Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs
Marcelo Iury S. Oliveira
, Lairson Emanuel R. de Alencar Oliveira
oria de F
atima A. Barros Lima
and Bernadette Farias L
Academic Unit of Serra Talhada, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Serra Talhada - PE, Brazil
Center for Informatics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife – PE, Brazil
Open Data, Catalog, Metadata, DCAT, Management, Standardization, Design.
In this article we present a solution, called DataCollector, which allows the cataloging and the discovery of data
distributed in multiple open data portals. Our solution collects metadata about datasets available in multiple
open data portals and it offers a uniform interface to access them. The proposed solution was evaluated by
its viability in cataloging 14 Brazilian open data portals, covering a total of 29,540 datasets. The preliminary
results indicate the DataCollector offers a robust solution for cataloging and access to distributed datasets in
multiple platforms for open data publication.
The amount of OGD available as well as their
data consumers and producers are growing at a fast
pace around the world. Several governments have
launched initiatives to stimulate and promote open
data usage and production (Chun et al., 2010). How-
ever, as open data is fairly recent movement, most
of open data available are not properly known (Bar-
bosa et al., 2014). Despite government domain is one
of the most important sources for open data, there is
a vast amount of open data being published in other
areas, including: environment, cultural, science, and
statics. In this context, where open data comes from
many sources and are created in an autonomous way,
it becomes necessary to have an easy way to find and
to combine these distributed data. Providing tools to
perform high-level analysis on top of these data is also
important requirement. While developers are more in-
terested on the raw data, policy and decision makers
will profit from the analysis tools.
In this article we present a solution, called Data-
Collector, for cataloging and searching of data pub-
lished in open data portals. Our solution collects
metadata about datasets available in multiple open
data portals and it offers a uniform interface to ac-
cess them. The proposed solution also offers an easy
way to query data based on both graphical interfaces
and remote access mechanisms, such as Web Ser-
vices, which enable automated processing and facil-
itate searching activities. In addition, our proposal
enables users collaboration and provides features to
collect and manage feedback about the open data. Fi-
nally, to promote interoperability, DataCollector uses
the standardized vocabularies such as DCAT vocabu-
lary (Data Catalog Vocabulary)(Maali et al., 2014) to
describe its data catalog.
Besides facilitating dataset selection and access,
our solution provides tools to perform datasets anal-
ysis. Using DataCollector, it is possible to visualize
the domains of the datasets as well as the domains
with higher number of datasets, for example. Other
aspects like usage license and data formats can also be
analysed. The DataCollector may be used to perform
analysis about open data scenarios as well as to facil-
itate the automatic identification of relevant datasets
for a given user or application. Considering the grow-
ing number of open data, these tasks become time
consuming and therefore very expensive.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we discuss some related work. In
Section 3 we present our Metadata Model. In Sec-
tion 4 we present a general overview of the proposed
solution, contextualizing the services and main com-
ponents of the DataCollector. In Section 5 we present
more details about the implementation of the Data-
Collector. In Section 6 we discuss the evaluation of
our proposal and in Section 7 we present the final con-
siderations and future work.
Oliveira, M., Oliveira, L., Lima, G. and Lóscio, B.
Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 230-239
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The use of open data has grown substantially in the
last years. In general, open data is available in cata-
logs, which provide an interface between who makes
data available (publisher) to those interested in using
them (consumers). Architectures and platforms for
data cataloging, as well as the harvesting of data por-
tals, have been the subject of some works reported
in the literature or solutions available on the Web
(Ribeiro et al., 2015; Foundation, 2015a; Miranda,
2015; Foundation, 2015b; Project, 2015).
In this context, CKAN
are the
main solutions currently adopted for open data cat-
aloging. CKAN is an open source software, which
provides support for the creation of data portals, as
well as offers features for publishing, storage and
management of datasets (van den Broek et al., 2012).
CKAN provides an Application Programming Inter-
face (API) for automated access and has functionali-
ties for data previewing, creation of graphs and maps
and the searching of geolocated datasets. The Socrata,
instead, is a proprietary solution based on cloud com-
puting and Software as a Service paradigms. One
of the main differentials of Socrata is the possibility
of building more complete data visualizations (condi-
tional formatting, graphs and maps) (Miranda, 2015).
DataHub.io (Foundation, 2015a) is an open source
platform for data management provided by the Open
Knowledge Foundation and powered by CKAN.
DataHub.io allows everybody to host their data and
is also widely used to aggregate datasets published
elsewhere in one place. Despite DataHub.io provides
a single point to find datasets published in different
sites, it strongly depends on the cooperation of users
to publish data and it doesn’t offer additional sup-
port for data analysis or datasets evaluation. Pub-
licData.eu (Foundation, 2015b) and OpenDataMoni-
tor.eu (Project, 2015) have been proposed to offer ac-
cess to multiple open data portals at the same time.
These data platforms provide access to datasets pub-
lished by governmental agencies all over Europe. In
particular, the OpenDataMonitor also provides auto-
mated evaluation of datasets.
Different from the solutions mentioned above,
the DataCollector may be instantiated to collect data
about different sets of data portals, e.g., it can be used
to collect datasets from brazilian open government
data portals, as well as it could be used to collect
datasets from biological data portals. Besides collect-
ing datasets, the DataCollector provides free access
to its metadata and also allows performing analysis
about the collected datasets.
Finally, it is worth mentioning the UrbanProfiler
(Ribeiro et al., 2015), which is a tool that automat-
ically extracts detailed information about datasets to
help datasets selection. UrbanProfiler aims to collect
information to help data consumers to explore and un-
derstand the contents of a dataset. In a similar way,
we also offer information about the datasets in order
to help datasets identification and selection.
As previously described, the Data Collector offers an
unified view of open datasets available in several open
data portals or catalogs. Considering the heteroge-
neous nature of the available data portals, in order to
offer this uniform view it becomes necessary adopt of
a common data model to describe the data catalogs
and available datasets. In our work, we use the DCAT
vocabulary (Maali et al., 2014) to overcome hetero-
geneity of the open data portals being integrated.
DCAT is a RDF vocabulary, proposed by the
W3C, which seeks to facilitate interoperability be-
tween data catalogs. In general, vocabularies are used
to classify terms of a particular application, charac-
terize possible relationships and define restrictions on
the use of these terms. Specifically, DCAT defines the
concepts and relationships used in the field of data
catalogs, as catalogs and datasets. DCAT also incor-
porates terms of other existing vocabularies, in partic-
ular, the Dublin Core
and FOAF
. Figure 1 presents
the main classes of the DCAT.
Figure 1: DCAT model.
The central entity of the DCAT vocabulary is the
Dataset, which is a collection of data, available for ac-
cess or download in one or more formats (Maali et al.,
Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs
2014). Datasets are described by general metadata,
e.g. publication date, keywords, language (Maali
et al., 2014), and other information that makes it eas-
ier to discover and use dataset.
A single dataset may be available in different Dis-
tributions to meet interoperability and usage require-
ments of different users. These distributions might
represent different formats of the dataset or differ-
ent endpoints (Maali et al., 2014). Examples of dis-
tributions include a downloadable CSV file, an API
or an RSS feed. Distributions are also described
by metadata. The format property (dct:format), for
example, specifies data format used in the distribu-
tion. In order to ensure interoperability, the format
should be a standard MIME type, like text/csv or
application/json. The accessURL (dcat:accessURL)
property determines a resource that gives access to
the distribution of dataset, like a landingpage or
a SPARQL endpoint. The downloadURL property
(dcat:downloadURL) represents a file that contains
the distribution of the dataset in a given format. Other
relevant metadata about a distribution include the size
of a distribution in bytes (dcat:byteSize) and the li-
cense (dct:license) under which the distribution is
made available.
Finally, a Catalog is defined as a curated collec-
tion of metadata about datasets. Catalogs are also de-
scribed by several properties, including: date of pub-
lication, date of modification, language used in the
textual metadata describe datasets and the entity re-
sponsible for online publication of the catalog (Maali
et al., 2014). A record in a data catalog, describing
a single dataset, is represented as an instance of the
CatalogRecord class.
In our work, besides concepts offered by DCAT,
we also use other vocabulary proposals to model feed-
back collected from data consumers about specific
datasets. In general, data cataloguing solutions don’t
offer means to collect and to share feedback about
datasets. However, gathering such information pro-
duces benefits for both producers and consumers of
data, contributing to improve the quality of the pub-
lished data, as well as to encourage the publication of
new data.
The feedback data is modeled using two vocab-
ularies have been developed by the W3C Working
Group: Dataset Usage Vocabulary
and Web Annota-
tion Data Model
. The former one aims to define a vo-
cabulary that offers concepts to describe how datasets
published on the Web have been used as well con-
cepts to capture data consumer’s feedback and dataset
citations. The later describes a structured model and
format to enable annotations to be shared and reused
across different platforms.
Figure 2 presents the main classes used to model
feedback. duv:Usagefeedback allows to capture con-
sumer’s feedback in the form of annotations. As de-
scribed in the Web Annotation Data Model(Sanderson
et al., 2015), an Annotation is a rooted, directed graph
that represents a relationship between resources,
whose primary types are Bodies and Targets. An An-
notation oa:Annotation has a single Body, which is
a comment or other descriptive resource, and a sin-
gle Target refers to the resource being annotated. In
our context, the target resource is a dataset or a dis-
tribution. The body may be a general comment about
the dataset, a suggestion to correct or to update the
dataset, a dataset quality evaluation or a dataset rating.
The property oa:motivation may be used to explicitly
capture the motivation for a given feedback. For ex-
ample, when the consumer suggests a dataset update
then the value of oa:motivation will be ”reviewing”.
duv:RatingFeedback and dqv:UserQuality Feed-
back are subclasses of duv:UsageFeedback. The first
one allows to capture feedback about the quality of
the dataset, like availability, consistency and fresh-
. The second one allows consumers to evaluate
a dataset based on a grade or a star schema, for exam-
Feedback could be captured from data consumers
by rating questionnaires, where users are asked to pro-
vide a value point on a fixed scale (Amatriain et al.,
2009). This interaction model could be viewed as a
form of Web collaboration in such way that datasets
evaluation is accomplished by engaging data con-
sumers as “processors” to annotate datasets accord-
ing taxonomies/folksonomies subjects, for example.
Moreover, a data consumer can also provide feedback
annotations to fulfill missing metadata about datasets.
Finally, a user may submit a report based on the prob-
lems they have witnessed when consuming the data.
In general, the annotation model provides the user
with a added value for little effort, because it facili-
tates finding a desirable dataset, as well as, becomes
easier to find similar new resources that could be of
interest (Hotho et al., 2006).
Figure 2: Feedback model.
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The DataCollector is a Web platform that aims to pro-
vide cataloging and searching of open data stored in
multiple distributed open data catalogs or portals. In
order to achieve its goals, the DataCollector defines
several loosely coupled modules that compose its log-
ical architecture, as seen in Figure 3 and described in
the following.
Figure 3: Portal Architecture.
4.1 Data Source and Crawling Layers
The Data Source Layer is composed by the data por-
tals registered on the DataCollector. Each data por-
tal is considered as a data source that provides one
or more datasets. As mentioned before, data portals
are usually implemented based on platforms such as
CKAN and Socrata. However, we also consider data
portals that use other technologies, including content
management systems like Drupal
and Wordpress
The Crawling Layer is responsible for collecting
metadata from data sources and representing them ac-
cording to the DCAT data model. In general, meta-
data extraction is an automatic task. However, in
cases such as lack of API access or lack of struc-
tured metadata, manual creation of metadata may be
required. In these cases, the metadata creation is per-
formed in a standardized manner in order to ensure
the conformity and the metadata quality.
The Crawler Coordinator uses standardized
Wrapper components to extract metadata from a
given data source. Given the heterogeneity of the data
portals, it becomes necessary to have a specific wrap-
per for each portal. Therefore, subscribed sources
need to provide a wrapper that implements commu-
nication and transformation functions from the origi-
nal model to the DataCollector supported model. As
there are prominent platforms for publishing open
data (e.g. CKAN), a custom wrapper implementation
may be reused among different data sources based on
the same platform.
In order to maintain the freshness of the DataCol-
lector catalog, the registered data sources should be
continually crawled to check for updates, including:
inclusion of new datasets, removal of existing datasets
and metadata updates. In this light, the Crawler Co-
ordinator is the module responsible for determining
the schedule in which data sources should be crawled
to get fresh metadata. Furthermore, to deal with the
dynamic behaviour of open data portals, the Crawler
Coordinator also supports monitoring mechanisms to
detect the unavailability of data sources. The Crawler
Coordinator may suspend and resume specific crawl-
ing tasks when necessary.
4.2 Metadata Layer
The Metadata Layer is composed by four major mod-
ules: Manager, Metadata Processor, Feedback Pro-
cessor and Analyser.
The Manager module is responsible for the regis-
tration of data sources managed by the system. Dur-
ing the registration process, the Manager captures ba-
sic information from data sources, such as their Web
address. The registration process still involves the
specification of which type of wrapper should be used
for the metadata extraction. In its turns, the Feedback
Processor module is responsible for processing data
consumers feedback annotations. It provides tools
to process the annotations and to store them in the
MetadataRepository. The Feedback Processor also
provides features to storage feedback data and other
information inferred from the feedback.
The Metadata Processor module is responsible
for processing the metadata extracted from the data
sources. The processing tasks include metadata clean-
ing, analysing and loading. The concept of data clean-
ing was broadly used in data warehouse and data pro-
Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs
cessing systems, which aims to clean up incomplete,
erroneous and duplicated data (Simon, 1997). In our
context, the cleaning phase is responsible for fixing
incorrect or missing metadata about datasets. For in-
stance, the most frequent cleaning tasks are related
to correct information about data format and the byte
size of the dataset. Very often the extracted values of
these metadata don’t correspond to the expected value
and, therefore, they need to be corrected. In this case,
cleaning tasks are performed to ensure metadata val-
ues are correct with respect to the actual descriptions
of the datasets, therefore promoting more accuracy.
The analysis phase is responsible for inferring
from extracted metadata if a new dataset is available
or if an existing dataset was updated. In both cases,
requests to insert or update the dataset in the Meta-
data Repository are created. In order to identify new
versions of a given dataset, a timestamp is given to
the dataset record. Finally, in the loading phase, all
produced registry request are processed, storing the
up-to-date processed metadata in the MetadataRepos-
The Analyser module evaluates the registered data
sources and datasets according different criteria. The
criteria are evaluated using metrics that can be objec-
tive (i.e. can be calculated automatically) and sub-
jective (i.e. when human intervention is required to
evaluate the criteria). The evaluation criteria are per-
formed at dataset instance level and includes the fol-
lowing criteria:
Dataset size: refers to the total amount of data
stored (e.g. 10MB, 1GB);
Data format: concerns the data formats used to
publish the data (e.g. JSON, XML);
Data domain: describes the subject and features
of interests (e.g. Education, Health, Finance, Mo-
Creation and update history: concerns the history
of dataset changes over time;
License information: refers to the type of data
license adopted (e.g. Creative Commons, Open
Data Commons Open Database License);
Contactability information: concerns the informa-
tion available to a data consumer as the data pub-
lisher’s contact point (e.g. an email address or
The aforementioned evaluation may be performed
once, if the datasets are static, or repeated over time,
if the datasets are dynamic and their content changes.
4.3 Data Access Layer
Open data portals should provide easy access to open
datasets for both humans and machines to take ad-
vantage of the benefits of sharing data using the Web
infrastructure (Data, 2010). Moreover, the existence
and location of datasets should be publicly known and
discoverable. In order to support the data access re-
quirements, the DataCollector provides a Web Inter-
face and Remote Interfaces, which allows to users the
access of its main functionalities. Both interfaces al-
low to perform datasets searching and datasets analy-
The Web Interface provides visual abstractions
over the DataCollector through Web dynamic pages
that enables users to browse and discovery datasets.
Users can use different dataset search mechanisms,
such as keyword search mechanism as well as brows-
ing by tags or related datasets. Moreover, It is also
possible to select and visualize datasets with specific
data formats or license, for example. The Web In-
terface aims to allow data visualization by different
audiences with different needs and expectations. The
Web Interface makes use of graphics components like
maps and charts to enhance the experience for users.
The Remote Interface provides an HTTP based
API to enable metadata retrieval as well as to perform
more advanced operations such as searching and fil-
tering. Almost all DataCollector features are accessi-
ble via this API, which provides alternative access to
a variety of clients, including other Java clients, Web
crawlers and Web services. The default data exchange
format is JSON. In its current version, lacks an au-
thentication and access control system. Finally, the
Remote Interface provides different remote front ends
using several Web technologies such as Rest, XML-
RPC and Web Services.
Figure 4 illustrates the main technologies used for im-
plementing the modules that compose the logical ar-
chitecture of the DataCollector. The platform was im-
plemented using Java
and PHP programming lan-
guage and can be deployed on several application
servers to allow an easy management of distributed
In its turns, the Metadata Repository was imple-
mented using MySQL
, which is an open source re-
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
lational database management system. The data ac-
cess to the Metadata Repository is indirectly done
through the Data Access Object (DAO) design pat-
tern. DAOs are design patterns that provide access
to data that is usually read or written from one or
more databases(Johnson, 2004). The goal of this de-
sign pattern is to enhance software maintainability,
providing an interface independent of the underly-
ing database technology. Therefore, a DAO pattern
allows to replace the Metadata Repository solution
without to recode all the Metadata Layer.
Figure 4: Technologies used to implement the DataCollec-
tor modules.
In general, the crawling process spends a lot of
time waiting for responses to metadata retrieval re-
quests. To reduce this inefficiency, the Crawler Coor-
dinator uses several CrawlerWorkers to crawl the reg-
istered data sources. In fact, CrawlerWorkers are the
ones that do the actual crawling work. The Crawler
Coordinator begins by retrieving the list of subscribed
data sources and then it distributes crawling tasks
among the different CrawlerWorkers instances. Data
sources are crawled concurrently, which allows the
CrawlerWorkers to achieve faster crawl speeds by not
being limited by any particular data source constraint,
such as a very slow site.
Moreover, the CrawlerWorkers employ threads to
fetch several datasets in parallel, avoiding to wait for a
result to arrive before sending new requests. Making
multiple requests at the same time is a well known ap-
proach to improve crawling performance (Boldi et al.,
2004). When a CrawlerWorker visits a data source, it
first retrieves the list of available datasets and then it
creates a queue with the datasets. Each dataset in the
queue is seeing as a metadata extraction task. After
have discovered all available datasets, the threads are
used to fetch dataset metadata by removing a extrac-
tion task from the front of the queue. When the queue
is empty, the CrawlerWorker has finished its work and
updates the CrawlerCooridnator with the processed
Analyser module uses series of Counters to gather
metrics/statistics which can later be aggregated to
produce statistics reports about different facets, such
as number of datasets per given data format or total
amount of data that covers education domain. Coun-
ters are incremented when certain internal condition
is valid. In order to evaluate this condition, counters
instances receives as input a dataset metadata. The
behavior of Counter objects is defined by the follow-
ing methods:
evaluateAndCount: Increment a counter when a
certain condition was evaluated to true;
evaluate: Defines a function to evaluate if the
counter need to be incremented;
count: Defines how the counter must be incre-
There are some predefined Counters and Custom
counters can also be defined. The former ones are re-
sponsible to gather the analysis statistics presented in
Subsection 4.2. When all datasets are analysed, these
counters are consolidated to produce a holistic view
for the datasets and data sources.
Analyser executes analysis process as presented in
the pseudocode 5. At first, it initialize all counter in-
stances and then retrieves a list of all registered data
sources. For each data source is also retrieved a list of
its datasets. Finally, all of the counters evaluate each
data set according their own conditions.
Figure 5: Analisys Pseudocode.
Users can access the main functionalities offered
by the DataCollector through the Web interface pro-
vided by specific Web Pages, which were imple-
mented with PHP
open source technologies. In or-
der to support Remote Interfaces, we have adopted the
Apache CxF
framework, a Web service stack from
Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs
the Apache Software Foundation. Apache CxF allows
a clean separation from remote front-ends to applica-
tion implementation. Furthermore, both Web and Re-
mote interfaces interact with the services provided by
the Metadata Layer through a design pattern, called
Facade, that provides a unified interface to a set of
interfaces in a subsystem. The Facade module encap-
sulates the complexity of underlying modules within
a single interface, therefore promoting loose coupling
to the system.
Web Interface and Remote Interface have mecha-
nisms to facilitate datasets discovery through faceted
search using multiple criteria, including the name of
the data source, data domain, format and license, as
can be seen in Figure 6. When the user chooses a
dataset of interest, is possible to view the metadata
available on the DataCollector about that dataset. In
addition, when attempting to download the dataset,
it is redirected automatically to the origin website.
The Remote Interface use JSON as data exchange for-
mat and it employs a pagination-based iterator to deal
with the large amount of data. Each request has four
possible outputs: help, to describe the access possi-
bilities; next, indicating the next page with 15 new
records; success, indicating if the query was success-
ful or not; and result, containing one array with all
datasets found and are described in the our metadata
model (vf. Section 3).
In order to validate the the DataCollector and demon-
strate its potential to integrate heterogeneous open
data portals in a real-world scenario, we developed
a Web portal, as a proof-of-concept, that concentrates
datasets collected from 14 Brazilian OGD portals.
Figure 6: Graphic Interface.
We focus on Brazilian open data portals promoted
by federal, state and municipal governments. The
selection of open data portals was performed by an
exploratory research on official portals of Brazilian
states and its respective bigger cities. As a result, were
collected data from the following OGD portals:
Brazilian Federal Government
States: Alagoas
, Federal District
, Minas
, Pernambuco
, Rio Grande do Sul
and S
ao Paulo
Capital: Curitiba
, Fortaleza
, Porto Alegre
, Rio de Janeiro
, and S
ao Paulo
In this scenario, the DataCollector enabled a uni-
fied view of several Brazilian open data portals and
allowed the creation of a single point to access the
datasets provided by them. Data consumers profit
from this unified view because it becomes easier to
search and select datasets distributed in multiple data
portals. In its turns, data producers are able to monitor
how datasets are being consumed and what problems
are being notified about their datasets. In our initial
evaluation, the application performance was not con-
sidered, but, in general, the response time was satis-
factory. The initial crawling process spent few hours
in a domestic computer. The entire analysis process
take less than 1 min, and for most of datasets, it takes
less than 3 seconds to show the metadata and charts.
However, customized dataset search may take longer.
Improving the performance through the use of mate-
rialized views and is one of our future works.
As most of the Brazilian data portals employs
CKAN as platform to publish open data, a wrap-
per to extract metadata from CKAN was developed.
This wrapper performs the following tasks: (i) ob-
tains dataset metadata through the REST protocol; (ii)
transforms JSON original data to the DataCollector
metadata model. Any portal CKAN compliant can
be easily integrated to the DataCollector by using the
same wrapper.
After the data sources registration and the meta-
data extraction and transformation, it was possible to
http://www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/cidade/secretarias/ de-
senvolvimento urbano/dados abertos/
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
perform dataset faceted search and several analysis
about the datasets available on the brazilian OGD por-
tals. Table 1 summarizes the analysis results.
Referring to the number of datasets, we found out
that the quantity is very diverse, ranging from 33 (Cu-
ritiba) to 16,623 (Rio de Janeiro City) datasets. While
only 3 Portals provide more than 1 thousand datasets,
half of the portals is very small and contains only a
subset of government data. For a better understand-
ing, Figure 7 presents the proportion of number of
datasets per portals.
Table 1: Dataset General Analysis.
Data Source
Dataset Proportion
With Multiple
Alagoas 1,167 12.8 MB 3.34%
Curitiba 33 239.5 MB 0.00%
Federal District 47 1.2 GB 0.00%
Fortaleza 642 234.9 MB 0.62%
Minas Gerais 40 230.5 MB 20.00%
Pernambuco 66 1.3 GB 100.00%
Porto Alegre 149 1.1 GB 0.67%
Recife 384 1.1 GB 14.84%
Rio de Janeiro
16,623 1.6 GB 0.07%
Rio Grande do
162 1.4 GB 13.58%
ao Paulo (Cap.) 37 2.0 GB 0.00%
ao Paulo(Sta.) 119 725.9 MB 2.52%
4,051 176.9 GB 35.74%
We also analyzed the size of the datasets, which
ranges from some bytes to gigabytes of data. As
expected, the biggest portal is the Federal Govern-
ment portal containing 176.9 GB of data. In con-
trast, Alagoas provides only 12.8 MB of data, even
though it has more than 1 thousand datasets. More-
over, the total size of some portals is heavily affected
by small portion of files. The majority of datasets pro-
vided by S
ao Paulo City contains less than 10 MB
of data, whereas only one dataset has almost 1.5 GB.
For a better understanding, Figure 8 presents the dis-
tribution of datasets size. As we may observe, most
of dthem are small - more than 80% of datasets have
less than 10 MB. Only 48 datasets (0.18%) have more
than 100 MB.
Concerning data formats, we identified several
data formats are being used, ranging from document
and multimedia files, such as PDF and PNG, to struc-
tured types, such as XML and CSV. At least 47 differ-
ent data formats were found during the analysis. Table
2 presents an overall proportion of the most represen-
tative data formats considering the number of occur-
rences and dataset size. Despite that, there is no stan-
dard data format and the large majority of datasets are
Figure 7: Dataset Count Proportion per Portal.
Figure 8: Dataset Size Proportion per Portal.
distributed with structured formats (84.25%). Other
datasets are published as documents (14.62%), and
others formats (1.13%). Relatively fewer datasets are
provided in more than one format. Pernambuco and
Federal Government have a higher proportion of mul-
tiple dataset distributions (100% and 33.74%). Other
portals like Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, and Re-
cife provide, respectively, 20%, 14.84% and 13.58%
of all your data in more than one format. In con-
trast, the remainder portals provide the majority of its
datasets in only one data format.
Considering the dataset domain, several topics
and domains were identified, such as Education,
Health, Finance and Mobility. To better understand
Table 2: Data Format Proportions.
Formats Count Proportion Size Proportion
csv 67.15% 21.84%
pdf 8.18% 0.11%
html 4.79% 0.01%
json 3.82% 0.07%
xml 3.52% 73.24%
shp 2.81% 1.71%
geojson 2.64% 2.14%
kml 2.58% 0.02%
txt 1.49% 0.10%
Other Formats 2.08% 0.76%
Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs
the dataset domain landscape, Figure 9 presents a
word cloud containing the most frequent keywords.
The most required topics are related to Geosciences,
Statistics analysis, and Finance. However, this distri-
bution is not the same for all portals. While in Porto
Alegre and Recife Mobility is the dominant domain;
in Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul, the most fre-
quent domains are Employment and Education, re-
spectively. Moreover, there is a lack of standard-
ized terms to classify dataset domains. As a conse-
quence, several different terms are used to represent
the same concept, such as transportation and transit
(Federal Government), mobility (Recife) and transit
(Rio Grande do Sul).
Figure 9: Dataset Domain Word Cloud.
The lifetime of the data portals was also analysed.
As a result of this, we identified two main phases dur-
ing the lifetime of brazilian OGD portals. First, the
creation phase, when the data portal is created and an
initial load with several datasets is performed. Sec-
ond, the update phase, when new datasets are created
or existing datasets are updated. In our analysis, we
observe in the most cases when new information is
added to a portal then a new dataset is created.
The DataCollector solution, presented in this arti-
cle, aims to allow the cataloging and discovery of
datasets available in open data portals, providing a
single point of access for open datasets published in
heterogeneous portals. The solution presented en-
ables automatic extraction of detailed metadata about
the datasets and stores them in accordance with the
standard vocabulary for data modeling catalogs. It
also provides a set of procedures and mechanisms that
allows dataset search using either Web graphic inter-
faces, as well as remote access mechanisms, such as
Web Services, enabling the building of applications
for recovery and automatic data processing.
A first evaluation was conducted by cataloging 14
Brazilian open data portals, covering a total of 29,540
datasets. Preliminary results indicate the DataCollec-
tor offers a friendly interface and a robust solution
for cataloging and dataset access. Based on the ser-
vices offered by the the DataCollector, we could cre-
ate a single point access to distributed brazilian open
government datasets, helping the identification of re-
lationships between datasets as well as the dataset
search. We could perform several analysis on these
datasets and we found out several interesting infor-
mation about the brazilian OGD scenario.
The DataCollector is still under development and
new features may be incorporated. As future works,
we intend to improve the analysis support offered
by the DataCollector with the implementation of a
support decision module that allows the creation of
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) reports and
offers dashboard panels for data visualization and
data analysis. We also plan to improve the analysis
with the inclusion of analysis based on the datasets
schemas as well as on the data itself in order to eval-
uate aspects like data sparseness.
This work was partially supported by the Brazilian
funding agency FACEPE (Fundac¸
ao de Amparo
encia e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco) un-
der grant APQ-1088-1.03/15. The authors are in-
debted to the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support
and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) and
National Committee of Technological and Scientific
Development (CNPq), for the scholarship of Marcelo
Iury and Lairson Emanoel.
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Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs