Detecting Intelligence
The Turing Test and Other Design Detection Methodologies
George D. Monta˜nez
Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
Turing Test, Design Detection, Intelligent Agents.
“Can machines think?” When faced with this “meaningless” question, Alan Turing suggested we ask a dif-
ferent, more precise question: can a machine reliably fool a human interviewer into believing the machine is
human? To answer this question, Turing outlined what came to be known as the Turing Test for artificial intel-
ligence, namely, an imitation game where machines and humans interacted from remote locations and human
judges had to distinguish between the human and machine participants. According to the test, machines that
consistently fool human judges are to be viewed as intelligent. While popular culture champions the Turing
Test as a scientific procedure for detecting artificial intelligence, doing so raises significant issues. First, a
simple argument establishes the equivalence of the Turing Test to intelligent design methodology in several
fundamental respects. Constructed with similar goals, shared assumptions and identical observational models,
both projects attempt to detect intelligent agents through the examination of generated artifacts of uncertain
origin. Second, if the Turing Test rests on scientifically defensible assumptions then design inferences become
possible and cannot, in general, be wholly unscientific. Third, if passing the Turing Test reliably indicates
intelligence, this implies the likely existence of a designing intelligence in nature.
In his seminal paper on artificial intelligence (Tur-
ing, 1950), Alan M. Turing, the brilliant, perse-
cuted, and posthumously celebrated hero of Bletch-
ley Park (Copeland, 2012) asked a seemingly simple
question: “Can machines think?” His answer was that
while this question was too vague to admit an exact
answer, it could be replaced by a precise and more
meaningful question: can a machine trick a human
judge into believing it is human? To answer the sec-
ond question, he described a variant of a popular party
game, the imitation game. In his version of the game,
two subjects (one human and the other a computer)
are placed in separate rooms. Questions are asked of
the subjects, and responses are typed out on sheets
of paper (or displayed on screens). The machine’s
“goal” is to fool the judge into believing it is the hu-
man, and if it can reliably do so, we posit that the
machine is intelligent. This game and variants of it
are now known as the Turing Test (French, 2000).
While challenges to the Turing Test abound (Say-
gin et al., 2003), this paper presents a novel critique
of the Turing Test in the spirit of a reductio ad ab-
surdum. I will argue that the Turing Test procedure
cannot be viewed as scientifically valid by most con-
sistent scientists and that even its necessary assump-
tions have problematic consequences. This is shown
in three steps. First, the core logic and assumptions
of the Turing Test are drawn out. Second, it is shown
that if the Turing Test is a valid and reliable indicator
of intelligence, then this implies a designing intelli-
gence behind physical nature with high probability.
Lastly, even if we discard the Turing Test itself as un-
reliable, the assumptions necessary for any test like it
to function allow for intelligent design to be formu-
lated as scientifically sound methodology. These con-
sequences are explored and we are either forced to re-
ject the test and its underlying assumptions, or reeval-
uate the scientific standing of a theory the mainstream
academic consensus has declared pseudo-scientific.
Before we begin, let us return to Turing’s famous
paper. The question “Can machines think?” raises
a logically prior question, namely, could we even in
principle distinguish between machines that think and
those that do not? Without an affirmative answer to
the second question, the first question remains unan-
swerable. Turing proposed the imitation game as a
method of distinguishing between thinking and non-
thinking machines, between intelligent and unintelli-
Montañez, G.
Detecting Intelligence - The Turing Test and Other Design Detection Methodologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0005823705170523
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 2, pages 517-523
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gent causes. For the Turing Test to have any value,
there must be some empirical basis for distinguishing
between intelligent and unintelligent machines. To
this we now turn.
The Turing Test consists of three core components:
1. A human judge (or judges),
2. An unknown message sender (machine or hu-
man), and
3. A set of artifacts produced by the sender (e.g.,
words on a screen).
The job of the judge is to decide, based on observa-
tion of the artifacts, whether the sender is a human or
machine. Other telltale signs and clues are removed,
such as vocal articulation, physical appearance and
differences in how likely the sender is to be human
or non-human. This leaves the artifacts as the only
observable evidence available to discern the nature of
the sender. In the language of graph theory, the chain
from sender to judge forms a Markov chain,
where S is the true sender,W are the words that appear
on the screen and
S, a function of W, is the estimate
from the judge as to whether the sender is a computer
or a human. The test forms a Markov chain by de-
sign, since Turing’s choices of placing the sender and
receiver in different rooms and not allowing vocal-
ized communication were purposefully made to re-
move all side information. Because of this Marko-
vian structure, the data processing inequality (Cover
and Thomas, 2006) ensures that
S contains no more
information about S than given by W.
The set of artifacts, W, comprising the sum to-
tal of information regarding S available to the judge,
must either contain information that allows for reli-
able discrimination between intelligent and unintel-
ligent senders or not. If it does not, then the Tur-
ing Test cannot work even in principle, since there
can exist no reliable means of distinguishing be-
tween dumb causes (machines without intelligence)
and smart ones (agents with intelligence). If no dis-
crimination is possible between artifacts sent by unin-
telligent causes and intelligent causes, then one can-
not distinguish between unintelligent computers and
intelligent computers, which are the cause of the arti-
facts in question.
Formally, I(S;
S) I(S;W), where I(·;·) denotes the
mutual information between two random quantities.
On the other hand, if artifacts can convey informa-
tion sufficient to allow for discernment of intelligent
causes, then the Turing Test might possibly work,
since it opens the possibility of determining whether
the cause of an artifact was intelligent or unintelligent.
The test was proposed to be exactly such a discrimi-
nator: when a judge repeatedly believes the machine-
made artifacts come from a human, this is offered as
an indicator of computer intelligence (i.e., an intel-
ligent cause). Thus, the purpose of the Turing Test
as a test for intelligence rests on the assumptions that
there is a difference between the powers of unintelli-
gent systems and intelligent agents and that such dif-
ferences can be reliably reflected in physical objects.
Furthermore, reliable discrimination must be possible
based on physical artifacts alone.
The logic underlying the Turing Test is laid out as
1. Intelligent causes, which we call agents, can be
distinguished from unintelligent causes based on
their effects.
(a) Intelligent computerscan be distinguished from
unintelligent computers based on the artifacts
they produce.
2. Minds cannot be directly observed, while physical
objects and artifacts can.
3. Physical artifacts by themselves are sufficient for
discrimination between intelligent agents and un-
intelligent causes.
(a) Based on the observation of physical artifacts,
a procedure can distinguish between intelligent
and unintelligent computers.
4. The Turing Test is proposed as a reliable proce-
dure for performing such discrimination.
Denial of the any of the points (except 2) renders
the Turing Test unworkable and invalid. Furthermore,
if some procedure allowed us to perceive minds di-
rectly then the TuringTest would no longer be needed.
Point 3 may be stated more strongly as “Physical ar-
tifacts by themselves, without any knowledge of the
true sender and her attributes or capabilities, are suf-
ficient for discrimination between intelligent and un-
intelligent causes, given that the test depends essen-
tially on the judge not having side information about
the sender. This becomes important when discussing
the connection to intelligent design.
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent design advocates have publicly voiced
skepticism to the prospects of Strong Artificial Intel-
ligence and computational persons (Kurzweil et al.,
2002; Egnor, 2014; Richards, 2011; Larson, 2015;
Torley, 2014; Smith, 2015). Humans, we are told, are
unique in their intellectual abilities and mind cannot
be reduced to computation; thus, mere computational
devices can never become persons nor ever become
truly intelligent beings. The Turing Test, insofar as a
machine could pass it, would not work as advertised,
since a machine could not be intelligent in principle.
Thus, skepticism towards the prospect of Strong AI
has been openly voiced within the intelligent design
However, we will see that this perceived incom-
patibility actually obscures a striking similarity be-
tween the Turing Test and the intelligent design re-
search program.
Given that the Turing Test is rooted in the assumed
capability of physical structures to carry observable
signs of intelligence, we come to an unexpected con-
nection. Intelligent design theory posits that features
of the natural world, such as biological organisms,
bear the hallmarks of being caused by an intelligent
agent and that by observation of physical structures
one can reliably discriminate between designed and
undesigned objects. If the Turing Test is a scientifi-
cally and philosophically sound test then we cannot
rule out that this test might be applied to artifacts
other than words. Indeed, it takes special pleading
to prevent the test from being applied to other kinds
of objects, such as poems, musical scores, works of
architecture and molecular machines. Given the lit-
tle contested fact that humanity has a strong tendency
to attribute design to structures in nature, this would
further indicate that an intelligence behind nature has
already been judged as present: when judges repeat-
edly attribute artifacts to an intelligent mind, the Tur-
ing Test says the cause behind the artifacts is indeed
some form of intelligence.
While one could personify natural selection as an
intelligent agent, we would also need to account for
cosmological structures, which cannot as easily be as-
cribed to the powers of Darwinian natural selection
(though some have argued that this is also the case,
e.g., (Smolin, 2004)). However, invoking natural se-
lection as an intelligent agent acting across all space
and time (wise, omnipresent and eternal) brings us
remarkably close to the Charybdis of classical the-
ism. Claiming natural selection as a god-like intelli-
gent mind seems a poor way of avoiding the idea that
natural systems are the result of an intelligent mind.
Doing so essentially concedes the point at issue, even
if arguing against its interpretation.
A more sober rejoinder is that just because hu-
mans repeatedly mistake artifacts as being the result
of an intelligent mind does not mean they are. This is
true; but then what becomes of the Turing Test itself?
The test is based on the premise that if humans repeat-
edly mistake artifacts as being the result of an intelli-
gent agent then they likely are. However, if humans
consistently judge the cause of observed artifacts to be
intelligent, and yet this does not force us to consider
the cause intelligent, then a successfully passed Tur-
ing Test becomes meaningless: fooled human judges
would serve as no indicator of prior intelligent activ-
ity. Thus, an inherent tension exists between the logic
of the Turing Test and unexpected consequences that
follow from its validity.
Taking a step back, we might argue that while the
applied logic of a generalized Turing Test is not suit-
able for discriminating between intelligent and unin-
telligent causes, other methods may be. While this
avoids the problem of having already confirmed the
likely existence of design in nature, it leaves open the
possibility of design inference in general. If physical
objects can reliably transmit signals of a designing in-
telligence, even absent of knowledge concerning their
origins or the additional capabilities and attributes of
their true causes, then research into methods of em-
pirical design detection cannot be ruled out a priori.
Furthermore, such methods might one day be applied
to artifacts of nature, such as biological systems and
cosmological structures. If reliable methods of de-
sign detection are developed, then we cannot rule out
the possibility that natural objects themselves might
contain such signs of intelligence. If they did, intel-
ligent design theory would not only give a sound sci-
entific methodology but also a true theory of origins.
If such possibilities cannot be entertained then neither
the methodology nor the logic underlying the Turing
Test can be treated as sound.
We now see that the Turing Test and intel-
ligent design methods attack different variants of
the same underlying problem: detecting intelligent
causes through the examination of generated artifacts.
While there are differences between the two methods,
the similarities are striking. A solution to one prob-
lem set provides a solution to the other, since reli-
able methods of design detection can be applied to
words written on a computer screen as easily as to en-
Detecting Intelligence - The Turing Test and Other Design Detection Methodologies
gineered objects like machines. In both cases, uncer-
tainty surroundsthe true sender and his or her capabil-
ities. In both cases, physical objects are examined to
determine whether the generativecause was an intelli-
gent agent or merely an unintelligent physical system.
Fundamentally, the Turing Test is applied intelligent
design: a special case of design detection applied to
computational artifacts. Thus, the scientific validity
of one endeavor is intrinsically tied to the scientific
validity of the other.
Let us now propose some arguments that might sal-
vage the Turing Test and its underlying assumptions.
5.1 The Language Objection
It may be argued that the textual and verbal aspects of
Turing Test are inseparable from it and that general-
ized Turing Tests that rely on other types of artifacts
such as machines, artwork, or other non-verbal com-
positions are not possible, or at very least, are not of
equal validity to the classical form of the Turing Test.
Furthermore, it can be argued that because nature is
not a written text, then we can safely prohibit the ap-
plication of Turing’s logic to aspects of nature, spar-
ing one from potentially embarrassing consequences,
such as seeing design in the cosmos.
We have already briefly mentioned that this re-
striction has all the appearances of special pleading.
If verbal artifacts in isolation can carry sufficient in-
formation to allow for agent discrimination, why can’t
other artifacts? Why not machine code or machine de-
signs? We can recognize the work of genius in a su-
perbly constructed machine or an emotionally mov-
ing portrait as readily as we can in written text. It
is difficult to argue otherwise. For example, if we
encountered a planet where non-verbal beings were
busily constructing skyscrapers, vehicles, and sculp-
tures, would we hesitate to ascribe intelligence to the
beings simply because they could not speak? Do we
normally accuse the mute of not possessing minds?
Words, while possibly sufficient, do not appear to
be necessary to convey the presence of an intelligent
Nature is replete with awe-inspiring marvels
of engineering, containing self-adapting and self-
replicating code systems, all following the math-
ematically elegant (and surprisingly comprehensi-
ble (Wigner, 1995)) forces of physical law. How-
ever, even ignoring the apparent genius of natural ma-
chines and systems, our objection is defeated by the
presence of an actual textual system in biology it-
self: DNA (Hood and Galas, 2003). DNA forms the
basis for a chemical language, which is transcribed,
read, and directs the construction of objects within
the cell. The four bases, A-G-C-T, act as chemical
letters, forming words” that convey instructions and
regulate processes. Thus, if strings of text are suf-
ficient for conveying intelligence, then the language
objection cannot exempt biological artifacts from the
application of intelligence detection methods.
5.2 Known Origin of Biological Systems
One might also argue that since we know how biologi-
cal systems were produced, namely through unguided
evolution over millions of years, then we can inde-
pendently rule out any “false positives” caused by the
potential application of Turing-like tests to the natural
Such an argument fails; if knowing the mechani-
cal causes of an artifact rules out the possibility that
it was produced by an intelligent mind, then comput-
ers could never be judged as intelligent. We know,
down to the transistor and logic-gate level, the me-
chanical workings of computer systems. Any artifact
produced by a modern computer can be traced back
to exact sequences of binary pulses and voltage oscil-
lations in logic gates. Thus, if the objection were to
hold, computers cannot in principle be ruled intelli-
gent, since any hint of design in their artifacts would
be immediately overruled by our knowledge of their
mechanical origins, turning all such inferences into
false positives. This objection applies to intelligent
design and the Turing Test with equal force.
5.3 Objection of the Unknown Agent
It might be further argued that we only recognize de-
sign and intelligence by analogy to human capabilities
and that we can recognize purported artificial intelli-
gence only as far as it parallels human intelligence.
Because artificial intelligence developed by man will
be constructed with the explicit goal of mimicking
man, we have some hope of being able to detect it.
However, were the intelligent mind extraterrestrial,
immaterial (e.g., a spirit), or otherwise wholly un-
known, then we may not be able to detect design in
its artifacts or infer its intelligence. Thus, one might
maintain that the Turing Test can reliably detect cer-
tain types of intelligence, namely agents of man-made
origin (human or computer) that are sufficiently hu-
man or human-like, but that intelligent design meth-
ods cannot reliably detect the actions of non-human
intelligent agents in nature, precisely because they are
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
not human-like. I will call this the objection of the un-
known agent.
This is superficially plausible as an objection,
since it is true that an unknown mind might not dis-
play its intelligence in ways that are humanly perceiv-
able or detectable by our tests. However, it might;
being unknown, we cannot rule out this possibility.
Furthermore, if we had independent evidence that the
mind in question did in fact generate artifacts similar
to those produced by humans, then the force of the ob-
jection would vanish. Even barring such independent
evidence, the degree to which the unknown actor pro-
duced artifacts similar to those produced by humans is
the degree to which our tests might (correctly) detect
its intelligence. Thus, in regards to intelligent design
in nature, we have an empirical question: how simi-
lar are the artifacts of nature to human artifacts? The
fact that springs (Shin and Tam, 2007), gears (Bur-
rows and Sutton, 2013), compasses (Qin et al., 2015),
boolean logic networks (Robinson, 2006), digital
codes (Hood and Galas, 2003) and other human in-
ventions have been found to preexist in biology at
least suggests the possibility that a mind behind natu-
ral phenomena would be sufficiently similar to human
intelligence to allow for its detection through observa-
tion of its engineered artifacts.
Lastly, the objection, at its core, concerns false
negatives, not false positives. The objection is basi-
cally that an unknown agent may escape detection,
not that an unknowing system might be mistaken as
intelligent. Given the danger of falsely attributing in-
telligence to unintelligent systems, this is exactly the
form of bias we want. Furthermore, if we did detect
an unknown intelligence behind a set of objects, the
detection itself would be evidence in favor of it be-
ing sufficiently similar to human intelligence, since
such tests only output positive classifications when ar-
tifacts are sufficiently similar to those anticipated by
Therefore, the possibility of unknown agents does
not create sufficient separation between the Turing
Test and other methods of inferring design to warrant
any distinction.
5.4 The Interrogation Objection
Lastly, there remains a seemingly powerful argument
that can be raised against the full equivalence of the
Turing Test to other design detection methods: the
call-and-response nature of the Turing Test seems ab-
sent from other methodologies, and thus might be
used to validate one while invalidating the other. The
Turing Test presupposes that one can interrogate the
subject in question, gathering specific responses to
specific questions, whereas one cannot demand spe-
cific answers from nature.
To ensure this argument does not point to a dis-
tinction without a difference, we must specify exactly
what it is about the call-and-response that makes it
uniquely suitable to convey the existence of intelli-
gence, and ensure that this same quality cannot be at-
tained by other means. One such feature could be that
in responding to posed questions, a system is forced to
respond to and overcome unanticipated or novel chal-
lenges. However, the same can be said of biological
systems, which have shown adaptive architectures for
overcoming a variety of fluctuating and novel envi-
ronmental challenges. When viewed from this per-
spective, we have systems which are given input con-
figurations (e.g., questions from a judge or environ-
mental structure in nature) and create response config-
urations that convey intelligence (e.g., an apropos re-
sponse or clever environmental adaptation). Further-
more, nature can be probed for specific answers in the
form of experiments and tested hypotheses, thus mim-
icking, albeit imperfectly,the call-and-response struc-
ture of the Turing Test. Thus, this distinction might
not present any real difference.
Examining this critique in greater depth, we see
that even given the call-and-response structure of
the Turing Test, one cannot fully control the re-
sponses given, thus lessening the force of this objec-
tion. While an interrogator is free to ask the system
in a Turing Test any question, he cannot be guaran-
teed that the response will be sufficient or even rel-
evant. For example, consider the responses of Eu-
gene Goostman, a computer system claimed to have
passed the Turing Test by fooling a small set of human
judges into thinking it was human (Auerbach, 2014).
The following excerpts were taken from transcripts of
conversations held with Goostman (Auerbach, 2014):
Judge: Why do birds suddenly appear?
Eugene: Just because 2 plus 2 is 5! By the way,
what’s your occupation? I mean - could
you tell me about your work?
Judge: It is ok, I get sick of sick people. How
is your stomach feeling today? Is it upset
Eugene: I think you can’t smile at all. I bet you
work in a funeral agency.
Clearly, the output of such a system may have lit-
tle or no correlation to the input questions. When the
responses are unrelated to the questions asked, we are
essentially given an arbitrary collection of sentences,
having no say in their contents, similar to the situa-
tion in nature. However, even such a rigid collection
Detecting Intelligence - The Turing Test and Other Design Detection Methodologies
might persuade judges, if it displayed empirical signs
of intelligent thinking. A one-way communication
channel, such as a mayday signal or SETI-received
broadcast from an alien civilization, may still contain
sufficient information to conveyan intelligent agent at
work. It is difficult to argue that only two-way com-
munication can convey intelligence when such coun-
terexamples are easily found.
However, if the interrogative nature of the Tur-
ing Test is a necessary aspect for intelligence detec-
tion and there exist no other means of attaining the
same property, then we would be forced to demote
full equivalence to a mere uncanny similarity.
Having stated the main arguments and some possi-
ble objections, we will now review the arguments in
a more structured manner. Let P denote premises, C
conclusions and R corollaries.
1. The first argument can be stated as follows:
P1. The Turing Test procedure is based solely on
information contained in observable artifacts.
P2. That such artifacts could reliably indicate the
causal action of an intelligent agent entails that:
A. The causal powers of intelligent agents differ
from those of unintelligent systems in empiri-
cally detectable ways; and
B. Signals of these differing causal powerscan be
reliably contained in physical objects, absent
of knowledge of their origins or characteristics
of their generative systems.
P3. Nature contains physical objects of unknown
C1. From (P1)-(P3), it is possible that natural phys-
ical objects may reliably indicate the presence
of an intelligent cause in empirically detectable
R1. Reliable signals of an intelligent cause may ex-
ist in natural objects such as biological systems
or cosmological structures.
2. The second argument can be stated as:
P4. The Turing Test is a reliable test for detecting
the activity of intelligent agents.
P5. The Turing Test is scientifically legitimate.
P6. The primary objective of intelligent design the-
ory is to develop reliable tests for detecting the
activity of intelligent agents.
C2. (P4) and (P5) together entail that developing re-
liable tests for detecting the activity of intelli-
gent agents can form a scientifically legitimate
C3. From (P6) and (C2), the primary objective of
intelligent design theory might represent a sci-
entifically legitimate pursuit.
R2. From (P4) and (P5), there exists at least one re-
liable, scientifically legitimate test for detecting
the activity of intelligent agents.
R3. Design inferences in general cannot be unsci-
3. The third argument can be stated as:
P7. Successfully passing the Turing Test indicates
the probable existence of an intelligent cause.
P8. Passing the Turing Test requires that physical
artifacts be repeatedly mistaken for the prod-
ucts of an intelligent cause.
P9. Natural cosmological and biological objects
have repeatedly been mistaken for the products
of an intelligent cause.
C4. From (P8) and (P9), the cause of natural cosmo-
logical and biological objects has successfully
passed the Turing Test.
C5. From (P7) and (C4), the cause of natural cos-
mological and biological objects is probably in-
Where does this leave us? For the Turing Test to
work, one must be able to distinguish intelligent
causes from unintelligent causes based solely on ob-
servable artifacts. But this leads to the conclusion
that intelligent design cannot be simultaneously dis-
regarded, since its methodological structure rests on
the same foundation. Furthermore, if the Turing Test
is a reliable procedure for detecting intelligence, then
the cause of biological origins is likely an intelli-
gent mind, having passed a generalized Turing Test
since the time of Cicero (Cicero, 45BC). Appealing
to strong materialism, known mechanistic origins and
unknown agents does nothing to remedy the situation.
This forces us to either reject the reliability of the Tur-
ing Test and its underlying logic, or face what many
would consider a creeping creationism.
To allow for the possibility of intelligent design
would be to deny a scientific consensus, and we are
often reminded that true scientists and intelligent lay-
men cannot deny any fact established by the consen-
sus of experts. To do so is derided as a strong form
denialism, for suggesting the majority of scientists
might be wrong on a well-studied issue. Surely such
could not be the case (Ioannidis, 2005; Baker, 2015).
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Detecting Intelligence - The Turing Test and Other Design Detection Methodologies