algorithm. The second part of Atlas, the path
searching is improved by the query to the entire
graph in order to find a vertex through which the
paths found by the original Atlas can be shortened.
Also, the paper has analysed several variations of the
proposed algorithm, as its initial version did not fit
the performance requirements. Some of the steps of
Atlas+ have been parallelized and a new lock-free
hash table has been suggested. The queries asking
for adjacent vertices on found paths are often done
via a communication network. Therefore, the paper
has discussed how the network time could be
reduced, but the suggested improvements would
require changes of the API at the server side and
they could not be tested. Finally, one has also
evaluated the proposed algorithm on dynamic
graphs. It is plausible to argue that the proposed
Atlas+ would exhibit high enough performance on a
real social network, as the evaluation against the
Odnoklassniki social network site demonstrated.
In the future work, the time of the network
queries can be investigated more precisely. In
addition, the algorithm is needed to be shipped with
the API of a social network site in order to
investigate the impact of the dynamics of social
networks on the algorithm. The proposed algorithm
might also be extended to answer top k shortest
paths between a pair of vertices.
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