Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information
Christian Samsel, Gerrit Garbereder and Karl-Heinz Krempels
Information Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Context-aware Computing, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Recommendation Systems, Web Information
The integration of heterogeneous mobility services increases the number of itinerary choices exponentially.
To support travelers with the selection of such an intermodal itinerary this work proposes the use of a rec-
ommendation system. The developed framework rates intermodal itineraries supplied by an external travel
information system based on learned personal preferences and user context (e.g. weather). This rating can be
used by the client application (e.g. a mobile app) for sorting or a five-star rating. The framework realizes a set
of interfaces to extract feature data of the user context and the possible itineraries and applies a combination
of item-based and context-based recommendation algorithms. As evaluation an online questionnaire (n = 101)
applying the framework was conducted to assess the feasibility of the approach. The number of participants
preferring the personalized and context-aware itinerary presentation compared to the traditional departure
time-based presentation was significant. Furthermore it could be verified that a mobility self-assessment is
suitable as initial training data.
Recent technological and socio-economical develop-
ments changed personal mobility significantly. Re-
cent examples are the growth in car sharing (Sha-
heen and Cohen, 2007), bike sharing services (Sha-
heen et al., 2010) and services like Uber (Cusumano,
2015). The advent of such transport modalities and
the combination with ordinary modalities give travel-
ers more choices regarding their itineraries. Although
this improves the service coverage and is potentially
more environmentally friendly, the rising complexity
in travel planning is problematic. Modern intermodal
travel information systems (TIS) might offer dozens
of different itineraries for a fixed journey. These
itineraries differ from each other in terms of duration,
price, modality, number of changes, environmental
friendliness, and many more aspects. Comprehending
these differences and hereafter selecting the appropri-
ate itinerary can therefore be a hard task.
This work proposes to enhance travel information
systems by rehashing the available itineraries to bet-
ter suit the traveler, based on his personal preferences,
context information (e.g. weather), and popular selec-
tions. In practice, this could improve the selection in
following ways:
For persons who tend to select cheap itineraries,
the cheapest one is shown first.
In case of rain, itineraries containing bikesharing
are presented less prominently.
If multiple people avoid a specific bus line (maybe
it’s overcrowded), it is presented less prominently.
Systems implementing such tasks, are called Rec-
ommender Systems. Recommender Systems are in-
formation systems which suggest one or more items
from a set of items to a user, based on similarities. The
best known recommendation methods are collabora-
tive filtering (operates on user similarity), item-based
filtering (item similarity), and context-aware filtering
(context similarity).
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, related research and existing ap-
plications are discussed. Section 3 describes the pro-
posed approach on a conceptual level, whereas Sec-
tion 4 presents details of the technical realization of
the prototype. The evaluation methodology and re-
sults are presented in Section 5 followed by Section 6
concluding the paper.
This Section gives an overview on production appli-
Samsel, C., Krempels, K-H. and Garbereder, G.
Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 1, pages 148-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The Qixxit travel information web-platform.
cations and current scientific work with focus on in-
termodality and personalization.
Travel Information Systems have been scientifi-
cally investigated and technically improved in several
aspects in recent years. Modern travel information ap-
plications like Transit App
, Moovel
or Qixxit
different strength and weaknesses (Beutel and Krem-
pels, 2014). Qixxit (see Figure 1) is the newest travel
information platform provided by Deutsche Bahn. It
offers an extensive variety of different modalities pro-
vided by different operators accompanied by a state-
of-the-art user experience. Crucial for the success
of TISes are two main factors: a) the quality of the
provided information in terms of comprehensiveness
and completeness and b) the systems’ usability (Beul-
Leusmann et al., 2014). (Papangelis et al., 2013) state
that travelers are highly frustrated when using pub-
lic transportation because of lacking information pro-
vided. The problem of information and data integra-
tion of heterogeneous mobility services is currently
under investigation (Beutel et al., 2014; Kluth et al.,
2015). A taxonomy of the public transport context is
presented in (Kr
omker and Wienken, 2015). In (Dig-
mayer et al., 2015) the authors identify and model the
phases of an intermodal journey to distinguish user
requirements, whereas in (Vogelsang et al., 2015) a
literature-based study on requirements on information
systems is presented. (Keller et al., 2011) observed
that creating an ideal representation of public tran-
sit trip information on a mobile device is a difficult
task. Using paper prototypes, different approaches to
display intermodal travel chains are compared. The
authors of (Wienken et al., 2014) embedded a mo-
bility planning model hierarchically into an agenda
planning model and identified common information
needs. (Stopka et al., 2015) conducted an empiri-
cal study of current intermodal mobility applications
using Apple AppStore and Google Playstore data as
well as an online survey. The work identifies different
user types (e.g. “The Open-Minded Planner”) as well
as different operation modes, e.g. “Route Search”.
The framework proposed in (Pessemier et al.,
2014) detects the current context and activity of the
user by analyzing data retrieved from different sen-
sors available on mobile devices and recommends ac-
tivities. In (Yang et al., 2015) the authors present an
algorithmic framework for personalized and context-
aware driving routing based on trajectories. The driv-
ing behavior (e.g. fuel consumption) is modeled as
context and new routes or rather trajectories are per-
sonalized accordingly. The work presented in (Co-
dina et al., 2015) was conducted in project SUPER-
HUB. A contextual user model was applied to recom-
mend multi-modal journey plans. The system sup-
ports the modalities walk, bike, public and private
transportation, as well as combinations. Sharing ser-
vices are not considered. Ten types of contextual fac-
tors are identified as relevant, e.g. purpose of journey
and weather. To evaluate the users had to rate jour-
neys using a 5-star scale with regard to a manually
entered context.
This section presents the theoretical approach used to
construct itinerary recommendations.
3.1 Modeling Users, Context and
To calculate similarities between items (i.e.,
itineraries) or users (i.e., travelers) it is required
to model them accordingly. These initial models
are kept as simple as possible to allow a reasonable
implementation and to only rely on available data.
For the first implementation we opt for a sim-
ple user model only consisting of sex and age group.
The age groups are aligned to the age groups used in
(Follmer et al., 2010).
The context model is simplistic as well. Related
work, e.g. (Pessemier et al., 2014), put a strong focus
on thorough user context detection (e.g., using hard-
ware sensors). This was intentionally not done for this
work, because the context while planning is likely to
differ from the context of the actual travel. Instead
the probable context of time and place of the journey
is processed. That is the time of day and weather of
both start and destination. Temperature is clustered
Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information
in weather conditions (sunny, rainy, etc.) and by tem-
perature in 5
C intervals. Time is clustered in six hour
In contrast, the itinerary model is bit more sophis-
ticated. A itinerary can be described by numerous
features, obviously important ones are overall dura-
tion and price. Lesser important but sometimes men-
tioned might be the slope of a bike leg. For this work
we aimed for a compromise of deemed important and
available information. In literature (Vogelsang et al.,
2015) duration and price are identified as main fea-
tures for decision making. The price was unfortu-
nately not available through public APIs, but is still
part of the model for a later integration. The simi-
larity s of two durations (d, d
) (for prices analog) is
calculated as:
s(d, d
) =
1 + |d d
The reason for this transformation, is that similarity is
usually denoted normalized to [1, 1] R, whereas
1 denotes opposite and 1 equality. Also relevant for
most travelers are the modalities used. Two itineraries
are considered similar iff the dominant, that is time-
wise longest used, modalities match.
3.2 Creating Recommendations
The essence of this work is recommending itineraries
for travelers. To create recommendations a combi-
nation of different techniques, i.e., algorithms, is uti-
lized. These algorithms have no inter-dependencies
and are therefore both replaceable and extensible.
As already mentioned the itinerary duration is one
of the most important decision factors. It is safe
to assume that travelers will always select the faster
itinerary of otherwise identical ones. Accordingly, we
use the travel duration for an initial score. The list of
itineraries i I is sorted ascending by duration and
then rated (r
) using:
= (1
|I| 1
) 0.5
with i
, ..., i
), 1 k |I|.
The actual duration is not used here, but instead the
ordering of possible itineraries. The weight is modi-
fied using the factor 0.5, so the impact on overall rec-
ommendation score is lower compared to the follow-
ing recommender.
The way carsharing services work, it is advisable
to treat it specially regarding recommendations. Car-
sharing requires a formal registration with the opera-
tor to check the travelers drivers license. Based on the
fact that the majority of traveler are not registered, we
assume that only traveler who already used carsharing
want recommendations containing carsharing legs.
Let p
be the frequency of carsharing travels,
where as let p
be the frequency of non-carsharing
, p
, p
6= 0
0, p
= 0
1, p
= 0
For the following recommendations the overall sim-
ilarity between itineraries is required. We already
introduced feature similarity in Section 3.1 but still
need a way of combining them. For combined sim-
ilarity only features present in both sets are consid-
ered. The similarity between itineraries is defined as
s( f , f
). Let F be the set of features of i I, and let
be the set of features of i
s(i, i
) =
f , f
s( f , f
, with F
= F F
. (4)
The weighting of feature similarities is conceivable
but was not used for this work.
To enrich the similarity with context-based infor-
mation we extend the used function with context at
the origin (C
) and the context at the destination (C
of itinerary i I. C
, C
likewise for itinerary i
s(i, i
) =
s(ζ, ζ
) +
s(γ, γ
) +
s(γ, γ
|Z| + |Γ
| + |Γ
with Z = F F
, Γ
= C
, Γ
= C
The final personal item-based rating, is calculated by
multiplying the personal preference p
for item i
by the similarity s(s, s
) whereby P I ist the set of
learned preferences. Additionally we only consider
items with similarity values of 0.75 or more (P
). Ini-
tial tests of systems showed that lower similarities de-
note completely unrelated itineraries.
= {i
P s(i, i
) > 0.75},
s(i, i
Combining Equation (5) and Equation (6) results in
the final item-based and context-aware recommender.
The algorithm is designed to deal with adding or re-
moving of itinerary and context features by only cal-
culating similarities if the respective feature exist for
both items.
3.3 Filtering Results
As final step the results are filtered depending on the
configuration, i.e., the request. It is possible to fil-
ter the results based on a score threshold or to filter
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Query (+ Context)
Itineraries (+ Scores)
Figure 2: Information Exchange with PCR.
results qualitatively. For example, a filter could elim-
inate itineraries with pedestrian legs longer then 5km,
as suggested in (Follmer et al., 2010).
In this section the actual implementation of the pro-
posed framework is described. The system was de-
veloped in Java Enterprise Edition 7, as application
container Red Hat Wildfly 8
is used. To enable easy
modularization, Java Context and Dependency Injec-
tion (CDI) is employed. As data storage MongoDB
is used. For build and deployment Maven
, Vagrant
and Puppet
are used.
4.1 System Architecture
To simplify the integration into existing travel infor-
mation systems, the personalized, context-aware rec-
ommendation (PCR) system can also transparently
work between an existing (mobile) travel information
application and an existing backend as shown in Fig-
ure 2.
4.2 Data Acquisition and Feature
Itineraries or rather routing information, are the most
important input data. The creation of itineraries us-
ing routing algorithms for public transport and such,
is not in the scope of this work, instead the PCR sys-
tem relies on existing travel information systems. The
PCR supports the integration of multiple routing ser-
vices by offering a plugin API. Currently, Google Di-
and MapQuest
are supported via respective
RESTful API clients. Both services offer itineraries
consisting of pedestrian legs, public transport legs,
private car legs as well as combinations. To enhance
the variety, it is appropriate to include more uncom-
mon modes of transportation, e.g. carsharing, as men-
tioned earlier. Unfortunately, TISes like Qixxit (see
Section 2) or MobilityBroker (Beutel et al., 2014)
supporting holistic intermodal itineraries did not of-
fer an open API at the time the system was developed.
To still allow such itineraries, the itineraries supplied
by Google Directions and MapQuest were augmented
with realistic carsharing legs for the evaluation.
The Context Data injection is modularized. For
testing and demonstration of the PCR system, time
of day and weather data supplied by OpenWeath-
is supported. For start and destination of
itineraries the corresponding weather information are
fetched and cached for follow-up requests. Besides
weather information various other context informa-
tion sources are conceivable to use.
4.3 Recommendation System
The Recommendation Engine is built on top of
Apache Mahout
, which is a framework for devel-
oping scalable machine learning and recommenda-
tion applications. Mahout can be used in conjunc-
tion with Apache Hadoop
and/or Apache Spark
for distributed computing, but the use is optional. For
the relatively small data pool and number of users, we
opted to not use any kind of distributed computing.
4.4 Test and Evaluation Client
To test the server-based framework an Android mo-
bile application was developed for demonstration.
Because the graphical user interface was not in scope
of this work, the application only uses a text based
interface. For information on the design of mobile
travel information application, refer to Section 2. The
application allows registration, login, as well as the
main functionality: the actual travel query. After the
input of start, destination and departure time the user
is presented with a list of possible itineraries sorted
by the recommendation rating. He or she can select
one of them as usual to train the system. In case of
anonymous usage, which is also possible, personal-
ized information is not considered.
To evaluate the system, a special web client was
developed using AngularJS (Figures 3 and 4). The
Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information
Figure 3: User-Study Learning Phase.
collected data is saved in a MongoDB database for
later analysis. The evaluation component is modular-
ized so it can be easily removed for production oper-
Aim of the user study is to decide whether the ap-
proach is feasible and to gain general insight. The
methodology for the evaluation is described in Sec-
tion 5.1 and the results are presented in Section 5.2.
5.1 Methodology
The user study was developed as a web based appli-
cation. The application consists of three phases:
1. Collection of demographic data and mobility self-
2. Training phase (6 selections),
3. Evaluation phase (3 selections).
Demographic data questions are the usual refer-
ence data (e.g., age, sex, professional and educa-
tional background). The mobility self-assessment
consists of questions whether the participants con-
sider themselves as “car-person”, “train-person” or
“bike-person” (multiple answers possible).
Both the training and evaluation phase do not al-
low the traveler to query arbitrary journeys but instead
query a fixed set of scenarios. A scenario consists of a
Figure 4: User-Study Evaluation Phase.
start and destination, fixed contextual information and
description for the participant, e.g.: “You are in city
A work-related and want to meet for dinner in city
C. The weather is sunny. Please select your preferred
itinerary. The graphical representation resembles a
state-of-the-art TIS with a time-scaled, vertical, icon-
based visualization of travel chains (Vogelsang et al.,
In the training phase the participant selects a suit-
able itinerary out of the presented ones, based on e.g.
duration, used modal types or number of changes,
just as in the real world (see Figure 3). The selec-
tion for each question is then used to train the recom-
mender system. Unfortunately, prices are not shown,
as none of the supported travel information systems
offer price information. This would be a major con-
cern for the productive operation of the system but
does not limit the evaluation as the price information
is just an additional itinerary feature similar to the du-
In the evaluation phase (see Figure 4) the partici-
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
# Selections
Figure 5: Total variant selection.
pant can select his or her preferred itineraries sorting.
He or she can select between the PCR-based sorting
and a traditional sorting (departure time-based). The
position of both variants is randomized.
The recommendation knowledge base is freshly
initialized for every participant to allow independent
and reproducible results.
Of 101 participants who completed the question-
naire, 52 were female. Participants ages ranged from
18 to 82 with an average of 33.6 years. 95% of the
participants own a drivers license, 50.5% hold a least
college degree. The overall answer time per person
was around 10-15 minutes.
5.2 Results
The central question of this evaluation is, whether
travelers prefer a personalized, context-aware
itinerary presentation compared to the traditional,
departure-time based presentation. To answer, par-
ticipants could choose between these variants in the
evaluation phase of the questionnaire. The results, in
number of selections, are shown in Figure 5. Identical
means that both variants (PCR and traditional) had
identical sorting, so no improvement was gained by
PCR. With a significance level of 95%, 65% of the
selections are for PCR, which proves that travelers
prefer a personalized, context aware itinerary selec-
tion. The number of selections is three times the
number of participants because every participant had
three choices.
A common problem for recommendation systems
is the cold start problem, which is to give meaningful
recommendations to novel users for whom the system
has not learned any preferences (Lam et al., 2008).
For productive use, it is impractical to let new users
go through a lengthy learning phase of six selections
as carried out in the evaluation questionnaire. Instead
we assume answering a few self-assessment questions
to be more suitable usability-wise and enough infor-
mation for initialization. In Figure 6 the modality
selection and the respective modality self-assessment
is depicted. Travelers, who consider themselves as
Accept Unsure
Selection in %
Train Car Bike
Figure 6: Modal use for respective self-assessment.
Accept Unsure
Variant in %
PCR Classic Identical
Figure 7: Relative variant selection per self-assessment.
“train-person”, selected a train connection in 72.5%
of the cases, whereas travelers who rejected this, only
selected a train connection with a likelihood of 37%.
The relative high number of car and train selections
compared bike selections is caused by the nature of
the scenarios. Four out of six trips cover a long dis-
tance (50km - 600km) and one of the remaining two
is a job interview which generally discourages to use
a bike. Based on the correlation of the mobility self-
assessment and actual selection, one can assume that
self-assessment is usable as initial personal training
data. That is, the recommender systems behave as if
the new user had chosen a respective itinerary previ-
ously based on his self-assessment.
Figure 7 shows the relation between the share of
selections of PCR vs. the traditional presentation and
the self-assessment answer. The interesting result is
the bend for the answer “unsure”; Travelers, who are
unsure about their own mobility profile, are less likely
Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information
to select PCR. That leads to the conclusion, that trav-
elers with a volatile travel behavior are harder to pre-
dict and therefore harder to present with satisfying
recommendations. This is somewhat expected, but
still noteworthy.
This work presented a system for enhancing the
itinerary selection by employing personalized and
context-aware recommendations. The system was im-
plemented as a web service with a modular archi-
tecture to easily extend existing travel information
systems. The recommendation engine is based on
Apache Mahout and uses item-based, context-aware
scoring. To evaluate the system an online question-
naire with both a learning and testing phase was
used. The questionnaire results (n = 101) showed that
participants prefer a personalized and context-aware
sorted itinerary selection.
Discussion and Outlook
Although the presented evaluation showed that the
approach is technically working and the enhanced
itinerary selection is superior, some aspects are not
fully covered. Not all mobility services, most no-
tably flights and carpooling, are currently supported.
Even more important, price information is not cov-
ered, because of the lack of public APIs that offer this
information. We can assume that these features are
required for productive operation of such systems to
be on par with existing TISes.
The system in its current form does utilize col-
laborative filtering, i.e., population data. Also the
employed models are simple compared to models
used in established recommender systems domains
like eCommerce. Extending the models and algo-
rithms used, can improve the recommendation re-
sults fruther, but requires a significant amount of data,
which was not available for evaluation. Because of
the modular design of the system, the implementa-
tion of enhanced models and algorithms is straight-
A potential gap in the current implementation is
the way that travelers explicitly state that they are us-
ing a specific itinerary. For an occasional travel, this
is conceivable. But for a daily commute, travelers
might not interact with a travel information system
at all and instead opt for an itinerary purely based on
experience. Still, these information might be valuable
both for the personal profile of the traveler and for
population data. To solve this, an automatic tracking,
potentially combined with a travel assistance system
(Samsel et al., 2015), is required.
Personalization (and tracking even more) always
has implications towards privacy. Travelers have to
be informed about the workings of such a system and
should always have the option to use it anonymously.
This way a traveler can make a distinct decision if he
or she wants to trade privacy for comfort (Kowalewski
et al., 2015).
Last but not least, the presented evaluation was
conducted based on hypothetical scenarios without
any actual travel conducted. It is still unknown how
such a system performs in productive operation and if
traveler actually considered it useful in the long run.
This work was funded by the German Federal Min-
istry of Economic Affairs and Energy for project Mo-
bility Broker (01ME12136).
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Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information