Estimation of Delay using Sensor Data for Reporting through Business
Victor Molano and Alexander Paz
Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
4505 Maryland Parkway, PO Box 454007, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Delay, Sensor Data, Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Abstract: This study proposes a simple method to estimate delay using sensor data with the final objective of
processing and reporting the information through Business Intelligence. The method involves three main
tasks: determination of the Peak Period, definition of seasons used by FAST, and the calculation of delay. A
small portion of the Las Vegas Roadway network is used to illustrate results. Functional requirements for
Business Intelligence are proposed.
Congestion and incident management require the
involvement of multiple stakeholders who need
reliable and easy access to data and analytics to
make adequate planning and operational decisions.
Business Intelligence (BI) involves the use of
informatics to provide access to data and associated
analytics. That is, BI involves the processing of data
to provide meaningful and easy to use information
(NEDELCU, 2013). BI with its real time reporting
and automated capabilities at different organization
levels has become an important management and
tracking tool in developed countries (Nofal and
Yusof, 2013). BI solutions have been proposed for
transportation systems. Sampaio P., et al. (2011),
provided an application to public transportation.
An alternative to BI is the use of traditional
standalone applications. As part of the Regional
Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
(RTCSN), the Freeway and Arterial System of
Transportation (FAST) plays a major role in
monitoring and reporting freeway incidents using a
web-based dashboard, Performance Monitoring and
Measurement System (PMMS)
( PMMS data is collected
through sensors such as radar detectors, cameras,
and Bluetooth devices (Xie and Hoeft, 2012). The
information is stored in a databased and retrieved
through Structured Query Language (SQL) queries.
This study proposes a simple but very practical
algorithm for reporting day using sensor data
collected by RTCSN. Currently, there is data
available for 449 sensors. Information from four
sensors along the US 95 corridor in Las Vegas for the
2014 Spring season was used in this study. The data is
constantly updated for display on the dashboard.
With the objective of developing a BI dashboard
for the Nevada Department of Transportation
(NDOT) the percent of days in a season with a daily
peak period delay that does not exceed the average
delay by more than 10% is considered in this study.
This performance measure is of particular interes to
NDOT. The calculation of this measure involves
three main tasks: determination of Peak Period,
definition of seasons used by FAST, and the
calculation of delay.
2.1 Determination of Peak Period
Generally, Department of Transportation (DOTs)
define two peak periods per day; one in the morning
and one in the afternoon. However, this static
definition could miss important information about
non-recurrent and nocturnal events. In Las Vegas
area, it is observed that there are often two or more
periods depending on the location and season.
Therefore, a more detailed analysis is required for
the estimation of the peak periods.
This methodology recommends to define the
peak periods based on a definition provided by the