A Software System in Support of Quality of Degree Programmes
Gennaro Costagliola, Mattia De Rosa, Vittorio Fuccella and Alessandro Ricchiuti
Department of Informatics, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 80084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
Quality in Education, Processes, Teaching evaluation, Alfresco.
We present a software system aimed at providing support to the management of processes for the self-
evaluation of the quality of degree programmes. The system was developed for quality management at the
University of Salerno, Italy. Its main functionalities include: monitoring of the process status, scheduling of
meetings, document management, support for working groups. With the help of some screenshots, the main
features will be described in the context of scenarios that commonly arise in the management of processes of
self-assessment of quality.
In recent years, the evaluation of the quality of the
services of Italian universities has gained an increas-
ingly important role, also in determining the amount
of fundings to assign to each institution. Currently,
quality management only relies on the work of in-
ternal organizational structures, established for this
purpose. Such structures adopt a specific system for
quality management, used for the evaluation of the
different services, such as administrative procedures,
education, services to students and employees, eco-
nomic management and so on. The most careful qual-
ity managers also took this opportunity to define qual-
ity management systems to be certified according to a
standard (ISO, IEC, etc.).
Quality has been investigated in many aspects of
e-learning (Ehlers et al., 2004; Costagliola et al.,
2008; Costagliola et al., 2010). To achieve the de-
sired result more efficiently, the organization’s ap-
proach to quality should be based on processes (Proto
et al., 2010). The adoption of a carefully defined
and constantly improved Quality Management Sys-
tems (QMSs) brings undeniable benefits both within
the institution and in external relations. Although
these systems can be inspired to similar ones used in
other government institutions, universities provide a
particular service that not all governmental structures
include among the services offered to citizens: teach-
ing. The social role played by teaching is among the
most important elements contributing to the education
of future generations.
Recently, university education has been repeat-
edly reformed by Italian governments. Among these
reforms we must mention that of 1999
, which intro-
duced autonomy (economic and decisional) of indi-
vidual institutions, set the duration of the degree pro-
grammes (3 + 2 years), and established provisions for
the adaptation of Italian Universities to the European
level, which started with the ”Bologna Process”. Sub-
sequent amendments were made in 2004
and a new
reform came into force in 2010
. Each of these leg-
islative measures, changed the structure of curricula.
Teaching was massively involved, especially in the as-
pect of quality. Students had to change their curricula
several times, having to juggle among different degree
and examination titles.
The integrated AVA (Self Assessment, Periodic
Evaluation, Accreditation) system was introduced by
(National Rating Agency for the Evalua-
tion of University System and Research) to ensure the
quality of the courses in Italian universities. More in-
formation on this system will be given in next section.
In this context the need arose for referring to a
national unified system for the quality management
of degree programmes. Periodically evaluating a de-
gree programme is crucial to prevent the occurrence
of abnormal situations, which may compromise ed-
ucational and related activities. To avoid the occur-
rence of such situations, we propose a software sys-
tem aimed at providing support to the management
http://www.miur.it/0006Menu C/0012Docume/0098
http://www.miur.it/0006Menu C/0012Docume/0098
Normat/4640Modifi cf2.htm
Costagliola, G., Rosa, M., Fuccella, V. and Ricchiuti, A.
A Software System in Support of Quality of Degree Programmes.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 413-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of processes for the self-evaluation of the quality of
degree programmes. This software is targeted to the
personnel involved in the quality system, i.e. the
heads of organizational structures within the degree
programmes, which are assigned the tasks defined for
the processes. Among the requirements of the system
we have identified the following:
Constant monitoring of processes by the con-
cerned people;
Scheduling of meetings and communication to the
concerned people;
Delivery (e.g., by e-mail) of any type of document
related to the processes and management of noti-
fications of document events;
Appointment of working groups in a simple and
intuitive way;
Access from any terminal equipped with a Web
browser, without any additional software or plug-
The use of the proposed system, would provide sev-
eral advantages in the quality management process for
the degree programme. Firstly, the manual manage-
ment of processes will no longer be necessary, sav-
ing time and resources and avoiding the occurrence
of human errors. The documents would be kept in
the system, cataloged according to established rules
and protected from unauthorized access and modifi-
cation. Document search would be facilitated, ensur-
ing a faster and more accurate access to information.
Lastly, in case of inspection, it would still be advanta-
geous to have a software system providing a summary
of the status of all the activities.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the
next section contains some background information,
especially regarding the legislation in force and the in-
ternal organization of the University of Salerno; Sec-
tion 3 describes the software system; its implementa-
tion is described in Section 4, together with some ex-
amples of uses; lastly, some final remarks and a brief
discussion on future work conclude the paper.
This section describes how the University of Salerno
has implemented the provisions of the Regulations is-
sued by the national agency for the evaluation of the
quality of educational programs.
2.1 The AVA System
The integrated AVA system, that Italian universities
are adopting since 2013, is the means through which
ANVUR implemented the provisions of Law no. 240
of 2010 and the Legislative Decree n. 19 of 2012.
Through the AVA system, ANVUR pursuits the
objective of progressively addressing universities to-
wards autonomy of accountability and evaluation. In
particular, the Agency, after fixing criteria, parame-
ters and indicators, verifies their presence for initial
and recurrent accreditation, as well as for the purpose
of annually allocating funds and resources to univer-
The structure and characteristics of the AVA sys-
tem are primarily derived by both national laws
and guidelines issued and approved by European
ministers at the Bergen conference in 2005
, and
reported in European Standard guidelines (ESG-
ENQA). These guidelines were adopted in the Rec-
ommendation of the European Parliament and Coun-
cil (2006/143/CE). In particular, the structure of the
AVA system is described in detail in a document is-
sued by the executive board of ANVUR in July 2012
2.2 The Annual Evaluation Form
The rules of AVA system were implemented by the
University of Salerno through the establishment of the
Center for Quality (CQA), which adopted a system of
quality management based on processes. Each pro-
cess is aimed at managing a particular aspect of a de-
gree programme.
The CQA supervised (this task is now up to an-
other structure, called PQA, with similar responsibil-
ities) the production of the Annual Evaluation Form
(AEF). The AEF must be completed for each indi-
vidual Degree Programme (DP) and submitted to the
Ministry of Education every year by June 30, and con-
stitutes a functional tool for the design, construction,
self-evaluation and possible re-design of a DP. The
adoption of the AEF is a requirement to ensure the
quality of education.
The AEF is composed of two sections: the for-
mer section, ”Administration”, includes information
about the educational offer and the organization of the
DP, while the second section, ”Quality”, describes the
objectives, implementation mechanisms, results, and
information on the adopted organization and quality
The compilation of the AEF is carried out under
the responsibility of the chair of the Teaching Coun-
cil (TC), in accordance with the procedures defined
by internal rules of the university and the statements
http://www.anvur.org/attachments/article/26/ava docu
mentofinale 0.pdf
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of ANVUR. In particular, these rules specify a precise
sequence of steps and deadlines to be observed for
the processing of documents and records. To ensure
compliance with these constraints, the TC appoints
an internal organizational structure for quality assur-
ance, the Quality Assurance Self-assessment Group
(QA Group) and possibly, further commissions or del-
egates. This structure is responsible for the effective
fulfillment of the activities on the bases of criteria
such as: promptness in gathering the information; ef-
fectiveness and efficiency in processing solutions, in
the use of resources and in the implementation of ac-
Together with the AEF, ANVUR requires the
completion of an Annual Review Report (ARR)
which contributes to the definition of the AEF, for the
”Quality” section. The ARR is the product of an audit
conducted annually with the aim of identifying spe-
cific conditions which negatively affect the validity of
a DP, including the proposal of appropriate solutions
to solve them.
According to the directives of ANVUR, AEF
and ARR constitute appropriate self-assessment doc-
uments for a DP. In particular, the AEF allows to ver-
ify the persistence of the necessary conditions for a
university to continue to offer a particular DP, while
the ARR is a useful tool in order to identify and solve
any critical situations for the DP, the effect of which
will then be assessed. The activities to be carried out
in the early stages of the preparation of ARR and,
consequently, the AEF, can be freely implemented by
universities. The preparation of the AEF and the ARR
sets up an instance of the so-called Deming Cycle or
PDCA Cycle (Johnson, 2002), which is a simple and
effective tool for quality. This cycle is composed of
four steps performed in a sequence:
1. planning what to do and how to do it;
2. realization of what was planned;
3. verification of the results;
4. implementation of the necessary corrective ac-
Finally, the cycle is restarted.
The actions taken as a result of the evaluations
and recommendations made in the ARR of the pre-
vious years need to be assessed. This evaluation is
a duty of the working groups. Each Working Group
(WG) has the task of assessing the efficiency and ef-
fectiveness of a process, putting into practice what is
described in its definition. WGs produce, at the end of
the evaluation, the review report for the process, also
concerning the activities and the achievements. The
TC appoints a WG for each process. The composi-
tion of a WG varies: it may coincide with the chair of
the TC or may include individual teachers, commit-
tees (possibly integrated with students), administra-
tive staff, non-academic experts and representatives,
and so on. A WG may stay in charge for a fixed pe-
riod of time, usually for the development of a specific
2.3 Processes for Quality Assurance
The self-assessment of quality for the DP has been
entrusted to a system for quality management based
on processes. These processes were specifically de-
fined by CQA and include a range of activities that
its WG has to perform, and then assess its results and
summarize them in a review report. The following
list shows the breakdown of processes in four macro-
processes. In parentheses we report the identifier of
each element.
Didactic planning (MP1)
Definition of educational objectives and learn-
ing outcomes (DP Orientation) (MP1-P1)
Educational design (academic regulations)
Consultation with stakeholders (MP1-P3)
Orientation (incoming, ongoing) (MP2)
Incoming orientation, (MP2-P1)
Ongoing orientation, (MP2-P2)
Monitoring and analysis (MP3)
Annual Review (MP3-P1)
Student progress monitoring (MP3-P2)
Analysis of the satisfaction with the educa-
tional service (MP3-P3)
Job placement (MP4)
Job placement (MP4-P1)
Each process involves the TC that, in addition to ap-
pointing the WG should, in most cases, plan correc-
tive actions for the DP on the basis of the outcome
of the work of the WG. The Chair of the TC, instead,
performs tasks related to the publication of the works
outside of the organizational structure.
Figure 1 shows the form used to define a process.
Being a document for internal use, some parts can not
be reproduced and are omitted. The form is composed
of four parts. The first part specifies the name of the
process and the macro-process. The second part lists
all the documents related to the process divided into:
Input documents;
Partial and final output documents;
A Software System in Support of Quality of Degree Programmes
Figure 1: Definition of the ”Consultation with stakeholders
(MP1-P3)” process.
Documents for registration.
The registration documents include all meeting min-
utes produced during the process. The third part con-
tains the textual description of the commitments for
the process. For each of them, a manager is appointed.
The most common commitment is any meeting of the
WG or the TC, which should concern the aspects de-
scribed in the process definition. The commitments
for any process are always divided into three phases:
Management and assessment;
Reviewing of outcomes and communication.
The last section of the definition contains instead a
Gantt chart, showing the time and duration of the pro-
cess steps during the academic year.
In general, the processes are presented as in-
stances of a generic schema, which defines their struc-
ture and components (Figure 2). We can note from the
schema that phases are composed of separate commit-
ments (green), representing units of work to do for the
prosecution of the process.
In this section we describe the software system that
automates the processes described in the previous sec-
tion. The cited laws and regulations require that every
involved organizational entity should accomplish its
commitments, complying with the schedule and terms
Macro-process (MP1) Macro-process (MPn)
Process (P1) Process (Pn)
for registration
& assessment
Reviewing of outcomes
and communication
Figure 2: Generic schema of process definition.
imposed by the quality programming documentation.
Nevertheless, they do not describe “how” to perform
the planned tasks.
Without conditions or suggestions, every organi-
zational structure would organize autonomously: as-
pects like communication, development, registration
and storage of documents, information sharing, etc.,
would be left to the wisdom of the structure supervi-
sor. Nevertheless, every single subject, e.g. a WG
member or a quality manager, is a smaller part of
one single organization: the quality management sys-
tem. The achievement of the best level in internal ef-
ficiency of groups would not make sense when, at the
very end, it is impossible to put everything together
in a system that, for its nature, must be unique and
homogeneous. Using a metaphor, it would be like
if cells belonging to the same tissue, would produce
without any problem the same substance, but with a
different molecular structure.
Thus it is necessary to set a number of require-
ments for “quality in quality management”. Main-
taining a consistent structure to manage every elec-
tronic document, for example, could be a possible so-
lution to the problems related to registration, sharing
and storage of the documentation to develop or to use
whilst processes advance. Indexing of documents in
a single system would also allow users to search this
archive, rapidly accessing to any needed information.
If every user is registered to the system, he or she
could be directly and automatically informed anytime
about a meeting or appointed for a task. This will at
least partially solve the problems related to communi-
cation amongst quality management systems’ actors.
Since quality self-assessment processes are essen-
tially a set of commitments managed by the Chair of
the TC or by a WG supervisor, their status should be
known at any time either to the already cited subjects
as well to the AQ group Supervisor, who is responsi-
ble for the operation of the WGs.
The above requirements set the demand for a sys-
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tem that could be helpful in the management of qual-
ity self-assessment processes, that defines common
procedures and ensures traceability for the performed
3.1 Main Functionalities
In the following sections, we describe the functional-
ities and the main characteristics of the system.
3.1.1 System Access
Any user has access to the system not only from
his/her own PC, but also from any computer running a
non-obsolete Web browser without any plugin or ex-
ternal software installed.
3.1.2 Process Management
The system allows the Chair of the TC to immediately
know the status of all processes, to check if some of
them requires a TC meeting. This functionality au-
tomates a very burdensome task: without the system,
the chair should manually check the process defini-
tions, identify the active ones and later identify those
waiting for a TC meeting.
Furthermore, the system allows to start new pro-
cesses and tracking their status, provides all users
with the needed information (e.g., process status and
task list) for task completion, either at system access
or through email messages, as depicted in Figure 3.
task 2
quality management system CQA
task 1 task 2 task n
Web browser
Web browser
task 2
Figure 3: Schema of requesting process status and tasklist.
3.1.3 Meeting Planning
Each process requires the organization of meetings.
The supervisor of the WG should care about its plan-
ning. He or she has to choose a date, an hour, a place,
define the agenda and finally wrap all this information
in an email message, that has to be sent to all WG
members, for whom he or she had previously found
all email addresses. The system automates all of the
above duties, as schematized in Figure 4.
Web browser
system CQA
Figure 4: Schematics of a meeting planning with the sys-
3.1.4 Document Management
For each meeting held, the involved group draws a
meeting minute, containing important information for
the process. Frequently, the minutes are in a digital
format and the group supervisor saves them on his
own PC. In this case, there could be the risk of acci-
dental deletions, machine faults and difficult retrieval
due to a non meaningful filename. Sharing the meet-
ing minutes is another topic to concern about. They
could be stored in an hosting service or sent by email
to all participants; in both cases, one would lose track
of the possessors of the copies as well as the sharing
The system stores the documents related to a pro-
cess in dedicated spaces, with user-specific access
rights. Documents can be submitted through the Web
interface or as e-mail attachments. If stated in the pro-
cess definition, the Chair of the TC or the AQ group
Supervisor is informed of a document submission.
Lastly, since the self-assessment processes are sched-
uled yearly, the documents are classified by the aca-
demic year they belong to. All the documents stored
in the system are indexed to enhance keyword search.
The schema in Figure 5 shows the above described
Web browser
system CQA
AQ group
Figure 5: Schema for the submission of a document.
3.1.5 Appointing Workgroups
Every process requires the TC to appoint WGs. The
system provides an on-line form to easily add users to
the process’ WG: notification are automatically sent
to group members and supervisor, as depicted in Fig-
ure 6.
3.2 System Characterization
As evident from the functionalities described in the
previous subsection, the system is focused on pro-
A Software System in Support of Quality of Degree Programmes
Web browser
WG ap-
system CQA
Figure 6: Schematic of workgroup nomination with the use
of the system.
cess and document management. The continuous im-
provement of processes and optimal use of resources
requires a circular model, where the process status
is constantly monitored and assessed through reports
that the organizational structures should draw.
This kind of system could be hence considered as
a Content Management System
(CMS), which can
manage big amounts of documents. For this particular
domain, the system so far described could be further
categorized as a CMS with Business Process Manage-
(BPM) functionalities.
This chapter presents the implementation of the sys-
tem. Here we describe the operations carried out for
the realization of the functionalities previously intro-
4.1 Criteria for the Development of the
The development of a system like the proposed one
may be complex and the product will be extremely
specialized on quality management of DPs. Neverthe-
less, there are software products for Enterprise Con-
tent Management (ECM) whose efficacy and reliabil-
ity is proved. The choice of an ECM system should
focus on the ease with which the product fits the fea-
tures of a quality management system.
Many Content Management software products are
proprietary and released under a commercial license.
Among these we can mention: ECM Documentum
the ECM suites from IBM
, and OpenText
. These
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business process manage
products are indeed very complex and costly, suitable
for large industrial companies and often supplied in
ad-hoc solutions, offered with the integrated support
of the software house.
Considering the identified features, from an anal-
ysis of existing products, we narrowed our choice on
two of them: Microsoft SharePoint and Alfresco
The former is an Enterprise CMS, widely adopted in
the business domain; it provides many functionalities,
including: creation of websites for document shar-
ing, visualization of Web delivered contents, index-
ing, search and creation of intranet pages. The latter
has similar features and is widely spreading (Shariff,
2007), attracting the attention of many big organiza-
tions, some noteworthy like KLM, NASA, Michelin,
the New York Philharmonic and the Fox Broadcast-
ing Company
. Recently it has been placed in the
“visionary” section of the Magic Quadrant realized
from the consulting firm Gartner
and amongst the
Strong Performers in the last Forrester Research re-
port about ECM
We balanced the considerations on features with
the cost of the products. SharePoint 2013 Server has
both a paid and a freeware license. Unfortunately, the
latter is limited to basic services and is focused only
on Web Content Management. However, its main
drawback is its closed nature: almost all components
of SharePoint use proprietary standards that would re-
quire a steep learning curve or the acquisition of pro-
grammers already skilled in .NET technologies. Al-
fresco has an Open Source license and is based on
non-proprietary standards. For the above reasons, we
chose Alfresco for our system development.
4.2 System Development
The whole system is based on Alfresco; every devel-
oped module was added to it as an add-on or custom
configuration of its features. Alfresco allows develop-
ers to act on its internal mechanisms at different lev-
els. In our implementation it is predominant the low-
est level (coding) approach, but some features were
developed using the user interface or the Administra-
tion console.
The process management provided by Alfresco is
essentially based on XML files that define processes
according to the BPMN notation (White, 2004). This
notation is then integrated with elements belonging
available previous registration at the page
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to XML namespace introduced by Activiti, the work-
flow engine. These tools allow to create very com-
plex workflows. Each workflow is composed of a list
of concatenated elements, similarly to flowcharts. An
element can be for example a task or a gateway; the
latter has the same function of a logic port. Figure 7
shows a BPMN representation of a process.
TC meeting
WG denition WG meeting TC meeting
Figure 7: BPMN representation of the process Definition of
learning objectives and learning outcomes (MP1-P1).
Activiti introduces the possibility to run specific
code in several points of the definition of the BPMN
workflow, e.g. at the creation or the completion of the
task. This code can be written in Java or JavaScript.
We chose the former, to exploit the advantages of us-
ing a compiled programming language: i.e. the use
of an IDE, the possibility of testing code through JU-
nit, the access to the whole API instead of the subset
available from JavaScript, the availability of a larger
number of free libraries.
The interface of Web Alfresco Share is fully im-
plemented through the Spring Surf framework. To
add a page to a site or to customize its appearance,
it is just needed to create or edit XML files. In our
system we specifically created a template for the sites
for process management. This model includes several
pages: the archive of documents, an internal wiki, a
calendar, a collection of useful URLs and page for
displaying the Gantt chart.
To receive and send e-mail messages, Alfresco
must have access to a mail server. We appropriately
set its configuration to handle this function. We also
implemented a module to manage messages and send-
ing attachments and specifically designed templates
for e-mail messages.
4.3 Examples of Use
This subsection presents examples of system use.
With the help of some screenshots (in Italian), the
main features will be described in the context of sce-
narios that commonly arise in the management of pro-
cesses of self-assessment of quality.
Let us imagine a simple scenario where the
only active process is Consultation with stakehold-
ers (MP1-P3). The process has a dedicated home
page. As shown in Figure 8, it contains a customiz-
able control panel composed of dashlets. Common
dashlets include a calendar, a wiki and other useful
tools. Other web pages are reachable through the
main menu bar. These include the archive of docu-
ments, the Gantt diagram, etc.
Figure 8: Screenshot of a process home page.
By simply sending an e-mail to the system, the
Chair of the TC can know which process requires a
meeting of the TC, and possibly organize it. The sys-
tem replies with the mail shown in Figure 9 which
includes, besides the requested information on pro-
cesses’ state, a link to the meeting organization form
page. There (see Figure 10) it is possible to choose
date, hour, location and agenda of the meeting. Upon
form submission, the system sends an e-mail notifi-
cation to all participants. An e-mail with a summary
of data is also sent to the Chair. Besides these in-
formation, the e-mail contains instructions on how to
archive the minutes of the meeting (see Figure 11).
This can be done by submitting it through a Web form
or by attaching it to an e-mail.
Figure 9: System e-mail sent to the Chair of the TC with
information about process states. It also includes a link to
the meeting organization form page.
We presented the design and implementation of a sys-
tem for the management of quality of educational pro-
grams in university. The system provides people in-
volved in the processes with an effective tool for the
A Software System in Support of Quality of Degree Programmes
Figure 10: Screenshot of the meeting organization form
Figure 11: System e-mail sent to the Chair of the TC with
information about an organized meeting. It also includes a
details on how to archive the minutes of the meeting.
management of commitments assigned as well as for
keeping track of the process status in the management
of the quality of the degree programmes.
Since the identification of requirements, the sys-
tem was characterized as a software for document
management. The choice of using Alfresco as a start-
ing point proved adequate, despite some difficulties
in the development. The identified functionalities
were obtained by extending and customizing the basic
functions of Alfresco, taking advantage of the oppor-
tunity to access source code. Moreover, the presence
of the Activiti engine for the execution of workflow,
made our system suitable to model the management
of quality.
At system login, the user is presented with a cus-
tomizable summary screen, which in most cases dis-
plays a list of tasks to be performed. Furthermore, all
meeting information (date, time, place and agenda),
are automatically sent to the involved users by e-mail,
according to a pre-formatted template. The users im-
mediately have a clear picture of the actions to be
taken for the processes they are involved in.
The definitions of the processes have been rep-
resented through XML code and manually added to
the system. The level of abstraction reached in pro-
cess management through the system allows to mod-
ify from outside the existing definitions or to add new
ones, without facing particular difficulties. The sys-
tem was built to meet the needs for quality of Degree
Programmes at the University of Salerno. Neverthe-
less, it can be used with a few or no changes in other
educational institutions with similar objectives.
In conclusion, the system is indeed a useful tool
in the management of quality of the courses. It al-
lows simplified care and facilitates the work of users
involved in the processes of self-assessment, provid-
ing a great support to perform the required tasks and
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education