of the ACO and discuss issues that we need to con-
sider during an evacuation. In the fourth section, we
describe the simulation model. In the fifth section,
we discuss the results of the experiments. In the sixth
section, we discuss the other scenario. In the seventh
section, we describe a future work and we conclude
our discussion.
Disaster is known to make several infrastructures un-
available, in which communication infrastructures are
also included. Once access points for Wi-Fi become
unavailable, we cannot take advantage of mobile de-
vices to collect useful information for our evacuation.
However, even in the cases, we may be able to con-
struct a mobile ad-hoc network through connecting
mobile devices one another, which may be effective
for sharing the information. In previous works that
deal with evacuation assistance, there are a lot of ap-
proaches assuming the ad-hoc network. Especially,
ACO based approaches are effective to detect evacu-
ation routes on the ad-hoc network. Avil´es et al. pro-
posed an approach for sharing information of evacu-
ation gates on the ad hoc network. In their approach,
ants and pheromone of ACO are implemented as soft-
ware mobile agents, where the agents corresponding
to ants dynamically guide evacuees to the evacuation
gates in a floor (Avil´es et al., 2014).
Asakura et al. proposed an approach that calcu-
lates evacuation routes based on ACO on a simula-
tor, and showed the effectiveness of applying their
approach to wide-scale disaster areas (Asakura et al.,
2013a)(Asakura et al., 2013b).
On the other hand, Mas et al. applied their
simulation-based approach, which did not use ACO,
to more practical case of the Great East Japan Earth-
quake, and showed that the shortest evacuation routes
were detected (Mas et al., 2012).
These previous works highlight just one of two is-
sues important for evacuation support systems, which
are consideration of the secondary disaster and reality
of assumed scenario. Our reports in this paper provide
not only remediation for the evacuation in the disaster
but also experimental results based on realistic sce-
narios to show the effectiveness of our approach.
This section explains the details of deodorant
pheromone mentioned in Section 1 by extending the
basic algorithm corresponding to traditional ACO,
where the deodorant pheromone suppresses the effect
of traditional pheromone in our extended ACO. Also,
we describe how the deodorant pheromone is used to
avoid danger zones.
3.1 Basic Algorithm
During foraging, real ants secrete a volatile chemi-
cal substance called pheromone that encourages other
ants to behave cooperatively. Once an ant discov-
ers food, it brings the food to the nest. In this pro-
cess, it put pheromone on the ground to provide sign-
posts for following ants. As well, the ants carrying
the food along the pheromone also put pheromone
on the same ground, strengthening the effectiveness
of attraction. The strengthening of pheromone re-
sults in some routes between the nest and the food.
Conversely, pheromone on the ground unused by the
ants gradually decreases the density of pheromone by
evaporation. Thus, the accumulation of pheromone
along restricted routs causes positive feedback, so
that ants can find the shortest route among multiple
routes with different lengths. If pheromone informa-
tion were not available, ants would forage by moving
at random.
Figure 1: Route generation by the ACO. S and G denote the
starting point and destination point, respectively.
Figure 1 illustrates a route established by foraging
ants. Consider that three ants explore on three routes
with different distances between a starting point S
and a destination point G. First, the ants simultane-
ously explore from S to G. Once the ants reach a
branch, they select their own directions randomly. If
all the ants select the middle route, they will arrive
at the destination at the same time. After that, in the
process where the ants return to S, they deposit their
pheromone. If they return to G again, they can use the
previously deposited pheromone as guidance. Notice
here that the ants preferentially select the middle
route, because the density of the pheromone on the
other routes is decreased by evaporation. In this way,
the ACO finds the shortest route. Summarizing the