Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs
Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
euson M. P. da Silva
, Carla I. M. Bezerra
, Rossana M. C. Andrade
and Jos
e Maria S. Monteiro
Federal University of Cear
a (UFC), Quixad
a Campus, ZIP: 63902-580, Quixad
a, CE, Brazil
Federal University of Cear
a (UFC), Pici Campus, ZIP: 60455-760, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Systems (GREat), Pici Campus,
Bloco 942-A, ZIP: 60455-760, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Dynamic Software Product Line, Requirements Engineering, Variability Management.
Recently, Software Product Lines (SPLs) have been used successfully for building products families. How-
ever, the currently and complex software products demand more adaptive features. Today, many application
domains demand capabilities for flexible adaptation and post-deployment reconfiguration. In this context,
Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPLs) represent a way to produce software products able to change their
own behavior at runtime due to the changes in the product use environment. DSPLs present some interesting
properties such dynamic variability and reconfiguration at runtime. The dynamic variability is represented by
the definition of variants and context information. The reconfiguration at runtime is the process that enables
the features activation and deactivation in a configuration product. Both properties are closely related to the re-
quirements engineering and variability management, in the domain engineering life-cycle. In this research, we
provide a systematic literature review that aims to identify the activities, assets, tools and approaches that are
used in requirements engineering and variability management in DSPLs domain engineering. We performed a
manual and automatic search, resulting in 581 papers of which 37 were selected. We also provide a discussion
about the challenges and solutions of runtime variability mechanisms in the context of DSPLs.
Software Product Lines (SPLs) can be defined as a
set of software-intensive systems sharing a common
and managed set of features that satisfies the spe-
cific needs of a particular market segment or mis-
sion (Northrop et al., 2007). However, SPLs just
support the development of static products (Hinchey
et al., 2012), i.e., SPLs products are not able to adapt
their own behavior to the changes in the users needs
at runtime (Bencomo et al., 2012). On the other hand,
the currently complex systems need to deal with dy-
namic aspects, such as successive reconfigurations at
runtime, after their first deployment (Bosch et al.,
2015). In this context, emerged Dynamic Software
Product Lines (DSPL) (Hallsteinsen et al., 2008).
DSPLs extend existing product line engineer-
ing approaches by moving their capabilities to run-
time (Hinchey et al., 2012). In DSPLs, products
can be reconfigured dynamically at runtime after their
initial derivation (Bencomo et al., 2012). Although
DSPLs have some differences compared with SPLs,
DSPLs still share the same development life-cycle as
presented by Capilla et al. (Capilla et al., 2014a).
DSPLs, as well SPLs, are composed of two main
development life-cycle: domain and application engi-
neering (Hallsteinsen et al., 2008). The domain engi-
neering is responsible for (i) specifying, documenting
and developing the assets that will be used to compose
the future products of the line. Besides it is responsi-
ble for (ii) producing the necessary SPLs infrastruc-
ture, composed of: a common architecture and its
variation points, a set of reusable parts and a model
to represent the variability (Bencomo et al., 2012).
Once DSPLs adapt their own behavior at runtime,
besides to identify the requirements, it is necessary to
recognize the contexts that the line will need to sup-
port. These tasks are performed in the domain en-
gineering life-cycle, through two different activities:
domain and context analysis (Capilla et al., 2014a).
The domain analysis specifies the domain that the line
will support, identifying and documenting the vari-
Silva, L., Bezerra, C., Andrade, R. and Monteiro, J.
Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 1, pages 544-551
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
able features of the domain (Capilla et al., 2014b).
The context analysis captures the contexts to be sup-
ported by the DSPL (Capilla et al., 2014b). An im-
portant activity from context analysis is to identify the
information used by the products reconfiguration pro-
cess that happens due to the changes in use environ-
ment. When a new context is identified, the product
needs to check which features must be activated and
which should not (Capilla et al., 2014a).
Guedes et al. (Guedes et al., 2015) present a sys-
tematic mapping focused on DSPLs aspects to iden-
tify methodologies that are used to execute the vari-
ability management. However, the results do not
present what activities are used to project and how
these activities need to be executed to ensure the
DSPLs variability was well understood. In the work
of Da Silva et al. (da Silva et al., 2013) is presented a
SLR that aims at understanding how dynamic deriva-
tion is made in DSPL. The work identifies how the
models, approaches and methods are used to address
the dynamic derivation problem in DSPLs, but it is
not presented how these assets are made, what in-
formation, roles and activities are involved to define
In this context, we performed a Systematic Liter-
ature Review (SLR) to investigate how the require-
ments engineering and variability management are
performed in DSPLs domain engineering. We aimed
to identify the activities, assets, tools and approaches
that are used. As result, we analyzed 37 studies dated
from 2008 to 2015. The main contribution of this
work is a catalogue of activities to support the require-
ments process in DSPLs domain engineering.
The remainder of this work is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reports the SLR. Section 3 de-
scribes the studies classification. The results of each
research questions are presented in section 4. Section
5 presents a discussion about the results. Section 6
discusses the threats of validity. Section 7 concludes
this work and presents suggestions for future work.
The review process of this work followed the guide-
lines of (Keele, 2007) and (Kitchenham et al., 2009).
The process included the definition of three activities:
planning, conducting and results reporting. In the
planning was defined the review protocol and in the
conducting, the focus was on the selection and analy-
ses process of the work. Finally, the results reporting
comprised the results presentation.
To support the SLRs execution we use a tool to
automatize some steps. The adopted tool was StArt
(State of the Art through Systematic Reviews) that
supports the review process since the definition of
the review protocol until the results report. Due to
StArt be a desktop tool, some steps were supported
by templates allowing the parallel work among the
researchers. The next subsections present how the re-
view process was done.
2.1 Research Questions
This work followed a main research question and six
(6) secondary questions. The first four secondary
questions are related to list the activities, assets, tools
and the approaches used to represent the variability
and requirements in DSPLs domain engineering. Ad-
ditionally, the last two research questions deal with
the DSPLs variability and aim to specify what infor-
mation are used, still in the requirements engineering,
to do or just to support, the variability management at
RQ1. How are the requirements engineering (RE)
and variability management (VM) executed in
DSPLs domain engineering?
RQ1.1. What activities of RE and VM are used
in DSPLs?
RQ1.2. What approaches are used to document
the requirements in DSPLs?
RQ1.3. What assets are built of RE and VM in
RQ1.4. What approaches are used to represent
the DSPLs variability?
RQ1.5. What approaches are used to support
the reconfiguration process in DSPLs?
RQ1.6. What approaches are used to eliminate
possible inconsistencies in DSPLs variability
2.2 Search Process
The search process started with a manual and auto-
mated search, in digital libraries (DL). The adopted
DLs were: Scopus
, Compendex
and Web of Sci-
. The manual search was necessary due to the
verification that the automated search did not return
papers from important conferences dated from 2015
(SPLC, VaMoS). After the two searches, all identified
papers were joined at the same work set.
Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
To perform the automated search, we used a
search string. This string was defined through key-
words, extracted from each research question. At the
end, the selected words were joined with search oper-
ators (AND, OR). To ensure the string was appropri-
ated to return valid papers, we tested it many times.
The adopted search string is presented bellow:
(“Software product line engineering” OR “Do-
main Engineering” OR “Domain Analysis” OR
“Context Analysis”) AND (Requirements OR “Re-
quirements Engineering” OR Elicitation OR Analysis
OR Specification OR Verification OR Management)
AND (“feature model” OR “variability model” OR
“decision model” OR “domain model”) AND (“Soft-
ware Product Line” OR “product family”) AND (au-
tonomic OR pervasive OR ecosystems OR dynamic
OR “context-aware*” OR adaptive)
2.3 Inclusion/Exclusion and Quality
The papers of the automated and manual search were
analyzed according to some criteria. To justify the
reason that a paper would be selected or not, we de-
termine inclusion and exclusion criteria. Addition-
ally, the papers content should be evaluated. It was
done following the guidelines of Kitchenham et al.
(Kitchenham et al., 2006). For that, we define 6 ques-
tions and a valuation function. The evaluation score
could vary from 0, for papers that do not satisfy a cri-
terion, to 6, for papers that satisfy totally a criterion.
The inclusion/exclusion criteria are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.
Inc/Exc Criterion
Inc. Activities about RE and VM for
DSPLs domain engineering
Inc. Approaches for the RE and VM activ-
Inc. Approaches to support the require-
ments and variability
Inc. Approaches to support the inconsis-
tencies treatment in DSPLs variability
Exc. Do not focus on RE and VM of DSPLs
Exc. Not written in English
Exc. Out of the valid formats (papers from
conferences and journals)
Exc. Could not be accessed from UFC’s
network or by contacting authors
2.4 Data Extraction
The adopted approach for data extraction was based
on the work of Montagud et al. (Montagud et al.,
2012). For each research question was defined some
values that could be the answers presented by the pa-
pers. It was done to make easy the extraction process.
The information to be extracted were: activities from
domain and context analysis, extracted from Capilla
et al. (Capilla et al., 2014b), involved roles, built
assets, variability representation, inconsistency treat-
ment, validation type and related adopted method, and
context use.
The studies classification process corresponds to the
conducting and review reporting phases of the SLR.
This process was done supported by four researchers
and made in 5 steps:
Step 1: Perform string search on DLs and the
manual search;
Step 2: Elimination of duplicated papers using the
StArt tool;
Step 3: Title, Abstract and Keyword analysis of all
papers according to the inclusion/exclusion crite-
Step 4: Full reading and analysis of the papers ac-
cording to the inclusion/exclusion criteria by the
researchers through pairs read;
Step 5: Last check for duplicated papers iden-
tification, and information extraction and quality
evaluation execution.
If during the classification process of a paper a
nonconformity among the researchers happens, the
researchers are responsible for solving the conflict
and decide together if the paper would be eliminated
or not. An overview of this process is presented in
Figure 1. It is possible to see the number of returned
papers of each source and the number of selected pa-
pers after each step, respectively. Finally, after the
step five, the set of papers decreased to 37 papers that
were analysed again to extract the principal informa-
This section presents the SLR results from the 37 se-
lected work. The papers of our work were selected in
August/2015. Due to it some papers from important
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Study selection process.
sources dated after august are not presented here. The
next subsections present each adopted research ques-
tion and their related results.
4.1 Papers Overview
Before the analysis of each research question is im-
portant to present an overview about the selected pa-
pers. Figure 2 presents the number of selected papers
along the years according to the three selection pro-
cess. According to Figure 2 is possible to see that the
oldest selected work in the 3rd selection dates from
2008. This means that the researches in DSPLs is
still a new research area. From 2011 the number of
selected papers per year is more regular varying be-
tween 4 and 7 papers.
Figure 2: Selected papers along the years.
About the papers use context, the majority (29)
was developed to academic ends, while 8 papers were
focused on the industrial area. It reinforces the idea
of DSPL is a new research area, but there are some
work that promote its use in industry. About the qual-
ity evaluation of the papers only one has the maximal
score 6 (S07), while the majority has a score between
3 and 5. Table 6 presents the the quality evaluation
of each paper.
4.2 Requirements Engineering and
Variability Management in DSPLs
Domain Engineering (RQ1)
The main research question aims to know how the re-
quirements engineering and variability management
are executed in DSPLs domain engineering. The re-
sults of each secondary question are presented as fol-
4.2.1 RQ1.1 What Activities of RE and VM are
used in DSPLs?
Table 2 shows the identified activities. As can
be seen, the activities are separated in three groups
(phases). The first group brings the activities com-
monly used in the traditional software development,
domain analysis. The second group presents the activ-
ities of the context analysis. Some papers present the
activity Define operational rules of the domain analy-
sis phase that is related to the architecture modelling.
This kind of activity is commonly executed on the
project domain phase, like some papers execute. This
activity is attributed to the the second group, when it is
executed on the domain analysis phase, and attributed
to the third group, when a paper performs this activity
on the project domain phase. A finding is that the ac-
tivity Define multiple connection is executed only in
the project domain phase.
Although the papers present specific activities to
attend to the domain specification, some details about
these activities execution were clearer in the section
of studies cases. However, the identified activities are
more related to requirements and variability model-
ing, and how the variability management is done at
design time and runtime. Activities about require-
ments elicitation are executed with fewer importance.
This question identified too the roles involved in
the activities, shown in Table 2. Just 9 papers present
the roles involved in their activities. Although the
roles are more involved in the project specification
and modelling, there is not a clear definition about
the responsibilities of each one. For example, the de-
signers and the architects are responsible for model-
ing the DSPLs architecture, S05 and S09. The ana-
lysts are involved in the activities of modeling such as
identifying of features, S06 e S07. On the other hand,
the definition of the developer role just combines the
responsibilities of the other roles. It difficulties the
understanding about which roles are necessary to ex-
Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 2: Result from the first research question.
Domain Engineering
Domain Analysis Domain Project
Domain Analysis Context Analysis Domain Project
Activities Conception, Elicita-
tion, Specification,
Identify physical properties, Identify context
features, Model context features, Define oper-
ational rules
Define operational rules,
Define multiple connection
Roles Analyst (S06, S07), Designer (S05, S06, S15, S16, S26, S35), Architect (S09), Developer (S31)
ecute each activity.
The identified activities are supported by some
tools. Most papers (64%) did not use tools to sup-
port their process or they did not mention it. The rest
of the papers use tools to project modelling as also to
verify the consistency and correctness of the models.
Table 3 presents the tools related to each purpose.
Table 3: Tools support.
Purpose Tools and Papers
Workflow rep-
BPMN (S10)
Fama (S02), MOSkitt4SPL
(S07), Atlas Model (S07),
BPMN (S10), Familiar (S26),
FeatureIDE (S26), eMoflon
(S8), Odyssey (S28), DOPLER
(S33), VariaMos (S36, S37)
GNU Prolog (S07), Clafer
(S10), Familiar (S26), Vari-
aMos (S36, S37).
4.2.2 RQ1.2 What Approaches are used to
Document the Requirements in DSPLs?
Only 6 papers present approaches that are used to
document the requirements. The adopted approaches
vary of the use UML diagrams, class diagram and use
case (S13), sequence diagram (S15), approach that
does not support the concept of variability, until the
use of new approaches like Schemas (S25) and Goals
(S35). S01 and S05 organize the domain requirements
in feature model, but they do not present what ap-
proaches are used to transform the requirements, tex-
tual specification, in features of the variability model.
4.2.3 RQ1.3 What Assets are Built of RE and
VM in DSPLs?
Table 4 presents all identified assets. The feature
model as also the context feature model represent the
assets with the higher frequency, 37% each one. The
feature model is used to represent the DSPLs variabil-
ity, as is used by traditional SPLs. The deference in
DSPLs is about the context feature model that joins
the context features, necessary to the reconfiguration
process. The next more used model is the extended
feature model (6 papers), this model extends the fea-
ture model to support specific needs.
Table 4: Built Assets.
Assets Papers
Aspect model S23, S31
Base composi-
tion model and
Base Model S10
Context feature
S01, S06, S07, S10, S11, S12,
S20, S22, S28, S29, S30, S32,
S34, S37
feature model
S05, S08, S10, S16, S18, S34
Feature model S01, S02, S03, S04, S07, S12,
S13, S20, S21, S26, S27, S28,
S32, S37
Feature model
S13, S15, S25, S35
Rules adaptions S24
States machine S08
Weaving model S07, S10
4.2.4 RQ1.4 What Approaches are used to
Represent the DSPLs Variability?
The models used to represent the variability were: As-
pect model (S31), Actor model (S17), MVRP (S16),
OWL (S12), OCL (S04) and Feature Model (S01,
S02, S03, S07, S10, S11, S13, S14, S15, S19, S21,
S23, S26, S27, S28, S29, S34, S37).
The feature model represents the most used ap-
proach to represent the variability due to its use flex-
ibility. This approach allows to change its own prop-
erties in order to attend the new use needs. Other con-
sideration about the feature model is that there is not a
pattern to represent the variability. For example, some
papers identify context features but the way to orga-
nize these information vary. Some put the context fea-
tures at the same feature model used to represent the
variability while others put it in a independent model.
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2.5 RQ1.5 What Approaches are used to
Support the Reconfiguration Process in
This question is related to the approaches that are used
to support the adaptability at runtime. This activity is
more related to the domain design. Table 5 presents
the results of this question.
Table 5: Approaches to reconfiguration process.
Approaches Studies
Adaptation rules S07, S24
ECA S01, S02, S22, S27, S31, S32
MAPE-K S15, S36
MAPE S01, S35
Transformation rules S26
Aspect models S23
Context mapping S10
PrtNets S30
Contraint-satisfaction S21
ECA (Event-Condition-Action) approach is the
most widely used approach. ECA is based on rules
that are created from constraints of different sources,
such as the activity responsible for identifying oper-
ational rules (see subsection 4.2.1). The process of
specifying the adaptation rules through MAPE (Mon-
itor, Analyze, Plan and Execute) and MAPE-K (Mon-
itor, Analyze, Plan, Execute and Knowledge) follows
almost the same methodology for both. It is neces-
sary to identify how the context information would be
accessible, specifying the constraints that would be
responsible to decide to what new context the product
would change and what parts would be necessary to
support this new context.
4.2.6 RQ1.6 What Approaches are used to
Eliminate Possible Inconsistencies in
DSPLs Variability Model?
In DSPLs it is necessary to ensure that not only the
variability model at design time is consistent as also
the consistency of the model when a reconfigura-
tion happens. Although this consistency checking be
an important step to ensure and validate the require-
ments, only 12 papers mentioned it. Eight papers
(S07, S08, S10, S20, S22, S26, S28, S37) executed
checks just to ensure the adopted variability model did
not have inconsistencies. It was used tools to execute
this checking (the list of identified tools is presented
in Table 3).
Related to the papers that did checking at runtime
(S02, S05, S06, S08, S15), only specific papers (e.g.,
S08, S15) present the approaches they adopted. The
checking process followed the use of adaptation rules
and the application of algorithms that are responsible
for evaluating if a new configuration has any incon-
sistencies or not. The other papers just cite they did it
but they did not present details about.
The domain engineering is responsible for exploring
the domain that the DSPL will support. The results of
this work show that DSPLs research has produced a
set of assets, tools and approaches to support the ac-
tivities necessary for DSPL requirements engineering
and variability management.
About the activities of domain analysis, we con-
cluded that the activities responsible for the domain
specification and modeling have more importance that
the others, like conception and elicitation. Because
of it most papers do not specify formally the require-
ments domain. It goes against the domain analysis
goal. The same problem happens with the activities
of context analysis. The activities focus on the con-
texts identification and modeling, while the activities
that treats the rules definition, responsible for identi-
fication of changes in a context, receives less impor-
tance. Still about domain analysis, we identified that
the papers do not present activities to support the re-
quirements changes as also do not present how the
changes are treated, when they happen.
A challenge about the reconfiguration process is
to change the variability model at runtime when a re-
configuration happens. Tools are used to check the
model structure and its consistence but it was not
identified yet a tool that supports this verification at
runtime. Another important finding is about how
the non-functional requirements (NFR) are identified
and treated in domain engineering. Only one paper
(S15) treated this issue with the same importance that
functional requirements (FR) receive. The NFRs are
more related to the domain project, that is when the
architecture is modeled. Although this relation be-
tween the architecture modeling and the NFRs, it is
important that the activity of architecture modeling
receives the necessary information about the NFRs
from domain analysis instead to identify the motiva-
tions around them. Other finding about NFRs is how
the reconfiguration process is done. The NFRs are not
considered by the papers in this process.
S09 is interested in evaluating the DSPLs quality
attributes but they just focused on the features model.
Evaluating the quality attributes in all DSPLs domain
engineering using others assets represents a new re-
search opportunity.
Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
This section discusses threats that could have affected
the SLR results. We verified the threats were about
the construct validity. Construct validity is concerned
whether the treatments reflect the cause and the out-
come reflects the effect (Wohlin et al., 2012).
The first possible threat is about the search string.
It needs to reflect the main objective of the study
otherwise would be returned work out of the study
area. We have tried to minimize it through successive
searches in DLs. As result, we verified that always
some important papers, that we knew before, were re-
turned (S06, S13). The second threat might have been
about the search process. We verified papers from im-
portant conferences dated from 2015 were not been
returned by the DLs. To solve this, we did a manual
search in the proceedings of these conferences
This SLR aimed to determine how the requirements
engineering and variability management supports the
DSPLs domain engineering. To answer this question,
we identified relevant and current studies following a
formal approach. These studies were analyzed, eval-
uated and the information were extracted.
The results show the activities are concentrated on
DSPLs modeling and specification. Traditional ap-
proaches (UML diagrams) can be used to document
the domain requirements as also the feature model,
that can be also used to represent the domain variabil-
ity. The assets built in the activities can be done using
tools responsible for modeling and consistence verifi-
cation of them. We identified the following research
opportunities: modeling and treatment of NFRs still
in domain analysis; evaluating quality attributes using
assets different of variability models; a mechanism
to check the consistence and that be able to modify
the variability model at runtime; defining a pattern to
represent the variability in DSPLs; and exploring ap-
proaches that can be used for eliciting the FRs.
As future work, we would like to determine ap-
proaches to support the found gaps and to define a
formal process for DSPLs RE and VM.
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 6: Quality evaluation of the studies.
ID Reference Quality
S01 L. Shen, X. Peng, and W. Zhao. Software product line engineering for developing self-adaptive systems: Towards the domain requirements. In Computer
Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2012 IEEE 36th Annual.
S02 A. S. Nascimento, C. M. Rubira, and F. Castor. Arcmape: A software product line infrastructure to support fault-tolerant composite services. In High-
Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), 2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium.
S03 D. Dermeval, T. Tenorio, I. I. Bittencourt, A. Silva, S. Isotani, and M. Ribeiro. Ontology-based feature modeling: An empirical study in changing scenarios.
Expert Systems with Applications, 42(11):4950–4964, 2015.
S04 C. Dubslaff, C. Baier, and S. Kluppelholz. Probabilistic model checking for feature-oriented systems. In Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software
Development XII, pages 180–220. Springer, 2015.
S05 R. Mizouni, M. A. Matar, Z. Al Mahmoud, S. Alzahmi, and A. Salah. A framework for context-aware self-adaptive mobile applications spl. Expert
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S12 C. Cetina, P. Giner, J. Fons, and V. Pelechano. Prototyping dynamic software product lines to evaluate run-time reconfigurations. Science of Computer
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S13 F. G. Marinho, R. M. Andrade, C. Werner, W. Viana, M. E. Maia, L. S. Rocha, E. Teixeira, J. B. Ferreira Filho, V. L. Dantas, F. Lima, et al. Mobiline: A
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S23 C. Parra, X. Blanc, A. Cleve, and L. Duchien. Unifying design and runtime software adaptation using aspect models. Science of Computer Programming,
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S24 M. Rosenmuller, N. Siegmund, M. Pukall, and S. Apel. Tailoring dynamic software product lines. In ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 47, pages 3–12.
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S25 J. Dehlinger and R. R. Lutz. Gaia–pl: a product line engineering approach for efficiently designing multiagent systems. ACM Transactions on Software
Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 20(4):17, 2011.
S26 M. Acher, P. Collet, P. Lahire, S. Moisan, and J.-P. Rigault. Modeling variability from requirements to runtime. In Engineering of Complex Computer
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S28 P. Fernandes, C. Werner, and E. Teixeira. An approach for feature modeling of context-aware software product line. J. UCS, 17(5):807–829, 2011. 4
S29 Z. Jaroucheh, X. Liu, and S. Smith. Mapping features to context information: Supporting context variability for context–aware pervasive applications. In
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S31 T. Dinkelaker, R. Mitschke, K. Fetzer, and M. Mezini. A dynamic software product line approach using aspect models at runtime. In 5th Domain-Specific
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S32 M. Acher, P. Collet, F. Fleurey, P. Lahire, S. Moisan, and J.-P. Rigault. Modeling context and dynamic adaptations with feature models. In 4th International
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S34 R. Capilla, M. Hinchey, and F. J. Daz. Collaborative context features for critical systems. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Variability
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S35 J. C. Mu
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Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Product Line, ACM, 2015.
S36 N. Abbas and J. Andersson. Harnessing variability in product-lines of self-adaptive software systems. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference
on Software Product Line, pages 191–200. ACM, 2015.
S37 R. Mazo, J. C. Mu
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of the 19th International Conference on Software Product Line. ACM, 2015.
Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review