of the sensing data, e.g., waves of electrocardiogram,
for the compression and sending mechanism. We be-
lieve that such data-driven methods can realize more
efficient communication protocol for the telecare ser-
In this paper, we focus on the technical issues of
the connection management of the model and do not
discuss security issues. Providing a telecare service
based on the client-server model, a lot of standard
security techniques for managing a Web server, e.g.,
SSL, can be also used. Providing a telecare service
based on the peer-to-peer model, however, there is no
standard way to securely manage the service system.
Designing a secure peer-to-peer telecare service for
practical use will be one of our future work.
We have described a peer-to-peer communication
model of a telecare service. The peer-to-peer tele-
care service model consists of a mobile physiologi-
cal sensor, two smartphones, and a connection man-
agement server. It enables users, such as elderly per-
sons and their caregivers, to share the telecare infor-
mation, such as electrocardiographic data, without us-
ing a central data server of the server-client model.
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munication infrastructure, we have proposed a com-
munication protocol based on a NAT-traversal tech-
nique and implemented the protocol with a compres-
sion mechanism for preventing packet loss. We have
confirmed that the prototype system works well on the
network environments that include the 4G and private
This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI
Grant Number 26330125.
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Towards a Peer-to-Peer Communication Model for Mobile Telecare Services