of processes for the self-evaluation of the quality of
degree programmes. This software is targeted to the
personnel involved in the quality system, i.e. the
heads of organizational structures within the degree
programmes, which are assigned the tasks defined for
the processes. Among the requirements of the system
we have identified the following:
• Constant monitoring of processes by the con-
cerned people;
• Scheduling of meetings and communication to the
concerned people;
• Delivery (e.g., by e-mail) of any type of document
related to the processes and management of noti-
fications of document events;
• Appointment of working groups in a simple and
intuitive way;
• Access from any terminal equipped with a Web
browser, without any additional software or plug-
The use of the proposed system, would provide sev-
eral advantages in the quality management process for
the degree programme. Firstly, the manual manage-
ment of processes will no longer be necessary, sav-
ing time and resources and avoiding the occurrence
of human errors. The documents would be kept in
the system, cataloged according to established rules
and protected from unauthorized access and modifi-
cation. Document search would be facilitated, ensur-
ing a faster and more accurate access to information.
Lastly, in case of inspection, it would still be advanta-
geous to have a software system providing a summary
of the status of all the activities.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the
next section contains some background information,
especially regarding the legislation in force and the in-
ternal organization of the University of Salerno; Sec-
tion 3 describes the software system; its implementa-
tion is described in Section 4, together with some ex-
amples of uses; lastly, some final remarks and a brief
discussion on future work conclude the paper.
This section describes how the University of Salerno
has implemented the provisions of the Regulations is-
sued by the national agency for the evaluation of the
quality of educational programs.
2.1 The AVA System
The integrated AVA system, that Italian universities
are adopting since 2013, is the means through which
ANVUR implemented the provisions of Law no. 240
of 2010 and the Legislative Decree n. 19 of 2012.
Through the AVA system, ANVUR pursuits the
objective of progressively addressing universities to-
wards autonomy of accountability and evaluation. In
particular, the Agency, after fixing criteria, parame-
ters and indicators, verifies their presence for initial
and recurrent accreditation, as well as for the purpose
of annually allocating funds and resources to univer-
The structure and characteristics of the AVA sys-
tem are primarily derived by both national laws
and guidelines issued and approved by European
ministers at the Bergen conference in 2005
, and
reported in European Standard guidelines (ESG-
ENQA). These guidelines were adopted in the Rec-
ommendation of the European Parliament and Coun-
cil (2006/143/CE). In particular, the structure of the
AVA system is described in detail in a document is-
sued by the executive board of ANVUR in July 2012
2.2 The Annual Evaluation Form
The rules of AVA system were implemented by the
University of Salerno through the establishment of the
Center for Quality (CQA), which adopted a system of
quality management based on processes. Each pro-
cess is aimed at managing a particular aspect of a de-
gree programme.
The CQA supervised (this task is now up to an-
other structure, called PQA, with similar responsibil-
ities) the production of the Annual Evaluation Form
(AEF). The AEF must be completed for each indi-
vidual Degree Programme (DP) and submitted to the
Ministry of Education every year by June 30, and con-
stitutes a functional tool for the design, construction,
self-evaluation and possible re-design of a DP. The
adoption of the AEF is a requirement to ensure the
quality of education.
The AEF is composed of two sections: the for-
mer section, ”Administration”, includes information
about the educational offer and the organization of the
DP, while the second section, ”Quality”, describes the
objectives, implementation mechanisms, results, and
information on the adopted organization and quality
The compilation of the AEF is carried out under
the responsibility of the chair of the Teaching Coun-
cil (TC), in accordance with the procedures defined
by internal rules of the university and the statements
http://www.anvur.org/attachments/article/26/ava docu
mentofinale 0.pdf
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