Content based Image Retrieval Databases Classification with Brain
Event Related Potential
Rodrigo Prior Bechelli
Centro Universit´ario da FEI, Av. Humberto de A. C. Branco, 3972, 09850-901, S˜ao Bernardo do Campo, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
Brain Computer Interface, BCI, Content Based Image Retrieval, CBIR, Electroencephalography, EEG.
This paper evaluates and compile information related to Electroencephalography (EEG) used as a pattern to
classify a Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system based on an Event Related Potential (ERP) as an
input data vector to classify an image database. The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is used as a
method to present multiple images to obtain a series of P300 brain response and specify the duality of target
or non- target images (oddball paradigm).
The research field of Content Based Image Retrieval
(CBIR) proposes methods to search across a high vol-
ume of image or data files. Over the last few decades
it has increased exponentially (Liu et al., 2007) and
even with the most advanced technology we have still
not bridged the gaps between what we search and the
conceptual idea behind what we are trying to search
(Deserno et al., 2009).
One initiative to connect these gaps is to un-
derstand how we process these ideas using acqui-
sition methods based on brain activity to possibly
achieve better query results. Based on that proposi-
tion, this work explores a Brain Computer Interface
(BCI) based on brain Event Related Potential (ERP)
(Farwell and Donchin, 1988) using P300 component
captured via Electroencephalography (EEG) signals
applied recently by authors over CBIR queries.
Evaluate the actual classification methods of ap-
plying EEG signals to an image database;
Evaluate and compare the methods of feature vec-
tor extraction from EEG signals to apply in an im-
age database;
Query an image database classified via EEG sig-
nals and evaluate its results with a CBIR method-
The following authors, Wang et al. (2009); Khosla
et al. (2011); Uˇs´cumli´c et al. (2011); Healy and
Smeaton (2011); s´cumli´c et al. (2013); Mohedano
et al. (2014) were compared to map the state of the
art of applying EEG over CBIR and specifically de-
fine a path of research based on: acquisition hard-
ware, Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), im-
age database, tested subjects, preprocessing, process-
ing and classification. With this map it is possible to
evaluate, in a future work, all the requirements to cre-
ate a simulation environment.
To capture the brain signals, EEG acquisition was
applied and all researched authors adopted the 10-
20 protocol to distribute the electrodes on the scalp.
Also, all the authors proposed the method of Event
Related Potential (ERP) (Sutton et al., 1965) to trig-
ger the P300 brain response and specify the dual-
ity of target or non-target images (oddball paradigm)
(Donchin et al., 1978; Donchin and Arbel, 2009).
3.1 Acquisition Hardware and
The acquisition hardware details and environment to
capture the EEG signals, for example a Faraday cage
environment, are not described in all references, but
the ones that exposes it are detailed in Table 1.
Bechelli, R.
Content based Image Retrieval Databases Classification with Brain Event Related Potential.
In Doctoral Consortium (DCBIOSTEC 2016), pages 3-8
Table 1: Hardware and Environment.
64-channel BioSemi ActiveTwo system in an
extended 10-20 montage at a sampling rate of
2048Hz (Wang et al., 2009)
no description (Khosla et al., 2011)
no description (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2011)
16 channel KT88-1016 EEG system with a
left mastoid reference and the chin as ground.
Ag/AgCl electrodes were used with a 10-20
placement. Digitized at 100Hzand subsequently
band-passed from 0.1Hz to 20Hz (Healy and
Smeaton, 2011)
64-channel BioSemi ActiveTwo system in an
extended 10-20 montage at a sampling rate of
2048Hz. Calibrated via electrooculographic
(EOG) activity (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2013)
31 channel BCI with a sample rate of 1kHz was
used to capture the brain reaction of the users
during the image presentation. The electrodes
were located according to the 10-20 system dis-
tribution (in a Faraday Cage) (Mohedano et al.,
3.2 Rapid Serial Visual Presentation
To evaluate several images for each one of the sub-
jects, the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)
was used. This method consist in presenting several
images to the subject in a controlled environment and
frequency such as in a flash mode. The sequence of
flashes contains several images while it is required to
the subject to identify a target in a series of non target
images (Mohedano et al., 2014).
Over the series of articles researched the same
method is applied with some variation as presented
in Table 2.
Khosla et al. (2011) described a possible issue on
dissimilar image sequences that have different colors,
scales and textures. These differences could trigger a
”false alarm” P300 signal based on the surprise. They
also propose a preprocessing method of feature ex-
traction and a distance model between images to eval-
uate the image database.
3.3 Image Database
In order to compare the results in CBIR environment a
image database must be used to evaluate the resulting
queries. As long as there are trusted image databases
Table 2: Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP).
RSVP Method Details
240px x 240px image size, 62 objects database
randomly partitioned in two, with 1000 images
as 10 blocks of 100 images each presented at
6Hz (Wang et al., 2009)
256px x 256px image size, presented at 10Hz
and results presented in 50 images screen with
10 images/row (Khosla et al., 2011)
220 image sequences with 20 target images pre-
sented at 4Hz (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2011)
Target images were inserted into blocks of 100
non-target presented at 10Hz. Total of 4.800 im-
ages with 60 target randomly distributed (Healy
and Smeaton, 2011)
20 images per object (eg. ”dog”, ”eagle” etc)
with 10 categories. 10% targets. Subjects sat
at 60cm from screen with images occupying ap-
proximate 6
x 4
of their visual field and were
instructed to silently count images of a specified
object (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2013)
22 images selected with a single object and lim-
ited complexity background. With 192 window
of each image presented at 5Hz zoomed and
centered at screen. Subjects were instructed to
count the number of windows containing a part
of the object (Mohedano et al., 2014)
Table 3: Image Database.
Image Databases
Caltech 101 dataset (3798 images) and 62 object
from Caltech and Satellite imagery with ”Heli-
pad” 1051 targets (Wang et al., 2009)
no description (Khosla et al., 2011)
Custom database with 1382 images annotated
using features based on human vision Colored
Pattern Appearance Model (CPAM) and Edge-
based features (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2011)
Amsterdam Library of Object Images (ALOI)
with 1000 objects with 4800 images with a num-
ber of different camera angles/lighting condi-
tions (Healy and Smeaton, 2011)
Caltech dataset (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2013)
Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark
(BSDB) (Mohedano et al., 2014)
available for research the studied papers are compared
by this definition in Table 3.
DCBIOSTEC 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
3.4 Tested Subjects
All the articles used primary data collected in sessions
of EEG and RSPV following the methods already de-
scribed. The total number of subjects in each experi-
ment is relevant in order to compare the volume of in-
formation captured. The details for each experiment
are described in Table 4.
Table 4: Subjects.
Subjects and Details
4 undergraduate and graduate students, staff and
faculty that were not digital media analysts, but
were familiar with EEG work (Wang et al.,
no description (Khosla et al., 2011)
1 subject for database classification. Retrieval
stage was made with synthetic data that emulates
EEG decoding with error rates of 30% and 60%
(Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2011)
8 postgraduate and staff population on campus,
5 males and 3 females were recruited with an av-
erage age of 27.5 years with standard deviation
of 4.5 years. (Healy and Smeaton, 2011)
15 subjects with normal or corrected-to-normal
vision. There was no specific criteria for recruit-
ing the subjects (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2013)
5 subjects between 21 and 32 years old (Mo-
hedano et al., 2014)
As detailed by Uˇs´cumli´c et al. (2013), the EEG
data captured from the subjects in a live demonstra-
tion and in a pubic space, presented at a high noise
environment. All the other papers are, implicitly, con-
ducted in a laboratory environment.
3.5 Software
None of the articles expose the BCI software plat-
form used to develop the test, acquiring and process-
ing EEG data. This result is expected as long as some
of the acquisition hardware already come with its own
software packages.
All the researched work employ a method of classifi-
cation based on EEG data and a method to propagate
the extracted features for the remaining target images
of the database. In this section it will be pointed the
described methods in each evaluated papers and the
exploration of each method will be evaluated in fu-
ture works.
4.1 EEG Processing
Once EEG data is acquired, RSVP must be processed
in order to obtain the ERP signals and generate a se-
ries of features that can be propagate to the additional
unclassified images and detailed in Table 5.
Table 5: EEG Processing.
EEG Processing Algorithms
Apply a method to detect in real time the P300
signal using Fisher Linear Discriminator using a
window of 100ms (Wang et al., 2009)
no description (Khosla et al., 2011)
Gaussian classifier with no additional details
(Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2011)
Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Healy and
Smeaton, 2011)
Use a two step method applying a Canonical
Variate Analysis (CVA) initially and a Gaussian
Classifier over the most discriminant features
(Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2013)
Support Vector Machine (SVM) with Radial Ba-
sis Function (RBF) kernel classifier with nor-
malized feature vector with zero mean and unit
standard deviation across each feature compo-
nent (Mohedano et al., 2014)
Additionally to selected articles in Table 5, Tong
and Chang (2001) worked with linear kernel and au-
thors evaluatedthe effect of a reduced number of EEG
channels applying a Sequential Forward Feature Se-
lection (SFFS) and Somol et al. (1999) tried to find
subsets between the determined classes of images.
4.2 Image Database Processing
Khosla et al. (2011) implemented some level of pro-
cessing at the image database. It was highlighted the
need to normalize images at color, background and
texture of images in order to reduce the false positive
levels of P300 signals in EEG capture. First is im-
plemented a color conversion from RGB to HSV and
implement Euclidean distance calculation over image
histogram. Once calculated images are ordered and
The state of the art compared six articles that ap-
ply the same technique: ERP, P300, RSVP and CBIR.
Even with the same basic structure and dealing with
the same challenges these papers presented a level of
Content based Image Retrieval Databases Classification with Brain Event Related Potential
variance in the features that were evaluated. But it
also possible to detect some level of concordance in
the image database: Caltech image database (Wang
et al., 2009; s´cumli´c et al., 2013). In RSVP it is
not possible to have the same description in all arti-
cles but there is possible to verify a trend in image
size and frequency rates. In EEG Processing it is also
possible to identify to use of Support Vector Machine
(SVM) (Healy and Smeaton, 2011; Mohedano et al.,
2014) and Gaussian Classifier (Uˇs´cumli´c et al., 2011,
A RSVP protocol test were develop to use Caltech
101 dataset (Fei-Fei et al., 2007) to be preprocessed
as described in section 3. This database have 9.144
images, classified in 102 categories. For this test 57
categories were adopted with total of 3.436 images.
Images were preprocessed to fit 300px height and
300px width.
The RSVP test were developed to work on a com-
puter screen of 1024x768px resolution (but also work
with some variation of this resolution). It starts with
5s of black image presentation and after this time the
images were centered in a black background and pre-
sented sequentially at 4Hz frequency.
In this stage, the consumer product Emotiv-
EPOC+ (Emotiv, 2011) was used to capture EEG
signals. This device is composed of 14 electrodes
(AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T8, FC6,
F4, F8, AF4), with acquisition rate of 128Hz. It is
known that this device partially cover occipital and
parietal electrodes, important regions to acquire Vi-
sual Evoked Potential (VEP) as previously reported
by Duffy et al. (1999). But recent research suc-
cessfully employed the Emotiv-EPOC+ in order to
capture P300 responses as proposed by Ekanayake
A build script was developed with Python
(Oliphant, 2007; P´erez and Granger, 2007; Gram-
fort et al., 2013) program language to interface a
test RSVP application with OpenViBE (Renard et al.,
2010) platform.
The test process flow described as follow:
1. Subject basic information was obtained during an
initial interview to verify any medical or physio-
logical restriction;
2. Subject read and sign an informed consent;
3. Subject is prepared for EEG acquisition equip-
4. Test is built specifically for the subject following
expected requirements:
(a) Subject Name;
(b) Subject Born Date;
(c) Subject Gender;
(d) Image category choose for test (e.g: ”dog”);
(e) Number of targets in RSVP test (default value
(f) Minimum number of non-targets between each
target (default value 6);
(g) Maximum number of non-targets between each
target (default value 20);
(h) Total number of sessions per subject (default
value 4);
(i) RSVP Frequency Rate in Hz (default value 4).
5. The test consist in 4 sessions of 2min with a range
of 400 to 600 images with 30 target images;
With this information it is expected to use a clas-
sification method for the acquired feature vectors of
target and no-target images in order to tag the image
Once the image database is tagged it will be pos-
sible to evaluate results achieved using a BCI clas-
sification system against a manual classification of a
The python software that build the RSVP protocol
integrated with OpenViBE were developed an tested
with a subset of Caltech 101 dataset.
In order to validate the entire pipeline, EEG data
were acquired using Emotiv- EPOC+ from 6 under-
graduate and graduate students volunteers between 22
and 40 years old. All subjects have a certain level
of knowledge of the tests, but none of them work di-
rectly with this research. Tests were conducted in the
university usability laboratory.
At this stage, the analysis of the collected data was
started. In Figure 1 is possible to evaluate the average
of EEG signal of the evoked potentials from a single
subject of 120 presented target images along all four
Evaluating the results in Figure 1, the P300 sig-
nal is expected to be displayed in time window from
250ms to 450ms, showing expected responses for this
scenario (Duvinage et al., 2012).
From the same subject, in Figure 2, it is possible
to identify the expected activation areas at 300ms in
electrodes O1, O2, P8 and P7.
DCBIOSTEC 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: P300 analysis from a single subject. Average from
120 target images (30 target images from all sessions).
Figure 2: Topographic map of evoked potentials from Fig-
ure 1.
None of this data was cleaned from additional ar-
tifacts, for example, eye movement electromyography
signals or invalidation of time window epochs. At this
stage it necessary to evaluate a preprocessing algo-
rithm that better suit the research purpose.
This study was produced with FEI, CAPES and
FAPESP funding.
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DCBIOSTEC 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies