Table 4: Average current consumption of the different part
of the REC Heart Activity sensor.
Module Average current
Device base 1.83 mA
Radio module 0.82 mA
Analog Front-end 2.44 mA
Analog to digital conversion 0.25 mA
Hardware HR measurement 0.14 mA
Software HRV calculation 0.02 mA
Total 5.5 mA
every two days during a short period when the de-
vice is not used (for example it can be done during
the daily time spent in the bathroom, where the de-
vice has to be removed).
On the other hand, the results show that a impor-
tant contribution to the actual current consumption is
due to analog front end which is composed of the in-
tegrated amplifiers for the differential amplification as
well as the RLD circuit. This could be reduced by us-
ing existing discrete components which are optimized
for low-power applications and then extends further
the autonomy of the device with equal signal quality.
In conclusion, regarding the hardware HR mea-
surement and HRV calculation methods, the evalua-
tion has validated the advantage of combining avail-
able PLDs for real-time detection and measurement
of HR with an optimized method for the calculation
of short term HRV parameters, both in time and fre-
quency domains, directly on the embedded system.
The objective of this study was to evaluate possibil-
ities of taking advantage of a programmable system-
on-chip in order to combine optimized methods for
a complete, real-time monitoring and analysis of car-
diac activity directly on a wearable sensor. This was
done by using a PSoC5 LP, which combines :
• Integrated, programmable analog components,
which were used to build the analog ECG front-
• Integrated digital filter components for a hardware
R-peak detection and RR-interval measurement;
• 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 micro-controller unit
for an embedded calculation of time-domain and
frequency-domain HRV parameters.
The main advantage of using a PSoC5 LP was to
have the entire ECG process, HR and HRV calcula-
tions fully integrated in a small, single chip. The Pan
and Tompkins’ method for R-peak detection was im-
plemented as a non-linear filter to benefits from the
ultra-low power digital filter block, combined with a
local maximum detector using a dynamic threshold
for robust detection. The Press and Rybicki’s fast
algorithm for spectral analysis was adapted to pro-
vide a better estimation of PSD by the use of method
dedicated to unvenly sampled data rather than FFTs,
with fast enough calculation time compared to the
original implementation of the Lomb-Scargle peri-
odogram. A future optimization could be the use of a
dedicated analog front-end rather than the integrated
programmable-gain amplifiers which get higher cur-
rent consumption than commercially available dis-
crete components or ECG amplifiers.
However the REC Heart Activity sensor is already
proposed as solution for a better real-time assessment
of cardiac activity by providing not only HR mea-
surement but also both time-domain and frequency-
domain HRV parameters, calculated according to in-
ternational standards for HRV analysis.
Moreover this device can be used within a wire-
less body sensor network, together with the sensors
designed in the frame of the RECAMED project, as
well as a software platform on smartphone for col-
lecting, storing, and passing on data securely. This
WBSN is proposed as a solution for the increasing
clinical need of automated collection of health data
from multiple patients, both inside and outside of a
medical environment (hospital or nursing home).
The REC Heart Activity sensor is developed in the
frame of the RECAMED project, funded by the
BQR’s program at INSA Lyon.
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Mixed Hardware and Software Embedded Signal Processing Methods for in-situ Analysis of Cardiac Activity