Table 5: Transfer times for different mobile networks.
Transfer Time [s]
Test Case 1 Test Case 2 Test Case 3
527 KB
6487 KB
178 KB
562 KB
156 KB
184 KB
2G 29.38 405.32 11.37 33.24 11.07 15.21
3G 1.69 7.32 1.07 1.63 1.07 1.19
4G 1.49 6.77 0.88 1.45 0.88 1.01
The results show that for test case one and gen-
erally via any 2G network, no acceptable load times
can be achieved. In comparison to that, for the test
cases two and three, acceptable load times result in a
range, which will be tolerated by the users. A study
has shown that a waiting time of approximately two
seconds is still tolerated by the users (Nah, 2004).
Moreover, the results show faster load times than the
current trend of mobile page load times of approx-
imately seven seconds (Jain and Tikir, 2013). Fur-
thermore, with the use of difference-coded data, load
times could be further improved.
This paper introduces the need of a wind flow visual-
ization and the associated effort of transmission over
mobile networks. The problem is addressed by the
large amount of data. The results show that it is pos-
sible to achieve a reduction of up to 98% through the
combination of lossy and lossless compressions for
a thinning factor of N = 3. It is thereby possible to
produce an almost constant visualization in compar-
ison to the original data. In this case, minimal non-
perceptible differences can occur in regions of low
wind speeds. In addition to that, a further reduction
can be reached through an appropriated threshold by
using difference coding. At this point, no general
compression rate can be specified, because difference
coding depends on changes in time. In context of
the achieved reduction, it is possible to transfer me-
teorological data within acceptable times over mobile
networks. Thus users get a fast first impression of
the wind flow visualization. In summary, it is recom-
mended to reduce the data with an N = 3 and to use
tiled data with difference-coded wind fields for the
transfer over mobile networks because of the reduced
amount of data to be transferred. For a desktop appli-
cation, a higher spatial resolution can be used and data
can be transferred as complete wind fields. Moreover,
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WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies