Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the
Activity Theory for Risk Prediction
Alfredo Del Fabro Neto
, Bruno Romero de Azevedo
, Rafael Boufleuer
, Jo
ao Carlos D. Lima
Alencar Machado
, Iara Augustin
and Marcia Pasin
Informatics Graduation Program, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Context-aware, Ubiquitous Computing, Human Activity Risk, Human Activity Performance, Activity Theory.
Some of the activities performed daily by people may harm them physically. The performance of such activi-
ties in an inadequate manner or in an adverse environment can increase the risk of accidents. The development
of context-aware systems capable of predicting these risks is important for human damage prevention. In this
sense, we are developing an approach based on the Activity Theory and the Skill, Rule and Knowledge model
for risk prediction of human activities in a context-aware middleware. To predict the risk in the activities, we
identify the probability for the next actions and compare the current physiological context with its future state.
In order to concept proving the proposed model, we developed a prototype and tested it with a public and a
private dataset. The results show that the proposed model can assign an appropriate risk factor to the tested
It is often the case when an activity of daily living
(ADL) (Katz et al., 1963) results in an injure for the
person performing it. The reasons vary among exter-
nal factors, such as uneven floors and stairs, slippery
floors and low illumination, and/or personal factors,
such as a bad performance or an unusual physiolog-
ical condition (e.g., high blood pressure). It is spe-
cially true for the elderly, where they usually have a
weaker health due to problems such as sedentarism,
insomnia, osteoporosis, etc. Combining them with
the external factors, the risk of physical damage is in-
This way, we notice the need for a system capable
of predicting and acting over situations that present
some risk of injure to the user. An approach for
addressing this matter is by analysing the user’s be-
havior over time in order to identify anomalies either
in his physiological, performance and/or environment
situation while an activity is being performed.
Considering that the context-aware system must
take into account the user’s behavior, we used an
approach based on the Skill-Rule-Knowledge (SRK)
(Rasmussen, 1983) framework for determining the
performance level of the user in an activity and the
Activity Theory (AT) (Kuutti, 1996) for modeling ac-
tivities and its predictions. Both models act over con-
textual information classified according to the taxon-
omy of context (Kofod-Petersen and Cassens, 2006),
allowing for a well-defined separation of the attributes
involved in the risk analysis.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the core concepts that are essential for our
work; Section 3 shows related works regarding activ-
ity and action prediction, risk prediction and perfor-
mance measurement; Section 4 depicts our risk anal-
ysis model and how the related components are im-
plemented; Section 5 presents the model evaluation
by using two scenarios: one for risk in actions and
another for performance inference; finally, Section 6
draws our final considerations and some future work.
2.1 Giving Meaning to Contextual Data
In order to detect human activities, it is necessary to
first detect the context and the changes that occur in
an ubiquitous environment. For this purpose, in this
work, we are modeling the context information using
the Hyperspace Analogue to Context (HAC) model
Neto, A., Azevedo, B., Boufleuer, R., Lima, J., Machado, A., Augustin, I. and Pasin, M.
Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the Activity Theory for Risk Prediction.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 282-289
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Rasch, 2013). The major advantages of using the
HAC model are the well-defined syntax and the op-
erations that allow dealing with context data. It uses
multiple dimensions to characterize the contexts in
smart environments. These dimensions can be either
numeric or nominal with values that range between
defined thresholds. This context model makes eas-
ier the understanding of the environment, since it can
capture all the context changes to assist in the detec-
tion of activities and to understand the users’ behav-
ior. Thus, the historical context information of the
user and the context information of the environment
can be used to determine the risk of all actions that
compose the activity that is being performed.
2.2 Activity Theory
To better comprehend what an activity is and its rela-
tion to the user and the environment we use Kuuti’s
approach to represent the relationship between the
components of the Activity Theory (AT) (Kuutti,
1996). In the AT, an activity is composed by actions,
which are atomic units meaning that they are com-
plete by themselves. For instance, the activity of tak-
ing a shower can be decomposed into several actions,
such as: taking the clothes off in the bathroom, enter-
ing the bathtub, turning on the water flow, etc. We
chose the AT because it considers not only the ac-
tions composing the activity, but also the interactions
with other elements. For instance, the artifact used to
achieve the goal desired by the subject. For this work,
those interactions are important in the sense that they
collaborate to measure the subject’s performance and
his interactions with the environment.
The basic notion behind the Activity Theory is
that the subject is participating in an activity because
he wants to achieve some specific goal. His interest
is focused on an activity’s object that he wants to use
and/or modify in order to achieve an expected result.
The interaction between the subject and the object is
mediated by tools. This way, a basic triangle of sub-
ject, object and mediation by artifact.
The context taxonomy proposed has a pragmatic
view of artifacts’ construction and incorporates to the
context-aware systems the general concepts found in
the Activity Theory (Mikalsen and Kofod-Petersen,
2004), allowing for a well-defined separation of the
user’s context.
2.3 Cognitive Workload Framework
The behavioral model Skill, Rule and Knowledge
(SRK) was created with the intention to represent the
performance of human activities based on the cogni-
tive workload required for the development of a par-
ticular activity (Rasmussen, 1983). This classification
is defined in three levels representing the conscious
control or planning used during the activity perfor-
mance: (i) skill based behavior (SBB) the subject
performs the activity in an automatic way, without
extensive mental and cognitive workloads, e.g., tak-
ing the clothes off in the bathroom; (ii) rule based
behavior (RBB) the subject performs a known ac-
tivity in a familiar situation, but has the need to re-
trieve a stored rule learned previously, e.g., the se-
quence for taking a shower: taking the clothes off in
the bathroom, entering the bathtub and then turning
on the water flow; and (iii) knowledge based behav-
ior (KBB) the subject needs to make an internal map
of the environment to create a plan. The plan indicates
the way the activity should be carried on.
2.4 Measuring Performance
According to Craven et al. (Craven et al., 2007), the
cognitive workload spent can be estimated in a sub-
jective way or from observable characteristics. The
subjective ways of estimating the cognitive workload
are: (i) by forms and/or reports that are usually filled
by the user himself and (ii) the experts evaluation of
the user’s performance. This way, for this work, we
consider this approach as invasive because the user
has to report after he performed the activity. There-
fore, it is inappropriate for a context-aware system
based on the concepts of ubiquity.
Observable characteristics are used for the estima-
tion by the user’s performance related to the difficulty
of the task and by neurophysiological responses mea-
sured by sensors. The techniques for the latter sup-
pose that the cognitive workload is reflected by physi-
ological variables, such as heart activity, brain activity
and eye activity (Paas et al., 2003).
The cognitive workload estimated by the perfor-
mance of the person can be subdivided in two sub-
classes: (i) primary-task measurement, where there
is a direct measurement of a performance and (ii)
secondary-task measurement by adding some sec-
ondary activity while the user is performing the pri-
mary activity (Craven et al., 2007) (Paas et al.,
2003), that is, the level of success of the user in the
secondary-task dictates how hard it is for him the pri-
mary activity (Craven et al., 2007)(ODonnell, 1986).
For the primary-task measurement, we can assume
that when the cognitive workload increase, the ex-
tra needed resources and processing capacity of the
person will degrade the quality of his performance
(ODonnell, 1986). This way, it is possible to use
an approach that considers only one aspect relevant
Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the Activity Theory for Risk Prediction
for an activity (e.g., number of errors, duration or
speed of the performance) or an approach that con-
siders many aspects for a more accurate estimation.
Since this work is based on concepts of ubiq-
uitous computing, the secondary-task measurement
technique is also not adequate, because the need for
the user to perform a secondary-task for the estima-
tion of the performance of the primary-task is intru-
sive. That is, the system would have to always add
some secondary-task, this way the user would always
remember its existence. Therefore, we can notice that
the most adequate techniques for this work are the di-
rect measure of the primary activity and the usage of
physiological data.
A system for classification of emergency situations
for people that risk their lives in the line of duty, such
as the firemen and the Civil Protection rescuers is pre-
sented in (Curone et al., 2010). The operators are
equipped with two sensors in their protection clothes,
an accelerometer and an ECG sensor. The system is
composed by a classifier capable of recognizing many
user states that correspond to many ADLs in real time.
Tests were conducted in laboratory and the presented
system had about 88.8% of accuracy in the activities
In the work (Wang et al., 2014), an activity is de-
fined as the combination of the trajectory and dura-
tion and an abnormal activity is defined as the ac-
tivity that deviates significantly from the trajectories
and durations of the normal activities. In order to de-
termine the normal behavior of the user, the authors
performed a frequent pattern mining to find the pat-
terns of normal activities considering their duration
and trajectory. This way, if the frequency of an item
set (in this case, it is considered as an activity) ex-
ceeds the minimum threshold defined, it is classified
as a normal activity. In an environment simulated by
software, the accuracy was 96.2% (Wang et al., 2014).
A proposal for the prediction of household activi-
ties in a smart home is presented in (Gil-Quijano and
Sabouret, 2010). The goal of the authors is to adapt
the behavior of the house applications from the pre-
dicted human activities, in order to correct the behav-
ior of devices and prepare the rooms to receive people
in a pleasant condition to them. The proposal for the
activities prediction is based on the construction of a
directed graph for each occupant from the statistical
analysis of the activities performed by him. This way,
since each task is performed in a given environment,
it is possible to predict the next displacement in the
graph from the current task, characterizing the pre-
diction of activities.
The proposed model in this paper represents the layer
Activity Manager of a developed middleware pre-
sented in previous works (Neto et al., 2013)(Neto
et al., 2014), and has as goal the realization of dif-
ferent tasks, which are: (i) the detection of actions
and activities; (ii) the assignment of a risk situation
for each action; (iii) and the inference of future ac-
tions and activities, so it is possible to predict risk
situations. The structure of our model is presented
in Figure 1 and it works in the following way: after
receiving the aggregated sensor data, the first step is
to recognize the action being performed and infer the
next action to be performed from this action and based
on the history of actions and activities executed by the
Next Action Inference
Activity Prediction
Action Risk Inference sub-system
Context Change
Future Contexts
Action Recognition
Activity Predicted
Risk Situation Predicted
Activity Manager
Aggregated Data
Figure 1: Proposed model for the Activity Manager layer.
With the next action to be detected, two distinct
process are initiated in parallel order: (i) the activity
prediction and (ii) the action risk inference.
For the activity prediction (i), the Activity Predic-
tion component receives the probable next action and
assumes it indeed happened, and requests to the Next
Action Inference component a new future action, us-
ing as the current action the one that was previously
detected. The Activity Prediction Component repeats
this process until a sequence of actions that represents
an activity is recognized.
In order to clarify this process, one can imagine
that the Action Recognition component recognized
the current action a
, and the Next Action Inference
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
component detects that the probable next action to be
performed by the user is the action a
. The Activ-
ity Prediction component requests to the Next Action
Inference component the probable next action using
as the base current action the action a
. The pro-
cess used to make this inference is explained in sec-
tion 4.3; (ii) besides that, the Action Risk Inference
sub-system associates a risk situation to each inferred
action based on the context changes and on the fu-
ture contexts yielded by these changes. Each of these
components are explained in the next subsections.
4.1 Activity Recognition
Our model assumes that the activities are composed
of actions and that the relationship between these ac-
tions determine how an activity happens. This way, if
a certain set of actions is performed in a established
time window, it is said that an activity has happened.
In order to model the registered activities in the sys-
tem, we used an approach similar to the one in ref-
erence (Naeem et al., 2007), which permits to define
if actions are or not mandatory and if they must be
performed in a defined order.
With this, two types of actions are defined: (i)
core actions and (ii) secondary actions. The former
represents the actions that are essential in order to
achieve the goal of the activity, and, therefore, nec-
essary for its recognition. The latter are actions that
are related to some activity, but are not essential for its
recognition, they are useful for adding meaning to the
activity. For an activity to be recognized, each action
that composes it must be performed in a pre-defined
time window. This way, an initial time window is de-
termined and in the preliminary phase it is adjusted
for the system’s calibration. Since this window de-
pends on the frequency of each activity, it varies ac-
cording to the user’s behavior.
4.2 Action Recognition
The component Action Recognition receives the ag-
gregated data from each type of sensor and, based on
classification algorithms, compares the received data
with the already classified data for each action reg-
istered in the system. In short, the set of sensor data
will be classified according to the similarity that it has
with the registered data for each action. The authors
used the software WEKA in order to apply these al-
gorithms over the raw data, with default patterns as-
sociated with each of the classifiers and applied to the
data after the feature extraction process. The algo-
rithm that was able to classify the highest number of
samples correctly was the K-star and was the choosed
algorithm for our model.
4.3 Next Action Inference
The inference of the next action to be performed by
the user is based on the historical data of his already
performed actions in order to reflect his usual behav-
ior. For such, the algorithm 1 is based on the search
for patterns of activities in the history H of the user,
that is, the search for certain sequences of activities
with the objective of discovering which action is the
next one to probably be executed after these patterns.
Require: Max Pattern Length MPL
Require: History of performed actions H
1: N
2: A H.getLastActions(MPL);
3: P getPatterns(A);
4: for all a A do
5: for all p P do
6: N
getNumOccurrences(H, a, p);
7: end for
8: end for
9: ap max(N)
10: return ap
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for the action prediction.
This way, the algorithm 1 searches the list A of
the last MPL performed actions, where MPL is the
window size or the quantity of actions to be analyzed.
Afterwards, a search is made for the list of patterns p
in the user’s history for each of the actions in A pre-
viously found. Thus, the number of occurrences for
each of the actions a is updated for each pattern p
found and related to at most MPL periods with each
action a. The highest occurrence found is the proba-
ble future action.
4.4 Action Risk Inference
The determination of risk situations in actions and ac-
tivities proposed assumes that each user has his own
behavior pattern, since people are considered beings
of habits (da Rocha et al., 2010). In order to deter-
mine the risk, the changes that each activity causes in
the context has to be analyzed. It is worth mentioning
that this analysis has to occur before an action is ex-
ecuted by the user. That is, it is necessary to predict
the actions and, consequently, activities (composed of
actions) that could be performed and this way identify
if the user will be in a risk situation when he performs
a certain action or activity. This approach implies in
the need of (i) capturing the current user context, (ii)
inferring which is the next action to be executed, (iii)
Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the Activity Theory for Risk Prediction
applying the context changes resulting from this ac-
tion in the current context and (iv) evaluating the re-
sulting context while looking for risk situations.
In order to achieve this goal, we proposed a solu-
tion to predict actions with a (i) component to dis-
cover the context changes and a (ii) component to
simulate future contexts resulting from these changes
(Action Risk Inference sub-system, Figure 1). From
the predicted action, the Context Change component
searches in the user’s historical data which context
changes were previously caused by it. Therefore,
the Future Contexts Visualizer applies the context
changes found in the current user context in order to
generate a new context that represents the future state
of the current context if the predicted action is per-
formed. Based on this future context, the Future Con-
texts Visualizer looks in the user profile to see if it is
not outside the safety thresholds preset for the user. If
it is not, the user is considered to be in a risk situation.
4.5 Performance Inference and
The proposed model presented in Figure 2 is used
for the inference and prediction of the user’s perfor-
mance. In order to accomplish it, the proposed model
uses the task context and the environmental context to
determine the user’s performance considering his his-
torical events. The user’s current activity is composed
by actions, as seen in Section 2.2, which are used by
the Performance Properties Estimation component to
estimate the values for the performance properties in-
volved while the activity is still being performed. This
analysis in real time is important because it allows
the system (or application) to give to the user rele-
vant information about the current activity that may
aid him during his performance. Application domains
can cover emergency situations, recommendation sys-
tems, decision support systems, among other domains
that rely on user’s performance and behavior.
In our model the influence of actions is repre-
sented by changes in the values of the performance
properties. This way, the Performance Properties Es-
timation component uses this approach in order to es-
timate in real time the changes that each new action
cause in the current activity. For the estimation of the
current activity’s performance, it is necessary to con-
sider actions that were not yet performed and predict
the changes they will possibly make in the activity.
These actions are inferred by the component Activ-
ity Manager of the middleware, presented in previous
works (Neto et al., 2013)(Neto et al., 2014), and used
together with the already elapsed actions (i.e. already
detected by the system) to give a better estimation.
Then, the estimated values for the performance
properties are related to the environmental context
considering the past events when the current activity
was performed. This relationship is used for measur-
ing how each property indicates how the user is sen-
soring the environment. The sensoring is analogous
to the SRK’s signals, signs and symbols, which repre-
sent how well known is the surroundings of the user
while performing a specific activity. So, sensorings
resulting, for example, in symbols are related to un-
familiar situations for the user, which means that the
estimated values for the performance properties or the
values from the environmental context are not in the
patterns found in the past events of the activity (i.e.,
they are outliers).
However, for the cognitive workload inference, it
is important for each performance property to have its
value adjusted according to their relevance. The rele-
vance level of the properties is taken into account due
to the fact that they may or may not be relevant de-
pending on the user and the activity being performed.
For example, a performance property like anxiety may
not be important for the activity brushing teeth. This
can be noted by the fact that the user’s performance is
not dependent on the performance property.
The relevance for each property is measured ac-
cording to the strength of the correlation of their
values with their past sensorial inferences, the Pear-
son’s correlation between the performance property
duration and the sensorial inference, measured us-
ing the Local Outlier Probabilities (LoOP) technique
(Kriegel et al., 2009). The strength of such correlation
shows how important the performance property is for
the sensoring inference, this way we can use it as the
relevance level of the property.
LoOP is an outlier detection method that provides
an outlier score in the range of [0, 1] that is directly
interpretable as a probability of a data object for be-
ing an outlier. We use a detection outlier technique
based on outlier factor due to the fact that it enables
us to gather evidence of how is the user’s behavior.
By using a technique that tells us the probability that
some data object is an outlier, we can obtain a prob-
ability of how inadequate is the user’s behavior. In
fact, it is possible to make an analogy with the SRK
model, where LoOP values close to 0 indicate SBBs
and values close to 1 indicate KBBs, whereas values
in between indicate RBBs.
The detection of risk situations proposed in this work
is based on the prediction of actions performed by an
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Performance Properties
Sensorial Inference
of the Properties
Relevance Level
of the Properties
Cognitive Workload
Figure 2: Model for performance inference.
user’s previous behavior, as well as in context changes
yielded by such action. In this sense, it is necessary
the system to be (i) able to correctly predict the proba-
ble next actions to be executed, as well as (ii) estimate
if the context changes yielded by an action will imply
in a risky context for the user. In order to validate
the proposal of this work, we conducted two distinct
experiments. The first one intends to analyze the ac-
curacy of the presented prediction model, while the
second one intends to validate the model for the de-
tection of risk situations based on the context changes
yielded by actions in the user’s context.
5.1 Evaluation of Actions Prediction
In order to evaluate the proposed model in this work,
we opted for the usage of public dataset, called Aruba
Dataset (Cook, 2011), because it allows the results of
the model of actions predictions to be compared to
other correlated proposals, since it is a widely used
dataset in researches of activity recognition in the
ubiquitous computing area. The dataset has 11 dif-
ferent activities registered using 42 sensors. Thus, in
this work, the obtained accuracy from the used dataset
was 78.69%.
5.2 Evaluation of the Risk Situation in
The evaluation of risk in actions was made in a dataset
of our own, since we did not find public datasets with
relevant information, that is, with annotated actions
and some user’s physiological data. In this sense, the
dataset is composed by the actions walking, sitting,
running, lying and standing, which where captured
from accelerometer and gyroscope data coupled in a
smartphone. The physiological data gathered was the
heart rate obtained from a sensor connected to an Ar-
This way, from the 2455 entries, the model de-
tected 49 risk situations and had an accuracy of
98.94%. This accuracy was measured based on
the values true-positives (36), true-negatives (2393),
false-positives (13) and false-negatives (13). These
values were obtained from the analysis of the com-
parison between the values for the current heart rate,
the predicted thresholds for the current action and the
real thresholds for the current action. The predicted
thresholds are determined based on the preceding ac-
tion, such that it is used the median of the context
changes performed by it and the value of the heart
rate while it was being developed.
5.3 Performance Evaluation
The experiments were also performed on Aruba’s
dataset. For our experiment, the duration of the ac-
tivities was considered as the performance property
and the temperature as the environmental property.
We performed our tests for all the activities. How-
ever, here we present the results only for the activ-
ity Housekeeping due to issues regarding space in this
paper. In Table 1 is shown the values used for the
cognitive workload (C. W.) inference and if the re-
sult is considered a SBB, RBB or KBB. In order to
choose between them, we defined manually thresh-
olds for the C.W. (based on the SRK analogy with the
LoOP, presented in Subsection 4.5): 0 0.24 as SBB,
0.250.74 as RBB and 0.751.0 as KBB. We under-
stand that this values are arbitrary and that they must
be adjusted by some learning algorithm, however this
is not the current focus of our work.
Table 1: Example of obtained values for some entries for
the activity Housekeeping.
LoOP r
0.00 0.41 0.0 SBB
0.67 0.41 0.27 RBB
0.10 0.40 0.04 SBB
0.06 0.41 0.03 SBB
0.00 0.41 0.0 SBB
As can be observed in Table 1, one of the val-
ues was inferred as RBB, which indicates an unusual
behavior for the performance. In this case, the du-
ration is unusual for the activity Housekeeping . It
Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the Activity Theory for Risk Prediction
Table 2: Comparison of the related works with our approach.
Work Accuracy Dataset
Algorithm Attributes
Act. Pred. Risk Det.
(Curone et al., 2010) 88.8% Own (in lab) X Rule Based
Accelerometer, ECG
(Wang et al., 2014) 96.2% Own (by software) X Distributed
Trajectory, Duration
[Gil-Quijano, 2010] 61.28% Aruba X Directed Graph Action Sequence
Our Work
78.69% (act. pred.)
98.94% (risk det.)
Aruba (act. pred.)
Own (risk det.)
Patterns (act. pred.)
Thresholds (risk det.)
Action Sequence,
Physiological Context
is interesting to notice that the value for the C. W.
inferred was 0.27, which is almost a SBB behavior,
even though the LoOP is much higher (0.67). This
happens because the performance property duration
has a relevance of only 0.41, which shows us that it is
not a very relevant performance property.
Therefore, with our model for performance infer-
ence using the LoOP technique we can associate the
user’s behavior with the theoretical SRK framework
for the understanding of the user’s behavior. Also,
by using the LoOP technique and detecting automati-
cally the relevance for the performance properties, our
model adjusts itself according to the behavior of each
different user.
5.4 Comparison
In order to compare our proposal with the related
works presented in subsection 3, we considered some
aspects, such as: accuracy of the approach, dataset
used, category (for risk detection or action predic-
tion), algorithm used and attributes used for the risk
detection. Table 2 summarizes this comparison.
In reference (Curone et al., 2010) the detection
of risk situations is made by the usage of a pre-
determined set of combinations between known ac-
tivities, similar to a rule system. For this system to
be able to identify new kind of risk situations, it is
necessary the addition of new possible combinations
between activities. In our approach, we consider the
variation in the user’s physiological data while he is
performing some activity, which allows the definition
of adjustable thresholds (for the risk situation detec-
tion) based on the user’s history. That is, the system is
able to adapt itself to changes in the user’s execution
of his activities, making the system more flexible.
The work (Wang et al., 2014) uses an approach
similar to ours, which considers deviations in the
user’s normal behavior as a risk situation. However,
in such work, the authors only consider the trajectory
and the duration of the activity’s execution. This way,
they do not account for the physiological aspects of
the users that are performing activities, thus, risk situ-
ations related to changes in such physiological aspects
are not detected.
The approach based on the usage of a directed
graph for action prediction that considers as param-
eter for the measurement of the probability the ratio
between the number of times that a sequence (two ac-
tions) was performed by the person and the number of
times that he performed the initial action in the same
edge (Gil-Quijano and Sabouret, 2010), was worse
than our approach because it only considers the last
action performed for the inference of the next action.
In this sense, we obtained better results by using an
approach that allows the discovery of an appropriate
pattern length for each case (based on the user’s his-
torical data), which can be used to consider not only
the last action, but also a higher number of previously
performed actions.
This way, considering the algorithm 1, the
best value for the MPL is 2 with an accuracy of
78.69%, higher than the result obtained from the di-
rected graph algorithm proposed in (Gil-Quijano and
Sabouret, 2010), which was 61.28% for the same
dataset. This represents a gain of 28.41% in the fu-
ture actions inference.
The prediction of risk situations is important in order
to allow context-aware system to act in a preventive
manner, aided in the user’s decision making. Thus,
this work presented a model for the action prediction
and detection of future risk situations based on the
Activity Theory and on the Hyperspace Analogue to
Context. The used techniques were superior to other
related works, since in the actions prediction we ob-
tained an accuracy of 78.69% and in the evaluation of
risk situations we obtained a accuracy of 98.94%.
In some cases the physiological state may not be
abnormal, however the user can be in a risk situation
due to the fact that his performance might be influ-
enced by some external factor (e.g., if the user is in
a strange environmental condition) or some internal
factor (i.e., his mental context). Since the SRK frame-
work considers both factors, it was used in our model
for the cognitive workload inference and performance
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
estimation. In order to evaluate the model we used a
public dataset and verified that the approach used is
capable of classifying activities according to the SRK
model, which is useful for the risk analysis.
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gorithm that learns with the user’s behavior and adjust
the values for the thresholds used for the classification
of a behavior as skill, rule or knowledge. We also in-
tend to improve the approach for actions prediction,
considering the evaluation of the performance of the
algorithms. Besides that, we intend to perform tests in
public datasets with a higher number of user’s physio-
logical information in order to allow a more complete
evaluation of the calculated risks.
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Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the Activity Theory for Risk Prediction