Model-driven Approach for the Interoperability of Enterprises’ Services
Information Exchange
Catarina Marques-Lucena
, Jo˜ao Sarraipa
, Carlos Agostinho
and Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
DEE, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal
Centre of Technology and Systems, CTS, UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal
Interoperability, Semantic Interoperability, Mappings Representation, Modelling Morphisms, Model Trans-
Nowadays, enterprises have been pushed up the rate of industrial transformation to high level products and
services. The capability to agilely respond to new market demands became a strategic pillar for enterprises
survival. It leads to the necessity of create mechanisms to allow enterprises to combine forces to compete
jointly in the market, in order to raise their own added value and to become specialist in niche activities. But to
unite forces, enterprises must exchange information/knowledge between them. A semantic problem emerges
when the same representation of a thing can have different meanings todifferent applications and enterprises. It
can be a disabler for information exchange and its interpretation. The Semantic Web Service concept emerges
as a solution to facilitate Web Services description and consequently discovery tasks, unifying the domain
services. Moreover, the data integration between concepts can be achieved trough mappings establishment
between Web Services elements. However, a solution that allows to map Web Service elements to semantic
concepts represented using OWL is still missing. To face this issue, a model-driven approach supported by a
mapping tool is here presented with the aim of facilitate the information exchange trough the establishment of
mappings between enterprises services models and the domain reference lexicon.
In the emerging society, competitive markets are be-
coming increasingly dynamic, and consequently com-
plex, with companies not prospering and surviv-
ing through their own individual efforts (Friedman,
2006). Thus, global markets are willing to improve
their competitiveness through collaboration and part-
nerships, motivating companies to look for enhanced
interoperability between systems and applications in
industry. Therefore, enterprises need to be able to dy-
namically adapt themselves to take advantage of mar-
ket opportunities, establishing collaborative business
practices to compete with big enterprises (Agostinho
et al., 2006). Moreover, the ability of an enterprise to
interoperate with others is not only a recognized qual-
ity and advantage to obtain competitiveness in today’s
market, but it also becomes a matter of survival for
many companies.
Interoperability can be defined as the ability of
two or more systems or components to exchange in-
formation and to use the information that has been
exchanged (IEEE, 1990). It means that enterprises
need their systems/products to work with the sur-
rounding systems/products without great efforts to be
interoperable. However, one of the main difficul-
ties regarding the interoperability between systems
and applications is related to the high number of se-
mantic representations of the same segment of reality
(e.g. systems and products) which are not semanti-
cally coincident (even inside the same domain) (Lu-
cena et al., 2013), as a consequence of the hetero-
geneity of communities and enterprises. It results in
a difficult semantic interoperability achievement. Se-
mantic Interoperability, defined as the ability of sys-
tems/components to share and understand informa-
tion at the level of formally defined and mutually ac-
cepted domain concepts (Sø lvberg, 1999), tradition-
ally is achieved through peer-to-peer mappings where
each participant tends to use its own data format and
business rules, handling as many mappings as the
number or partners to interoperate. Here, another in-
teroperability issue emerges, one related to systems
dynamics. Commonly, systems are time-variant, and
even if we are able to find a ‘good’ model to describe
it, when facing the dynamics of the environment, such
Marques-Lucena, C., Sarraipa, J., Agostinho, C. and Jardim-Gonçalves, R.
Model-driven Approach for the Interoperability of Enterprises’ Services Information Exchange.
DOI: 10.5220/0005853207890799
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), pages 789-799
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
model will become obsolete in time. Moreover, a
model is just a representation of how an entity see
the world. It can (and should) be constantly refined
in order to adapt to new requirements. As a conse-
quence, all this dynamics and heterogeneity leads in
most cases, the network to experience interoperabil-
ity problems because if just one of the network mem-
bers adapts to a new requirement, the harmony is bro-
ken, and the network begins experiencing interoper-
ability failure (Agostinho et al., 2011). This is even
more evident in multi-domain networks (e.g. collabo-
rative product design) where information is dispersed
and frequently replicated in many Information Sys-
tems trough Web Services usage.
1.1 Semantic Web Services
Going towards to what was described before, one of
the biggest issue in the Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) vision is related to the the data heterogene-
ity between inter-operating services. This is because,
typically, enterprise systems are developed over sev-
eral periods of time, by diverse organization and not
necessarily with the same structures or vocabulary
(Nagarajan et al., 2006). As a consequence, a substan-
tial heterogeneity in Web Services elements’ syntax,
structure and semantics is verified.
Given the pivotal importance of service discov-
ery for service-oriented computing, several attempts
to improve the quality service discovery tasks are cur-
rently being pursued. One of the major efforts in this
direction is promoted by the World Wide Web Con-
sortium (W3C) which strongly advocates the intro-
duction of semantic information in the description of
Web services
(Brogi et al., 2005). Semantics ac-
quires a particular importance to share services in a
Peer to Peer (P2P) system where the lack of common
understanding of the world generated the need of ex-
plicit guidance in the process of discovering available
resources (Arabshian and Schulzrinne, 2007; Schmidt
and Parashar, 2004; Haase et al., 2004).
Currently, services description is expressed by
means of the Web Services Description Language
) by declaring a set of message formats
and their direction (incoming/outgoing) (Brogi et al.,
2005). WSDL, in essence, allows the specification of
the syntax of the input ans output messages of a basic
service, as well as other details needed for the invo-
cation of the service (Martin et al., 2005). However,
it can be considered that WSDL do not offer suffi-
cient semantic richness for services to be machine-
processable (Kamaruddin et al., 2012). Human in-
tervention is often needed to interpret the meanings
in order to discover, compose, and invoke Web Ser-
vices. Here, the notion of ontology is seen as an effec-
tive way to provide the required specifications to al-
low the automation of the mentioned tasks (Kamarud-
din et al., 2012). Five projects to support the idea of
ontologies incorporation in Web Services description
are: OntoGov (Tambouris et al., 2004), TERREGOV
(Vicente et al., 2006), SemanticGov (SemanticGov
Consortium, 2007), Access-eGov (Sroga, 2008) and
FUSION (FUSION Consortium, 2008).
1.2 Web Services Interoperability
There are several tools that allow mappings estab-
lishment across several data formats. One example
is the Advanced Mapping and Transformation mod-
ule of talend (talend, 2015). This module uses a
Eclipse-based tooling environment to enable users to
build, tests and maintain mappings across several data
formats, including transformations between java and
complex XML data, JSON, databases, flat files and
EDI applications. It can be used to integrate applica-
tions, services, and APIs without coding. The SAP
NetWeaver Composition Environment Library(SAP,
2013), allows to users to define how the data com-
ing from one service operation as input in the ser-
vice flow has to be mapped (definition of what will
be the output) in the service flow. It allows to directly
define how the data from one service data structure
is mapped to another data structure. Other applica-
tion tool to consider is IBM’s WebSphere Application
Server V8.5.5 (IBM, 2013). It supports services map-
pings establishment by providing a simple way of per-
forming content-based routing and message transfor-
mation that can be applied to web service messages
being sent from service clients without needing to
make changes to either the service client or service
provider. All this tools are valuable solutions con-
tributing to the deployment of interoperable Web Ser-
vices across platform, applications, and programming
languages. However, the authors didn’t found any in-
dication that this tools are capable to import OWL,
used to define semantic relationships between con-
cepts. This goes against the need of semantic descrip-
tions usage to facilitate services discovery.
To face this issue, the authors proposed a solution
able to represent connections or mappings between
information systems, or more precisely, between web
services elements and semantic concepts described by
ontologies. The semantic representation of the do-
main is accomplished by a domain reference lexicon
establishment in collaboration with the domain ex-
perts. Thus, the proposed solution to achieve Web
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
Services Interoperability is supported by the usage of
a common reference lexicon (domain semantics) to be
the intermediary in the communications between en-
terprises Web Services and to the outside. Then, the
establishment of mappings between enterprises Web
Services and the reference domain lexicon will allow
each of the enterprises to keep its own knowledge and
semantics unchanged, and still able to smoothly inter-
act with its domain.
In this paper, an initial assessment about the need
for semantic descriptions incorporation in Web Ser-
vices and its interoperability is conducted. Based
on this necessity, an approach for the interoperabil-
ity of enterprises information exchange is proposed
in section 2. Then, some key concepts to accomplish
the proposed approach are detailed: Modeling Mor-
phisms to Enable Sustainable Interoperability, Com-
munication Mediator and Model Transformations. In
section 6, the mechanism developed for the banking
and insurance domain, capable of representing con-
nections/mappings between elements of the domains
ontology and Native Business Service (NBS), which
are existing services deployed and exploited within
the context of each service supplier, is presented. Fi-
nally, some conclusions and feature work statements
are presented.
The author’s approach aims to provide a solution (see
Figure 1) able to represent connections or mappings
between enterprises Native Business Services (NBS),
or more precisely, between message elements of ser-
vices and semantic concepts described by ontologies
(reference domain lexicon). NBS are already existing
software installed and exploited within the context of
each supplier. The mappings with a reference lexi-
con can, then, be used to generate Supplier Business
Services (SBS) accordingly to the elements of the do-
main ontology. SBS’s are a set of features that are ex-
posed from each supplier infrastructure and consist in
the externalization of one or more NBSs. The genera-
tion of these SBSs promotes interoperability of enter-
prises applications in the domain allowing integration
across multiple stakeholders (suppliers) and domains
of interest (customers).
The first step to materialize this software-based
system is to acquire a platform reference lexicon
together with the domain experts. These are the
main actors of their domain, thus their participation
in the domain glossary (or reference lexicon) would
increase the awareness of the domain terms. Glos-
saries are lists of specialized terms, mostly in alpha-
betic order, that sometimes are unique to a specific
subject. Each term is composed by its corresponding
description. It includes descriptive comments and ex-
planatory notes, such as definitions, synonyms, ref-
erences, etc (Sarraipa et al., 2014). Given the rel-
evance of glossaries to better understand domains
lexicon, several works were already presented using
different methods and techniques. While some au-
thors opt for rule-based systems usage to do the text-
mining and glossary building (Muresan and Klavans,
2002), (Westerhout and Monachesi, 2007), others pre-
sented solutions based on machine learning (Fahmi
and Bouma, 2006), and statistical techniques to simu-
late human consensus (Velardi et al., 2006).
Then, a mapping tool that allows to represent
both the domain glossary and the supplier services el-
ements is required. This tool is intended to be used for
administrative purpose (supplier’s manager) and sup-
ports the process of mappings establishment and stor-
age between the platform and suppliers data models.
This mappings will be stored in a specific ontology -
the Communication Mediators (detailed in section 4).
Finally, the generator is responsible for the gen-
eration of SBSs based on the mappings (represented
in the communication mediator) created between the
NBS and the platform ontology.
Models are used to capture the essential features of
real systems by breaking them down into more man-
ageable parts that are easy to understand and to ma-
nipulate. They are used in systems developmentactiv-
ities to draw blueprints of the systems and to facilitate
communication between different people in the team
at different levels of abstraction. People have differ-
ent views of the system and models can help them to
understand these views in a unified manner (Abdullah
et al., 2002).
In mathematics, Morphism (MoMo) is an abstrac-
tion of a structure-preserving map between two math-
ematical structures. It can be seen as a function in
set theory, or the connection between domain and co-
domain in category theory (INTEROP NoE, a). Re-
cently, this concept has been gaining momentum ap-
plied to computer science, namely to systems inter-
operability. This new usage of morphisms specifies
Model-driven Approach for the Interoperability of Enterprises’ Services Information Exchange
Figure 1: Approach for the interoperability of the information exchange.
the relations (e.g. mapping, merging, transformation,
etc) between two or more information model specifi-
cations (M as the set of models).
In this context, the research community identifies
two core classes of MoMo: non-altering and model
altering morphisms (INTEROP NoE, a; Agostinho
et al., 2007). In the non-altering morphisms, given
two models (source A and target B), a mapping is cre-
ated relating each element of the source with a cor-
respondent element in the target, leaving both mod-
els intact. In model altering morphisms, the source
model is transformed using a function that applies a
mapping to the source model and outputs the target
model (Delgado et al., 2006). Other relations, such as
the merge operation, can also be classified as model
altering morphisms, however they are not detailed in
this work.
3.1 Knowledge Enriched Tuple for
Mapping Representations
The research community has developed many propos-
als to morphisms representations (INTEROP NoE, b).
As analyzed in (Agostinho et al., 2011), graph the-
ory has been used in some, although other theories
can be considered to achieve the envisaged goals, e.g.,
set theory (Dauben, 1990), model management (Bern-
stein, 2003), or semantic matching (Sarraipa et al.,
2010). However there is not a single perfect solution
that can be used to achieve all the morphisms goals
at once. Some are ideal for structural issues, oth-
ers for semantics providing good human traceability,
and others are more formal and mathematical based.
For that reason, in this work, is used a 5-tuple map-
ping expression (Mapping Tuple - MapT), presented
in (Agostinho et al., 2011), with the goal of consoli-
date existent approaches to morphisms:
< ID, MElements, KMType, MatchClass, Exp >
ID - unique identifier of the MaptT;
MElements - pair indicating the mapped ele-
KMType - stands for Knowledge Mapping Type
and determines the type of mappings represented
in a specific instance of MapT;
MatchClass - stands for Match/Mismatch classi-
fication and depends on the KMType:
if a = b, the mapping is absolute and
MatchClass = Equal;
if KMType = conceptual, the mapping is relat-
ing terms/concepts:
{Equal, Naming,Coverage,MoreGeneral,
LessGeneral, Disjoint}
Otherwise the mapping is either non-existing or
more concrete addressing structural issues
EXP - stands for mapping expression that relates
and further specifies the previous tuple compo-
nents. Normally, this expression can be trans-
lated to an executable transformation language
(e.g. ATL).
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
The Communication Mediator Ontology has been
built up as an extension of the Model Traceability On-
tology defined by (Sarraipa et al., 2007), and it is able
to represent ontology semantic operations, like: (1)
Semantic mismatches; (2) Semantic transformations;
(3) Ontologies mappings; and other ontologies opera-
tions. Thus, the MO is able to log ontology and entity
operations in a way that is possible to trace changes in
all the ontology life cycle. It addresses traceability as
the ability to chronologically interrelate the uniquely
identifiable objects in a way that can be processed by
a human or a system. The mapping relations can be
related to a traceability element, in such sense that
a specific term defined in the reference ontology has
a related one in the organisation member ontology,
making possible a way to trace ontology elements.
This way, the morphisms are modelled with trace-
ability properties in a sense that they enable to store
different versions of information model elements, as
well as mappings between specific objects defined in
a model or ontology (Sarraipa et al., 2010).
The structure of the MO is described as follows:
the MO has two main classes: ‘Object’ and ‘Mor-
phism’. The ‘Object’ represents any ‘Information-
Model’ (IM), which is the model itself, and ‘Mod-
elElements’ (MElements) (also belonging to the IM)
that can either be classes, properties or instances.
The ‘Morphism’ associates a pair of ‘Objects’ (re-
lated and relating), and classifies their relationship
with a ‘MorphismType’ (MType), ‘KnowledgeMap-
pingType’ (KMType) (if the morphism is a mapping),
and ‘Match/Mismatch’ (MatchClass) class (Sarraipa
et al., 2010).
The models mapping specifications can be performed
either at a high level of formalization using graphs,
sets, tuples, etc. or at lower levels, i.e. specifying the
mappingsby text. However, in both cases is necessary
to implement them using a transformation language.
Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) is one
of the most used transformation languages, hav-
ing a large user base and being very well docu-
mented(Bzivin et al., 2003). An ATL transformation
is composed by a set of rules (matched rules) that
define how the source model elements are linked to
the target model elements. These elements can then
be filled with information from the source model by
called rules (similar to functions in usual object lan-
guages like JAVA) and action blocks (blocks of im-
perativecode which can be used by matched rules and
called rules).
Model transformations are a current practice to
enable interoperability among two organizations or
ecosystems of organizations, each with their own ser-
vice system. With them, one can specify P2P (Peer
to Peer) mappings to translate any data provided from
one sides format specification into the other, thus al-
lowing a seamless exchange of information.
When performing a horizontal model transforma-
tion (e.g. converting instances of a model to in-
stances of another model) an explicit or an implicit
mapping of the ‘meta-model’ has to be performed.
Thus, as depicted in 2 the idea that when perform-
ing a transformation morphism at a certain level n,
this transformation has (implicitly or explicitly) to be
designed by taking into account mappings at level
n + 1. Once the n + 1 level mapping is complete,
executable languages can be used to implement the
transformation at n level, e.g. using ATL and the
Query/View/Transformation (QVT) (OMG, 2008).
Figure 2: Method for Horizontal Transformation.
This type of transformations are normally static
processes that once defined can be repeated any num-
ber of times achieving the same results. However due
to the constant knowledge change caused by the dy-
namics of the global market, services and models that
regulate enterprise systems, are not. In fact, some re-
searchers have attempted to extrapolate results from a
‘general systems theory’ or ‘complexity theory’ that
could explain the importance of evolution of systems
in all fields of science (Gharajedaghi, 2011). These
theories view all systems as dynamic, ‘living’ enti-
ties that are goal-oriented and evolve over time, thus,
information systems, services and the mappings that
connect them should be prepared to respond to the
environment dynamics which is in a constant update.
To support this dynamicity, horizontal transforma-
tions should be provided with traceability features,
and mappings stored in a parseable and structured
Model-driven Approach for the Interoperability of Enterprises’ Services Information Exchange
knowledge-base (Agostinho et al., 2011).
Since it is used a knowledge enriched tuple for
mappings representation that are stored on a CM
is possible to keep traceability of model mapping
changes so that readjustments can be easier to man-
age, and data exchange re-established automatically
using the model-driven development paradigm.
The ISOFIN cloud project envisage the establishment
of technical solutions, guidelines and standards to
support the interoperability resolution, facilitating a
seamless sharing of artifacts at the knowledge and
software level that would enable a fast and efficient
creation of new Financial (e.g. bench and Insurance)
products or services. Thus, ISOFIN’s overall aims
Analyze the problems resulting from the internal-
ization of financial applications and identify po-
tential solutions
Create ways of reducing the time that software de-
velopers take to achieve interoperability between
domain financial stakeholders (e.g. bench and in-
Standardize the domain semantic level, where no
harmonization exists
To implement mechanisms to facilitate the gener-
ation of new services in a ubiquitous context that
could easily be discovered and accessed by do-
main customers
Based on the project aims, the expected result is
the development of a platform that speeds up the de-
velopment and deployment of services to be sold to
the clients and users of the financial domain. For that,
the steps identified in the approach presented in sec-
tion 2 for the interoperability of the information ex-
change section must be followed: (1) acquisition of a
platform reference lexicon together with the domain
experts; (2) definition of mappings between enterprise
NBS and the reference lexicon using a mapping tool;
and (3) Generation of SBSs based on the established
6.1 Domain Reference Lexicon
It is a fact that when an information system intends to
represent a domain’s knowledge it needs to be aligned
to the community that it represents. Consequently it
is required to have a solution where community mem-
bers could present their knowledge about the domain
and discuss it with their peers. Additionally, such
knowledge must be available and dynamically main-
tained by all the involved actors (Marques-Lucena
et al., 2015).
The solution adopted by the authors for the do-
main reference lexicon establhishement is based on
MENTOR - methodology for enterprise reference on-
tology development (Sarraipa et al., 2010), supported
by an interface accordingly with the works presented
in (Lucena et al., 2014; Marques-Lucena et al., 2015)
to implement the following MENTOR’s steps (1) ter-
minology gathering; (2) glossary building; (3) the-
saurus building. The result is a domain lexicon,
whose semantics are constantly refined trough a spe-
cific front-end in order to handle the knowledge pro-
vided by the domain experts.
6.2 Mapping Tool
The Mapping tool was previously developed to pro-
vide a graphical means to define different kinds of
mapping between models (Agostinho et al., 2012).
This tool was developed with the intention to open
LIMM (Language Independent Meta-Model) files, an
abstract interface on top of information systems.
JGraph has been elected and modified to read the
input information model files and store morphisms at
the MO ontology. It is a widely used open source
project for graph visualization and manipulation, sim-
ilar to Microsoft Visio, with good documentation and
several examples. Features include a complete selec-
tion of layouts to automatically position the graph,
many styles of shapes and edges, validation of con-
nections, as well as an undo and redo manager.
Some adjustments were made to enable the inter-
action (mapping definition) between two different in-
formation models’ graphs, and to become integrated
to the Communication Mediator Ontology. To the in-
tegration with the CM ontology, JENA was used - a
Java API for OWL providing services for model rep-
resentation, parsing, database persistence and query-
ing ontologies.
In the ISOFIN’s application scenario. the map-
ping tool supports the mappings definition between
NBSs elements (e.g. services and message concepts
names) described in WSDL 1.0 and XSD, and the
ISOFIN’s reference lexicon described in OWL 2.0.
For the purpose, the enabled features are the ones rep-
resented in Figure 3 use case: 1) Open wsdl file; 2)
save mappings; 3) import mappings; 4) generate wsdl
file. The import of the platform reference lexicon
is made when the open wsdl file option is triggered.
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
That means, when the user decided to open a wsdl file
for mappings establishment, both the wsdl and refer-
ence lexicon graphical representations are presented
side by side (see Figure 9).
Figure 3: Mapping Tool Use Case.
In addition to the menu bar, three other areas com-
pose the tool: 1) Mapping text description; 2) Mini-
mized view of the full mapping screen; and 3) Map-
ping screen. The first area is where are described the
selected mappings and elements, the second allows to
navigate in the full map and finally, the third is where
is done the representation of the models and the map-
pings (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Mapping Tool working area.
Starting from the work presented in (Agostinho
et al., 2012), some changes were made to the mapping
tool to allow the interpretation of WSDL 1.0 (sup-
pliers web services standard language) and OWL 2.0
(platform semantics description language). The most
relevant changes are related to the transformation of
both the input files into LIMM, so
both the reference
lexicon and NBS wsdl can be opened for mappings
6.2.1 Language Independent Meta Model
This language enables the abstraction in relation to
technologies and implementation details associated
with the different modeling languages, and thus, en-
large the scope of users involved in a traditional map-
ping definition activity. Thus, having domain experts
(suppliers) involved in the mapping process increases
the quality of the mappings enabling the interoper-
ability between suppliers and the rest of the platform
6.2.2 OWL to LIMM Transformation
The transformation of OWL 2.0 to LIMM was al-
ready existing in the context of the European Project
plained in (Agostinho et al., 2012). To enable the
mapping among the OWL meta-model (W3C, 2008)
and the LIMM, one needs to firstly put the OWL data
in XMI serialization following the OWL meta-model
specifications. Nevertheless the procedure to do so
is not straightforward as desirable since, in spite of
the inputting OWL model is already XML serialized,
it cannot be directly processed by the ATL toolkit
which needs XMI as an input. The complete process
for accomplishing the language mapping is illustrated
in Figure 5, where the first step consists in doing
an injection of the original model to an XML MOF
meta-model specification. Following that, the second
preparatory step consists in mapping that XML for-
mat to the reference OWL meta-model which will be
the starting point for the actual θ(OWL, LIMM) lan-
guage mapping (step 3). The, the step 4 takes place
to execute the transformation between models itself
using ATL.
Figure 5: OWL 2.0 to LIMM Transformation (Agostinho
et al., 2012).
6.2.3 WSDL to LIMM Transformation
The transformation of WSDL 1.0 to LIMM follows
the same approach of the transformation of OWL 2.0
to LIMM described before. Since not all the WSDL
model elements are relevant for the described use
case, only the elements depicted using yellow (doted
line) on Figure 6 where transformed. These are the
elements containing the description of the services
name, input and output messages, and the catego-
rization of the messages. To allow the representation
of services input and output messages, the container
Model-driven Approach for the Interoperability of Enterprises’ Services Information Exchange
types were also considered (continuous line in red).
The WSDL ‘types’ element is a container for XML
Schema type definitions. The type definitions are ref-
erenced from higher-level message definitions in or-
der to define the structural details of the message. To
get more structured representation of the NBS con-
tent, the representation of the services was split in two
parts, namely the types and the services (Figure 7).
Figure 6: WSDL 1.0 Meta-model.
Figure 7: WSDL 1.0 LIMM Graphical representation.
6.3 Mappings Storage
As mentioned before, the mapping tool provides a
graphical means to define different kind of mappings
while storing them in the Communication Mediator
Ontology. Using the mapping tool developed, it is
possible to open and show mappings between infor-
mation models, namely, the NBS services and the
ISOFIN reference lexicon, represented respectively in
WSDL and OWL (Figure 9).
Since a mapping definition is a complex and time-
consuming task, the Mapping tool is capable of halt-
ing the process at any time without losing the progress
made so far by the user. This functionality still allows
keeping mappings traceability.
6.4 Generate SBS WSDL File
To mediate information between the ISOFIN suppli-
ers (NBS) and the ISOFIN platform it is needed to
align the semantics of such information. To accom-
plish that, a generator to enable the representation of
NBS services according to the ISOFIN nomenclatures
was developed. This generator consists in a compo-
nent of the mapping tool and its function is
to gen-
erate a WSDL of the supplier services accordingly to
the ISOFIN semantics from the established mappings.
Figure 8: WSDL output of the established mapping.
In Figure 8, the Supplier Business Service re-
sulting of the mapping established in Figure 9 is
presented. In the example provided, the element
codsys of the complex element getXMLApoliceBy-
ModApolConfig is replaced by the ISOFIN concept
CodigoDoProduto. In this way, each enterprise is ca-
pable to keep its internal nomenclature (e.g. codsys)
and still be able to interact with its domain using a
common reference lexicon as the intermediary in the
communications established between the enterprise
and the outside.
The aim of this work is to provide interoperability in-
tegration on the information exchanged between do-
main suppliers and a specific platform. To achieve
that goal, an approach capable to represent connec-
tions or mappings between information systems is
proposed by the authors. The outcome is that sys-
tems information subsystems are able to interact, but
keeping their internal nomenclature thanks to the gen-
eration of Supplier Business Services.
Thus, in the application scenario, a mapping tool
was used to support the establishment and definition
MDE4SI 2016 - Special Session on Model-Driven Enterprise Services and Applications for a Sustainable Interoperability: New Paradigms
for Development in the Future Enterprise - 2nd Edition
Figure 9: Mapping Tool demonstration.
of mappings between the ISOFIN ontology and sup-
plier data models. These mappings are logged ac-
cordingly to a determined specification able to facil-
itate further traceability mechanisms implementation
to facilitate maintenance of the established interoper-
ability between the information systems. Such spec-
ifications are represented by a tuple that formalizes
the mappings, which then can be stored as knowledge
elements in the Communication Mediator Ontology.
The stored knowledge elements enable the gen-
eration of SBS (wsdl) web service already compli-
ant with ISOFIN’s reference lexicon. Such new web
services will facilitate the process of sending and re-
ceiving interoperable data between suppliers and the
ISOFIN system.
However, due to the infinite possible model for-
mats (meta-models) to represent any kind of informa-
tion in web services contents composition (e.g. NBS),
it is difficult to create a full interoperability solution.
Thus, despite the fact of the complexity of reaching
a complete automatic or dynamic interoperability it
is concluded that partial solutions could be reached
when it is acknowledged in advance the nature of the
meta-models of the information exchanged and when
there is a specification for traceability representation
able to represent all the kinds of mismatches.
These traceability representations support the pro-
posed generator in handling specific interoperability
situations. In matter of fact this is the specific ISOFIN
goal to which this work is focused on. It provides
traceability representation able to support some spe-
cific interoperability establishment solutions imple-
The research leading to these results have received
funding from the European Union 7th Framework
Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement
nr 610905, EC HORIZON2020 Program
under grant agreement nr C2NET 636909
, and also
QREN under agreement 2010/013837 ISOFIN
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