Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol
Thomas R
ubsamen, Dirk H
olscher and Christoph Reich
Institute for Cloud Computing and IT Security, Furtwangen University, Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1, Furtwangen, Germany
Cloud Computing, Audit, Federated Cloud, Security, Digital Evidence.
Although cloud computing can be considered mainstream today, there is still a lack of trust in cloud providers,
when it comes to the processing of private or sensitive data. This lack of trust is rooted in the lack of trans-
parency of the provider’s data handling practices, security controls and their technical infrastructures. This
problem worsens when cloud services are not only provisioned by a single cloud provider, but a combination
of several independent providers. The main contributions of this paper are: we propose an approach to auto-
mated auditing of cloud provider chains with the goal of providing evidence-based assurance about the correct
handling of data according to pre-defined policies. We also introduce the concepts of individual and delegated
audits, discuss policy distribution and applicability aspects and propose a lifecycle model. Our previous work
on automated cloud auditing and Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA) CloudTrust Protocol form the basis for the
proposed system for provider chain auditing.
An important problem that is commonly associated
with the use of cloud services is the loss of con-
trol about who is processing data, how it is used and
whether or not it is shared with third parties. A pos-
sible approach to mitigate this problem is to provide
additional information to stakeholders (cloud users,
cloud auditors). That information can be obtained as
a part of regular cloud audits where evidentiary infor-
mation about data processing is collected and com-
pared against agreed-upon policies (such as terms of
service or privacy policies). This way, what happens
in the cloud becomes more transparent to the user,
which could lead to improved trust in the cloud by
providing additional information on data processing
in a cloud service. Therefore, a system for automated
audits is needed that provides meaningful evidence
and shows how and where data is processed.
With lacking transparency comes low trust (Kn-
ode, 2009). Low trust in the cloud (especially in
the security and privacy of data) hinders the growth
of cloud computing as a business (Cloud Security
Alliance, 2013). Customers are less likely willing
to move their business applications into the cloud
when they have no chance evaluating, whether or not
their data is processed according to company poli-
cies. Transparency is not just showing cloud con-
sumers how and where data is processed, it is also
important to know by whom the consumer’s data is
processed. However, transparently showing by whom
the data might be processed is not common practice
today. Furthermore, cloud providers can incorporate
services provided by Nth-level providers into their
own, which makes it even harder for the auditor to
follow where the consumer’s data is currently being
It makes sense for Software as a Service (SaaS)
providers to utilize a third-party Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) provider for service hosting. We con-
sider such cloud provider chains to become increas-
ingly important to look at, when a complete picture
about data processing in a particular service should be
provided. Most importantly, the compliance with data
processing and privacy policies of all involved parties
needs to be assessed. For instance, in some situations
a cloud provider might be forced to transfer consumer
data from one cloud provider to another, or from one
geographic location to another for load-balancing or
cost optimization. In such a case, the new provider
has to ensure that all policies are covered just as much
as the others in the chain have to.
Cloud auditing is becoming increasingly impor-
tant for certification (e.g., FedRAMP (FedRAMP,
2015), ISO27001 (ISO, 2013) with the proposed
ISO27017 (ISO, 2015) and ISO27018 (ISO, 2014)).
However, the required audit is still largely a manual
process. In this paper, we propose an extension to
our previous work see (R
ubsamen and Reich, 2013;
ubsamen et al., 2015)) on automated, evidence-
Rübsamen, T., Hölscher, D. and Reich, C.
Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 83-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based cloud auditing, that provides improved trans-
parency to cloud stakeholders about data process-
ing in the cloud. The extension introduces the con-
cept of cloud provider chains, data processing and
privacy policies with an extended scope on all in-
volved providers, and audit evidence exchange. The
main contribution of this paper introduces the concept
adapting CSA CloudTrust Protocol (CTP) (Cloud Se-
curity Alliance, 2015) for the use in inter-provider ex-
change of evidence during cloud audits.
Using the introduced CTP extension, additionally
generated evidence (i.e., information not specified in
the original CTP) will be used to enhance CTP re-
ports. Furthermore the extension enables auditing of
third-party contractors within provider chains to show
that each statement made by the provider, with respect
to the users established policies (e.g., data location,
service availability), is fulfilled.
This paper is organized as follows: In the next
Section 2 related work is presented. Section 3 in-
troduces the concept of service provision chains and
discusses the scopes and applicability of policies. In
Section 4 two approaches towards cloud auditing are
introduced. After that, we propose a lifecycle model
for delegated auditing of cloud provider chains in
Section 5. Next, we focus on data exchange pat-
terns (Section 6) that are used in Section 7, where
we present our proposed system. Following that, sec-
tion 8 evaluates the presented results using a scenario
description and a discussion of the threat model. In
Section 9 we conclude this paper.
Security and privacy auditing are increasingly impor-
tant topics in cloud auditing. They demonstrate that
security controls are put in place by the provider and
also that they are functioning correctly (i.e., data pro-
tection mechanisms are working correctly and effec-
tively). There are some projects working on the ar-
chitectural and interface level regarding the automa-
tion of security audits, such as the Security Audit
as a Service (SAaaS) project (Doelitzscher et al.,
2012; Doelitzscher et al., 2013). SAaaS is specif-
ically designed to detect incidents in the cloud and
thereby consider the dynamic nature of such ecosys-
tems, where resources are rapidly provisioned and re-
moved. However, SAaaS does not address provider
chain setups or treat gathered data as evidence.
ABTiCI (Agent-Based Trust in Cloud Infrastruc-
ture) describes a system used for monitoring (Saleh,
2014). All relevant parts of a cloud infrastructure
are monitored to be able to detect and verify unau-
thorized access. Integrity checks are done at boot-
time, using Trusted Platform Module (TPM) boot or
at runtime. Monitoring hardware and software con-
figurations allow the system to detect changes at run-
time. The aforementioned system is similar to our ap-
proach. Instead of using agents we utilize CTP. Fur-
thermore, our approach relies on evidence collection
through audits with pull and trigger mechanisms.
A centralized trust model is introduced by Rizvi
et al. (Rizvi et al., 2014). Trust between consumer
and provider is established by using an independent
third-party auditor. With the adoption of a third-party
auditing system, consumers are able to create baseline
evaluation for providers they have never worked with
to generate initial trust. The model acts as a feed-
back mechanism providing valuable insight into the
providers processes. After initial trust was generated
the third-party auditor continues to obtain trust values
for the consumer. We see initial trust in the provider
as a given factor and focus on obtaining trust values
based on evidence within a multi-provider scenario.
A completely different approach is proposed by
Gonzales et al., where the authors introduce an ar-
chitecture for the measurement of integrity and confi-
dentiality of a cloud provider (Gonzales et al., 2015).
Their approach is based on best practices and secu-
rity metrics. It uses trust zones to delineate resources
(physical, logical or virtual) within multi-tenant IaaS
infrastructures. Such a zone is used to separate in-
terests. Sensitive business data is located in a Gold
Zone, non-business partners are located in a less privi-
leged zone and can’t access the Gold Zone. The focus
in this work lies in the separation of concerns. Trust
is generated using best practices and security metrics.
There is no provider auditing involved, but everything
is estimated based on metric values. Whereas, in our
approach metrics can be used to collect additional in-
formation but the focus lies in evidence collection.
The DMTF is also working on cloud auditing with
the Cloud Audit Data Federation (CADF) working
group. They focus on developing standardized in-
terfaces and data formats to enable cloud security
auditing (Distributed Management Task Force, Inc.
(DMTF), 2014). A similar project is the Cloud Se-
curity Alliance’s Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP), which
defines an interface for enabling cloud users to “gen-
erate confidence that everything that is claimed to be
happening in the cloud is indeed happening as de-
scribed, . . . , and nothing else” (Cloud Security Al-
liance, 2015), which indicates an additional focus on
providing additional transparency of cloud services.
The latter two projects, however, do not elaborate on
how the interfaces should be implemented nor do they
describe explicitly focus on privacy and accountabil-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
ity. We use CTP as a basis and propose its extension
and use in our proposed auditing system to enable au-
tomated auditing of cloud provider chains.
There are approaches that deal with checking
compliance with data location policies. The princi-
ple of location transparency of data in the cloud (i.e.,
a user does not know in which server, data center or
even country a specific data object is stored) is con-
trary to data locality requirements some cloud con-
sumers have to fulfill (e.g., a legal obligation to en-
sure a certain geographic storage location). Massonet
et al. propose a system that exposes infrastructure-
level location monitoring information to the cloud
consumer (Massonet et al., 2011). We use data loca-
tion as an use case for the demonstration of our sys-
A crucial part of cloud auditing is the collection
of data on which an audit can be based upon. That
data can be produced on all architectural layers of the
cloud (e.g., on the bare-metal, in a VM, in a subsys-
tem). Several approaches to addressing the unique
requirements of cloud logging have been proposed.
For instance, Marty presents a logging framework
and guidelines for IaaS and SaaS logging (Marty,
2011). We have also previously discussed the differ-
ent sources of data that can be used as evidence dur-
ing audits. (R
ubsamen and Reich, 2013). We demon-
strate, how such data can be collected and more im-
portantly used for auditing in a multi-provider sce-
The CloudTrust Protocol (Cloud Security Al-
liance, 2015) establishes a mechanism that allows
users to audit a CSP. An auditor can choose from a set
of transparency elements for instance: geographic lo-
cation of data objects and affirmation or results of lat-
est vulnerability assessments. CTP has 23 pre-defined
transparency elements and supports user-specified el-
ements on which cloud consumer and provider agreed
on. The purpose of the CTP is to transparently pro-
vide the user with important information about the
cloud to show that processing is done as promised.
By providing information about the inner-workings
of the cloud service (with respect to the transparency
elements), trust between the cloud provider and the
consumer is supposed to be strengthened. If a con-
sumer can trust his provider he is more likely willing
to move sensible business processes into the cloud.
There are two main problems the protocol tries to
Restoration of control and freedom of choice at
the cloud consumer by enabling him to specifi-
cally request information on configurations, vul-
nerabilities and data integrity.
The provision of a standardized process, which
enables providers to generate and expose ad-
ditional information with respect to the trans-
parency elements.
CTP needs to be beneficial for both cloud
providers and consumers. Providers won’t invest into
structural changes of their services if the expected
payoff is small. For this reason the protocol can be
adjusted to the trust needs of consumers as well as
operational circumstances of the provider. Only the
request/response process and the associated data for-
mats are specified, whereas there are no additional re-
strictions put on the actual implementation of the in-
formation gathering process.
Communication handling in CTP is done by two
managers. The auditor is using CTP’s Request Man-
ager whereas the provider is using the Response Man-
ager. These two architectural components are respon-
sible for communication, tracking pending requests,
CTP translation into service specific API calls and
data conversion into CTP format. The data format
for reporting is based on XML (used in an extended
form in the proposed system) for the 2.0 version, re-
spectively JSON for the currently proposed version
3.0 of CTP. In general CTP’s protocol design follows
the RESTful paradigm.
In this chapter, we describe complex cloud service
provision scenarios. We thereby focus on use cases
where multiple cloud service providers are involved
in the provision of a single cloud service (as perceived
by the cloud consumer). In these use cases, the agree-
ment on data processing and privacy policies, that ap-
ply on the whole service provider chain, can quickly
become a difficult problem. Therefore, the auditing of
compliance with such policies along the chain, both
increases in complexity and difficulty.
In the following discussion of the different scopes
of policy applicability, we assume the following defi-
Cloud Consumer
We use the definition provided by NIST where a
cloud consumer is ”a person or organization that
maintains a business relationship with, and uses
service from, Cloud Providers” (Liu et al., 2011).
Cloud Service Provider
We use to the definition provided by NIST where a
cloud provider is ”a person, organization, or entity
responsible for making a service available to inter-
ested parties” (Liu et al., 2011). Furthermore, we
Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol
Figure 1: Audit Policy Scopes.
define the provider facing the consumer as the pri-
mary provider and each succeeding provider who
interacts with the primary provider is defined as a
Nth-level provider.
Cloud Service Provider Chain
A Cloud Service Provider Chain is characterized
by at least two cloud service providers being part
of providing a service by composing their individ-
ually offered services.
In the following, we describe three different
scopes of policy applicability as depicted in Figure 1.
In that scenario we assume a cloud service (provided
by a primary cloud provider) that is provided to a
service consumer, while utilizing an additional third-
party service (provided by the sub-provider on the Nth
Scope A: Cloud Consumer / Primary Cloud
Provider. In a typical cloud use case, a consumer
uses the services provided by a single cloud service
provider to accomplish a given task. The details
of the service usage are governed by terms of ser-
vice agreements, privacy polices etc. In this most
common scenario, the cloud consumer and the cloud
provider agree on these terms before any service is
provisioned. Typically, this happens during a regis-
tration or contract agreement phase. With respect to
data flow between the consumer and the provider, this
means that data processing is performed by the cloud
provider in compliance with the agreed-upon policies
(see Policy 1 in Figure 1). Personal data that is dis-
closed by the cloud consumer to the cloud provider as
part of regular service use is processed by the cloud
provider according to the limits defined in the policy.
Scope B: Primary Cloud Provider / Nth-level
Cloud Provider. Similar to the approach described
in Scope A, there may be similar agreements between
cloud providers. For instance, the primary cloud
provider may require resources from the sub-provider,
e.g., to extend its own service offering, to address
peak loads in service usage or to outsource internal
processes such as backups. In this case, the primary
cloud provider (as depicted in Figure 1) becomes a
cloud consumer itself. The integration of cloud ser-
vices provided by a sub-provider in cloud services
provided by the primary cloud provider is governed
by a contractual agreement between the two providers
(see Policy 2 in Figure 1).
Scope C: Cloud Consumer / Nth-level Cloud
Provider. In case of a cloud scenario, where mul-
tiple service providers are involved in the provision-
ing of a single service, the cloud consumer may not
necessarily be aware of this. Since the cloud con-
sumer has only contact with its immediate provider
(primary cloud provider in Figure 1), he might not
necessarily be aware, that the primary cloud provider
is using an additional external service. A typical ex-
ample for such a scenario is a SaaS provider hosting
its services on resources provided by an infrastructure
provider, or a SaaS provider that integrates another
SaaS provider’s service for data processing. Addi-
tionally, a silent change of the supplementary service
provider can be imagined, when the primary provider
switches to another service (e.g., uses another infras-
tructure provider for cost efficiency reasons). In this
case, the restrictions that governs the policy agree-
ment between the cloud consumer and the primary
cloud provider (i.e., Policy 1) must also apply to the
sub-provider, if data owned by the cloud consumer is
transferred between them. This is the case, when ei-
ther: i) similar policies policy rules exist in Policy 1
and 2, where the rules defined in Policy 2 are at least
as strict as equivalent rules defined in Policy 1 (in this
case, a matching of whether or not rules from policy
1 and 2 are compatible needs to be performed), or ii)
the downstream provider accepts rules from policy 1
In this chapter, we illustrate different variations of au-
diting cloud provider chains. We thereby focus on
traditional individual audits and delegated provider
audits. Furthermore, we present several information
delivery patterns.
4.1 Individual Provider Audits
Figure 2 describes the process of auditing individual
providers in a service provision chain. All policies
will be distributed to each provider (as seen in Fig-
ure 2). Policy distribution can either be:
1. Manual policy evaluation: This approach is based
on the specified policy documents (e.g., terms
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 2: Individual Audit.
of service in human-readable form) given by the
provider. The auditor manually maps statements
of such documents to information requests for the
providers (e.g., asking for specific process docu-
mentation or monitoring data and audit logs).
2. Deploying machine-readable policies: In this ap-
proach the auditor deploys a machine-readable
policy document (XML, JSON) onto the provider.
The provider will then automatically audit the
tasks specified within the document. The audi-
tor can request the results for the audited policy
rules to verify if everything is fulfilled. The policy
needs to be deployed to each involved provider.
Within this approach new policies can easily be
added and deployed for automated auditing.
The audit results are used to assure the consumer
that policy and rule compliance is given or not. As
previously described, a service provision chain con-
tains at least one provider. In this case, two providers
- a primary and a 2nd-level provider. To audit the ser-
vice as a whole, it is necessary to audit each provider
separately and then aggregate the results to form a
complete picture of the service from an audit perspec-
tive. This means, that regarding data handling poli-
cies (e.g., location restrictions, access control etc.),
each provider that holds data is audited. The same
is true for the auditing of security and privacy con-
trols that are put in place at the providers. Obvi-
ously, the consumer-facing provider has to transpar-
ently disclose all his sub-providers and notify auditors
about every sub-provider his data was stored at and
where his data is currently stored. Even though not
every provider will get the consumer’s data, the audit-
ing process gains more complexity with an increasing
number of Nth-level providers. Requests must be sent
to each provider separately and each provider will de-
liver audit reports to the auditor.
Figure 3: Delegated Audit.
4.2 Delegated Provider Audits
An alternative to individual audits are what we call
delegated audits, where the auditor only interfaces
with the primary service provider that in turn takes
over the auditing of its sub-provider(s). Therefore the
auditor only has to audit the primary service provider
to obtain policy compliance results of all involved ser-
vice providers. This allows less influential stakehold-
ers such as the cloud consumer to act as an auditor to-
wards the primary provider while not having the same
rights towards the Nth-level provider(s). Whereas
the individual audit scenario is an example of how
chain audits could be performed with more influen-
tial stakeholders, such as data protection authorities.
Figure 3 depicts the delegated provider audit scenario.
Every audit request is sent to the primary provider
who will then extract CTP calls from a previously
deployed policy document (machine-readable docu-
ment deployed by the auditor). Since the primary
provider is acting as a mediator he has to delegate
requests and communication. Existing problems re-
garding policy compliance is of major concern for the
primary provider because complaints will always be
addressed to him, even if he is not responsible for a
failed audit. For the case a given audit response did
not satisfy policy compliance the consumer will con-
tact the primary provider with a complaint (e.g, data
was transferred outside valid location). On the other
hand the consumer’s payoff can be much higher due
to the centralized structure using a mediator ensuing
low complexity for the auditor. Therefore, he can al-
ways rely on the data controller to forward his request
to the data holding sub-provider without the need of
adaption (send requests to different entities, use dif-
ferent API-calls).
Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol
In the following section the audit system lifecycle is
described. Figure 4 illustrates the three phases: i)
Preparation, ii) Processing and iii) Presentation. In
the following, we describe each phase in more detail:
Figure 4: System Lifecycle.
5.1 Preparation Phase
The first phase of the lifecycle is the Preparation
Phase in which the system is prepared. The most im-
portant task during the Preparation Phase is resource
identifier distribution, which is required for request
Request handling is done using unique resource
identifiers (URI), which are used to identify any kind
of resource that is part of an audit. A URI unambigu-
ously identifies an object within a provider’s domain.
In our approach, each provider has its own namespace
in which identifiers can be assigned arbitrarily.
The preparation process Policy adding allows the
auditor to create new rules based on already existing
policies. For instance, he can specify a new data loca-
tion rule to ensure that his data will not leave his coun-
tries jurisdiction. Newly added rules are written into a
machine-readable audit policy that describes evidence
that is to be collected, and checks that are to be per-
formed during the audit. From the new rule, auditable
elements are derived, that an automated audit process
provides all necessary information to enable the pos-
sibility of policy compliance assessing. Auditable el-
ements include for example the location of data, logs
and configurations.
The Policy mapping process, maps each new
added rule or policy to transparency elements and as-
sociated requests. If a newly added rule cannot be
mapped to an already existing transparency element
a new element needs to be created. The mapping is
done based on the specified policies. For this reason
the policy adding process is limited to already defined
policies and the associated rules within the contract.
During the mapping each non-standard policy (i.e., a
policy that requires a transparency element that is not
part of CTP) will receive an URI and all necessary
data sources needed to answer a request. The map-
ping process generates URIs and defines all auditable
attributes for an element.
The preparation process Policy distribution prop-
agates the resource identifiers throughout the system.
Each sub-provider sends his resource identifiers to the
primary provider. Afterwards, when all identifiers are
known by the primary provider, he will forward them
to the auditor.
5.2 Processing Phase
With the end of the Preparation Phase the second life-
cycle phase starts. In Processing Phase all elements
will be collected. For instance, all essential infor-
mation for the inquired elements are retrieved from
the evidence store and written into a CTP response.
A policy evaluation is done to determine the policy
compliance. All information, collected for one ele-
ment are written into a response and sent back to the
requesting entity.
5.3 Presentation
The last phase in the lifecycle is the Presentation
Phase. Within this phase the auditor will be presented
with the audit results. Thereby, each requested ele-
ment will be presented to him containing the name
of the policy rule as well as its achieved compliance
The lifecycle is complete, when the results were
presented to the auditor. After this the lifecycle can
continue with Preparation Phase again. Returning
to the Preparation Phase is necessary if new poli-
cies/rules were added or in a continuous auditing sce-
nario, where policy compliance is audited in short in-
tervals or event-driven (e.g., on new or changed pol-
icy, on infrastructure change or on custom triggers
defined by the auditor). During the new cycle only
newly generated URIs will be distributed.
In this section two information exchange patterns are
described that are used for different purposes in our
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
proposed system. Obtaining information as well as
providing information can be a difficult task depend-
ing on how timely data is needed. Therefore, we spec-
ify a pull pattern (see Section 6.1) for non-critical in-
formation (e.g., evidence used during infrequent au-
dits) and a push pattern (see Section 6.2) for critical
information (evidence used during continuous audits).
6.1 Data Requests (Pull)
Within a pull scenario audit results (transparency ele-
ments request results) are only delivered, if there is an
existing pull request for an element. Figure 5 shows
the individual data request sequence. The shown fig-
ure does not imply the use of a pull mechanism, but
can be used with one. For each pending request its
corresponding data is pulled form a database. Pulled
information will run through a compliance check af-
terwards, to verify if a requested policy with its cor-
responding rule is fulfilled. This means, that audit
data request results are only delivered to the auditor
if there is an existing request. When a request for
transparency elements arrives the data is pulled from
a database (evidence store) and will then go through a
validity check to ascertain if a policy is fulfilled or not.
The auditor will not necessarily receive critical infor-
mation in a timely manner, unless he requested the
data during the incidents occurrence, which is highly
unlikely. Also, choosing the right request interval can
quickly become a scalability issue. Polling for new
data in relatively short intervals can introduce load
problems at the auditing system. This issue is a com-
mon problem with pull / polling mechanisms. How-
ever, reasonable and usually quite common interval
choices such as hourly, daily, weekly and monthly re-
ports do not introduce such problems.
Figure 5: Individual Audit Data Requests.
6.2 Triggered Notification (Push)
Critical information that quickly needs to be pro-
cessed (e.g., forwarded to an analysis tool or pre-
sented to an auditor) like security breaches or integrity
violations are time-critical and therefore cannot rely
on transport via pull mechanism. Immediate notifi-
cations are necessary to avoid data control depriva-
tion. Push mechanisms promise a more reactive and
rapid way of transporting critical data. Push mech-
anisms are typically associated with an event-driven
Figure 6: Triggered Audit Data Exchange.
approach, where an event is fired when a condition is
met. Such an event could be the occurrence of a data
relocation. Such an event needs to be audited if there
are policy rules limiting allowed geographical loca-
tions. Figure 6 shows the push notification process.
An auditor can specify the severity of an occurrence
called trigger, to ensure that only significant informa-
tion are pushed. A configured trigger will only trigger
when the condition set by the auditor is fulfilled. After
the occurrence an incident notification will be pushed
to the auditor. There is no need to define a trigger for
all possible auditable elements. Therefore, it is not
feasible to send a notification for every small change
in the system. If a breach occurred or a vulnerability
was found during the audit, a notification is pushed
and countermeasures can be taken faster which will
immensely reduce reaction time.
In our approach, we leverage CTP as a means for ev-
idence exchange between cloud providers in complex
cloud auditing scenarios. Additional functions and
components are located above the protocol (as seen
in Figure 7) and are responsible to exchange requests
and responses with the CTP. This structure enables
us to utilize the benefits of CTP out of the protocol’s
operational area without changing the protocol itself.
Although the operational structure of CTP remains
unchanged some optimisations for audit reports are
required to be able to transfer additional information
e.g. more detailed user access lists. In this case, the
additional information would give the auditor not only
authorized users but also since when they have autho-
rization and who authorized user permissions.
Figure 7 illustrates the systems architecture in a
two provider scenario. Within the figure it is assumed,
that the Preparation Phase did end and all for the au-
dit request necessary policies and rules were already
mapped and distributed. Incoming transparency ele-
ment requests will directly go to the Remote Evidence
Collection component. In the following paragraph the
system components of our proposed approach are de-
Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol
Figure 7: Multi-Provider Audit System Architecture.
Remote Evidence Collection
Request Handling: Every incoming audit re-
quest will arrive at the Request handler of the pri-
mary provider. A decision is made which resource
identifier should be used based on current data lo-
cation (Nth-level provider, primary provider). The
resource identifiers are used to set up CTP-calls.
Therefore, it will forward each request to the CTP
Request Manager. Each request is processed sep-
arately to guarantee that context information or
states do not get mixed up.
CTP Request Manager: The Request Manager,
sends each given request to the CTP Response
Manager of a Nth-level provider(solid line in Fig-
ure 7 between both providers) using a pull pattern
(see Section 6.1). Inter-provider communication
is initiated by the Request Manager.
Context Information Extraction: An incom-
ing CTP-response contains the general response
(specified in (Cloud Security Alliance, 2015)) as
well as the corresponding context information and
the compliance state for the requested element.
The context information are extracted from the
response and securely stored inside the evidence
store. The remaining information which are used
for report creation are stored as well for the audit
report creation.
CTP Response Manager: After receiving a re-
quest the Response Manger pulls data from the
evidence store if the Nth-level provider is not able
to determine the compliance state of his own or
receives the data from the Evaluator. Obtained
results are packed into a CTP-response and sent
back to the primary providers CTP Request Man-
ager. In case a trigger is fired the Response Man-
ager will push the response immediately to the
primary providers CTP Request Manager even in
the absence of an audit request for the triggered
element. A primary provider might be a Nth-
level provider of another provider and thus needs
a Response Manager. Requests for context infor-
mation are send from the auditor to the primary
providers Response Manager. Like a normal re-
sponse the Manager pulls the context information
for the requested object from the evidence store
and writes them into a CTP-Response.
Evidence Store: The Evidence Store is a database
containing all audit results (including context infor-
mation) for the primary and its Nth-level providers.
Each participating provider has its own evidence store
where his achieved audit results are stored and can be
pulled from by pending requests. The main purpose
of the evidence store is to provide audit evidence and
to make them accessible to the auditor. If no data was
relocated to a Nth-level provider, a response will be
generated from audit entries for the primary provider
located in the evidence store.
Evaluation and Reporting
Evaluator: The Evaluator runs policy compli-
ance checks on all obtained results used for report
creation. Achieved results can get one of three
possible compliance states depending on the level
of fulfillment:
State 1 Successful: The results obtained from
the database fulfills the policy.
State 2 Partially: A policy is partially fulfilled.
State 3 Failed: No records for this policy were
found or the given results were unsatisfying.
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Configured triggers (see Section 6.2) are fired if a
compliance check for a request failed or a devia-
tion from the trigger specification is identified.
Report Creation: The stored content (state, CTP
transparency elements results) is used to create the
final report. The report can be of different types,
for instance a representation of the results on a
web dashboard or in a auto-generated document.
Notification: An audit can take some time to fin-
ish. This largely depends on the size and scope of
the audit. Therefore, asynchronous mechanisms
are required to present audit results. An auditor
can be notified via mail when his audit is finished
and his audit report is available.
Implementation of each above described part is
mandatory for every provider. It is possible that a pri-
mary provider is a Nth-level provider in a different
audit-chain, whereas a Nth-level provider might be a
primary provider in another audit chain.
In the following Section, we evaluate our proposed
approach towards auditing cloud provider chains. We
split the evaluation in two parts: i) a functional
evaluation using a fictitious cloud scenario with two
providers involved in the service provision, and ii) a
security analysis of the proposed approach.
8.1 Functional Analysis by Scenario
For the functional look at our proposed solution, we
assume the following scenario (as depicted in Fig-
ure 1):
Cloud provider 1 (CSP1) is a SaaS provider (and
primary cloud provider) that hosts on the virtual
resources provided by CSP2.
Cloud provider 2 (CSP2) is an IaaS provider (and
Nth-level cloud provider) with a data center in
Germany and in Russia.
A Cloud consumer (CC) uses the service provided
by CSP1.
CC and CSP1 agree that CC’s data must not leave
The auditor checks the compliance with the data
location requirement on behalf of CC.
In this case the consumer may believe that his data
is located within CSP1’s datacenter in Germany. Due
to CSP1 not having actual computing resources by
its own, the data is actually located in CSP2’s data
centers, either in Germany, Russia or both. However,
CSP1 is still obligated to adhere to the data locality re-
striction. CSP2 enables CSP1 to audit policy compli-
ance by offering access to our tools for automated au-
diting. CSP1 establishes regular audits and evidence
collection that is focused on data location. The au-
ditor now audits the provider chain with CSP1 as a
starting point. CSP1 also runs our audit tool. Its main
user is the auditor acting on behalf of the consumer.
The communication between the audit tools is imple-
mented using CTP as described in Section 7. Both
providers use the audit tool to collect information re-
quired for the audits. In the following, the request /
response process for this scenario is described:
1. CSP1 is forwarding the audit to CSP2, requesting
audit results regarding data location if the data is
pulled or waiting till the data was moved which
would cause the trigger to fire. For most elements
it may be sufficient to list their state in a report but
there are elements where immediate notification is
indispensable. Such elements require CTPs trig-
ger mechanism as described in Sections 6.2 and 7.
In this case the data location request does not need
a trigger.
2. At a later point, after the trigger has fired or the
information was pulled, the response arrives at
CSP1’s Request Manager.
3. After receiving the response, CSP1 begins to ex-
tract all context information from the response
and stores it in the evidence store. This step is nec-
essary to ensure that the audit trail remains avail-
able and protected for either archival purposes
(e.g., required by law) or re-use at a later point
in time to claim remediation. This way, an auditor
that feels the need to further investigate a state-
ment made by any of the providers, can retrieve
stored evidence from the evidence store.
4. The remaining information (state, CTP response)
are used to create the final audit report. The final
report for the element contains the policies name
as well as the compliance state. The policy com-
pliance check showed that the policy is partially
fulfilled. Such an outcome would mean, that the
data left Germany at one time.
5. Now the auditor has the possibility to request con-
text information. To access the evidence store
CTP is used and each request requesting con-
text information is sent directly to the Response
Manager. The Evidence Store will then create
a standardized report containing context informa-
tion, about where the data is currently being stored
(city, state, data center) and where it had been
(country code), and send it back to the auditor.
Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol
With the additional information the auditor can
validate how severe the policy breach was. There-
fore, network efficiency in multi-tenant environ-
ments is required to satisfy each tenants expecta-
8.2 Threat Model
It is important to consider the security of the proposed
system to achieve confidence in the acquired audit re-
sults. Therefore we perform a security analysis of our
proposed approach to cloud provider chain auditing.
We follow a simple methodology of defining threat
scenarios, categorizing them using the STRIDE (Mi-
crosoft Developer Network, 2014) threat model and
proposing mitigation strategies for each of the iden-
tified threats. The mitigation of the threat cate-
gories will be discussed in more detail in section 8.3.
STRIDE categorizes threats as follows:
Spoofing Identity
Tampering with Data
Information disclosure
Denial of Service
Elevation of Privilege
We have identified the following major threats to
the evidence transfer and processing in multi-provider
Unauthorized access (S,I): Using our system ex-
poses valuable information such as internal log-
ging, infrastructure design etc. to external enti-
ties in an automated way. A malicious external
user may steal or otherwise illegitimately gain ac-
cess to the API that is used for data exchange
between the providers. While there is no direct
access to consumer data provided by our system,
transferred information usually contains metadata
about a consumer’s system/data properties. The
given responses has the potential to expose poten-
tially sensitive metadata. Such information may
include but is not limited to data regarding config-
uration, access control lists and installed software
from which vulnerabilities and attack vectors can
be deferred. Another potential adversary is a ma-
licious insider at a cloud provider. He can poten-
tially gain access evidence data by directly attack-
ing the evidence store or by intercepting commu-
nication between the system components on the
internal network.
Data leakage (I): Audit trail data may intention-
ally or unintentionally become available. By
collecting audit trails from the various evidence
sources into the evidence store, a new data source
becomes available. Security mechanisms of the
evidence store may fail, which could lead to data
Eavesdropping, (I): A malicious external user
may try to eavesdrop on audit information while
it is being transmitted either to the auditor (au-
dit result including audit trails), between cloud
providers (information on transparency elements)
or internally at a cloud provider (raw data flowing
between evidence source and evidence store).
Denial of Service (D): Denial of Service attacks
have unfortunately become a very common type
of attack against networked computer systems,
that’s in many cases trivial to carry out. Exter-
nal adversaries attack either the system directly by
exploiting flaws in the implementation or by gen-
erating bogus load with the goal of shutting the
service down completely.
Audit trail manipulation (T,R,I): The data gener-
ated by our system is supposed to be used dur-
ing automated audits. The results of these audits
should be dependable and believable. An adver-
sary may manipulate audit trail data at various
points in the system. For instance, a malicious in-
sider may manipulate the results that are returned
by the API. Preserving the integrity of the audit
data is therefore of utmost importance.
8.3 Security Analysis by Scenario
Some of the aforementioned threats can be mitigated
by implementing appropriate security controls. In the
following we present, how the threat categories are
addressed in our system:
In order to mitigate the risk of spoofed identities
and unauthorized access, we use strong authentication
mechanisms based on user and system identification
using certificates. This way simple brute force attacks
against our publicly available API in order to guess
access credentials can be prevented.
Risks of information disclosure and tamper-
ing/manipulation (i.e., data integrity) are typically ad-
dressed by introducing data encryption and hashing
schemes. We encrypt data at rest (e.g., while it is
stored in the evidence store) and in transit (e.g., while
it is transmitted between providers and/or the audi-
tor or between system components). To have a full
protection against data leakage, ideally there is also
encryption of data during processing. While not the
focus of this paper, more details on the data at rest
and in transit encryption as well as the integrity pro-
tection implementation in our system can be found
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
in (R
ubsamen et al., 2015). However, this currently
severely limits the usefulness, processing options and
processing performance (Lopez et al., 2014).
Denial of Service risks can only be addressed by
considering the software and the environment it runs
in. Directed attacks on the application level can be
mitigated using application level firewalls, code au-
dits and security checks, whereas network-based at-
tacks typically require the capability to filter mali-
cious traffic upstream.
In this paper we introduced a system which allows
automated auditing of provider chains. We dis-
cussed two different types of chain audits: i) indi-
vidual provider audits where the auditor has to audit
each Nth-level provider separately and ii) delegated
provider audits where the primary cloud provider acts
as an mediator. Our proposed system focuses on
the latter approach. We consider the main goal of
our cloud audit system to strengthen trust and trans-
parency in cloud services. This could lead to an even
better adoption of cloud computing. We also dis-
cussed the applicability of data handling and privacy
policies and how they apply in complex scenarios
where multiple providers share a cloud consumer’s
data. In the latter part of this paper, we focused on the
architectural integration of the CloudTrust Protocol in
the evidence collection and transport of our audit sys-
tem. Finally, we concluded this paper with an eval-
uation of our proposed approach. We evaluated the
functional soundness by demonstrating an audit sce-
nario that involves a cloud consumer using a service
that is intransparently provided by two different cloud
providers. Additionally, we evaluated our approach
by defining a threat model using threat scenarios and
addressing those threats.
In our future work, we focus on even more com-
plex service provision scenarios, where even more
layers of service providers are involved. We will also
put special focus on ensuring the scalability of our ap-
proach. Another interesting topic emerges, when any
of the cloud providers is considered untrustworthy.
This can be the case when a malicious insider tries
to intrude in our system. We consider ensuring the in-
tegrity of evidence in the whole chain of providers to
be a major challenge.
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(FP7/2007-2013), grant agreement 317550, Cloud
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