds constraints at the
metamodel level by matching the common concepts
among the UML diagrams. These constraints, written
using the Epsilon Validation Language, automatically
help detecting and fixing inconsistencies. To illustrate
our approach, we have considered examples of
constraints that check vertical inconsistencies arising
between class and sequence diagrams.
On the other hand, our proposal is characterized
by its ease of automation (implemented using Eclipse
Modeling), ability to be extended and completeness
of covering all the potential inconsistencies that can
affect all the commonly used UML diagrams.
As a future work, we intend to develop a
consistency checking process that regroups the best-
practices of detecting and handling UML model
inconsistencies and that focuses on defining the
different steps needed to well behave with the
detected inconsistencies. We will apply this on a case
study that contains patterns involving a set of tricky
examples of inconsistencies and that covers a larger
number of expressive UML diagrams. We will also
provide further discussion about the experimental
results with the Eclipse tool and its performance.
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