An Easy Approach for the Classification of Children’s Voices based on
the Fundamental Frequency Estimation
Laura Verde, Giuseppe De Pietro and Giovanna Sannino
Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR) - CNR, 80131 Naples, Italy
Dysphonia, Children Voice Disorders, m-health Application, Fundamental Frequency Estimation.
Voice disorders, also called dysphonia, are qualitative and quantitative alterations of the voice. These patholo-
gies, unfortunately, affect from 6% to 38% of children in the world. Voice disorders may have a negative
impact on communication effectiveness, social development and self-esteem. The first weapon against the
diffusion and the worsening of these pathologies is prevention. Acoustic analysis is one of the most important
tools to appraise the state of health of a voice. It provides information about the possible presence of voice
disorders by evaluating specific parameters like the Fundamental Frequency. In this paper we present an easy
approach based on a mobile application for voice screening in children. The app provides a robust methodol-
ogy for the fundamental frequency estimation of the voice signal by analysing in real time a child’s signal. It
consists of a continuous vocalization of the vowel /a/ of five seconds in length. The methodology is also able
to evaluate undesired noise that can alter the Fundamental Frequency estimation and the correct classification
of the evaluated voice signal as pathological or healthy.
Dysphonia indicates a disturbance of the phonatory
apparatus, that can alter vocal quality, pitch, and loud-
ness. Such disorders can limit the conversations be-
tween people (Glaze, 1996) and social relationships
and reduce self-esteem.
Although people think that these disorders mainly
involve adults, particularly specific groups of profes-
sional voice users such as teachers or singers, dyspho-
nia also affects children. In fact, reports of childhood
voice disorders describe an incidence among school-
age children (5-18 years), with a percentage between
6% and 38%. Kahane and Mayo (Kahane and Mayo,
1989) concluded that very few children with voice
disorders, only between 2% and 4%, are ever seen
by a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) (Deal et al.,
1976; McNamara and Perry, 1994). Leeper (Leeper,
1992) estimates that 38% of elementary school chil-
dren present with chronic hoarseness. There is a wide
variety in the numbers relating to this incidence due
to: 1) a lack of consistent measurement techniques,
and 2) a variability in listener perceptual judgement.
In children dysphonia may have a multifactorial
origin: various causes, in fact, can be combined
with each other and contribute to the phenomenon.
Voice disorders can have an organic nature, resulting
from, for example, chromosomal defects, congenital
anomalies, lesions of the larynx, inflammatory reac-
tions of the laryngeal mucosae and deep tissues, en-
docrine disorders (errors of the metabolism whose in-
cidence on normal enzymatic sequences can cause an
abnormal infiltration or faulty nerve and muscle func-
tion) or gastroesophageal reflux (Dejonckere, 1999).
Generally, voice diseases in children can be associ-
ated with vocal abuse. Typical behaviours of children
such as talking too long, too loud and with too much
effort, can cause damage to the vocal folds. Often,
these behaviours are influenced by the environments
where the children spend significant time, such as dry
or noisy rooms in schools, or by the environmental
background noise of loud television or music in their
In detail, paediatric voice disorders can be classi-
fied into two groups:
Congenital: Vocal Fold Paralysis, Laryngeal
Stenosis, Laryngomalacia, Laryngocele, Web-
bing, and Anterior Laryngeal Cleft;
Acquired: Chronic Laryngitis, Laryngeal
Trauma, Hyperfunction w/o Lesions, Vocal
Nodules, Vocal Polyps, Contact Ulcers, or Vocal
Fold Paralysis.
There is no doubt that prevention is the most im-
Verde, L., Pietro, G. and Sannino, G.
An Easy Approach for the Classification of Children’s Voices based on the Fundamental Frequency Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005849005700577
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 570-577
ISBN: 978-989-758-170-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
portant weapon for the future. The increase of infor-
mation about these disorders, the abolition of negative
environmental factors and of unhealthy behavioural
habits, and the use of tools for voice analysis are the
main factors to avoid the contracting of any of these
pathologies and represent the prerequisite for a suc-
cessful application of the therapy.
In this paper we propose a methodology able to
estimate the presence of voice disorders in a non-
invasive way in order to provide an easy, fast and
entertaining tool, using a mobile health application.
This instrument can be useful to monitor the status
and progress throughout the treatment program, as
well as to provide useful advice on healthy lifestyle
behaviours to follow to prevent voice disorders.
The SIFEL protocol (Lucchini, 2002) indicates the
guidelines for evaluating the presence of voice dis-
orders. The Italian Society of Logopedics and Phoni-
atrics developed this protocol in accordance with the
directives of the Committee for Phoniatrics of the Eu-
ropean Society of Laryngology.
According to this protocol, the evaluation of dys-
phonia consists in a series of tests, such as an
anamnestic evaluation, a laryngo-video-stroboscopic
examination, a subjective self-assessment of the
voice and an acoustic analysis. A laryngo-video-
stroboscopic examination is necessary to identify
morphodynamic changes of the larynx. It is diffi-
cult to perform this invasive examination on children
due to the complaints and inconveniences that they
may cause. For this reason, acoustic analysis is the
most effective instrument to extract of the pathologi-
cal voice characteristics.
This analysis provides a view of some character-
istics of the speech signal, by calculating some pa-
rameters like the Fundamental Frequency (F
), jitter
or shimmer, parameters that can be quantified at that
specific time and whose evolution can be monitored
over time. In particular, the F
provides a measure
of the rate of vocal vibration, any lesions on the vo-
cal folds being able to alter the F
value (Casper and
Leonard, 2006).
A voice disorder is generally present if the F
value, as well as the other parameters calculated in
the analysis acoustic, is outside an appropriate healthy
range. Unfortunately, the F
is influenced by different
anatomic factors: child, female and male voices
differ significantly due to changes in the anatom-
ical structures of the larynx and especially of
the vocal folds during the years (Angelillo et al.,
2015; Hunter et al., 2011);
the physical conformation of the user: the length,
tension, or mass of the vocal folds (Hunter et al.,
the use of the voice: the pressure of the forced ex-
piration, or the sub-glottal pressure (Hunter et al.,
the state of health of the person: the emotions and
state of health of people can determine changes
in the vibrations of vocal folds and so alter the
dynamics of pitch (Johnstone and Scherer, 1999;
ere et al., 2009);
lifestyle: incorrect lifestyle habits like smoking
(Gonzalez and Carpi, 2004), and alcohol intake
(Cooney, 1998), such bad habits unfortunately
increasing among boys and girls (Lorant et al.,
2015; Pinilla et al., 2002; Simons-Morton et al.,
2001) and so influencing the health of the voice.
Therefore, it is important to perform the F
mation as accurately as possible to obtain a reliable
acoustic analysis. The mobile application realized
provides the F
estimation, the first and the most im-
portant parameter of the acoustic analysis.
We have aimed to develop a gamification instru-
ment useful to perform an evaluation of the possible
presence of voice disorders, using a simple mobile de-
vice such as a smartphone or tablet. In this way, chil-
dren can independently assess the health of their own
voice. Several studies (King et al., 2013; Miller et al.,
2014) have reported, in fact, that mobile health ap-
plications can represent an effective way to promote
health interventions. The choice of using mobiles has
been dictated by the rapid spread of these devices
among boys and girls and the continued development
of m-Health systems. Given children’s propensity for
mobile apps, this approach may provide important op-
portunities to engage them and to help them follow
healthy lifestyles and adopt appropriate behaviours.
Several systems and apps have been found in litera-
ture, developed to promote the prevention of health
disorders and to educate towards a correct lifestyle.
There are commercial games, for example, aimed at
increasing physical fitness or at counteracting depres-
sion in teenagers and social isolation in the elderly
(McCallum, 2012). Games have also been realized
for specific health conditions, such as Bant, a mobile
app useful to improve glucose monitoring among ado-
lescents with diabets (Cafazzo et al., 2012).
An Easy Approach for the Classification of Children’s Voices based on the Fundamental Frequency Estimation
There are, moreover, several apps to help people
suffering from dementia, as reported by (Kong, 2015).
In (Kong, 2015)’s study the performance of several
appropriate apps, present on the iTunes market, has
been evaluated with people suffering from early stage
dementia. Different parameters were analyzed such
as the usability, price of the app, and the reactions of
clinicians and involved patients.
In this study, for the F
estimation, several sys-
tems and apps, based on different algorithms found
in literature, have been studied. Nevertheless, none
of these can be considered as a personal and portable
instrument that is reliable in terms of its results and
pathology classification capability.
Opera Vox (Baki et al., 2013) is an example of
an app allowing people to perform acoustic measure-
ments. Unfortunately, it indicates to the user only the
values of the calculated parameters of the acoustic
analysis, these results not being easily interpretable
by users without the support of an expert. In Opera
Vox, the used algorithm to estimate the F
is based on
the autocorrelation function (ACF).
The ACF (Tan and Karnjanadecha, 2003) of the
speech signal is a traditional algorithm for the F
timation. It is used to estimate the fundamental pe-
riod, selecting the maximum peak of this function.
The ACF is obtained by computing the correlation be-
tween a part of the windowed signal and its shifted
It is used also by PRAAT (Boersma, 1993) to esti-
mate the F
. PRAAT is a tool, distributed for free use,
commonly employed for acoustic analysis in clinical
and research settings. In the PRAAT F
estimation al-
gorithm, the speech signal is divided into frames us-
ing an appropriate window to minimize spectral leak-
age. The F
is estimated for each frame.
An alternative to the autocorrelation function
is the ”Average Magnitude Difference function
(AMDF)” (Ross et al., 1974), where the fundamental
period is estimated by calculating the local minima of
the difference function between the speech signal and
its shifted version of an appropriate period.
Another algorithm is the ”Dynamic Programming
Projected Phase-Slope Algorithm (DYPSA)”, able to
perform an automatic estimation of glottal closure in-
stants (GCIs) in voiced speech. It employs dynamic
programming to identify the best GCI candidates by
minimizing some cost functions (Naylor et al., 2007).
The ”Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking
(RAPT)” is a time-domain F
estimation algorithm
that uses the ”Normalized Cross-Correlation Func-
tion (NCCF)” (Talkin, 1995). It compares frames of
the original speech with sub-sampled frames of the
same signal and searches for the local maxima of the
NCCF to identify the peak locations and amplitude
estimates. On all frames of the speech signal the se-
ries of NCCF peaks and the F
candidates are selected
by using a dynamic programming. While RAPT esti-
mates F
in the time domain, an algorithm that works
in the frequency domain is SHRP (Sun, 2002), in
which the F
estimate is obtained through spectrum
shifting on a logarithmic frequency scale, calculating
the Subharmonic-to-Harmonic Ratio (SHR).
The ”Sawtooth Waveform Inspired Pitch Estima-
tor (SWIPE)” (Camacho and Harris, 2008), instead, is
an algorithm in which the fundamental frequency of
the sawtooth waveform whose best spectrum equals
the spectrum of the speech signal is adopted as the
Even if there are many suitable algorithms for the
fundamental frequency estimation, most of these are
not runnable on mobile devices and are not easy to
use as prevention tools by non-experts.
The mobile application was developed in the Java
Programming Language using Eclipse IDE and the
Android Software Developer Kit (SDK). Several as-
pects were considered in the realization of the app.
We aimed to develop an app that boys and girls can
use easily, with a clear design and an intuitive inter-
face to perform several tasks.
The main objectives, on which the mobile appli-
cation was developed, are:
to increase the user’s motivation for self-
to educate the user in the physical behaviours that
contribute to an inappropriate voice (e.g. posture,
breathing, and muscular tension);
to inform the user about lifestyle factors that con-
tribute to an inappropriate voice (e.g. a noisy en-
vironment, sleeping or eating habits, and air pol-
to inform the user about interpersonal behaviours
that contribute to an inappropriate voice (e.g. talk-
ing too much, ignoring feedback, and competing
for attention);
to estimate and evaluate the fundamental fre-
quency of a voice signal;
to discriminate a possible pathological voice from
a healthy one.
To achieve the latter two objectives, we optimized
a methodology for F
estimation, with a noise evalua-
SmartMedDev 2016 - Special Session on Smart Medical Devices - From Lab to Clinical Practice
Figure 1: Screenshots of the audio capture phase and of the
vocal signal analysis report.
tion, using an appropriate methodology, described in
the following sections.
The realized app acquires the child’s vocalization.
It consists of recording of the vowel /a/ of ve sec-
onds in length as required by the SIFEL protocol.
This speech signal is elaborated to estimate the F
by reducing the noise in real time, and to classify the
child’s voice as possibly pathological or healthy. The
procedures of audio capture and F
estimation are re-
ported in the screenshots of Figure 1.
Moreover, the realized app provides information
about dysphonia to explain to boys and girls its
causes and to suggest are suitable preventative healthy
life-style behaviours, e.g. avoiding certain kinds of
food, shouting, temperature changes, or noisy en-
vironments. Figure 2 reports the screen containing
information about dysphonia and some healthy life-
style behaviours.
Finally, the app allows the user to complete two
questionnaires useful for the self-evaluation of the
presence of a voice disorder, as required by the SIFEL
protocol: the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) (Forti
et al., 2014) and the Reflux Symptom Index (RSI)
(Belafsky et al., 2002). The first questionnaire is a
correct and complete instrument to evaluate the pa-
tient’s self-perception of his her voice disorders. The
second questionnaire, instead, estimates if the patient
suffers from extra-esophageal reflux, a risk factor for
dysphonia. An example of the VHI questionnarie is
provided in the screenshot of Figure 2, each question
in the questionnaire including ve possible answers
to to which a specific score corresponds depending
on the severity of the indicated symptom.
The user, to access the functionalities of the app
and perform the described procedures, must be au-
thenticated by the system, thanks the insertion of
Figure 2: Screenshots of the screen containing information
about voice disorders, e.g. about dysphonia and of the VHI
his/her credentials in the Login phase, shown in the
screenshot of the Figure 3. These credentials are
recorded and saved in the Registration phase with the
Wellness Server, an operation that the user must per-
form at his/her first access to the app. The connection
with the Wellness Server is useful to collect the mon-
itored data of the user, to improve the his/her well-
being. The user, after being authenticated, can access
the homepage of the app where all the functionalities
are shown. A screenshot of the homepage of the app
is shown in Figure 3.
4.1 The Fundamental Frequency
Estimation Algorithm
The developed methodology for the F
estimation is
based on the algorithm reported in (De Cheveign
e and
Kawahara, 2002). By hypothesizing the periodicity
of the speech signal x
with a period T in each time-
segment of the signal, called the window (W), that in
our methodology is 10 ms long, we can define that the
speech signal does not vary for a time shift of T.
To find the unknown fundamental period T of the
speech signal, τ values that minimize the difference
function d
(τ) are searched. The sum of the squared
differences between the speech signal and its shifted
version, in every window in which the speech signal
is divided, identifies the difference function d
(τ), that
(τ) =
Due to the non perfect periodicity of the speech
signal, caused by to physiological and intentional
problems, this function is sensitive to amplitude
An Easy Approach for the Classification of Children’s Voices based on the Fundamental Frequency Estimation
Figure 3: Screenshots of the log-in and of Homepage.
changes of the signal. A cumulative difference func-
tion is applied to reduce this effect and improve the
estimation, defined as follows:
(τ) =
1 if τ = 0
( j)
Therefore, the values of τ that minimize this cu-
mulative difference function are searched and among
these those smaller than a threshold value are consid-
ered to calculate the unknown period. In our proposed
methodology, this threshold value was found empiri-
cally, a series of experimental tests have been carried
out to find the value that gives the best estimation of
, also when the noise is inadvertently added to the
useful signal for the acoustic analysis. The thresh-
old value reported in (De Cheveign
e and Kawahara,
2002) is equal to 0.10, while the conducted experi-
mental tests have shown that the value that provides
the best estimation of the F
is equal to 0.40. To in-
crease the accuracy of the F
estimation, a parabolic
interpolation was used to refine the local minima of
(τ) with their neighbouring values.
The F
is calculated as the average of the funda-
mental frequencies of all the windows into which the
speech signal has been divided, obtained as the in-
verse of T
on all the windows, that is:
indicating N as the number of windows.
4.2 The Noise Evaluation
The F
estimation can be altered by the introduction
of noise during the speech signal acquisition. There-
fore, the acoustic analysis can be affected by possible
errors due to increase in the potential number of false-
positive diagnoses of voice disorders. Consequently,
we aimed to reduce the noise effects added during the
child’s vocal signal acquisition.
This objective was achieved using an FIR filter.
We have developed a causal linear-phase FIR filter
using the windowing technique, multiplying an ideal
filter with a finite-duration window function.
In practice, several types of windows are com-
monly used. To realize our filter we have used the
Hanning window, but there are other windows avail-
able, such as rectangular, Hamming or Blackmann.
The following equation describes the realized
Hanning filter in the time domain:
y(n) = d(x(n) + 2x(n 1) + x(n 2)) (4)
where the output signal is indicated as y(n) and
the input signal as x(n), while d is the normalization
factor. In this work, we have found the value of d em-
pirically. It is equal to 2 and it was discovered thanks
to experimental tests to identify the value that gives
the best noise evaluation.
The performance of the methodology for the F
mation was evaluated in a testing phase. This perfor-
mance was compared with other existing algorithms,
Praat (Boersma, 1993), the tool described in (Ross
et al., 1974), SWIPE (Camacho and Harris, 2008) and
Yin algorithms (De Cheveign
e and Kawahara, 2002).
The results are reported in terms of sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy, on the basis of these defi-
True Positive (TP): the algorithm recognized the
pathology when the speech signal was pathologi-
True Negative (TN): the algorithm recognized the
speech signal as healthy when it was healthy;
False Positive (FP): the algorithm recognized the
pathology when the speech signal was healthy;
False Negative (FN): the algorithm recognized the
speech signal as healthy when it was pathological.
In detail, the sensitivity measures the proportion
of true positive users (pathological voices) that are
correctly identified as positives by the evaluation of
the proposed methodology. Its value is evaluated as
TP/(TP+FN). The specificity, instead, is defined as
the ratio of true negative users (healthy voices), users
that are correctly identified as negative, to the to-
tal unaffected patients tested. This value is equal to
SmartMedDev 2016 - Special Session on Smart Medical Devices - From Lab to Clinical Practice
TN/(TN+FP). Finally, the accuracy is the proportion
of the total number of correct predictions and it is
equal to (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN).
The tests were performed on voices from an
available on-line database, the ”Saarbrucken Voice
Database” (SVD) (Mart
ınez et al., 2012), downloaded
from the URL [http://www.stimmdatenbank.coli.uni-].
The SVD database is a collection of recordings of
/a/ vowels. These recordings were made by the In-
stitute of Phonetics of Saarland University. The fi-
delity of the signal was preserved by recording in a
mono-channel in the WAVE format and sampling the
recordings at 50 Hz with a resolution equal to 16-bit.
5.1 The Dataset
We have built a dataset composed of all the 22 chil-
dren’s voice samples of the SVD database, all the
available voices in the database used. It contains
the sustained phonation of the vowel sound /a/, the
phonation used in the acoustic analysis as required
by the SIFEL protocol. In detail the built dataset in-
6 healthy voices, 5 voices of healthy male children
and 1 voice of a healthy female child;
16 pathological voices, 6 voices of pathological
male children and 10 of pathological female chil-
The selected children are aged between 9 and 16
In particular, the pathologies included: psy-
chogenic aphonia, an inability to produce the voice,
laryngitis, an acute or chronic inflammation of the vo-
cal folds, and rhinolalia, an alteration of the voice tim-
bre, which acquires a nasal character.
5.2 Results
The selected voices are classified as healthy or patho-
logical considering a healthy range of values, the
range being reported in (Nicollas et al., 2008). In par-
ticular, we used the healthy range from 235 to 270 Hz
for male children and the range from 240 to 260 Hz
for female children.
Voices samples that fall within these ranges are
considered healthy. Those outside are considered as
possibly pathological.
The performance of the developed methodology is
reported in Table 1 in terms of sensitivity, specificity
and accuracy, in comparison with the performance
of other algorithms exiting in literature. The perfor-
mance of all algorithms have been evaluated on the
Table 1: Results.
Algorithm Sensitivity
68.75 16.66 54.54
50.00 16.66 40.90
AMDF (Ross
et al., 1974)
43.75 16.66 36.36
macho and
Harris, 2008)
56.25 16.66 45.45
(De Cheveign
and Kawa-
hara, 2002)
50.00 16.66 40.90
same dataset, composed by the selected voices from
the SVD database, as indicated in the subsection 5.1.
The results reported in Table 1 indicate the
good accuracy of our methodology in discriminating
healthy voices from pathological ones compared to
Praat, to AMDF-based tool, to SWIPE and Yin al-
gorithm performances. Moreover, the table shows
the high sensitivity (the average sensitivity value is
equal to about 69%) of our methodology in compar-
ison with the other algorithms. This means that the
number of false negatives is lower, the algorithm gen-
erally recognizing the presence of a pathology when
the speech signal is indeed pathological.
It is important to note that this methodology was
embedded in a mobile application, usable and in-
terpretable by people without any medical support,
while the other algorithms are runnable only on Mat-
lab or are embedded in proprietary desktop applica-
tions, able to provide numerical results of the F
can be interpreted only by medical experts.
Although the proposed methodology performs an
accurate classification of voice disorders in compari-
son with other algorithms, it does not consider differ-
ent factors that can alter voice production, such as the
anatomical conformation, state of health and lyfestyle
habits (smoking or alcohol intake). For this reason to
improve the classification of voice disorders further
studies will be addressed at estimating other param-
eters like jitter and shimmer, in accordance with the
SIFEL protocol.
The diffusion of voice disorders at the paediatric age
has been increasing over the last few years. However,
fortunately, in contrast to past practice, a greater im-
portance has been given to voice screening in chil-
An Easy Approach for the Classification of Children’s Voices based on the Fundamental Frequency Estimation
In most cases, voice disorders may impact on a
child’s state of health, and social and educational de-
velopment. Therefore, it is important to diagnose of
dysphonia early, without underestimating its symp-
toms and causes. In practice, many young people
turn to a speech specialist only belatedly to resolve
the pathology.
For this reason, in this paper we have presented
an easy approach based on a mobile application for
voice screening in children. The app provides a robust
methodology for the fundamental frequency estima-
tion of the speech signal on the recording of the vowel
/a/ of five seconds in length, as provided by the pro-
tocol, classifying a voice as healthy or pathological.
The methodology is also able to evaluate undesired
noise that can introduce errors in the F
altering the classification of state of the vocal health.
The results obtained with the proposed method-
ology have been compared with the performance of
other algorithms exiting in literature, Praat, a soft-
ware used in clinical practice, an AMDF-based tool,
SWIPE and Yin. The results of the testing phase have
demonstrated that the distinction between healthy
voices and pathological ones is performed with a good
accuracy using the proposed methodology.
The developed app does not provide a diagnosis,
our aim being provide an instrument for a first screen-
ing test, an easy and gamified instrument that can be
used by children, suggesting a consultation with a
qualified speech therapist for an appropriate diagno-
As our future plans, we would like to investigate
gamification techniques to motivate children in the
use of the mobile app. In detail, we aim to develop a
game-based educational app to facilitate the learning
phase with children, for example to distinguish be-
tween healthy and unhealthy foods. Moreover, gami-
fication techniques will also be adopted to encourage
children to complete the signal acquisition and, in the
case of a prescribed therapy, to improve the motiva-
tion of children to practise home-based exercises.
The authors would like to acknowledge the project
”Smart Health 2.0” PON04A2 C for their support
of this work. Additionally, the authors wish to thank
Prof. Pierangelo Veltri, University ”Magna Graecia”
of Catanzaro (Italy), and Prof.Nicola Lombardo, De-
partment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
of the University ”Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro
(Italy) involved in the SmartHealth 2.0 project, for his
useful contribution to the identification of the healthy
range of values of F0 used in this study.
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