Improving Emergency Vehicle Routing with Additional Road
Danny Brady
and Byungkyu Brian Park
Data Science Insitute, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, U.S.A.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, U.S.A.
Keywords: Emergency Vehicle Routing, Shortest Path, Dijkstra Algorithm, Road Features.
Abstract: Routing decisions affect everybody traveling on the roadways, but perhaps those decisions are never more
important than for emergency responders. In a field where seconds count, getting lost or taking a sub-optimal
route can mean the difference between life and death. Routing methods have advanced from hand drawn maps
to smart phones with dynamic routing using GPS, and new data science methods can improve it further. This
paper employs a modification to a common routing algorithm to improve route decision for emergency
responders. By considering roadway geometry and connected vehicle technologies that simple routing
algorithms ignore, Dijkstra’s algorithm was able to be customized specifically for emergency response. The
lane count, intersection control devices, and median construction were three additional elements of data
incorporated into the modified model. Through a case study of an area of Albemarle County, Virginia, USA
and discussion with domain experts, this paper demonstrates the feasibility and potential benefits of using
such an algorithm to improve routing decisions for emergency responders.
Emergency vehicle response technology has not been
changed significantly over the last decade. Ten years
ago, the fire service used paper map books to look up
addresses, and then it was up to the individual
responding to figure out the best route to the
emergency incident. Today it is not much different,
except that an address is typed in to software on a
laptop which shows the location on a map on the
computer. Firefighters are required to use their best
discretion, local area knowledge and a bit of
guesswork to determine how best to get to an
incident. With the current level of mobile computing
power, we propose that its capabilities should be
harnessed to aid in determining the best driving route
to emergency incidents.
There are numerous routing systems available to
the average consumer, from built-in vehicle
navigation to small dash-mounted units and personal
smart phones. While these systems are useful in
aiding transportation, there is additional information
that these systems do not take into account that could
prove extremely valuable to emergency vehicle
operators. These additional features allow the
creation of a routing system specifically tailored to
emergency vehicle response which should aid the in
the speed and safety of their travel. This paper
proposed to utilize additional features on the
transportation network such as the number of lanes,
intersection control devices, and median
construction, and to demonstrate the proposed
shortest path finding algorithm modified from
Dijkstra’s algorithm is suitable for emergency vehicle
route guidance.
Standard route guidance systems use a relatively
small number of features for their road network.
Simple systems have information on link length and
speeds, and their connections to other links. Since
road geometry data is not easily accessible or accurate
for freely online, we use tools like Google Maps to
create an accurate representation of the road network
served by Albemarle County’s Seminole Trail Fire
Station, in Virginia, USA. The novelty of this system
is the various other road geometry features and
Connected Vehicle technologies taken into account
than simple systems are capable of analyzing.
Brady, D. and Park, B.
Improving Emergency Vehicle Routing with Additional Road Features.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2016), pages 187-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-185-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Included are features such as road medians that other
vehicles can use to move out of the way and
intersection pre-emption systems. Details of the road
network used are in the Custom Road Network
The route guidance algorithm was implemented
using a Python program and Javascript was used for
visualizations. Dijkstra’s algorithm, published in
1959, is a standard way to find the shortest distance
on a graph. It utilizes a link weighting that determines
the shortest “distance”, and if that weight is simply
the distance between road intersections the true
shortest distance route can be found. However, we
have created a novel weighting, or cost, by using the
additional road network features so that the route
chosen is not necessarily the shortest distance, but the
most efficient for emergency vehicles. In order to
determine how these additional features should affect
the costs, we have used our first-hand knowledge of
emergency responses as well as other domain experts
in the area.
2.1 Algorithm Implementation
For the route guidance system, Dijkstra’s algorithm
was implemented into a Python code developed in
this paper. The algorithm was originally created to
find the shortest number of nodes between two points
on a graph, but has been modified to consider the
“cost” of each leg. This modification is key, because
it allows the algorithm to optimize the path for
various factors, not only distance. The algorithm
reads in the road network data developed in this paper
as described in the Custom Road Network section,
and uses any cost functions, also implemented in
Python. The algorithm can be seen in the Python
Code section in Appendices, and the use of cost
functions is discussed in more depth in the Cost
Functions section.
2.2 Configuration
A vital step in the creation of a model or simulation is
configuration. Configuration is the process of testing
and adjusting a model to make it to match real world
scenarios. To initially configure the algorithm and
road network, a cost function that only used distances
and road speeds was employed. When used in
conjunction with Dijkstra’s algorithm, this network
yields results that mimic any other standard route
guidance system. We tested several routes and was
able to confirm that the routes generated using this
simple cost function were typical shortest routes.
2.3 Road Network Visualization
Another important aspect of model creation is the use
of visualizations. When creating a custom road
network, a method to check for errors is to create a
map. We tested this using the road network data we
developed in this paper along with a simple webpage
we created. The result is a map of the major roads in
Albemarle County around the 29 North corridor. An
open source javascript library called D3.js was used
to layout our map as shown in Figure 1.
The lengths of each link represent the actual
length between the indicated intersections. The color
of each intersection represents the type of intersection
control device there, either a stop sign (orange), a
traffic light (light blue), or a traffic light with
emergency vehicle pre-emption technology (dark
blue). The thickness of each link also becomes greater
as the speed limit increases. Using this map to help
configure our network was very useful, as it is easy to
see prominent area features. For example, the lines
are thickest on 29, which has a speed limit of 45 mph.
Those intersections also have traffic light pre-
emption, while the smaller streets located in
neighborhoods tend to have stop signs.
Figure 1: Roadway Network in Albemarle County.
2.4 Custom Road Network
There are is no open-source road network information
available that is adequate for this paper. While there
are freely available collections of road network data,
they are currently not well suited for use in route
guidance. It was determined that it would be
satisfactory for the purposes of this paper to create
custom road network data. Maps of the 29 North
corridor were used as a base to determine which roads
to include in the custom network. Smaller roads,
especially dead ends are excluded because no matter
the route taken to get to the smaller road, there is
typically only one route to the final destination from
VEHITS 2016 - International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
there. This has the added benefit of keeping the
network simpler and needing less custom data.
The road network data was stored using
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). It contains two
main sections, the intersections and the roads of the
network. Figure 2 shows examples from the actual
network and the format used. The network contains
all of the standard routing information including
names of roads, their connections, their lengths in feet
and their speed limits. Google maps distance
measuring tool and street view were vital in gathering
this information.
{"name":"29 @ Rio
Rd", "speed":45, "distance":2400,
Figure 2: Road Network Structure.
Additional features were required in order to improve
route guidance for the specific use case of emergency
responses. These features play a role in emergency
response while not being very important for a typical
driver. Information on the intersection control device,
the number of total lanes on a link, as well as the
median construction were added. The intersection
control device was labeled as either a stop sign, traffic
signal, or a pre-emption signal. Emergency vehicles
could be equipped with Connected Vehicle
technology that signals the infrastructure to change
the light to green in the direction of their approach.
These devices are general only installed on major
roads as they can be costly to install and maintain, and
hold less value on smaller roads with less vehicle
The number of lanes does not normally play a role
in routing for typical vehicles but is important for
emergency vehicles. When an emergency vehicle is
approaching, other drivers must move out of the way
as quickly and carefully as possible. A road with eight
lanes, such as Route 29, has more area for the vehicles
to move to than a two lane road. It is therefore
preferable for an emergency vehicle to travel on roads
with more lanes if possible. Similarly, soft medians
allow for other drivers to move out of the way even
on a smaller road. This again is preferable to hard or
non-existent medians that would involve a vehicle
driving up over a curb of some kind.
2.5 Cost Functions
The first cost function created calibrated the route
guidance system using the road’s length to calculating
a route’s cost. This results in the true shortest path,
but is more simplified than standard commercial route
guidance algorithms. Using this cost function, we
were able to quickly confirm that the code developed
in this paper was working properly and that
configuration was completed.
The second cost function implemented was one
used in a commercial route guidance system. This
implementation not only uses the road length, but
weights it using the speed limit. This function should
give the path with the shortest travel time under
normal conditions. Some of the newer and more
advanced software, such as Google Maps Directions
and Waze, even account for current traffic conditions.
The last and most important cost function created
was to optimize emergency vehicle response. This
function builds off of the shortest travel time route,
and adds additional factors for analysis. This function
was modified by adding weighting factors based on
each road’s and intersection’s unique features. In
order to determine appropriate weight factors, and to
assess practical implementation, this model was used
in a case study of Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire
Department (STVFD) response area. Domain experts
from STVFD along with some trial and error were
used to create these factors.
Albemarle County and the city of Charlottesville
provide an interesting area for this case study. There
are various types of roads and intersections with a mix
of features and technologies ranging from small two-
lane rural highways such as Barracks Road to huge
intersections like Rio Rd at Route 29 with a total of
24 lane approaches. This variety provides a unique
road network to test differences between standard and
improved routing algorithms. In order to customize
the proposed approach to Albemarle County, we
spoke with several domain experts from Seminole
Trail Volunteer Fire Department (STVFD) that all
drive emergency vehicles on a regular basis. Their
insight was vital to coming up with the extra road
features considered most important for emergency
responses. These experts described number of lanes,
type of control device, and median construction as the
Improving Emergency Vehicle Routing with Additional Road Features
most important factors. The overwhelming consensus
was that the number of lanes is the most important
factor. To take this into account, the cost function
divides the cost of a link by the number of lanes,
indicating that a 4 lane road is twice as preferable to
a 2 lane road when everything else is equal.
In Albemarle County, the fire engines and
ambulances are equipped with a device called an
“Opticom.” These are lights mounted on the front of
each vehicle that flash in a specific pattern or
frequency, and that light is picked up by receivers
mounted on or near several traffic signals on the most
major roadways. These work with actuated signal
controls to turn the proper approach green before the
emergency vehicle arrives, leading to much easier
traversal of the intersection by allowing for other
vehicles to move through the intersection more easily
than if the light was red.
When a route contained an intersection with a
signal equipped with this technology, the cost of the
link is lowered by 40%, a smaller amount than the
lane count. Intersections with standard traffic signals
were also reduced, but only by 20%. These
intersections have green traffic lights some of the
time when an emergency vehicle is approaching
without pre-emption, so they are still preferable to a
stop sign intersection. Since emergency vehicles
should always stop at stop sign intersections until
clear to proceed, these intersections received no cost
The least important factor is the median
construction. From experience driving fire trucks, the
average driver tends to attempt to move out of the way
to the right, and not the left, completely ignoring the
median. Still, if there is a soft median or even a two-
way left turn lane in the middle of the road, it is
typically better than a hard median or no median at
all. If other vehicles try to move to the right as far as
they can but there is no shoulder, these soft medians
can be used by the emergency vehicle to get around
more easily. The median construction type received
the smallest cost adjustment in this system. The
domain experts agreed that the least preferable type
of median was a hard median, because even though
most emergency vehicles could drive up over a curb,
it generally is not done and could damage the vehicle.
Hard medians received no cost reduction in this
system. On many roads like two lane rural highways
or smaller city roads, there is no median between the
travel lanes, which was the second best option,
receiving a cost reduction of 10%. While an
emergency vehicle does not have to drive over a curb,
they would have to enter an oncoming traffic lane
which can be dangerous when done improperly. The
best median construction was a soft median or two-
way turn lane in the middle, because they provide
plenty of additional space to move around other
vehicles, and thus this type received the greatest cost
reduction of 20%.
Figure 3: Demonstration of the proposed approach.
After coming up with the adjustment factors, we were
able to demonstrate the proposed route guidance
system to the experts by comparing the standard
shortest distance algorithm to the proposed
emergency route guidance system. As expected,
several routes were the same with either method. This
was the case when there was only one obvious route,
such as from Route 29 and Hydraulic Road to East
Rio Road and Albemarle Square. However, we were
able to find multiple destinations that led to different
routes being suggested. One example of this, as
shown in Figure 3, was when determining the optimal
route from STVFD on Berkmar Dr., between Route
29 and West Rio Road, to Carrsbrook Drive and
Huntington Road. The shortest distance model
suggests taking Northfield Rd. from East Rio Rd. for
a distance of 2.4 miles. That route has several traffic
lights and only one with the pre-emption technology,
while the route the proposed approach suggests
traveling north on Route 29 to Carrsbrook Road is
longer at 2.7 miles, but has larger roads, a faster speed
limit, and several lights with the pre-emption
technology installed. This is the same route the
experts regularly take instead of the shortest distance
This paper proposed and demonstrated a route
guidance approach for emergency vehicles. A Python
based emergency vehicle route guidance algorithm
code was developed and a JavaScript Object Notation
VEHITS 2016 - International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
(JSON) was used to visualize the network used in this
paper. It is noted that the Python code and JSON can
be used with any network and cost functions as
deemed by emergency vehicle domain experts.
While we could have applied recent advanced
route guidance algorithms such as A* algorithm
(Zeng and Church, 2009), dynamic traffic
assignment-based guidance (Lee and Park, 2008),
reliable route guidance (Nie et al., 2012), the main
purpose of this paper was to demonstrate emergency
vehicle route guidance by utilizing additional road
features. Future research should consider
implementing these advanced algorithms as well as
generalized cost function instead of simple weighted
average used in this paper.
In addition, technology is constantly making
advances, and the field of traffic operations is no
different. Emergency responders, and the fire service
in particular, tend to hold onto tradition sometimes to
their own detriment. There is technology available
that, if adopted, could improve the efficiency of their
responses with very little cost. With even relatively
few additional pieces of information about the road
network in an area, routing can be greatly improved.
For a field in which seconds matter, personnel should
strive for small improvements that could have a large
impact, such as this incremental improvement over
standard routing algorithms to improve speed and
safety in responding to emergencies.
This research was in part supported by the Global
Research Laboratory Program through the NRF
funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future
Planning (2013K1A1A2A02078326). We are
grateful for anonymous reviewers for their invaluable
Bray, Tim. "JSON Redux AKA RFC7159". Ongoing.
Retrieved 25 November 2015.
Data-Driven Documents. n.d. from
Dijkstra, E. W. (1959). "A note on two problems in
connexion with graphs". Numerische Mathematik 1:
269–271. doi:10.1007/BF01386390.
Google Maps. n.d. from
Lee, J., Park, B., 2008. Evaluation of Route Guidance
Strategies Based on Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration
Under Incident Conditions. Transportation Research
Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
2086, 107–114.
Nie, Y., Wu, X., Dillenburg, J.F., Nelson, P.C., 2012.
Reliable route guidance: A case study from Chicago.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
46, 403–419.
Zeng, W., Church, R.L., 2009. Finding shortest paths on
real road networks: the case for A*. International
Journal of Geographical Information Science 23, 531–
1 Python Code
__author__ = 'Danny Brady & B. Brian Park'
import json
onSignal'] = 0.6
def Dijkstra(graph, source, costFunction):
unvisited_intersections = []
dist = {}
prev = {}
dist[source] = 0
for v in graph['intersections']:
n = v['name']
if n != source:
dist[n] = float("inf")
prev[n] = None
while len(unvisited_intersections) > 0:
u = None
current_shotest_distance = float('inf')
for i in unvisited_intersections:
if dist[i['name']] < current_shotest_distance:
u = i
current_shotest_distance = dist[i['name']]
for neighbor_of_u in [road for road in graph['roads'] if
road['source'] == u['name'] or road['target'] == u['name']]:
neighbor_name = neighbor_of_u['target'] if
neighbor_of_u['target'] != u['name'] else neighbor_of_u['source']
neighbor = intersectionFromName(neighbor_name,
alt = dist[u['name']] + costFunction(u['name'],
Improving Emergency Vehicle Routing with Additional Road Features
neighbor['name'], graph)
if alt < dist[neighbor['name']]:
dist[neighbor['name']] = alt
prev[neighbor['name']] = u
return (dist, prev)
def intersectionFromName(name, graph):
return [i for i in graph['intersections'] if i['name'] ==
### Cost Functions ###
def linkCostDistance(source, destination, graph):
partial = [road for road in graph['roads'] if road['source']
== source or road['target'] == source]
link = [road for road in partial if road['source'] ==
destination or road['target'] == destination][0]
return float(link['distance'])
def linkCostSpeedWeighted(source, destination, graph):
partial = [road for road in graph['roads'] if road['source']
== source or road['target'] == source]
link = [road for road in partial if road['source'] ==
destination or road['target'] == destination][0]
return float(link['distance']) / float(link['speed'])
def linkCostEmergency(source, destination, graph):
partial = [road for road in graph['roads'] if road['source']
== source or road['target'] == source]
link = [road for road in partial if road['source'] ==
destination or road['target'] == destination][0]
cost = float(link['distance']) / float(link['speed']) * (8 /
float(link['lanes'])) *
source_intersection = intersectionFromName(source,
destination_intersection =
intersectionFromName(destination, graph)
cost = cost *
ction['controlType']] * \
return cost
if __name__ == "__main__":
g = None
with open("RoadNetwork.json") as json_file:
g = json.load(json_file)
#dist, prev = Dijkstra(g, "Station 8", linkCostDistance)
#dist, prev = Dijkstra(g, "Station 8",
dist, prev = Dijkstra(g, "Station 8", linkCostEmergency)
dest_intersection = "Greenbrier Dr @ Whitewood Rd"
#dest_intersection = "Berkmar Dr @ Hilton Heights Rd"
path = []
path.append(intersectionFromName(dest_intersection, g))
while dest_intersection != "Station 8":
p = prev[dest_intersection]
dest_intersection = p['name']
for p in path:
print p
2 Complete Road Network Data
{"name":"29 @ Rio Rd
{"name":"Berkmar Dr @ Rio Rd
{"name":"29 @ Albemarle
{"name":"29 @ Woodbrook
{"name":"29 @ Gander
{"name":"29 @ Hilton Heights
{"name":"29 @ Polo Grounds
{"name":"Four Seasons Dr @ Rio Rd
{"name":"Four Seasons Dr @ Commonwealth
{"name":"Commonwealth Dr @ Westfield
{"name":"Commonwealth Dr @ Greenbrier
{"name":"Earlysville Rd @ Rio Rd
{"name":"Hydraulic Rd @ Whitewood
{"name":"Greenbrier Dr @ Whitewood
{"name":"Hydraulic Rd @ Georgetown
{"name":"Barracks Rd @ Georgetown
{"name":"Hydraulic Rd @ Commonwealth
{"name":"Hydraulic Rd @ District
{"name":"29 @ Hydraulic
{"name":"29 @ Fashion Square
{"name":"29 @ Twentyninth Place
{"name":"29 @ Branchlands
VEHITS 2016 - International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
{"name":"29 @ Greenbrier
{"name":"29 @ Seminol
{"name":"Berkmar Dr @ Woodbrook
{"name":"Berkmar Dr @ Hilton Heights
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Albemarle
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Old Brook
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Hillsdale
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Huntington
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Greenbrier
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Meadowcreek
{"name":"Rio Rd E @ Melbourne
{"name":"Station 8","controlType":"stop"},
{"name":"29 @ Carrsbrook
{"name":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Old Brook
{"name":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Hillsdale
{"name":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Huntington
{"name":"Meadowcreek Parkway @
Melbourne Rd","controlType":"stop"},
{"name":"Branchlands Blvd @ Hillsdale
{"name":"Hillsdale Dr @ Greenbrier
{"name":"29 @ Berkmar
{"source":"29 @ Hilton Heights Rd",
"target":"29 @ Polo Grounds Rd", "speed":45,
"distance":2400, "lanes":8, "median":"hard"},
{"source":"29 @ Hilton Heights Rd",
"target":"29 @ Carrsbrook Dr", "speed":45,
"distance":1465, "lanes":8, "median":"hard"},
{"source":"29 @ Gander Dr", "target":"29 @
Carrsbrook Dr", "speed":45, "distance":610, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Woodbrook Dr", "target":"29
@ Gander Dr", "speed":45, "distance":1650, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Woodbrook Dr", "target":"29
@ Albemarle Sq", "speed":45, "distance":1685, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Rio Rd W", "target":"29 @
Albemarle Sq", "speed":45, "distance":685, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Rio Rd W", "target":"29 @
Fashion Square Dr", "speed":45, "distance":980, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Berkmar Dr", "target":"29 @
Fashion Square Dr", "speed":45, "distance":520, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Berkmar Dr", "target":"29 @
Twentyninth Place Ct", "speed":45, "distance":750,
"lanes":8, "median":"hard"},
{"source":"29 @ Twentyninth Place Ct",
"target":"29 @ Branchlands Blvd", "speed":45,
"distance":1210, "lanes":8, "median":"hard"},
{"source":"29 @ Greenbrier Dr", "target":"29
@ Branchlands Blvd", "speed":45, "distance":1750,
"lanes":8, "median":"hard"},
{"source":"29 @ Greenbrier Dr", "target":"29
@ Seminol Ct", "speed":45, "distance":1910, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Hydraulic Rd", "target":"29
@ Seminol Ct", "speed":45, "distance":1680, "lanes":8,
{"source":"29 @ Rio Rd W",
"target":"Berkmar Dr @ Rio Rd W", "speed":35,
"distance":1485, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Four Seasons Dr @ Rio Rd W",
"target":"Berkmar Dr @ Rio Rd W", "speed":35,
"distance":3255, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Four Seasons Dr @ Rio Rd W",
"target":"Earlysville Rd @ Rio Rd W", "speed":35,
"distance":1260, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Hydraulic Rd @ Whitewood Rd",
"target":"Earlysville Rd @ Rio Rd W", "speed":35,
"distance":3455, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Hydraulic Rd @ Whitewood Rd",
"target":"Hydraulic Rd @ Georgetown Rd", "speed":35,
"distance":1620, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Barracks Rd @ Georgetown Rd",
"target":"Hydraulic Rd @ Georgetown Rd", "speed":35,
"distance":4525, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Hydraulic Rd @ Commonwealth
Dr", "target":"Hydraulic Rd @ Georgetown Rd",
"speed":35, "distance":1815, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Hydraulic Rd @ Commonwealth
Dr", "target":"Hydraulic Rd @ District Ave", "speed":35,
"distance":950, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Hydraulic Rd @ Commonwealth
Dr", "target":"Commonwealth Dr @ Greenbrier Dr",
"speed":35, "distance":3165, "lanes":2, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"29 @ Hydraulic Rd",
"target":"Hydraulic Rd @ District Ave", "speed":35,
"distance":1185, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Berkmar Dr @ Rio Rd W",
"target":"Station 8", "speed":35, "distance":880, "lanes":2,
Improving Emergency Vehicle Routing with Additional Road Features
{"source":"Station 8", "target":"29 @ Berkmar
Dr", "speed":35, "distance":1920, "lanes":2,
{"source":"Berkmar Dr @ Rio Rd W",
"target":"Berkmar Dr @ Woodbrook Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":2180, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Berkmar Dr @ Hilton Heights Rd",
"target":"Berkmar Dr @ Woodbrook Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":3660, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"29 @ Rio Rd W", "target":"Rio Rd
E @ Albemarle Square", "speed":35, "distance":835,
"lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Old Brook Rd",
"target":"Rio Rd E @ Albemarle Square", "speed":35,
"distance":2400, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Old Brook Rd",
"target":"Rio Rd E @ Hillsdale Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":210, "lanes":4, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Huntington Rd",
"target":"Rio Rd E @ Hillsdale Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":2095, "lanes":4, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Huntington Rd",
"target":"Rio Rd E @ Greenbrier Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":670, "lanes":4, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Greenbrier Dr",
"target":"Rio Rd E @ Meadowcreek Parkway",
"speed":35, "distance":2475, "lanes":4, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Meadowcreek
Parkway", "target":"Rio Rd E @ Melbourne Rd",
"speed":35, "distance":7180, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Meadowcreek
Parkway", "target":"Meadowcreek Parkway @ Melbourne
Rd", "speed":35, "distance":5330, "lanes":2,
{"source":"29 @ Greenbrier Dr",
"target":"Hillsdale Dr @ Greenbrier Dr", "speed":25,
"distance":1215, "lanes":2, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"Branchlands Blvd @ Hillsdale Dr",
"target":"Hillsdale Dr @ Greenbrier Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":1635, "lanes":2, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"Branchlands Blvd @ Hillsdale Dr",
"target":"Rio Rd E @ Hillsdale Dr", "speed":35,
"distance":3335, "lanes":2, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"29 @ Carrsbrook Dr",
"target":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Old Brook Rd", "speed":25,
"distance":5095, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Hillsdale Dr",
"target":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Old Brook Rd", "speed":25,
"distance":1055, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Hillsdale Dr",
"target":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Huntington Rd", "speed":25,
"distance":555, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Old Brook Rd",
"target":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Old Brook Rd", "speed":30,
"distance":6285, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Hillsdale Dr",
"target":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Hillsdale Dr", "speed":30,
"distance":6020, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Rio Rd E @ Huntington Rd",
"target":"Carrsbrook Dr @ Huntington Rd", "speed":30,
"distance":7285, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Commonwealth Dr @ Westfield
Rd", "target":"Commonwealth Dr @ Greenbrier Dr",
"speed":25, "distance":1055, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Commonwealth Dr @ Westfield
Rd", "target":"Four Seasons Dr @ Commonwealth Dr",
"speed":25, "distance":1545, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Four Seasons Dr @ Rio Rd W",
"target":"Four Seasons Dr @ Commonwealth Dr",
"speed":25, "distance":3515, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Greenbrier Dr @ Whitewood Rd",
"target":"Hydraulic Rd @ Whitewood Rd", "speed":25,
"distance":2370, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"Greenbrier Dr @ Whitewood Rd",
"target":"Commonwealth Dr @ Greenbrier Dr",
"speed":25, "distance":510, "lanes":2, "median":"no"},
{"source":"29 @ Greenbrier Dr",
"target":"Commonwealth Dr @ Greenbrier Dr",
"speed":25, "distance":1725, "lanes":2, "median":"soft"},
{"source":"29 @ Woodbrook Dr",
"target":"Berkmar Dr @ Woodbrook Dr", "speed":25,
"distance":1390, "lanes":4, "median":"hard"},
{"source":"29 @ Hilton Heights Rd",
"target":"Berkmar Dr @ Hilton Heights Rd", "speed":25,
"distance":1070, "lanes":4, "median":"hard"}
VEHITS 2016 - International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems