Wiki-LDA: A Mixed-Method Approach for Effective Interest Mining on
Twitter Data
Xiao Pu
, Mohamed Amine Chatti
, Hendrik Th
and Ulrik Schroeder
Ecole Polytechnique F
erale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
Informatik 9 (Learning Technologies), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Learning Analytics, Educational Data Mining, Personalization, Adaptation, Learner Modelling, Interest
Mining, Topic Modelling, Twitter.
Learning analytics (LA) and Educational data mining (EDM) have emerged as promising technology-
enhanced learning (TEL) research areas in recent years. Both areas deal with the development of methods
that harness educational data sets to support the learning process. A key area of application for LA and EDM
is learner modelling. Learner modelling enables to achieve adaptive and personalized learning environments,
which are able to take into account the heterogeneous needs of learners and provide them with tailored learn-
ing experience suited for their unique needs. As learning is increasingly happening in open and distributed
environments beyond the classroom and access to information in these environments is mostly interest-driven,
learner interests need to constitute an important learner feature to be modeled. In this paper, we focus on
the interest dimension of a learner model and present Wiki-LDA as a novel method to effectively mine user’s
interests in Twitter. We apply a mixed-method approach that combines Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA),
text mining APIs, and wikipedia categories. Wiki-LDA has proven effective at the task of interest mining and
classification on Twitter data, outperforming standard LDA.
Recently, there is an increasing interest in learning
analytics (LA) and Educationa Data Mining (EDM).
LA focuses on the development of methods for an-
alyzing and detecting patterns within data collected
from educational settings, and leverages those meth-
ods to support the learning experience. A system-
atic overview on LA and its key concepts is pro-
vided by (Chatti et al., 2012) and (Chatti et al.,
2014) through a reference model for LA based on
four dimensions, namely data, environments, context
(what?), stakeholders (who?), objectives (why?), and
methods (how?).
EDM is concerned with developing methods to
explored the unique types of data that come from ed-
ucational settings and, using these methods to bet-
ter understand students and the setting in which they
learn (Romero et al., 2010). From a technical per-
spective, EDM is the application of data mining tech-
niques to educational data (Baker, 2010).
There are many applications or tasks in educa-
tional environments that have been addressed in LA
and EDM research. A key area of application is
learner (student) modelling, as a result of a focus on
adaptive intelligent web-based educational systems,
including intelligent tutoring system (ITS) and adap-
tive hypermedia system (AHS) (Baker, 2010; Chatti
et al., 2012; Romero et al., 2010). A learner model
represents information about learner’s characteris-
tics or states, such as knowledge, motivation, meta-
cognitation, and attitudes (Baker, 2010). A learner
model is also a representation of information about
an individual learner that is essential for adaptation
and personalization tasks (Chatti, 2010). The six most
popular and useful features in learner modelling in-
clude the learner’s knowledge, interests, goals, back-
ground, individual traits, and context (Brusilovsky
and Millan, 2007). Different data mining techniques
have been used to build a learner model (Romero
et al., 2010). The majority of the proposed ap-
proaches, however, have focused on the modelling of
the learner’s knowledge. This can be explained by
the fact that knowledge has constituted the most im-
portant part of the learner model in ITS and AHS.
In contrast, these systems have paid little attention to
Pu, X., Chatti, M., Thüs, H. and Schroeder, U.
Wiki-LDA: A Mixed-Method Approach for Effective Interest Mining on Twitter Data.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 426-433
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learner’s interests.
We believe that future learner modelling applica-
tions will increasingly focus on the interest dimension
of a learner model, as a result of a shift in focus in the
last few years from centralized learning system (e.g.
ITS, AHS, LMS) to open and networked learning en-
vironments, such as personal learning environments
(PLEs) and massive open online courses (MOOCs).
These environments deal with large volume of data
from a wide variety of sources beyond the ITS/LMS.
The data comes from formal as well as informal learn-
ing channels (Chatti et al., 2012). As access to in-
formation in these environments is mostly interest-
driven, learner interests need to constitute an impor-
tant learner feature to be modelled in order to help
learners overcome the information overload problem
as well as to support adaptation, personalization, and
recommendation tasks.
Detecting learner’s interest is also crucial for life-
long learner modelling. (Kay and Kummerfeld, 2011)
define a lifelong learner model as a store for the col-
lection of learning data about an individual learner.
The authors note that to be useful, a lifelong learner
model should be able to hold many forms of leaning
data from diverse sources. This data can come in dif-
ferent formats, distributed across space, time, and me-
dia. The capacity to mine learner’s interests across
different learning contexts would provide more ef-
fective personalized learning experiences for lifelong
Recognizing the importance of the interest dimen-
sion in the learner modelling task, we propose in
this paper an innovative approach to effectively mine
learner’s interests in social networks (e.g. Twitter).
We apply a mixed-method approach that combines
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), texting mining
APIs, and wikipedia categories.
Recently, the ability to discover topics or interests of
Internet users from information provided on their per-
sonal profiles on social media has become increas-
ingly important and necessary. In particular, relevant
to our own work, there has been few recent and for the
most part different approaches to discover users’ top-
ics of interest on Twitter. Content analysis on Twit-
ter introduces unique challenges to the efficacy of
topic models on short, messy text. Tweets are con-
strained to a 140 characters in length and are written
in informal language with misspelling, acronyms and
non-standard abbreviations, unlike the standard writ-
ten English on which many supervised models in ma-
chine learning and natural language processing (NLP)
are trained and evaluated (Mehrotra et al., 2013; Ra-
mage et al., 2010). Hence, effectively modeling con-
tent on Twitter requires techniques that can adapt to
this uncommon data. In the following, we give an
overview of related work in this field of research.
(Michelson and Macskassy, 2010) present a sim-
ple non-machine learning approach to discover Twit-
ter users’ topics of interest by examining the entities
they mention in their tweets. Their approach lever-
ages a knowledge base to disambiguate and catego-
rize the entities in the Tweets, then develop a “topic
profile” which characterizes users’ topics of interest,
by discerning which categories appear frequently and
cover the entities. In their work, the goal is to sup-
port clustering and searching of Twitter users based
on their topics of interest. The authors, however, note
that the noisy and ambiguous nature of Twitter makes
finding the entities within the tweets quite challeng-
(Puniyani et al., 2010) perform an exploratory
analysis of the content of Twitter, using Latent Dirich-
let Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) to uncover
latent semantic themes. They show that these latent
topics are predictive of the network structure. The la-
tent topics predict which other microbloggers a user
is likely to follow, and to whom microbloggers will
address messages.
(Mehrotra et al., 2013) state that the application of
standard LDA to Twitter content produces mostly in-
coherent topics. The authors propose that a solution
to this problem is tweet pooling; i.e. merging related
tweets together and presenting them as a single doc-
ument to the LDA model. They investigate different
tweet pooling schemes to improve topics learned from
Twitter content without modifying the basic machin-
ery of LDA. Finally they make a comparison and con-
clude that the novel scheme of Hashtag-based pool-
ing leads to drastically improved topic modelling over
Unpooled and other schemes.
(Zhao et al., 2011) note that standard LDA does
not work well with the messy form of Twitter content.
The authors present a Twitter-LDA model slightly dif-
ferent from the standard LDA to discover topics from
a representative sample of the entire Twitter. They
propose to use one topic per tweet, and argue that this
is better than the basic LDA scheme and the author-
topic model. The authors then use the proposed model
to empirically compare the content of Twitter and a
traditional news medium - the New York Times. They
note that Twitter can be a good source of topics that
have low coverage in traditional news media. And al-
though Twitter users show relatively low interests in
world news, they actively help spread news of impor-
Wiki-LDA: A Mixed-Method Approach for Effective Interest Mining on Twitter Data
tant world events.
(Ramage et al., 2010) propose Labeled LDA (L-
LDA) as variation of LDA based on a partially su-
pervised learning model. Unlike LDA which returns
topics that are latent (i.e., simply numbered distri-
butions over words), L-LDA associates a document
with easily-interpretable topics. The authors apply L-
LDA to map the content of the Twitter feed into di-
mensions. These dimensions correspond roughly to
substance, style, status, and social characteristics of
(Quercia et al., 2012) focus on the task of doc-
ument classification in Twitter (i.e., given a Twitter
profile and a set of possible topics, determine which
topics best fit the profile’s tweets). The authors use
Labeled LDA (L-LDA) and compare it to the com-
petitive baseline of Support Vector Machines (SVM).
They determine the possible topics in the training doc-
uments by using text classification APIs. As a result,
they conclude that L-LDA generally performs as well
as SVM, and it clearly outperforms SVM when train-
ing data is limited, making it an ideal classification
technique for infrequent topics and for (short) pro-
files of moderately active users. L-LDA can accu-
rately classify a profile with topics for which it has
seen only small amounts of training data and greatly
outperforms SVMs at determining how similar a pair
of profiles is, implying that L-LDAs techniques of in-
ference are preferable to the linear classification of
SVM when dealing with rich, mixed-topic documents
such as Twitter profiles.
This related research suggests a number of inter-
esting methods that could be used for content anal-
ysis on Twitter. However, these methods are only
capable of generating single-word interests. For in-
stance, it is not possible to generate the keyphrase ed-
ucational data mining as a possible interest. Instead,
only single keywords - in our example educational,
data, and mining - could be generated. This is in gen-
eral a key limitation of standard LDA and its varia-
tions in the literature to date. In this paper, we pro-
pose Wiki-LDA as a novel method for significatly im-
proving LDA topic modelling on Twitter. Wiki-LDA
leverages LDA, text mining APIs, and Wikipedia cat-
egories in order to produce meaningful single-word
as well as keyphrase interests and accurately classify
them into related topics.
Our overall approach breaks into nine high level steps,
as depicted in Figure 1:
1. Collect and store Tweets from Twitter as training
Figure 1: Wiki-LDA: Conceptual Approach.
set . This was done by crawling Tweets from pop-
ular user accounts which are listed under the ma-
jor topic classifications on Twitter. This training
data set was then pre-processed and indexed via
the Lucene
text information retrieval library;
2. Transform the text data to a vector representation
and finally to a Mahout
-readable matrix format.
Implement the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
algorithm for training. From this process a “bag-
of-words” collection of data is obtained and then
stored into MySQL database for inference;
3. Implement a dynamic crawling methods for test
users, in which their crawled Tweets are used for
prediction. Pre-processing of the crawled Tweets
was done, also with the Lucene library;
4. Implement LDA prediction for each test user
based on the “bag-of-words” result from the LDA
training process to predict possible topic distribu-
5. Use text analysis APIs to generate keywords and
keyphrases from the test user profiles;
6. Send results from the respective APIs to
Wikipedia in order to obtain all the related cate-
gories of each specific keyword or keyphrase;
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
7. Collect the analyzed categories from Wikipedia
and use them as input for LDA in order to de-
termine the possible topic distribution for each
keyphrase generated from the APIs;
8. Combine all results for each specific topic;
9. Visualize the final results to the user.
The implementation of our approach can be roughly
divided into three major parts:
Training Set Creation - Crawling of user data from
popular social networks, which in our specific
case was Twitter. This part was implemented via
the Twitter API
in Java. The API enabled us to
collect user Tweets to form both the training and
test data.
Training Process - Training of the LDA machine
learning algorithm using the crawled data.
Prediction Process - Constructing a model to pre-
dict single-word as well as keyphrase interests of
new users.
4.1 Training Set Creation
As a first step in the training phrase, we selected the 9
most popular abstract topics as published on the Twit-
ter Website. These include: Art & Literature, Busi-
ness, Food & Drink, Government, Health, Science &
Technology, Music, Sport, Travel. We then crawled
tweets from about 4-5 users in each topic to form
the training set. Due to the limitation of the crawl-
ing API from Twitter, in which the maximum amount
of Tweets that can be crawled for a single user per re-
quest is restricted to the 20 recent ones, we manually
crawled about 150-200 additional tweets for each user
over a time span of one month. We chose users for
each topic based on the recommended popular users
in each topic provided by Twitter. For instance, we
chose @FinancialTimes, BBCBusiness, etc. For the
topic topic “Business”. Hence, we had a corpus of
about 8001000 tweets in each topic that can be used
for training.
4.2 Training Process
Our goal was to automatically identify the topics
that Twitter users are interested in based on their
tweets. We mainly used the Latent Dirichlet Alloca-
tion (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) for this purpose. LDA is
Table 1: Top 10 words analyzed out in our LDA implemen-
Art & Literature Business Food & Drink Government Music
Science & Technology Sport Travel Health
an unsupervised machine learning technique to iden-
tify latent topic information from large document col-
lections. It uses a ”bag of words” assumption, which
treats each document as a vector of word counts.
Based on this assumption, each document is repre-
sented as a probability distribution over some topics,
while each topic is represented as a probability distri-
bution over a number of words.
We ran LDA with 1000 iterations of Gibbs sam-
pling with predefined K = 9. The topic-word distribu-
tion was updated each time in the Gibbs sampling pro-
cess until the distribution converges. Table 1 shows
an excerpt of the topic-word distribution that we ob-
tained as a result of the training phase.
4.3 Prediction Process
After training the LDA model using the training set
above, the next step was to predict possible topic dis-
tributions for test users depending on the resulting
topic-word distribution. As pointed out in section 3, a
key limitation of standard LDA is that it does not al-
low to generate keyphrase interests. This would lead
to an interest list which is less coherent and inter-
pretable. To address this issue, we developed a novel
method, called Wiki-LDA for significantly improving
LDA topic modelling on Twitter. Wiki-LDA extends
the standard LDA by leveraging text analysis APIs
and Wikipedia categories. In the following, we dis-
cuss the Wiki-LDA approach in more details.
Since Twitter is too sparse for traditional topic
modelling, we followed an author-wise pooling ap-
proach to gather together all the tweets from a given
user into a single document (Mehrotra et al., 2013).
Our model, thus learns the latent topics that charac-
Wiki-LDA: A Mixed-Method Approach for Effective Interest Mining on Twitter Data
Table 2: List of keywords extracted from APIs for @google.
AlchemyAPI OpenCalais
percy harvin
System software
Web 2.0
Cloud clients
Cross-platform software
Embedded Linux
terize users, rather than tweets.
We then applied online text analysis tools to the
collected tweets of the test user. We used Alchemy
and OpenCalais API
to extract possible key-
words and keyphrases from the tweet data. Table
2 presents the results analyzed from Twitter user
”@google” by the mentioned text analysis tools.
The next step was to classify the extracted key-
words and keyphrases into related topics using LDA.
This would be a straightforward exercise if the
keyphrases contain some words which exist in the
LDA training results, but this process would present
some problems if the words are totally new to LDA.
Our aim was to increase the probability that a gen-
erated keyword or keyphrase is accurately classified
by LDA. To achieve this, we used Wikipedia API,
which provides all possible categories corresponding
to a particular keyword or keyphrase. After crawling
all possible categories based on a given keyword or
keyphrase query, we collect these categories and use
them as input for LDA.
Figure 2: Sample classification process for keyphrase
”percy harvin”.
Figure 2 illustrates a sample process for the clas-
sification of the extracted keyphrase “percy harvin”
(i.e. a keyphrase generated by Alchemy API for Twit-
ter user ”@google”) by combination of Wikipedia and
LDA. The complete classification procedure works as
1. If the system finds extracted keywords/keyphrases
Table 3: Comparison of classification results with standard
LDA and Wiki-LDA.
Most Related Topic classified words in this topic
Standard-LDA Sci. & Tech.
Wiki-LDA Sci. & Tech.
System software (openCalais)
Smartphone (openCalais)
PlayOnLinux (openCalais)
google (AlchemyAPI)
googleio (AlchemyAPI)
techcrunch (AlchemyAPI)
coming (LDA)
google (LDA)
(in our example ”percy harvin”) from text analysis
APIs which cannot be analyzed by original LDA,
it automatically input these keywords/keyphrases
to the Wikipedia API;
2. The Wikipedia API returns all categories asso-
ciated with ”percy harvin” to the system. Here
the Wikipedia categories associated with ”percy
harvin” include: ”American football wide re-
ceivers”, ”sports clubs established in 1961”,
”Sports in Minneapolis Minnesota”, etc;
3. The system receives these categories and splits
them into single words; in our example the collec-
tion of all words for ”percy harvin” are : [”Amer-
ican”, ”football”, ”wide”, ”receivers”, ”sports”,
”clubs”, ”established”, etc];
4. The system uses this collection of words as input
to LDA. After calculation, LDA gives one topic
distribution for each word. Here for the word
collection derived from the categories of ”percy
harvin”, the distribution is: Sports 0.67, Gover-
ment 0.03, Music 0.13, etc;
5. Finally, we choose the topic with the highest prob-
ability from the distribution provided by LDA (in
our example ”Sports”) as the possible topic of the
original keyphraseinput input ”percy harvin”.
Table 3 is a sample result of the related keywords
and keyphrases for topic “Science & Technology”
from user “@google”. The standard LDA algorithm
could only analyze single keywords (e.g. ”coming”,
”google”). The term extraction step by using the
Alchemy API and OpenCalais API resulted in more
keywords and keyphrases that couldn’t be directly an-
alyzed by standard LDA (e.g. ”PlayOnLinux”, ”Sys-
tem software”). Harnessing Wikipedia categories as
explained above, has led to an accurate classification
of these keywords and keyphrases to the topic ”Sci-
ence & Technology”. The analysis and classification
results are visualized through a graphical user inter-
face, as depicted in Figure 3.
The complete process of the Wiki-LDA approach
for interest mining and classification in Twitter is
shown in Figure 4. The system uses the Twitter API
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Visualization of interests related to topic
Sci&Tech for test user @google.
Topic Distribution
from LDA
Topic Distribution
from Wiki-LDA
Figure 4: Overall prediction process for test user @google.
to collect the Tweets a user. After a pre-processing
step which uses the Lucene library for tokenization,
removal of stop words, and stemming of the input
data, the system uses the result data set simultane-
ously as input for the LDA prediction algorithm and
the text extraction APIs. The standard LDA predic-
tion part produces the topic distribution for the user
based on the input data. The APIs extract keywords
and keyphrases which are then used by the system
as input for the Wikipedia API to gather all possible
categories for each extracted keyword and keyphrase.
The bag of category words are then given to LDA
again in order to determine the possible topic for each
extracted keyword and keyphrase as discussed in the
example above. The analysis results from standard
LDA and Wiki-LDA are then merged into a single in-
terest list representing the final topic distribution for
the Twitter user.
Figure 5 depicts a comparison between the anal-
ysis and classification results generated with standard
LDA and Wiki-LDA. It shows that Wiki-LDA enables
to extract and accurately classify more interest key-
words and keyphrases as compared to the naive appli-
cation of LDA.
Figure 5: Comparison of analysis and classification results
with standard LDA and Wiki-LDA for test user @google.
In this section we describe the details of the experi-
ment conducted to gauge the quality of the analysis
and classification results achieved by Wiki-LDA. The
experiment evaluation was performed through quan-
titative measures as well as personal interviews with
Twitter users.
5.1 Classification Evaluation
We selected four Twitter users for evaluation of the
Wiki-LDA approach, as shown in Table 4.
We ran the Wiki-LDA algorithm over the Tweets
of the four users and extracted the possible topic dis-
tribution for each test user, with related keywords and
Table 4: Tweets from test users.
Twitter User # Collected Tweets
@Oldaily 128
@BarckObama 141
@DailyHealthTips 320
@NBA 112
Wiki-LDA: A Mixed-Method Approach for Effective Interest Mining on Twitter Data
keyphrases. To evaluate the performance of Wiki-
LDA, we manually computed the precision and recal
of topics for each test user, where recall is the percent-
age of the extracted interests that are indeed correct,
and precision is the percentage of the correct extracted
interests out of all extracted interests. We then com-
bined precision and recall in the composite metric of
F-measure (or F1 score): F1 =
. Ta-
ble 5 summarizes a comparison between the F1 Score
achieved by standard LDA and Wiki-LDA. The eval-
uation shows that Wiki-LDA has led to significantly
improved interest mining results on the Twitter data
used for our experiment.
Table 5: Classification Evaluation.
Twitter User
F1 Score
Standard-LDA Wiki-LDA
@oldaily .696 .918
@DailyHealthTips .936 .979
@BarackObama .931 .985
@NBA .746 .850
In order to show the improvement of results more
clearly, Table 6 shows the specific topics with high-
est probability for each test user, and top-5 relevant
words which are extracted by both original LDA and
Wiki-LDA. From the results, we can see that, in the
prediction part of the system, the Wiki-LDA model
can correctly analyze and classify not only single key-
words, but also keyphrases, thus making the interest
mining task more accurate and meaningful.
Table 6: Extraction and classification results with standard
LDA and Wiki-LDA.
Twitter User Most related Topics
classified words in this topic
Standard-LDA Wiki-LDA
@oldaily Sci.&Tech.
Online education
Educational software
George Siemens
@BarackObama Government
Patient Protection
Affordable care act
primary campaign
@DailyHealthTips Health
hair care
human skin color
human skin
@NBA Sport
National basketball
Cleveland Cavaliers
5.2 Personal Interviews
Personal interviews were conducted with four Twit-
ter users. Table 7 shows an excerpt of the interests
of each user extracted by both standard LDA and
Table 7: Extracted interests for test users.
Test Users Hobby
Extracted keywords
Standard-LDA Wiki-LDA
@sadiksha Computer Science
System software
laura jansen
@LZYuan 1981
Wiki-LDA. The list of interests generated by Wiki-
LDA included not only keywords but also keyphrases,
in addition to keywords which did not appear in the
training set. These interests were presented to the
users who were asked to gauge the consistency of
the results. In general, the user feedback was that
the interests generated by Wiki-LDA are more accu-
rate, meaningful, and coherent than those generated
by standard LDA. This result was further confirmed
by the computation of F1 score based on the users’ re-
sponses, as summarized in Table 8. Overall, the eval-
uation results indicate that the Wiki-LDA model is a
better choice than standard LDA for interest mining
on Twitter data.
Table 8: Results from personal interviews.
Twitter User
F1 Score for Interests analysis
Standard-LDA Wiki-LDA
@Sadiksha .143 .571
@Xia41258659 .574 .857
@LZYuan 1981 .588 .824
@vividxiao .256 .749
Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Min-
ing (EDM) are concerned with developing methods
for exploring data coming from educational environ-
ments to resolve educational research issues. Learner
modelling is a crucial task in these emerging research
areas. In this paper, we focused on the interest di-
mension in the learner modelling task, which is cru-
cial in today’s learning environments characterized by
openness and autonomy. We presented the concep-
tual, implementation, and evaluation details of Wiki-
LDA, as a mixed-method interest mining approach
that combines Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), text
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
extraction APIs, and wikipedia categories in order to
effectively mine user’s interests in Twitter. Through
the combination of machine learning, information re-
trieval, and knowledge bases, we were able to mit-
igate the obvious limitation of the small size of the
training data set and to extract not only keywords but
also keyphrases as possible interests.
Overall, the evaluation results showed that Wiki-
LDA clearly outperforms standard LDA in terms of
the meaningfulness and coherence of the extracted in-
terests as well as the accuracy of the classification of
the interests in related topics. Hence, this work pro-
vides a novel method for significantly improving in-
terest mining on Twitter data.
While our early results are encouraging for gen-
erating the interest profile of a Twitter user, there are
still a number of areas we would like to improve. The
first, and most important are is defining a large train-
ing corpus, which is crucial for a machine learning
task. We have crawled tweets from 3-4 user accounts
from Twitter for each abstract topic as training set. A
logical next step to improve is hence to gather many
more Tweets from more users, and improve the range
of possible abstract topics in order to classify more
latent words.
Moreover, the Wiki-LDA algorithm has still room
for improvement. One technical limitation of LDA
is the need to fix the possible number of topics K be-
fore learning. To improve on this one can consider the
possibility of letting K to be infinity in LDA and deter-
mine the number of topics through a separate learning
Another important area to improve is our evalu-
ation. We plan to perform a larger scale experiment
in a real learning environment which will allow us to
thoroughly evaluate our interest mining approach.
The first author acknowledges the sup-
port of the Swiss National Science Founda-
tion through the MODERN Sinergia Project
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Wiki-LDA: A Mixed-Method Approach for Effective Interest Mining on Twitter Data