then the app will tell the user what to do (go to another
place, ask a reliable person for going to another place,
etc.). After that, a distractor or mini-game in the
screen of the smartwatch, that will help the user to
recover the initial, calm emotional state. In case it is
recommendable to teach the user to manage a
situation with the presence with big dogs (for
example, if he lives in a zone with several of them),
the prompting would help him to understand the lack
of danger in these situations, along with more
distractions in these situations.
Currently we are developing these ideas by means
of two smartwatches based on Android Wear OS,
targeting a full-functional version and some user
experiments that cover several situations that might
provoke stress or uneasiness, so we can tell whether
smartwatches can be applied ubiquitously to this
learning process, as the discussed theory in this paper
Smartwatches are devices with great potential in the
fields of Assistive Technologies and Affective
Computing. They contain a wide –and growing- set
of sensors, constantly in touch with the inward and
outward state of the user. This implicit interaction
produces data that can be used to assist the user in
terms of new software possibilities. These capabilities
are particularly helpful in the assistance of emotional
self-regulation, which is a problematic issue for
people with ASD. The most effective techniques to
achieve an acceptable skill of emotional self-
regulation in these individuals are stated by several
authors involving assistive technology and pedagogy,
and they include timers, distractors and prompting.
These exercises and methods are feasible to be
implemented in a smartwatch, as well as the affect
detection, necessary to trigger the assistance.
Affective computing analysis can be integrated in the
sensing process of the smartwatch, and interactive
assistance can be modelled and performed through
the device’s screen. Taking into account these ideas,
we map the needs of these individuals in terms of self-
regulation to the technological possibilities of these
devices, proposing a system that would be able to
help ASD to improve their emotional self-
management by means of a well-known, widespread
device, at the same time it is being popularized in
society and normalized its use between mainstream
This work has been partially funded by the projects
“e-Training y e-Coaching para la integración socio—
laboral” (TIN2013--44586--R) and “eMadrid-CM:
Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías
Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid”
(S2013/ICE-2715). It has been also funded by
Fundación Orange during the early stages of the
project “Tic-Tac-TEA: Sistema de asistencia para la
autorregulación emocional en momentos de crisis
para personas con TEA mediante smartwatches”.
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