Model-based Learning Assessment Management
Antonello Calabr
, Francesca Lonetti
, Eda Marchetti
, Sarah Zribi
and Tom Jorquera
Linagora, 75 route de revel, 31400 Toulouse, France
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo”, CNR, Pisa, Italy
Model-based Learning, Simulation, Monitoring, Business Process.
Model-based simulation and monitoring are becoming part of advanced learning environments. In this paper,
we propose a model-based simulation and monitoring framework for management of learning assessment and
we describe its architecture and main functionalities. The proposed framework allows user-friendly learning
simulation with a strong support for collaboration and social interactions. Moreover, it monitors the learners’
behavior during simulation execution and it is able to compute the learning scores useful for the learner knowl-
edge assessment. The preliminary experimental feedback of the evaluation of the simulation and monitoring
framework inside a real environment is also reported.
Nowadays simulation and monitoring activities are
not a novelty and their application, in conjunction or
separately, can be experienced and proven in the most
different contexts: from the medical to the avionic,
from the banking to the automotive and so on. Inde-
pendently by the context, usually simulation attempts
to mimic real-life or hypothetical behavior to see how
processes, systems or hardware devices can be im-
proved and to predict their performance under dif-
ferent circumstances. Commonly, monitoring focuses
on data collection and supervision of activities during
the real-life execution of a process, systems or hard-
ware components to ensure they are on-course and on-
schedule in meeting the objectives and performance
targets. Currently, inside the software engineering
area simulation and monitoring activities are moving
towards the use of Business Process Modeling Nota-
tion (BPMN) (Brocke and Rosemann, 2014) mainly
due to the possibility to provide accepted and con-
cise definitions and taxonomies, and develop an exe-
cutable framework for overall managing of the pro-
cess itself. Indeed Business Process modeling lets
the use of methods, techniques, and tools to sup-
port the design, enactment and analysis of the busi-
ness process and to provide an excellent basis for
simulation and monitoring purposes. Examples can
be found in different environments such for instance
the clinical one, for assessing and managing the pa-
tient treatment, the financial sector for verifying and
checking the bank processes, or the learning context,
for guiding and assessing the training activity. In all
these application contexts, a key role is played by the
data collected during the business process execution
or simulation, which lets the possibility of reasoning
about and/or improving the overall performance of the
business process itself. Considering in particular the
learning context commonly Business Process (BP)
simulation and monitoring enhance student’s learning
and problem-solving so to improve their knowledge.
Thus, these two activities are becoming a foundation
for improving the learners’s skill, enhancing teaching
performance and providing a comprehensive frame-
work. Indeed different conceptual and mathematical
models have been proposed for model-based learn-
ing and several type of simulations, including discrete
event and continuous process simulations have been
considered (Blumschein et al., 2009). However, the
main challenges of existing learning simulation and
monitoring proposals are about collaborative simula-
tion, gamification and the derived learning benefits. In
particular, gamification is becoming one of the main
challenges in the simulation activity, that can be in-
corporated with the aim of using game-based mecha-
nisms and game thinking to engage, motivate action,
promote learning and solve problems (Kapp, 2012).
Moreover, rewarding strategies are encouraged in or-
der to stimulate intrinsic motivations within the mem-
bers of a community.
In this paper, we address model-based learning fo-
cusing on BPMN and we present a simulation and
monitoring framework able to support collaboration
and social interactions, as well as process visualiza-
tion, monitoring and learning assessment. The pro-
posed approach can be compared to a collaborative
game where a team of players composed of one coach
and any number of learners work together in order to
Calabrò, A., Lonetti, F., Marchetti, E., Zribi, S. and Jorquera, T.
Model-based Learning Assessment Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0005846007430752
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), pages 743-752
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
achieve a common goal. The main objective is con-
sequently to provide an easy to use and user-friendly
environment for the learners in order to let them take
part of the process when their turn comes, assuming
different roles according to the content they have to
learn. The principal contribution of this paper is the
architecture of a framework for simulation and mon-
itoring of model-based learning able to provide feed-
back for evaluating the learner competency and the
collaborative learning activities.
The proposed simulation and monitoring frame-
work has been applied to a case study developed in-
side the Learn PAd project in the context of Marche
Region public administration and important feedback
and hints have been collected for the improvement of
framework itself over the Learn PAd project duration.
In the rest of the paper we first briefly introduce
some background concepts and related work (Section
2), then is Section 3 we present the main components
of the simulation and monitoring framework architec-
ture whereas in Section 4 we describe its main func-
tionalities. Finally, Section 5 shows the application of
proposed framework to a case study and conclusion
concludes the paper.
The proposal of a simulation and monitoring frame-
work for model-based learning originated in the con-
text of the Model-Based Social Learning for Pub-
lic Administrations (Learn PAd) European project
(LearnPAd, ) addressing the challenges set out in the
“ICT-2013.8.2 Technology-enhanced learning” work
programme. Learn PAd project envisions an inno-
vative holistic e-learning platform for Public Admin-
istrations (PAs) that enables process-driven learning
and fosters cooperation and knowledge sharing. The
main Learn PAd objectives include: i) a new concept
of model-based e-learning (both process and knowl-
edge); ii) an open and collaborative e-learning con-
tent management; iii) an automatic, learner-specific
and collaborative content quality assessment; and fi-
nally iv) an automatic model-driven simulation-based
learning and assessment. The developed Learn PAd
platform will support an informative learning ap-
proach based on enriched BP models, as well as a
procedural learning approach based on simulation and
monitoring that will allow users to learn by doing.
In learning context, BP simulation approaches are
very popular since learners prefer simulation exer-
cises to either lectures or discussions (Anderson and
Lawton, 2008). Simulations have been used to teach
procedural skills and for training of software appli-
cations and industrial control operations as well as
for learning domain specific concepts and knowledge,
such as business management strategies (Clark and
Mayer, 2011). Nowadays, more attention is given
to business process oriented analysis and simula-
tion (Jansen-Vullers and Netjes, 2006). Studies have
shown that the global purpose of these existing busi-
ness process simulation platforms is to evaluate BPs
and redesign them, whereas in the last years simula-
tion/gaming is establishing as a discipline (Crookall,
2010). However, these platforms present several
shortcomings regarding their applicability to a col-
laborative learning approach. Namely, no existing
platform regroups all of the main functionalities of
a learning simulation solution such as facilities for
providing a controlled and flexible simulated environ-
ment (for example allowing to switch between possi-
ble outcomes of a task, in order to explore the differ-
ent paths of a process), good visualization and moni-
toring of a process execution flow (in order both to as-
sist and evaluate the learners) (Crookall, 2010). The
main challenges of a learning simulation are about
collaborative simulation and the derived learning ben-
efits. To answer all of these concerns a new learning
simulation and monitoring framework is designed in
this paper, providing a flexible simulation framework
with a strong support for collaboration and social in-
teractions, as well as process visualization, monitor-
ing and learners assessment.
Concerning monitoring, existing works (Bertoli
et al., 2013) combine modeling and monitoring fa-
cilities of business process. PROMO (Bertoli et al.,
2013) allows to model, monitor and analyze business
process. It provides an editor for the definition of
interesting KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) to be
monitored as well as facilities for specifying aggre-
gation and monitoring rules. Our proposal is differ-
ent since it addresses a flexible, adaptable and dy-
namic monitoring infrastructure that is independent
from any specific business process modeling nota-
tion and execution engine. Other approaches (Maggi
et al., 2011) focus on monitoring business constraints
at runtime by means of temporal logic and colored
automata. They allow continuous compliance with re-
spect to predefined business process constraint model
and recovery after the first violation. Differently from
these approaches, the proposed solution does not al-
low to take counter measures for recovering from vio-
lation of defined performance constraints. Moreover,
in our solution these constraints are not specified in
the business process but they are dynamically defined
as monitoring proprieties that can be applied to differ-
ent business process notations. In the context of learn-
LMCO 2016 - Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations
ing, monitoring solutions can be used for providing
feedback on training sessions and allow KPI evalua-
tion. Some learning systems such as that in (Adesina
and Molloy, 2010) propose customized learning paths
that learners can follow according to their knowledge,
learning requirements or learning disability. Chang-
ing and management of learning pathways as well as
adaptation of learning material are made according to
the monitored data. However, contemporary Learn-
ing Content Management Systems (LCMS) provide
rather basic feedback and monitoring facilities about
the learning process, such as simple statistics on tech-
nology usage or low-level data on students activities
(e.g., page view). Some tools have been developed
for providing feedback on the learning tasks by the
analysis of the user tracking data and monitoring of
the simulation activity. The authors of (Ali et al.,
2012), for instance, propose LOCO-Analyst, an edu-
cational tool aimed at providing educators with feed-
back on the relevant aspects of the learning process
taking place in a web-based learning environment
such as the usage and the comprehensibility of the
learning content or contextualized social interactions
among students (i.e., social networking). The main
goal of these tools is to support educators for creat-
ing courses, viewing the feedback on those courses,
and modifying the courses accordingly. Differently
from these solutions, other proposals (Calabr
o et al.,
2015b; Calabr
o et al., 2015a) focus on model-based
learning and monitoring of business process execu-
tion. Specifically, (Calabr
o et al., 2015b) presents a
flexible and adaptable monitoring infrastructure for
business process execution and a critical comparison
of the proposed framework with closest related works
whereas (Calabr
o et al., 2015a) presents an integrated
framework that allows modeling, execution and anal-
ysis of business process based on a flexible and adapt-
able monitoring infrastructure. The main advantage
of this last solution is that it is independent from any
specific business process modeling notation and exe-
cution engine and allows for the definition and evalu-
ation of user-specific KPI measures. The monitoring
framework presented in this paper has been inspired
by the monitoring architecture presented in (Calabr
et al., 2015b; Calabr
o et al., 2015a). It includes new
components specifically devoted to the computation
of the evaluation scores useful for the learning assess-
In this section, we describe the high level architecture
of the proposed simulation and monitoring frame-
work, its main components, their purpose, the inter-
faces they expose, and how they interact with each
others. In particular, as depicted in Figure 1 each
component is exposed as a service and provides an
API as a unique point of access. Inside the Learn PAd
infrastructure, the proposed simulation framework in-
teracts with the Learn PAd components by means of
the Learn PAd Core Platform and specifically through
the Bridge and the Core Facade interfaces. Moreover,
in the Learn PAd vision two levels of learners have
been considered: the civil servant who is the stan-
dard learner, and the civil servant coordinator
who is a generalization of the civil servant who is in
charge to activate and manage a simulation session.
The simulation framework components are:
SimulationGUI: it is in charge of the interac-
tions between learners and simulator’s components.
It provides different features such as the possibility of
chatting, receiving notification, interacting with other
learners, reading and searching documents or links to
material useful during the simulation activity.
PersistenceLayer: it stores the status of the
simulation at each step (i.e. BP executed task)
in order to give to the civil servant the ability to
stop it and restart when needed. Its main sub-
components are: i) the Logger that is in charge
of storing time-stamped event data coming from
the simulation engine; ii) the BPStateStorage
that allows to store/retrieve/delete/update the state
of a given simulation associated to a BP; iii) the
TestDataRepository that collects the historical data
that relate to the simulations executions.
RobotFramework: it allows to simulate the be-
havior of civil servants by means of robots. The
Robots are implemented on the basis of the availabil-
ity of historical data, i.e. the data saved in the Test-
DataRepository during a previous simulation session
and provided by an expert who takes the role of the
civil servant.
SimulationEngine: this is the core component
of the simulation framework. It enacts business pro-
cesses and links activities with corresponding civil
servants or robots.
Monitoring: it collects the events occurred during
the simulation and infers rules related to the business
process execution.
Communication Middleware: it provides event-
based communication facilities between the simula-
Model-based Learning Assessment Management
Figure 1: Simulation Framework Architecture.
Figure 2: Monitoring Framework Architecture.
tion components according to the publish/subscribe
UserFacade: it is in charge of encapsulating real
or simulated civil servants (i.e. robots) in order to
make the learner interaction transparent to the other
components of the architecture.
In the following more details about the simulation
engine and monitor components are provided. More
details about the simulation and monitoring design are
in (Zribi et al., 2016a).
3.1 Simulation Engine
Simulation engine takes in charge the simulation of a
given business process instance. It takes the form of
an orchestration engine that invokes treatments asso-
ciated to each activity of the current process. Such
workflow may involve multiple civil servants taking
different roles that may be present or not. For those
that are not available, robots are used in order to
mimic their behavior. A simulation manager is pro-
vided in order to manage BP lifecycle according to
the current context (create, stop, resume, kill, etc.).
Business processes are made of two kinds of activ-
LMCO 2016 - Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations
ities: i) Human activities involve civil servants who
should provide information in order to complete the
task. The concept of human activity is used to spec-
ify work which has to be accomplished by people; ii)
Mocked activities involve robots to compute the treat-
ment associated to the activity. When the simulation
engine invokes a human activity the corresponding
civil servant is asked to provide input through a form.
Those forms are managed by a form engine that dele-
gates task to a robot if necessary. All the state infor-
mation necessary to restart a specific simulation are
stored “on the fly”. The civil servant may decide to
freeze a running simulation, to store it, to backtrack
to a previous stored state and to logout. He/she will
be able to resume it later.
Business Process orchestrator takes in charge the
step by step execution of a given BP instance. Such
BP instance is made of a BPMN description enriched
with necessary run-time information such as end-
points of software applications mocks, user id, etc.
The BP engine is connected with the Forms Engine in
order to take in charge users and robots input/output.
In this paper we rely on Activiti (act, 2015) as busi-
ness process execution engine. In order to collect
inputs from learners during a simulation session, a
form engine has been defined so to design and run
the proper corresponding forms. Forms Engine allows
dynamic forms creation and complex forms process-
ing for web applications. The processing of a form
involves the verification of the input data, calculation
of the input based on the information from other in-
put fields as well as dynamic activation or hiding of
the data fields depending on the user input. Inside
our solution the javascript Form editor, called For-
maaS, has been adopted. It allows to design and run
javascript forms and to quickly define forms and exe-
cutable code.
3.2 Monitoring
The simulation framework is equipped with a mon-
itoring facility that allows to provide feedback on
the business process execution and learning activi-
ties. Figure 2 shows the architecture of the proposed
monitoring infrastructure. The design of this monitor-
ing infrastructure has been inspired by (Calabr
o et al.,
For aim of readability, we list below the monitor-
ing components presented in (Calabr
o et al., 2015b)
and refer to (Calabr
o et al., 2015b) for the complete
description of their functionalities:
Complex Event Processor (CEP). It is the rule en-
gine, which analyzes the events, generated by the
business process execution.
BPMN explorer. It is in charge to explore and save
all the possible entities (Activity Entity, Sequence
Flow Entity, Path Entity) reachable on a BPMN.
Rules Generator. It is the component in charge
to generate the rules needed for the monitoring of
the business process execution.
Rules Template Manager. It is an archive of pre-
determined rules templates that will be instanti-
ated by the Rules Generator.
Rules Manager. It is in charge to load and unload
set of rules into the complex event processor and
fire it when needed.
Response Dispatcher. It is a registry that keeps
track of the requests for monitoring sent to the
monitoring infrastructure.
In this section a refined and complete design of
the monitoring infrastructure is presented as depicted
in Figure 2. It includes three new components (shown
in pink in Figure 2) that are:
DBController. This component has been in-
troduced to satisfy the Learn PAd requirements
of having storage of simulation executions data.
Specifically the DB Controller manages the up-
dating of the civil servant score during a simula-
tion or the retrieval of historical data concerning
the assessment level of the civil servants. The DB
Controller interacts with the Learner Assessment
Manager to get the different evaluation scores that
will be defined in Section 3.2.1.
Learner Assessment Manager. It evaluates the
learner activities and is in charge to calculate the
different scores. More details about this compo-
nent are in Section 3.2.1.
Monitoring Manager component. It is the or-
chestrator of the overall Monitoring Infrastruc-
ture. It interacts with the Learn PAd Core Plat-
form through the REST interfaces (core facade
and bridge interface) and is in charge to query the
Rules Manager. It also interacts with the BPMN
Explorer and the Rules Generator. This compo-
nent initializes the overall monitoring infrastruc-
ture allocating resources, instantiating the Com-
plex Event Processor and instrumenting channel
on which events coming from the simulation en-
gine will flow.
3.2.1 Learner Assessment Manager
During learning simulation, it is important to asses
learning activities as well as to visualize to the civil
servants their success incrementally by displaying the
achieved evaluation scores. To this end, the proposed
Model-based Learning Assessment Management
simulation and monitoring component integrates a
scoring mechanism in order to generate ranking of
the civil servants and data useful for rewarding. The
Learner Assessment Manager component evaluates
the learner activities and is in charge to calculate dif-
ferent scores useful for the civil servant assessment.
In addition, independently from any ongoing simula-
tion, this component is in charge of retrieving the data
necessary for the score evaluation and updating them
on a database. Data collected during monitoring of
business process execution can be used for providing
feedback for the continuous tracking of the process
behavior and measurement of learning-specific goals.
All scores computed by the Learner Assessment Man-
ager are then stored in the DB by the interaction with
the DB Controller component. The evaluation scores
computed by the Learner Assessment Manager relate
both to the simulation of a session of the business pro-
cess (session score(s)) and to the simulation of the
overall business process (Business Process scores).
Specifically we define the session score(s) and Busi-
ness Process score(s) as detailed below.
Session Scores. The civil servant may simulate dif-
ferent learning sessions on the same business process,
each one referring to a (different) path. During a
simulation session the Learner Assessment Manager
computes the following scores:
The session score (called session score), i.e. the
ongoing session score of each participating civil
An assessment value (called abso-
lute session score) useful as boundary value
for the session score.
Specifically, the session score is calculated using a
weighted sum of scores attributed to the civil servant
for each task of the Business Process realized during
the simulation. Considering n the number of tasks ex-
ecuted by the civil servant during the learning session
simulation and P the weight of the task, the session
score is computed as follows:
session score =
task score
Each task of the Business Process is associated
with a weight specified as a metadata. These metadata
are attributed in the Business Process definition and
defined by the modeler. The calculation of the score’s
task is based on several criteria, namely number of
attempts, Success/Fail and finally some pre-defined
performance indicators named KPI (e.g. response
time). The formula below allows calculating this
task score = success (
nb attempts
expected KPI value
observed KPI value
where k is the number of KPI considered in the
evaluation of the civil servants performances and suc-
cess is a Boolean. For what concerns the bound-
ary values useful for the learning assessment, the
Learner Assessment Manager can provide the ab-
solute session score, which represents the maximum
score that could be assigned to the civil servant during
a simulation session. Supposing that the maximum
obtained value of the task score is equal to k+1, the
absolute session score is computed as:
absolute session score =
(k + 1)P
This absolute session score computes an accu-
racy measure of the session score. A session score
value closer to the absolute session score represents
a better performance of the civil servant for the con-
sidered simulation session.
Business Process Scores. During the learning sim-
ulation, the civil servant can execute different learn-
ing sessions on the same Business Process, each one
referring to a different path. Therefore, the cumula-
tive score obtained by the civil servant on the exe-
cuted sessions is a good indicator of the knowledge of
the civil servant about the overall Business Process.
The learner assessment manager is able to compute
the following scores related to the business process:
Business Process Score (called bp score), i.e. the
cumulative score obtained by the civil servant af-
ter the execution of different simulation sessions
on the same business process. It represents the de-
gree of acquired knowledge of the Business Pro-
cess activities obtained by the civil servant.
Two assessment values (called relative bp score
and absolute bp score) used as boundary values
for the bp score to evaluate the acquired civil ser-
vant competency on the executed business pro-
cess. Specifically, the relative bp score is the
maximum score that the civil servant can obtain
on the set of simulated paths whereas the abso-
lute bp score is the maximum score that the civil
servant can obtain on all the possible paths of the
business process.
A business process coverage percentage (called
bp coverage), i.e. the percentage of different
learning sessions (paths) executed by the civil ser-
vant during the simulation of a business process.
LMCO 2016 - Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations
It represents the completeness of the civil servant
knowledge about the overall business process.
In the following we provide more details about the
above-mentioned scores. The bp score is computed
as the sum of the maximum values of session score(s)
obtained by the civil servant during the simulation of
a set of different k paths (over the overall number of
paths) on a business process, according to the follow-
ing formula:
bp score =
max(session score
Considering a bp score and the set of k paths to
which the bp score is related to, the relative bp score
is the boundary value representing the maximum
score that the civil servant can obtain on the set
of k paths. It is computed as the sum of the ab-
solute session score according to the following for-
relative bp score =
absolute session score
Considering all paths of a business process to
which a bp score is related to, the absolute bp score
is an additional boundary value representing the max-
imum score that the civil servant can reach. It is com-
puted as the sum of the absolute bp score for all the
paths of the business process according to the follow-
ing formula:
absolute bp score =
absolute session score
The more the bp score is close to the rela-
tive bp score the more the civil servant reaches the
maximum cumulative learning performance on the
different simulated sessions. The more the values of
bp score are close to the absolute bp score the more
the civil servant knowledge about the overall business
process is complete.
Finally, the bp coverage value is an additional
measure for evaluating the completeness of the civil
servant knowledge about the overall business process.
It is computed as the percentage of different paths (k),
executed by the civil servant during the simulation of
a business process, over the paths cardinality as in the
bp coverage =
When the civil servant executes all paths of the
business process, the computed bp coverage is 1. A
bp coverage value closer to 1 represents a better per-
formance of the civil servant for the considered busi-
ness process simulation.
The simulation and monitoring framework provides
the subsystem where learners can simulate the busi-
ness process interactively and is used by one or mul-
tiple civil servant(s) in order to learn processes. As
mentioned in Section 3, the simulation and monitor-
ing framework distinguishes between the two follow-
ing actors: the civil servant coordinator who is in
charge of starting a simulation session and the civil
servant who represents a generic participant to a sim-
ulation session. In particular, the civil servant coor-
dinator can request to start a new simulation execu-
tion of a Public Administration business process or
he/she can manage an ongoing one by for instance
inviting/cancelling other civil servants. The civil ser-
vant coordinator can also restart/stop a current simu-
lation session and redefine a new coordinator. On its
turn, each civil servant has different possibilities like
for instance joining, disconnecting or pausing a simu-
lation session, chatting, asking for evaluation/help, or
managing his/her own profile.
The simulation and monitoring framework func-
tionalities have been split into three different phases:
i) Initialization in which the simulation framework
is set up; ii) Activation in which the participants to
the simulation are invited; iii) Execution in which the
participants effectively collaborate each other during
a learning session. During the Activation phase, the
civil servant can select the type of simulation he/she
wants to execute. Specifically, three different types of
simulation are provided:
Individual Simulation. The civil servant decides to
execute the simulation without interacting with other
human participants. In this case the other participants
are emulated by means of Robots (see section 3 for
more details). The creation of robots instances is per-
formed before the simulation execution.
Collaborative Simulation. This option of simula-
tion involves the collaboration of several human par-
ticipants (no robots instances are involved). During
the collaborative simulation, users can interact be-
tween them using chat instruments. This will improve
performances of the overall learning session due to
the possibility to rapidly share experience between
human participants. This kind of simulation can
be considered the most interesting from the learning
point of view, because cooperation can make learning
procedures more intensive and productive. Diversi-
ties will raise up and the opportunity to reflect upon
Model-based Learning Assessment Management
Figure 3: Process Execution - Step1.
encountered issues will help learners to improve their
knowledge and better understand the problem. For
activating a simulation, the system requires that all
the civil servants involved have joined the session in
order to provide an online collaborative environment.
Moreover, the simulation and monitoring framework
also supports also some asynchronous tasks execution
among simulation participants. If a civil servant does
not satisfy the simulation requirements or time con-
straints, the civil servant coordinator may decide ei-
ther to kick the civil servant, or to swap him with an-
other one among those available, or replace him with
a Robot.
Mixed Simulation. This type of simulation re-
quires the participation of both humans and robots.
This usually happens when there are not enough civil
servants to cover all the necessary roles to execute a
BP or if one or more civil servants leave the ongoing
simulation (disconnection or kick). The activation of
a mixed simulation can be done only if the following
two constraints are met: i) the required instances of
robots are ready; ii) all the invited civil servants have
completed the connection procedures.
Both gamification and serious game concepts are
also included in the proposed simulation and moni-
toring framework so to engage civil servants during
training tasks and activities to be learned. Specifi-
cally, two main gamification elements are included in
the proposed simulation and monitoring framework
for educational purposes: i) progression that allows
the learner to see success visualized incrementally by
the achieved evaluation scores; ii) virtual rewards that
allows learners who satisfy some conditions to be au-
tomatically awarded by the platform with a specific
certificate that gives to him/her additional rights. For
more details about the gamification model used in
the proposed simulation and monitoring framework
we refer to (Zribi et al., 2016b). During the differ-
ent types of simulation, the monitoring component
checks if execution patterns will be respected during
the simulation of a business process. In order to do
that, the simulation engine interacts with the moni-
toring component through a pre-fixed set of messages
specifying the set of events, detected failures and time
values useful for evaluating the learner’s competency
and simulation non-functional properties such as the
overall simulation time completion.
LMCO 2016 - Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations
Figure 4: Simulation Execution - Step2.
In this section, we show the application of the pro-
posed simulation and monitoring framework to a case
study developed inside the Learn PAd project with
the collaboration of SUAP (Sportello Unico per le At-
a produttive) officers from both Public Adminis-
trations Senigallia and Monti Azzurri. The scenario
refers to the activities that the Italian Public Adminis-
trations have to put in place in order to permit to en-
trepreneurs to set up a new company. In particular the
application scenario describes the Titolo Unico pro-
cess, i.e. the standard request to start business activity
. Using the simulation and monitoring framework,
the Marche Region personnel has the possibility to
learn the steps necessary to organize a Service Confer-
ence, i.e. a meeting in which all involved participants
(municipality offices, third party administrations, and
entrepreneur) discuss about a case and decide if the
application is acceptable or not.
In this case before running a simulation, through
the available GUI, the user could set up data needed
for the simulation such as for instance the process
he/she wants to simulate among the available ones.
Once activated thought the interface of the simula-
Italian law D.P.R. 160/2010 in the article 7.
tion and monitoring framework, the different tasks to
be completed are shown one by one and information
about time, number of attempts and errors are col-
lected (Figure 3).
Once a task is completed the associated score are
computed and updated. In particular, if all the inputs
provided by the user during the task simulation have
been evaluated correct, the framework indicates that
the task has been validated, and will display new tasks
corresponding to the continuation of the process (Fig-
ure 4). Otherwise the simulator will indicate that the
submission is incorrect.
During this first validation, the simulation and
monitoring framework has been used by different end
users inside the Italian Public Administration and
comments and suggestions have been collected. If
from one side all users agreed that the framework rep-
resents a very good means for improving the under-
standing and practice of the administrative process,
from the other side requests for improvements have
been collected. This meanly concerns the usability
of the framework especially in case of collaborative
simulation as well as score visualization and manage-
ment. This validation provides a positive assessment
of the simulation and monitoring framework and a
very important starting point for the next release of
the learning system.
Model-based Learning Assessment Management
In this paper, a simulation and monitoring framework
for learning is presented with a particular focus on
the definition of its components and main function-
alities. The proposed framework supports collabora-
tion and social interactions, as well as process visual-
ization, monitoring of learning activities and assess-
ment. The proposed approach includes gamification
concepts that are applied to the simulation of tasks
and activities of the business process to be learned,
so to engage users while training them. Evaluation
scores related to both the simulation sessions and the
overall business process simulation are defined and
computed by the proposed simulation and monitoring
framework for learning assessment purposes.
The application of the proposed framework to a
case study developed inside the Learn PAd project
in the context of Marche Region public administra-
tion evidenced its importance in improving the under-
standing and practice of the administrative process, as
well as the possibility of executing collaborative sim-
ulation and providing learners assessment. Moreover,
this real case study also provided important feedback
for the improvement and extension of the framework
itself during the project duration. Specifically, in the
future we plan: i) to refine the design of some parts of
the architecture, such as the Test Data Repository and
Robot; ii)improve usability concepts of the frame-
work as well as the evaluation score visualization and
management; iii) provide others learner’s evaluation
scores that could take into account also the number of
errors made during the execution of a path; and finally
iv) evaluate the industrial significance and benefits of
the proposed framework in different application areas
of technology enhanced learning.
This work has been partially funded by the Model-
Based Social Learning for Public Administrations
project (EU FP7-ICT-2013-11/619583).
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LMCO 2016 - Special Session on Learning Modeling in Complex Organizations