calculation method (limited precision of the
stride detection of ±16 ms).
Table 1 and 2 summarize averaged
characteristics of the gait what were first determined
for each stride, then averaged over all strides of each
data set and finally statistically evaluated over all
data sets.
Table 1: Averaged over all foot sensor data sets stride
characteristics (min – minimum, max – maximum, mean –
mean value, std – standard deviation).
averaged stride characteristics
min 1,03 1,43 0,08 0,02 1,46 17,97 58,87
max 1,21 1,73 0,17 0,06 1,59 36,32 78,80
mean 1,10 1,55 0,12 0,04 1,52 26,20 71,25
std 0,06 0,08 0,03 0,01 0,04 4,59 4,35
Table 1 shows the duration, length, height, width
and the velocity of an averaged stride as well as the
strike and the lift angle of the foot. The variance of
the stride characteristics over all data sets can be
explained by different physical properties of
involved subjects, e.g. their height, leg length and
level of fitness.
Table 2: Correlation coefficients of by the stride duration
normalized measured and average strides. The relevant
components in the sagittal plane are averaged over all data
sets (min – minimum, max – maximum, mean – mean
value, std – standard deviation).
correlation coefficient
forward sideward vertical
acc vel ang. vel. acc vel
min 0,86 0,94 0,91 0,76 0,88
max 0,93 0,99 0,97 0,87 0,95
mean 0,90 0,98 0,94 0,81 0,92
std 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,03 0,02
Data summarize in table 2 correlation
coefficients between each stride execution
(normalized by the stride duration) and the average
stride (determined for the data set) and their
statistically evaluation over all subjects. They reflect
the small variance of the stride execution in the
sagittal plane, while the variance in the other
direction is significant (not shown in the table). By
the way these results show the excellence of stride
detection. The best correlation is observed for the
angular velocity and linear velocities calculated by
integration of the acceleration, smoothing
disturbances of the acceleration. The highest
variance is seen in the vertical component of
acceleration, what can be explained by the natural
variance of the vertical movement of the foot and the
influence of the heel strike which causes an
additional pulse on the acceleration.
3.2.2 Evaluation of Stride Velocity
Every measurement of the treadmill speed can be
evaluated against the adjusted treadmill speed
profile. When a subject walks on the treadmill it has
to adapt its walking to the speed of the treadmill in a
natural way, i.e. increasing stride length and
decreasing stride duration at the same time.
Following the calculated stride velocity for each
speed level can be interpreted as a measure of the
treadmill speed.
All measurements are considered against the
adjusted speed profile. The results are presented in
figure 2. The plot shows that there is a very good
coincidence between the mean stride length and the
adjusted treadmill speed during stepping-up speed
(small overestimating) and an underestimation
during stepping-down speed. In the given speed
range from 0.5 m/s to 2.3 m/s the differences are less
than 0.1 m/s during stepping-up speed and twice of
them during stepping-down speed.
Figure 2: Differences between measured and adjusted
treadmill speed against their mean. Data of seven subjects
and the optical system are included. The mean of
differences is shown as red line, the 1σ-environment as a
The beginning of a new speed level was
automatically detected observing the changes of the
stride velocity. If the change from one stride to the
next stride (or the average of a number of strides) is
higher than a given threshold the beginning of a
transition phase was registered. The transition phase
between two levels, where the treadmill speed rises
up or slows down and the subject tries to adapt to
changing the treadmill speed, is still added to the
following level. From this consideration the different