ment to the selection of routes to be included or to the
model itself is expected to have a huge impact on total
computing time.
Table 2 shows compliance levels. We can see that
our heuristic is capable of obtaining a proposal with a
really high number of trips while fulfilling all restric-
tions proposed, even outperforming the compliance
of the company (CC), even considering the error ac-
ceptance criteria (CC1) in most of the cases. We can
see that the compliance of the company with clients’
time windows is really high (CCCL), their main prob-
lem resides in being able to manage compliance with
trucks’ time windows (CCT). If we go by the criteria
of an acceptable error of plus/less one hour, the com-
pany compliance with the clients (CCCL1) is higher
than our heuristic in 18 out of the 31 days.
In average our heuristic got a 95.1% compliance
level, which correspond to an increase of 14% with
respect of the current compliance level of the com-
pany over that month.
The CCT column in table 2 shows that truck com-
pliance is fairly lower when comparing it to client
compliance or our heuristic’s result. This means that
truck compliance is one of the key points that can be
drastically improved in practice.
From the results obtained, we can say it is possible
to include trucks shifts’ time windows in the schedul-
ing problem faced by the company, as it is possible to
reach at least the same compliance level the company
already has without considering it, for most of cases.
The end result from our heuristic correspond to a
proposal which schedulers usually request at the start
of their day or along it, specially when big changes
to the current schedule plan is required, so it must be
able to present a good starting plan in a short span
of time. As stated in results section, the heuristic is
able to handle the biggest instances of this problem in
at most 2 minutes, which is a fairly good time span
considering the compliance yielded.
Future research will be focused on the impact of
including more real life aspects to the two phases
mentioned in 3, and test different aspects of the
heuristic so it can solve them, such as: the efficiency
of using a parallel insertion heuristic for this case; the
impact on time solution of the secondary optimization
criteria; and lastly, test different route starting criteria,
as they might boost the heuristic performance.
This research was partially supported by Direccion
General de Investigacion y Postgrado (DGIP) from
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Grant
USM 28.15.20. Pablo Villegas also wishes to ac-
knowledge the Graduate Scholarship also from DGIP.
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