portfolio weights x
are within the range [ε
] if and
only if z
= 1. Finally, constraints (6) specify the do-
mains of the decision variables z
and x
To the best of our knowledge, there is no specific liter-
ature on the planning problem described in Section 2.
However, since we can interpret the 1/N portfolio as
a special index with equal weights for each stock, the
returns of the 1/N portfolio could be replicated by ap-
plying index-tracking methods. Index-tracking meth-
ods are applied to replicate the returns of large market
indices with a small set of stocks to save transaction
costs. In Subsection 3.1, we give an overview on the
literature on index tracking. In Subsection 3.2, we
summarize the literature on iterated greedy heuristics.
3.1 Index Tracking
Index-tracking methods are applied to solve the
index-tracking problem, which consists of construct-
ing a portfolio that best-possibly replicates the index
returns by investing in a small subset of some set of
stocks. With the exception of (Roll, 1992), most ap-
proaches to the index-tracking problem assume that
the true index weights are unknown. For example,
(Beasley et al., 2003) develop an evolutionary heuris-
tic to the index-tracking problem. They minimize
some function of the differences between the portfo-
lio and index returns and consider various practical
portfolio constraints such as a maximum number of
stocks to include in the portfolio, minimum and max-
imum weights for each included stock, and a budget
for transaction costs. (Canakgoz and Beasley, 2008)
develop a regression-based approach for the index-
tracking problem. Their objective is to construct a
portfolio that has an intercept of zero and a slope of
one when regressing the portfolio returns on the in-
dex returns. They consider similar practical portfolio
constraints as (Beasley et al., 2003). (Guastaroba and
Speranza, 2012) present a mixed-integer linear pro-
gram as well as a MIP-based heuristic called Kernel
Search for the index-tracking problem. They consider
similar practical portfolio constraints as (Canakgoz
and Beasley, 2008), but additionally consider fixed
transaction costs. By assuming the true index weights
to be unknown, these approaches have the advantage
that they can be applied to track any index by select-
ing a subset of stocks from any set of stocks, even if
the index is not composed of this set of stocks.
3.2 Iterated Greedy Heuristics
Iterated greedy heuristics start by constructing an ini-
tial solution. This solution is then improved dur-
ing an improvement phase that consists of the two
sub-phases deconstruction and construction (Ruiz and
St¨utzle, 2007). During the deconstruction sub-phase,
some elements of the current candidate solution are
removed. In the construction sub-phase, a new can-
didate solution is constructed by adding elements in
a greedy way back to the deconstructed solution.
The new candidate solution is then either accepted
or discarded based on a specific acceptance crite-
rion. To escape local minima, the acceptance crite-
rion is designed such that also worse solutions are ac-
cepted with some probability. By repeating the decon-
struction and construction sub-phases, iterated greedy
heuristics overcome the drawbacks of a simple greedy
heuristic such as those mentioned in (Gutin et al.,
Iterated greedy heuristics are simple to understand
and easy to implement in practice, yet very effective
in providing high quality solutions for various prob-
lems. For example, (Jacobs and Brusco, 1995) apply
IGH to the set covering problem. (Ruiz and St¨utzle,
2007) and (Ruiz and St¨utzle, 2008) demonstrate the
effectiveness of iterated greedy heuristics for vari-
ants of the flowshop problem. IGH is also applied
to the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem
(Fanjul-Peyro and Ruiz, 2010). However, to the best
of our knowledge, iterated greedy heuristics have not
been applied to portfolio-optimization problems.
In this section, we present our iterated greedy heuris-
tic, which is based on an IGH developed for the
permutation flowshop scheduling problem (Ruiz and
St¨utzle, 2007). In Subsection 4.1, we give an
overviewon the design of our IGH. In Subsection 4.2,
we present the greedy insertion heuristic that is used
as a subroutine in our IGH.
4.1 Overview
For our iterated greedy heuristic to track the 1/ N port-
folio, we made two simplifications: (1) We always
include as many stocks as possible (= k) in the track-
ing portfolios, and (2) each stock in the portfolio has
the same weight (=
). These simplifications allow
us to save the CPU time required for determining the
portfolio weights of each stock, e.g., by solving a