Utilizing Virtual Communities for Information Retrieval and User
Azza Harbaoui
, Sahbi Sidhom
, Malek Ghenima
and Henda Ben Ghezala
Department of Computing, Laboratory RIADI, National School of Computer Sciences, Manouba, Tunisia
Laboratory KIWI-LORIA, University of Lorraine, Vandoeuvre, France
Personalized Information Retrieval, User Modeling, User Profile, Virtual Communities.
Internet has become the largest library in human history. Having such a large library made the search process
more complicated. In fact, traditional search engines respond users by sending back the same results to
different users having expressed different information needs and different preferences. A significant part of
difficulties,report to vocabulary problems (polysemy, synonymy...). Such problems trigger a strong need to
personalize the search results based on user preferences. The goal of personalized information is to generate
meaningful results interesting to a number of information users using their profile. This paper presents a
personalized information retrieval approach based on user profile. User profile is built from the acquisition of
explicit and implicit user data. The proposed approach also presents a semantic-based optimization method
for user query. The system uses user profile to construct virtual communities. Moreover, it uses the user’s
navigation data to predict user’s preferences in order to update virtual communities.
This paper deals with the personalized information re-
trieval (IR). In fact, classic IR methods usually in-
tended for simple textual search, faced new hetero-
geneous documents and rich scalable contents. Con-
sequently, the user is facing these evolutions and is
being more and more unsatisfied, searching for IR
search results quality. In order to overcome the lim-
its of existing IRS, the main goal of personalized IR
is to propose effective solutions, by focusing on the
most relevant results to a user query. In this paper, we
propose a novel approach able to capture what is rel-
evant to a user. The proposal relies upon four compo-
nents: (i) a process of disambiguation based on user’s
votes and domain ontology, (ii) multidimensional pro-
file modeling based on explicit and implicit user’s col-
laboration, (iii) construction of user’s profile network,
(vi) construction of user’s influence network based on
user’s rate confidence and user’s rate share.
The main interest of personalized systems when ex-
tracting information is the use of a process that con-
siders end-user’s interests and preferences. The per-
sonalization process needs representing, accessing
and storing a users personal information. We present
in this section an overview of personalization and user
2.1 Personalization
In fact, existing personalization approaches (Zhang
et al., 2014) have contributed to the improvement
of information systems use. A large body of re-
search in Information Retrieval (IR) has highlighted
that relevance is a complex and a challenging concept.
However and despite their widespread, the underlying
complexity stems mainly from the fact that relevance
is estimated by considering multiple dimensions and
that most of them are subjective since they are user-
dependent. To answer this challenge, the commonly
used approaches are based on specific user’s prefer-
Positioning ourselves under a contextual or even
personalized IR, access to a resource that is relevant
and adapted to user context is a factor of Personal-
ized Information Retrieval Systems (van Rijsbergen,
2013). Involving users in the search process requires
modeling their profiles. Indeed, it was found that
among the reasons behind lack of performance of the
used personalization techniques is the integration of
Harbaoui, A., Sidhom, S., Ghenima, M. and Ghezala, H.
Utilizing Virtual Communities for Information Retrieval and User Modeling.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 29-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
user profile regardless of the context of use. How-
ever, users are different in nature, with roles and di-
versified skills ; their preferences can be general, sta-
ble or recurrent. Any information forming a profile
may not be appropriate for all search circumstances.
Personalization systems often focus on partial aspects
of users, and in this case the system uses explicit ac-
quisition, where users express their personal data or
preferences through the specification of their inter-
ests. This has the disadvantage of requiring users to
get involved in the process, which imposes on them
an additional charge on their use of the system. In
addition, users, forced for example to fill out a form
or answer a question, can introduce erroneous infor-
mation, which may lead to insignificant results. Thus,
the current IR problem faces real challenges that are
closely related among others to the size of the docu-
ments on the web. The first challenge is to find an ef-
ficient way to provide users with the information they
really need. As a result, several studies have consid-
ered integrating user profile in the search process. For
ten years, research (Maleszka, 2015) on IR has been
evolving and has been largely influenced by an inter-
est in this area, wary to add a little more intelligence
for improved relevance.
2.2 User profile
Modeling the user is at the center of the implemen-
tation of a personalized information retrieval process.
The goal of user modeling is to select the most rele-
vant information that reflects user’s interests (Min and
Jones, 2011). This modeling consists of designating a
structure in which we store information that describes
essentially :
User interests ;
Preferences ;
Context ;
Expected goal of the search;
Individual traits;
There are several definitions of user modeling in
the literature (Cheung et al., 1998), (Tanudjaja and
Mui, 2002). We retain some below:
”A user model is a knowledge source in a natural-
language-dialogue system which contains explicit as-
sumptions on all aspects of the user that may be rele-
vant for the dialogue behavior of the system” (Esparza
et al., 2012)
”User model is an explicit representation of the sys-
tem of a particular user’s characteristics that may
be relevant for personalized interaction. (Wen et al.,
”The process of gathering information about the users
of computer systems (Treur and Umair, 2011)and of
making this information available to systems which
exploit it to adapt their behavior or the information
they provide to the specific requirements of individ-
ual users has been termed as user modeling.
Several techniques were developed in the litera-
ture to model the user. They differ according to the
approach of profile representation and construction
(Micarelli et al., 2007). As our main objective is
to provide the end user with personalized search re-
sults, the proposed approach first builds user profile.
It connects then user profiles to each other to con-
struct the users virtual communities. The assump-
tion is that when searching for a relevant document,
the search system should use in addition to specific
user’s needs and previous searches, knowledge on
other users. Search personalization is achieved by re-
turning to the user ranked results using their profile
and query.
As for our objectives, we propose an approach
(cf. Figure 1) with four main components: (1) a user
profile construction component, (2) an acquisition of
user’s data navigation component, (3) a virtual com-
munities construction component and (4) an influence
network component.
Figure 1: Proposed approach.
User profile is based on an implicit interaction
with the user: implicit because the user is not directly
asked to give opinion, and interactive through using
navigation to measure interest in a given query.
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2.3 Virtual Communities based User
The social aspect of user’s personal life is becoming
increasingly important to examine. We define a vir-
tual community as a group, often informal, of indi-
viduals with a common interest in sharing knowledge
with members of the same community. They can view
the search history, documents relating to previous vis-
its, tags as well as part of the user profile visible to the
public. A virtual community may be represented in
many ways, we show in what follows its most com-
mon graphic representation (Yakoubi and Kanawati,
2013): a community represented by a graph is a set of
points, some of which are directly connected by one
or more links. It can be represented in many ways:
networks waves ; hypertext Graphs; and social net-
works. In our paper, we used graphs to represent the
user’s network. Indeed, each node is simply a user
profile. Each arc represents a relationship between
two users. Each edge is weighted by a weight rep-
resenting the degree of similarity between the edges
previously connected by this arc. We also used com-
munity detection to identify the community to which
a user of our system belongs. Automatic identifica-
tion of communities has attracted much attention in
recent years and many algorithms have been proposed
to model them. These algorithms consider only net-
works structural data regardless of any other attributes
specific to edges for example. Most communities de-
tection methods are based on the intuition that the
community structure of field graphs is naturally a hi-
erarchical structure (a community consists itself of
sub-communities that consist themselves of sub-sub
communities and so on). In addition, if all the meth-
ods do not explicitly target maximization of modu-
larity it is mainly used to compare the performance
of methods. We opted for the approach of ”Louvain”
(Newman, 2004)to detect communities.
2.3.1 Louvain’s Method
Louvain’s method (Newman, 2004) has significant
advantages compared to other community detection
methods. It has been validated and tested success-
fully on several projects, including its speed (although
this is not proven, the algorithm has a linear function
or almost), allowing it to process graphs up with bil-
lions of links, its multi-scale aspect, which enables
it to discover communities at different scales, and its
excellent accuracy compared to other methods. For
these reasons, we used this method to detect virtual
2.3.2 Construction of User’s Influence Network
An influence network is a virtual community consist-
ing of user profiles, some of which may be influen-
tial profiles. These members, through their profile, al-
low for influencing members who belong to the same
community, and thus influence their research. Ac-
cordingly, the virtual community is reduced to a sub-
community or even an influence network where the
search space is reduced, thereby improving the search
results. To build this network, we defined two vari-
ables that we called trust rate and sharing rate. These
will be described in the following section, applying
an iterative two-stage succession.
2.3.3 Sharing Rate
Sharing rate, denoted ω
, is a numeric value that
ranges between 0 and 1. specifies sharing rate of a
document by any user within his/her community. ω
determines thus the rate of occurrence of a document
shared by a given user in the community to which
he/she belongs. Its formula is defined as follows:
number f riends user(i)
total number user
s community
2.3.4 Trust Rate
Under certain conditions, a community is the focus of
a user. Trust level of a user j in a user i is denoted by
ci j
and given by the following formula:
ci, j
j=0, i6= j
i, j
n 1
2.3.5 Influence Network Constructing Steps
The construction of an influence network allows for
extracting in a clear way the various friendship links
between a user as represented by his/her profile and
other members of the community. To do this, we used
the following approach: For a given user U, we ex-
tract the network of all his/her friends as a first stage
and then, for each profile of the community, we de-
fine an influence rate, deduced from equations. The
system derives the nature of the relationship that links
user U to his/her friends. This deduction is based on
thresholds according to well-defined criteria, namely;
If influence rate > 0,9 : this friend is dominant.
If 0.6 <influence rate 0,9 : this is a helping Friend.
If 0.3 <influence rate <0,6 : this is a cooperative
Utilizing Virtual Communities for Information Retrieval and User Modeling
If influence rate <0,3 : this is a submissive friend.
We report in the following, an illustrative example
of a user. The output of the system after closure of
friends and the influence network deduced is shown
in (cf. Figure 2).
Figure 2: Example of Sandydog’s influence network.
2.4 Case Study
After constructing the influence network, the user
focuses on his/her dominant friend and launches
a research through a Case-based reasoning process
(CBR). To do this, the user will enter the identifier of
his/her friend, the identifier of his/her query and the
assigned ratings. Thus, the system will return 20 doc-
uments deemed relevant to the dominant friend of the
user. This process is supported by the Jcolibri frame-
work. We opted this object-oriented framework, be-
cause it, inter alia, facilitates the construction of CBR
systems. This framework ensures the management of
the case base (add, edit, and delete cases). Just give
the case a structure (in this case, information about
the dominant friend), and then call these operations
to manage the case base. It also offers a rich set of
predefined, reusable similarity functions to calculate
similarity between ontological concepts.
For experimentation and evaluation purposes, we em-
pirically tested our approach on the Book Social
Search Dataset (Koolen et al., 2012). The Dataset
consists of 2,8 million book records from Amazon,
extended with social metadata. First, the experimen-
tal users were asked to notify their corresponding rel-
evant results and then precision, recall, Mean Aver-
age Precision (MAP) were calculated. The evaluation
protocol was designed to tune the experimentation pa-
rameters and then to evaluate the effectiveness of our
personalized approach. It is based on three stages :
The first is to measure the impact of a user’s im-
plicit interest in a set of documents. Thus, in addition
to the users explicit knowledge, we were able to high-
light a set of implicit knowledge. The second, in addi-
tion to the query processing process, will measure the
impact of the integration of user profile, on improving
search performance. The last is to test the contribu-
tion of integrating virtual communities on improving
the research process. The objective of these exper-
iments is twofold: first, to prove the applicability of
the approach and second to compare and validate each
contribution against the baseline.
3.1 The Scenario Process
We proceed to the evaluation of the personalized in-
formation retrieval approach through the following
stages :
1. Analysis of the query (reformulation and disam-
biguation) by using the rates and tags added by
users after a first search. Disambiguation is done
by querying the data dictionary WordNet ;
2. Construction of the user profile by adopting a
multidimensional representation and hybrid ac-
quisition of navigation traces (implicit and ex-
plicit aquisition). Detection of new interests of
users is done by querying the ODP-domaine on-
tology ;
3. Construction of virtual communities through the
acquired user profiles and restarting the search
process to assess the impact of integration in the
research process ;
4. Detection of influence networks (reduced virtual
This network is integrated back into a process of in-
dexing and searching in order to evaluate the perfor-
mance of our method and its impact on the perfor-
mance of indexing in information search. To vali-
date the proposed approach, we conducted tests, us-
ing the experimental toolkit LEMUR
and the weight-
ing scheme t f ×id f .This configuration is used as the
baseline for our comparative evaluation. Next, we
calculated improvement across the different scenarios
and the baseline system.
3.2 Experimental Results
Through our experiments, we try to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of our proposal over various real user’s
queries. To estimate the quality of the results ob-
tained under different scenarios, we used standard
measures of precision @X, specificallyP@10, P@20
andP@30 documents which are respectively average
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
precision of the 10, 20 and 30 first documents re-
turned, the NDCG (Normalized Cumulative Gain)
and MAP (Mean Average Precision) of all 40 selected
queries. For each query, the first 100 records are re-
turned by the experimental SRI Lemur and average
precisions are calculated to measure the relevance of
the system. The presented results compare precision,
MAP and NDCG values between the personalized ap-
proach and the baseline. We notice that a precision at
5 of a personalized search is better than the baseline.
The sheet at (cf. Figure 3). presents the search re-
sults quality measurement with virtual communities.
We calculate P@5, P@10, and MAP(cf. Figure 4)
for a set of 40 queries. We can see in this sheet that
P@10 presents more accurate results. Moreover, we
see that performance improvement is better for P@10
or P@15 than P@30 and P@100. This improvement
can be explained by the fact that there is less irrele-
vance when we consider the first 10 or 15 results. We
can also conclude that the personalized search includ-
ing virtual communities improves system precision.
Figure 3: Recall/Precision Curve.
Figure 4: MAP histogram.
We began this paper with an overview of personaliza-
tion. Then we presented our proposal of using vir-
tual communities to model users for information re-
trieval. The proposed approach includes the creation
of user profiles, the construction of virtual commu-
nities and influence networks. We conducted an ex-
perimentation and evaluation phase on INEX Book
Social Search Dataset (Koolen et al., 2012). Evalu-
ation shows that the system improves search results
when integrating virtual communities and influence
networks. However, these results show some limita-
tions. In fact, the process of user profile construction
and that of virtual communities construction are not
synchronized. The two processes cannot take place
simultaneously. Profile construction is always done
in batch mode in the case of a cold start.
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WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies