From a company’s perspective, the growing
popularity of online reviews affects a wide range of
management activities and takes information control
from companies and gives it away to the consumer.
Though, the Web 2.0 makes it possible to follow and
protocol CGC and herewith identifies points for
improvement as in improving the quality of goods or
services. Monitoring and analytics nonetheless have
to be planned and focused systematically and
precisely. To do so effectively, companies need to
understand the phenomenon of online consumer
reviews and online consumer review platforms.
Knowing the online review platforms of importance
and the review function characteristics influencing
consumers can be hereby regarded as of upmost
priority. Negative information about a company’s
service or product can be spread rapidly and to an
unlimited number of people on several platforms.
Investing in customer satisfaction is hence the one
side of preventing the company from risks
(Dellarocas, 2003). On the other side, learning about
review function characteristics and their influence
can lead companies to invest in new marketing
concepts. Cooperation with online review platforms
can be made, since platforms can, for example,
influence the readability of reviews through their
design of the review function as in sorting options
automatically applied. This is for example the case
with the ‘most helpful’ reviews appearing first on
certain platforms leading the reader to specific
reviews. Further consumer promotions animating to
review the product in certain ways can influence the
presence on review platforms of companies and with
the review function characteristics applied correctly
influence other consumers.
Model 1: impact of review characteristics on decisions.
From a platform’s perspective, knowing the
preferred review function characteristics of
consumers, can lead to increased platform use when
applied. Further, as it became clear throughout this
research, none of the online review platforms has all
the review function characteristics that influence
consumers or are desired by those. Accordingly, it is
advisable to create a new online consumer review
platform combining the different characteristics as
shown in Model 1. Additionally, constant
monitoring of new market trends by companies as
well as platforms is advisable, as the web is
constantly developing further and new platforms are
rapidly emerging. From a consumer’s perspective,
review platforms increase market transparency and
make purchasing less risky. Firstly, understanding
the consumer’s wants and impacts of reviews, makes
platforms adapt to them and offer an even better use
of reviews. Secondly however, as companies
understand consumers better, they gain more power
to manipulate.
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