Table 3: Performance evaluation score for both CNN and image processing approaches.
CNN 0.8684 0.8981 0.8387 0.8919 0.8481 0.1019 0.1613 0.8722
Image Processing 0.6337 0.5866 0.6808 0.6284 0.6495 0.4134 0.3192 0.6112
The system evaluates raw images through the
CNN detector. In case of a positive identification of a
crack the laser scanner is used to provide further de-
tails via a method to exploit point clouds, provided by
terrestrial scanners.
The proposed method is based on the parametriza-
tion of the tunnel surface, using a nonlinear minimiza-
tion solver and could be employed to detect possible
deformations or features of considerable size.
Future work may involve CNN topology opti-
mization schemes, for further performance improve-
ment, or hardware implementation to improve detec-
tion times. Additionally, different geometric surfaces
can be investigated, in order to achieve better approx-
imation of the inner tunnel surfaces.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the EC FP7 project ROBO-SPECT
(Contract N.611145). Authors wish to thank all part-
ners within the ROBO-SPECT consortium.
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Crack Identification Via User Feedback, Convolutional Neural Networks and Laser Scanners for Tunnel Infrastructures