is based on a pay-as-you-go model that requests the
SME only to pay for resources (including temporary
licenses) actually required to perform the simulation
work needed for its business. The solution developed
in Fortissimo includes access to the Cloud resources
determined by the size of the problem, access to the
simulation application deployed in the Cloud, and dy-
namic access to the necessary software licenses to
run the simulation application. Currently elasticLM
is used in another productive environment for simula-
tions of metal sheet forming processes in the automo-
tive industry within the Fortissimo project.
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cense server can easily installed in a virtual machine,
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ware in a contextualisation step, and deployed into an
arbitrary Cloud infrastructure: public, private, hybrid.
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for download in the Fortissimo marketplace (Fortis-
simoMarketplace, 2015) and later - based on the ex-
perience in the Fortissimo Marketplace - also in the
AWS Marketplace (AWSmarketplace, 2016).
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