this time, the data has to synchronize with
the server.
The work described here presents an ongoing process
of establishing a community supported MOOC plat-
form for children. The inspiration for this project is
the lack of educational opportunities for so many chil-
dren. In some parts of the world, schools lack motiva-
tion for learning while in other parts, motivation for
learning is not sufficient because no (safe) access to
(quality) education exists. The Common Core Stan-
dards were used to provide proven standardized con-
tent and sequencing. The platform was designed with
a critical and flexible approach with an appropriate
architecture taking into account the target audience’s
life style and limitations, such as no access to teach-
ers, availability of mobile phones but rare Internet ac-
The topic of social networks, community support,
assessment and government certification are impor-
tant next steps to tackle. These points are vital corner-
stones for increasing motivation and traffic and pro-
viding rich content. The project provides an opportu-
nity for the community of educational games to coop-
erate. Many existing educational games can be con-
nected to the software without spending extra time on
building new games. This is especially relevant as the
number of educational games is rapidly growing. Lit-
tle work is done in academia in this area and it poses
immense challenges.
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