A Statistical Quadtree Decomposition to Improve Face Analysis
Vagner Amaral
, Gilson A. Giraldi
and Carlos E. Thomaz
Department of Electrical Engineering, Centro Universitario da FEI, Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco 3972,
Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, LNCC, Av. Getulio Vargas 333, Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Spatial Mapping, Task Driven, Face Recognition, Local Binary Pattern, Quadtree.
The feature extraction is one of the most important steps in face analysis applications and this subject always
received attention in the computer vision and pattern recognition areas due to its applicability and wide scope.
However, to define the correct spatial relevance of physiognomical features remains a great challenge. It has
been proposed recently, with promising results, a statistical spatial mapping technique that highlights the most
discriminating facial features using some task driven information from data mining. Such priori information
has been employed as a spatial weighted map on Local Binary Pattern (LBP), that uses Chi-Square distance as
a nearest neighbour based classifier. Intending to reduce the dimensionality of LBP descriptors and improve
the classification rates we propose and implement in this paper two quad-tree image decomposition algorithms
to task related spatial map segmentation. The first relies only on split step (top-down) of distinct regions and
the second performs the split step followed by a merge step (bottom-up) to combine similar adjacent regions.
We carried out the experiments with two distinct face databases and our preliminary results show that the
top-down approach achieved similar classification results to standard segmentation using though less regions.
The feature extraction is one of the most impor-
tant steps in face analysis applications and this sub-
ject always received attention in the computer vision
and pattern recognition areas due to its applicability
and wide scope. However, defining the correct spa-
tial relevance of physiognomical features remains a
great challenge (Blais et al., 2012). In the last few
years a method called Local Binary Pattern (LBP) has
been successfully used in face analysis research (Shan
et al., 2009; Pietik
ainen et al., 2011; Shan, 2012; Tor-
risi et al., 2015; Santarcangelo et al., 2015). Nev-
ertheless, many studies on this method have ignored
the contribution provided by the contextual informa-
tion (Shan et al., 2005; Shan et al., 2009; Shan,
2012). Thus, a recently proposed approach (Ama-
ral et al., 2013) has used a statistical technique, em-
ploying some task driven information from data min-
ing, to highlight the most discriminant facial features
and provide a spatial weighted map to LBP. This ap-
proach has enabled subsequent studies to explore the
relevance of physiognomical features according to the
task under investigation (Amaral et al., 2014; Amaral
et al., 2015). At first, they employed the uniform grid,
that consists of a square non-overlapped segmentation
of the face images to extract the features descriptors.
But then, they also investigated a non uniform seg-
mentation and concluded that it would be an interest-
ing way to describe facial features with few regions.
In this context, the aim of this paper is to improve
the segmentation of the task-driven statistical spatial
maps, intending to reduce the dimensionality of LBP
spatial feature descriptors and improve the accuracy
of classification in face analysis applications. We ex-
pect to show as a result that the adaptive decompo-
sition emphasises the facial features by their contex-
tual relevance, providing more consistent spatial seg-
ments, that is, segments that contain more pixels with
similar values. More specifically, in this study we in-
vestigate the spatial segmentation of facial features in
gender and facial expression classifications.
This paper is organised as follows. Next, in sec-
tion 2, we review the LBP. In section 3 we show
the statistical spatial mapping. Then, section 4 de-
scribes the quadtree image segmentation techniques
and their application in this study. Experiments and
results have been explained in sections 5 and 6, re-
spectively. Finally, in section 7, we conclude the pa-
per, discussing its main contribution and future works.
Amaral, V., Giraldi, G. and Thomaz, C.
A Statistical Quadtree Decomposition to Improve Face Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005823903750380
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pages 375-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-173-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Initially implemented as a texture operator (Ojala
et al., 1996), LBP has been widely employed in
face image processing due to its low computational
complexity and invariance to monotonic gray level
changes (Ahonen et al., 2006). In short, the original
approach labels the pixels of an image to encode the
local structure around each pixel by thresholding the
neighbourhood by its center pixel value:
i j
0, v
i j
< v
1, v
i j
where v
is center pixel value, v
i j
is the pixel value in
(i, j) position, wherein 1 i, j N and N is the neigh-
bourhood size. The b
i j
values are concatenated as a
binary number and converted to decimal basis to label
the central pixel. Figure 1 shows the images before
and after this process. The output image is divided
(a) (b)
Figure 1: LBP initial step: a) Original image; b) LBP pixel
labeled image.
into R
regions, j = 1, 2, ..., N, usually arranged in a
regular grid. The textures descriptors are taken out
from each region R
by their histograms of LBP la-
bels that are grouped in a single feature vector. In the
classification process the distinct relevance of phys-
iognomical features are often emphasized (Zhao et al.,
2003). Therefore specific w
weights are defined for
each R
region. In this work, for example, we used a
Chi-Square distance (Ahonen et al., 2006):
(x, y) =
i, j
i, j
i, j
i, j
+ y
i, j
, (2)
where x and y are feature vectors to be compared, x
i, j
is the i histogram bin corresponding to j-th region and
its pre-defined weight.
2.1 Uniform Patterns
In this work, we have implemented an useful exten-
sion of the original LBP operator called uniform pat-
tern (Ojala et al., 2002; Ahonen et al., 2006), which
reduces the length of the feature vector and provides
a simple rotation invariant descriptor. This approach
is motivated by the fact that some binary patterns oc-
cur more frequently in texture images than others. A
pixel neighbourhood is called uniform if the pattern
contains at most two binary transitions. Using this
extension, the length of the feature vector histograms
for a 3x3 kernel reduces from 256 values to 59 val-
ues, being 58 bins for uniform patterns and 1 bin to
represent all non uniform patterns.
The possibility to emphasise some physiognomical
features among others, provided by LBP, allows us
to improve the classification step in face image analy-
sis. Thus, a recent work proposed a method that high-
lights more relevant facial regions in according to the
task, employing the statistical significance extracted
from pixel intensity of samples (Amaral et al., 2013).
This approach consists of calculating the t-Student
test from two distinct face image sample groups to
generate a statistical spatial map, as follows:
T =
, (3)
where X
and X
are face image groups, n
is the total
number of samples from group X
and n
is the total
number of samples from group X
. S
is given by:
+ (n
+ n
, (4)
where S
and S
are the variances of the X
and X
groups, respectively.
In the uniform segmentation procedure the map
is divided in a regular grid, composed of rectangu-
lar regions. Then, for each j region, we calculate
the absolute mean value for T and apply this informa-
tion as w
weight in Chi-Square distance (Equation 2)
to compare two feature vectors x and y. However,
another approaches that generate non-regular regions
have been analyzed intending to optimize the use of
statistical spatial map (Amaral et al., 2014) as well.
Quadtree decomposition has been widely used in dig-
ital image analysis to define regions of interest for
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
further processing as image segmentation, feature se-
lection, object detection, sample annotation, among
others (Conde-Marquez et al., 2011). This technique
consists of a hierarchical data structure whose nodes
are recursively subdivided in four parts until a pre-
defined split condition is not satisfied. This pro-
cess performs a top-down approach beginning with
a single node, that represents the entire image, and
give a structure with variable block sizes at the end,
where smaller blocks describe fine details more accu-
rately and bigger blocks incorporates similar regions
to represent them with fewer information as possi-
ble (Samet, 1984; Muhsin et al., 2014). In this work
we have used a simple pixel value homogeneity crite-
ria to perform the blocks partition, defined as follow:
h =
True, max(r) min(r) t
False, max(r) min(r) < t,
where r is the analysed region and t is the threshold
value used as split criteria to set block homogeneity.
Figure 2 illustrate this process.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Quadtree segmentation: a) Image sample; b) First
slice throughout entire image; c) Second slice only in spe-
cific blocks that satisfy the segmentation criteria.
To establish a parsimonious feature vector repre-
sentation, we have defined the minimum block size in
8x8 pixels, i.e. 64 values, due to the length of local
texture descriptor histogram in uniform LBP method
that contains 59 bins (Ojala et al., 2002).
4.1 Bottom-up Strategy
In order to overcome the limitations of quadtree seg-
mentation and to reduce dimensionality of data struc-
ture, we perform a second processing step based on
a bottom-up strategy (Us
o, 2003; Fu et al., 2013; Sc-
holefield and Dragotti, 2014), that consists of merg-
ing similar adjacent regions from quadtree that satis-
fies a joint condition, providing non square regions as
shown in Figure 3.
Our implemented bottom-up approach receives a
pre-segmented quadtree as input, then it performs a
search throughout the tree to find the best combina-
tion between two adjacent blocks that satisfy the join
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Segmentation differences: a) Image sample; b)
Default quadtree segmentation with symmetric slices, com-
posed by 13 square blocks; c) Bottom-up strategy with
merge step, composed of only 2 non square blocks.
condition and repeat this procedure iteratively until
the quadtree hasn’t a pair of blocks that comply with
the merge criteria, defined as bellow:
h =
True, max(r
, r
) min(r
, r
) t
False, max(r
, r
) min(r
, r
) > t,
where r
and r
are the adjacent regions and t is the
threshold used as homogeneity condition to join.
In this section we describe automatic gender and fa-
cial expression classification experiments carried out
to compare the top-down and bottom-up quadtree ap-
proaches in different face analysis tasks.
5.1 Databases and Setup
To perform the proposed experiments we used two
public available sample sources that meet the nec-
essary requirements for the experiments. The first
is the FEI Face Database (Thomaz and Giraldi,
2010), employed to training and testing the pro-
posed approaches. And the second is the Grayscale
FERET (Phillips et al., 2000), used to validate the best
results obtained with FEI Face Database. In this study
we employ only frontal face images, of both genders,
and two samples for each subject, one with neutral
facial expression and the other with smiling facial ex-
pression, providing a total of 400 images from each
database. All the images were normalized to reduce
sample variability by the following steps: rotation,
until to align the both pupils with the horizontal axis;
resize, to adjust the interpupillary distance; cutting to
specified measures; conversion to grey scale, between
0 and 255; and finally histograms equalization of pix-
els. Figure 4 shows the adjusting dimensions.
A Statistical Quadtree Decomposition to Improve Face Analysis
Figure 4: Dimensions used in the normalisation process.
5.2 Procedure
Initially, we generate the statistical spatial maps for
gender and facial expression classification, using FEI
Face Database images. Figure 5 shown such statisti-
cal significance maps.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Statistical spatial maps: a) Gender (male and fe-
male); Facial expression (neutral and smile).
The statistical spatial maps were segmented using
19 distinct threshold values, between 0 and 1, with in-
tervals of 0.05, for each proposed quadtree approach.
This process provides 28 maps, containing the facial
regions to extract the texture descriptor histograms
and calculate spatial weights. Then, we arranged the
samples in four classification groups for two classifi-
cation tasks: gender (male vs. female) and facial ex-
pression (neutral vs. smiling). Next, it performed the
classification procedure with the specific task driven
maps. Thus, each sample was compared to all other
samples, except to samples from the same subject, to
identify the nearest neighbour by Chi-Square distance
(Equation 2) as classification criteria.
To compare with earlier studies (Amaral et al.,
2013; Amaral and Thomaz, 2013), we performed the
same experiment using 4 uniform grid layouts for
each task (2x2, 4x4, 8x8 and 16x16), with and with-
out spatial weights. To validate the results obtained
with the FEI Face Database, we have reproduced the
experiments with Grayscale FERET employing only
the maps that achieved the best classification rates.
In this section, we present the classification accu-
racy for gender and facial expression using a sim-
ple quadrtree strategy and a quadtree with subsequent
merge step. These approaches were verified with 19
thresholds and the results are shown in figures 6 and 7.
Figure 6: Gender classification rates and their correspond-
ing number of regions for both approaches.
Figure 7: Expression classification rates and their corre-
sponding number of regions for both approaches.
The spatial maps that provided the best classifi-
cation rates are illustrated in Figures 8 and 9, which
correspond to the 0.90 and 0.75 threshold shown on
the previous Figures 6 and 7, respectively.
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) 37 regions (b) 256 regions
Figure 8: Spatial maps for gender analysis. The images
above highlights the segmentation maps and below are their
corresponding spatial weights: a) Quadtree with the best
accuracy; b) Uniform grid with the best accuracy.
(a) 46 regions (b) 64 regions
Figure 9: Spatial maps for facial expression analysis. The
images above highlights the segmentation maps and below
are their corresponding spatial weights: a) Quadtree with
the best accuracy; b) Uniform grid with the best accuracy.
The best classification rates achieved in experi-
ments with the above maps and FEI Database are
shown in Table 1. Table 2 highlights the results ob-
tained with the FERET Database to validate the pro-
posed spatial mapping approach.
As shown in the previous tables, the quadtree top-
Table 1: Classification rates for FEI Face Database.
Gender Expression
Rate Size Rate Size
QT Top-Down 93.5% 37 95.0% 46
Weighted Grid 91.2% 256 95.2% 64
Default Grid 88.5% 256 96.0% 256
Table 2: Classification rates for FERET Face Database.
Gender Expression
Rate Size Rate Size
QT Top-Down 77.2% 37 85.7% 46
Weighted Grid 79.2% 256 86.7% 64
Default Grid 76.5% 256 84.7% 256
down approach proposed in this study achieves simi-
lar classification results to static grids, using though
much less regions. The distinct classification rates
observed between the databases have been probably
given by the differences in the original sample qual-
ity. The better resolution of FEI face images provided
more texture details to the LBP feature descriptors.
In this paper we have compared two quadtree im-
age segmentation methods to find the most impor-
tant physiognomical regions, in according to statis-
tical spatial maps generated for specific binary classi-
fication tasks. One of them performs the top-down
quadtree decomposition, with only recursive split
function, and the other approach executes the merge
step after satisfying the split criteria (bottom-up). The
experiments were limited to binary selection tasks due
to the t-Student test restrictions.
Analyzing the preliminary results we can see that
the top-down quadtree segmentation has obtained
similar classification results to the uniform grid layout
using, however, much less regions, based on the same
task driven statistical spatial maps. In our opinion,
these differences are very relevant in terms of storage
and computational time, mainly in real time applica-
tions and mobile platforms, because the segmentation
with less regions implies on fewer histograms to store
and compare during the classification process.
Therefore, as future work, we intend to explore
the proposed quadtree decomposition for other facial
classification problems, e. g. disgusting vs. angry
or fear vs. surprise, and for face recognition as well.
Besides, we believe that another physiognomical rele-
vance prior information could be employed as decom-
position criteria, such as the human perception maps
provided by eye tracking devices.
A Statistical Quadtree Decomposition to Improve Face Analysis
The authors would like to thank the financial sup-
port provided by FAPESP (2012/22377-6), CNPq
(309532/2014-0) and the Royal Society (NA140147).
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ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods