l&f-app development, whereas one of them has a high
level of experience as an ICT expert while the other
two are from different domains. One person acts as
an analyst and developer, being a beginner in the first
role and highly experienced in the second. A high
level of experience means a person acts at least for
two years in a specific role.
The research team consists of three researchers
working in co-operation, providing peer-review to
each other. The procedures to observe a case include
taking part in all meetings between case subjects that
are modelling, demo and retrospective sessions while
video recoding them all. We act as silent participants
taking notes of the AAOM usage throughout differ-
ent meetings. Based on the research questions and
meeting notes, we devise interview questions and ses-
sions for gathering qualitative data. The analysis of
the gathered data by researchers provides answers to
the research questions.
3.3 Data Sources
Interviews are the most valuable data source for
the running case study. Based on recommendations
from (Runeson et al., 2012), interview planning com-
mences with selecting interviewees. There are four
people and three roles in the running case as men-
tioned in Section 3.2 and all participants are inter-
viewed. Since there is one person in both roles of
analyst and developer, different questions are posed
to her addressing both roles. Next follows the plan-
ning of interview sets. Ideally, interviews take place
multiple times, for example after elaborating a first
branch of requirements, after every development iter-
ation and at the end of the project. As a limitation,
for this l&f-app project, we conduct only one set of
interviews after completing the planning session and
three development iterations.
For conducting interviews, we choose a semi-
structured format (Runeson et al., 2012). The re-
search questions stated in Section 3.1 and the meet-
ing notes guide the preparation of interview questions.
Different sets of questions target each respective role
without offering predefined answers. Thus, intervie-
wees can not answer, e.g., ”yes” or ”no”, instead they
must express their own opinions. Questionnaires for
client, analyst and developer roles are depicted in a
longer version of this article
The interviews adhere to a time-glass model
(Runeson et al., 2012) so that an interview begins
with broad questions first and continues with more
specific questions. At the end of an interview, again
broad questions are presented. Thus, four interviews
include three with clients and one combined for the
developer/analyst. The interview structure is similar
in all cases and the interviewees are informed about
the interview structure during the process.
Each interview session lasts roughly one and a
half hours and starts with an introduction, followed
by role specific questions. The interviews are audio
recorded into MP4 files for subsequent post-interview
activities and analysis. In case an interviewee re-
sponds to a question briefly, we ask additional ques-
tions on the same topic to gather more insight. At
the end of an interview, a participant learns that ev-
ery interview is transcribed and sent for verifying the
captured ideas are correct.
We also gather work artefacts, such as goal mod-
els, user stories and source code. Since a dedicated
development toolkit for AAOM does not exist yet, we
employ provisionally a set of freely available tools to
host our case. The first tool, Draw.io
, is an online
diagramming tool to draw goal models for the l&f-
app. Another used tool is Trello
, a collaboration tool
to organize project tasks on boards. Trello visualizes
tasks in the form of user stories similar to post-it notes
in status columns to observe the progress during soft-
ware development, e.g., to do, pending, in progress,
completed, and so on.
The generated goal modelsand user stories are rel-
evant for investigating the evolution during the project
while the history of changes is recorded. Project
source code for the l&f-app in a version control sys-
tem allows to observe lines of code (LOC), changes
in LOC, time between LOC changes and links to
user stories. After evaluating these quantitative data
sources, the main finding is that there is no existing
body of knowledge for analysing them as needed for
the AAOM method usage validation. Thus, we use
these anecdotal data sources only to subjectively eval-
uate some statements received from interviewees.
As our main data source is interviews, we focus
in the next section on interview analysis. The latter
yields answers to the research questions.
3.4 Analysis Procedure
Interview analysing requires first transcribing and
then coding (Salda˜na, 2015) the results and for both
we use the tool NVivo
. We transcribe the interviews
and for corrections and clarifications, the interviewees
review the transcripts.
To code the interviews, we determine first a list
of so-called a priori codes (Salda˜na, 2015) that are