An Evolutionary Cultural Algorithm based Risk-aware Virtual
Machine Scheduling Optimisation in Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) Cloud
Ming Jiang
, Tom Kirkham
and Craig Sheridan
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, U.K.
Scientific Computing Department, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Oxfordshire, U.K.
Flexiant Limited, Livingston, U.K.
Keywords: Cultural Algorithm, Service Reliability, Risk Management, Virtual Machine Scheduling, Optimisation.
Abstract: Cloud service reliability is one of the key common performance concerns of both Cloud Service Provider
(CSP) and Cloud Service User (CSU). As the capability and scale of a Cloud infrastructure increase, the
requirements of maintaining and improving the reliability of services is increasingly crucial for the CSP and
CSU. Risk management is the process of analysing the potential risk factors associated with the reliability
deterioration of a service provided by a CSP, assessing the uncertainties and consequences associated with
this kind of deterioration, and finally identifying the system wide appropriate mitigation strategies for risk
treatments. In this paper, an evolutionary Cultural Algorithm based risk management method is proposed to
facilitate the identification (i.e., probability and consequences) and treatment (i.e., mitigations) of Cloud
infrastructure reliability related risk for Virtual Machine scheduling optimisation.
Cloud computing is an unprecedented and rapidly
evolving paradigm/business model of provision and
consumption of ICT services and resources.
Reliability and elasticity are two of the key
performance factors that directly affect the Quality
of Service (QoS) and revenues of a successful
modern Cloud Data Centre (CDC). As the
capability and scale of a CDC increase, with the
drastic demands of large scale and long-run Cloud
services deployed inside it, how to understand and
effectively manage the risk factors, such as hardware
failures, malfunctioned system software, security
breaches and human factors, which may downgrade
the reliability and elasticity performance of a CDC,
becomes an increasingly crucial and challenging
Numerous recent years surveys and studies
consistently indicated that the reliability of Cloud
service is one of the top concerns of the adoption
Cloud computing business model, especially by
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), to
outsource the traditional in-house IT infrastructures
and applications to a public Cloud (Internet Society
Hong Kong and Cloud Security Alliance, 2014;
NetPilot Internet Security (NIS) Ltd, 2013;
Microsoft, 2013; Sahandi, et al., 2012). From the
perspective of revenues and reputation of a Cloud
Service Provider (CSP), this concern is at the heart
of maintaining and improving QoS challenge facing
the CSP. This paper proposes a risk management
method which focuses on for the QoS improvement
for CSPs by modelling, assessing and mitigating the
potential reliability deterioration risk. In particular,
the risk management method enables a CSP to
identify and minimize the risk level of scheduling
Virtual Machine allocations to the physical host
resources in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Cloud computing model.
In the most general and simple terms, risk is
characterized by the likelihood of a threat and
associated impact of the threat (Institute of Risk
Management, 2002). At the heat of a risk
management process is to assess the risk in terms of
likelihood and impact and identify an appreciate risk
mitigation strategies for risk treatments. The
likelihood of a threat is inferred from both live and
historical data associated with the occurrence pattern
of the threat and its value could be a probability
value between 0.0 and 1.0. In the context of
Jiang, M., Kir kham, T. and Sher idan, C.
An Evolutionary Cultural Algorithm based Risk-aware Virtual Machine Scheduling Optimisation in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 267-272
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
different applications, the probability can be
converted into relative likelihood levels, such as 1 to
7 to donate extreme low, very low, low, medium,
high, very high, and extreme high, with different
thresholds. The impact of a risk depends on the
context of the application. Since Cloud services are
based on the Virtual Machines hosted in the Cloud
hardware resources, in our work of managing the
reliability risk of Cloud services, physical host
failure is considered as the threat to the QoS of a
Cloud service and the impact is modelled as the
number Virtual Machines to be allocated to the
physical hosts and potentially to be affected in case
of physical host failures. In order to fit impacts into
risk calculations they are given a scale, such as 1 to
7 to indicate the level to which the impact could be.
The final risk value is calculated as likelihood
multiplied by the impact level and multiplication
result is then converted into a score scale of 1-7 to
indicate the overall risk level.
In order to support a large scale and flexible
Virtual Machine scheduling optimisation, in this
paper we propose an evolutionary Cultural
Algorithm (CA) (Reynoids, 1994) based risk aware
Virtual Machine allocation algorithm to minimize
the risk of physical host failure. A CA framework
consists of three major components: a population
space, an external belief space, and a communication
protocol that defines the interactions between the
two spaces. Based on these components, a CA
controls a dual interdependent inheritance process
that harnesses the evolution of individuals both from
the macro-evolutionary level as within the belief
space and at the micro-evolutionary level as within
the population space. Our case study indicates this
dual interdependent inheritance process could
effectively support the scheduling optimisation in
large scale searching space and the traditional
Genetic Algorithms.
In the Section 2, the historical data based
modelling of physical host failure threat is
introduced and this provides a basis for assessing the
risk associated with the Virtual Machine allocations.
In Section 3, a specific risk mitigation strategy is
identified and designed as a risk impact
minimisation problem, which is based on the
searching and optimisation mechanisms of
evolutionary Cultural Algorithm. Section 4
introduces and explains the main contributions of the
work, which designs and implements an effective
Cultural Algorithm to support a large scale and
flexible Virtual Machine scheduling optimisation
and demonstrate the performance of the optimisation
algorithm with empirical comparisons with
traditional Genetic Algorithm(GA). Section 5 briefly
introduces the closely related works of general risk
management frameworks for Cloud service
provision and Virtual Machine scheduling specific
approaches. Finally, the conclusion of current work
in progress is presented in Section 6, in which future
work is also introduced and discussed.
In order to calculate the Probability of Failure (PoF)
of a physical host, gathering data relating to past and
current status of cloud resources is an essential
activity. Monitoring resource failures is crucial in
the design of reliable systems, e.g. the knowledge of
failure characteristics can be used in resource
management to improve resource availability.
Furthermore, calculating the risk of failure of a
resource depends on past failures as well.
There are various events that cause a resource to
fail. Cloud resources may fail as a result of a failure
of one or more of the resource components, such as
CPU or memory; this is known as hardware failure.
Another event which can result in a resource failure
is the failure of the operating system or programs
installed on the resource; this type is known as
software failure. The third event is the failure of
communication with the resource; this is referred to
as network failure. Finally, another event is the
disturbance to the building hosting the resource,
such as a power cut or an air conditioning failure;
this type is event is known as environment failure.
Sometimes, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause
of the failure, i.e. whether it is hardware, software,
network, or environment failure; this is therefore
referred to as unknown failure.
The Time To Fail (TTF) of a physical host is
modelled as a life time random variable whose value
is always more than zero. Given the physical host
has been up until time t, the Probability of Failure
(PoF) of it during future time interval x is a
conditional probability P{X<=t+x|t}. In order to
calculate the P{X<=t+x|t}, the general methodology
is based on the following 5 steps:
Step 1: Collect observed historical data
representing TTFs;
Step 2: Find a probability distribution model of
TTF of the physical host by data distribution fitting;
Step 3: Estimate the particular parameters of the
risk model by analysing the observations on the
physical host;
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Step 4: Evaluate the distribution model by
comparing the risk model’s predictions based on
historical data and future observation data;
Step 5: Calculate P{X<=t+x|t} based on the
model with these parameters.
As an example of a previous work (Jiang, 2013),
the Weibull distribution mathematically
characterizes the probability distribution of a
lifetime variable with Probability Density Function
And the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) of
it is calculated, by an integration of PDF over time,
The α and λ parameters of Weibull distribution
can be statistically estimated by using the standard
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) algorithm
with historical observation data of TTFs. Hence, the
Probability of Failure (PoF) of a physical host
within future time x, given it has been on until time t
can be calculated as:
 
 
Once the physical host failure is identified and
assessed as the key threat to the QoS, appropriate
risk mitigation solution and risk mitigation strategy
of implementing the solution should be considered
and decided respectively. In general, mitigation
strategy can be risk avoidance, limitation, retention,
transfer and acceptance (Institute of Risk
Management, 2002). Within the context of our work,
risk avoidance and limitation are the main strategies
to be applied. The selection and execution of a
mitigation solution will be based on the evaluation
on its effect on minimising the potential risk of
physical host failures on the running of Virtual
Machines hosted on these physical hosts.
Since the nature of mitigation is to take
precautionary actions before the occurrence of risk,
time constraint and cost of a mitigation solution are
key factors for deciding which mitigation strategies
to choose and how to deploy them. When multiple
risk factors need to be mitigated at the same time, it
will be more complex to make an optimized decision
under time and cost constraints (Djemame et al.,
2011). One example is that a set of risk mitigation
tasks with known, arbitrary execution times, need to
be implemented by some identical high level risk
mitigation solution executers by a given deadline.
The problem is to schedule all of the mitigation tasks
onto the least number of executers so that the
deadline is met. This is a classic One-Dimensional
Bin Packing problem in particular and combinatory
optimization problem in general. In practice, the
efficiency of scheduling and execution of a
particular risk mitigation strategy within the risk
management process as a whole is also part of the
Cloud infrastructure performance concerns from the
perspective of IaaS operational decision making
process. Hence, our work aims at investigating
optimization algorithms to help make decisions for
scenarios as illustrated in these examples.
In this paper we propose an evolutionary
Cultural Algorithm(CA) (Reynoids, 1994) based risk
aware Virtual Machine allocation algorithm to
minimize the risk of physical host failure for a given
elasticity commitment. The reliability risk aware
virtual machine allocation problem is specified with
a set of formal notations as follows:
Pi: Available Physical Host i
Vi: Number of possible newly added Virtual
Machines of Pi
LBi: Low bound value of Vi
UBi: Up bound value of Vi
Li: Level of failure likelihood of Pi
Ri: Reliability risk of allocation Vi Virtual
Machines to Pi and Ri= Li×Vi
TR: Total Risk of all associated physical hosts
and TR=SUM(Ri)
TNV: Total Number of Virtual Machines
allocated to all available physical hosts and TNV=
The reliability risk aware virtual machine
allocation problem is to find an optimized
combination of eligible Vi, for a targeted TNV,
which is able to achieve the minimum TR: i.e.,
Minimise(TR), subject to a targeted TNV and LBi
Vi ≤ UBi.
An Evolutionary Cultural Algorithm based Risk-aware Virtual Machine Scheduling Optimisation in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud
Figure 1: Cultural Algorithm Framework (Reynoids,
4.1 Cultural Algorithm Framework
Cultural Algorithm (CA) (Reynoids, 1994)
framework consists of three major components: a
population space, an external belief space, and a
communication protocol that defines the interactions
between the two spaces. Based on these components,
a CA controls a dual interdependent inheritance
process that harnesses the evolution of individuals
both from the macro-evolutionary level as within the
belief space and at the micro-evolutionary level as
within the population space. With these major
components and other associated operators, Cultural
Algorithm framework can be defined by an 8-tuple:
Cultural Algorithm = <P, S, Vc, f, B, Accept,
Adjust, Influence>, where, P is a population; S is a
selection operator; Vc is a variation operator; f is the
performance function; B is the belief space; Accept
is the acceptance function; Adjust is a belief space
operator for changing the belief space knowledge, B;
and Influence is a set of influence functions on the
variation operator Vc, Accept and Influence together
represents the communication protocol for a Cultural
Algorithm. The belief space B stores five
types’ knowledge (Reynoids, 1994): Normative,
Figure 2: Cultural Algorithms Pseudo-code (Reynoids,
Situational, Domain, Topographical and History.
Figure 1 illustrates the 8 components and their
relationship in the Cultural Algorithm. Based on the
8 components, the pseudo-code of Cultural
Algorithm is described in Figure2.
4.2 Virtual Machine Allocation
Parameters Specification
In this section, we introduce a Virtual Machine
scheduling example to demonstrate how to adopt
Cultural Algorithm to optimise the risk level of
allocating Virtual Machines onto physical host with
potential failures.
Consider a pool of 128 physical hosts as Pi: P1,
P2 ... P128.
The value of Vi, the number of possible newly
added Virtual Machines of Pi, is bounded by a range
of (LBi, UBi), which is (5, 9) and (0, 9) for two sets
of experiments.
Li, the likelihood level of a failure, is defined by
the corresponding element in a list which consists of
128 different values for different physical hosts:
The targeted number of Virtual Machine is 1000.
The reliability risk aware Virtual Machine
allocation algorithm is to find the appropriate
number of Virtual Machine for each physical host,
so that the total number of Virtual Machine equals to
the targeted number and the total risk is minimized.
4.3 Cultural Algorithm Functions
Parameters Specification
The specified parameters for the Cultural Algorithm
are the following:
Generate: A population of 200 random
individuals is generated.
Evaluate: Total risk level of physical host failure
is the fitness function for evaluation on an
Select: A tournament method is used for
selection and the size of tournament is 20. Elitism is
applied to select the fittest individual into the next
Accept: The fittest individual with the minimum
risk level of physical host failure is accept to update
the Belief Space.
Update: The belief space stores the fittest
individual with the minimum risk level of physical
host failure as the Situational Knowledge and the
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
experimental range for individual gene mutation on
genes as the Domain Knowledge.
Influence: Situational Knowledge is used to
influence the selection of individuals for crossover
and Domain Knowledge is used to influence the
mutation on them with a rate of 0.002.
Mutation Operator: The Mutation Rate is set to
0.2 with a range of (-2, 2) for gene change value.
Crossover Operator: The Uniform Rate is set to
Table 1: Comparisons of Two Sets of Experiments Results
on GA and CA Algorithms (Targeted Virtual Machine is
1000, Average of 5 Runs).
Num. of
4.4 Experiment Results and Analysis
In the following comparison study, Genetic
Algorithm and Cultural Algorithm are compared
with two sets of experiments.
In the first set of experiments, the range of a
possible allocated Virtual Machine is set to between
bounds (5, 9). In the second set of experiments, the
range of possible allocated Virtual Machine is set to
between bounds (0, 9). The searched optimal total
risk for these two sets are different due to the
different ranges of bounds and these bounds lead to
different sizes of search spaces for testing the
performance of the two algorithms.
As demonstrated in the Table 1, for both the sets
of experiments, the convergence of Cultural
Algorithm, in terms of number of generations and
time, is faster than the Genetic Algorithm and it
appears that with the increase of search space, the
performance of Cultural Algorithm excels better
than Genetic Algorithm does. This comparison
empirically demonstrates the effectiveness of the
dual interdependent inheritance process of a Cultural
In recent years, the methodologies and practices of
risk assessment/management have been gradually
applied into the robust provisioning of Cloud
services at different levels for Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) (Djemame et al.,
2011; Fitó et al., 2010).
As the scale of Cloud service increases at these
different levels, there are challenging demands on
the Quality of Service and associated risk
management and mitigation considerations. The
scalability of risk management process and the
effectiveness of mitigation strategy together defines
the overall of effect of risk-aware Cloud service
provision. Regarding the Virtual Machine
scheduling and Cloud infrastructure reliability
related risks, work have been focused on (Guitart,
2013; Fu, 2009).
Although Cultural Algorithms have been widely
applied into the many optimisation and searching
problems in engineering and business management
domains, some recent interesting work of
introducing Cultural Algorithms into the computing
resource management and task scheduling (Zhou,
2013) in the domain of Grid/Utility computing have
appeared in literature. Our work aims to explore the
feasibility of adopting Cultural Algorithms in a large
scale searching and optimisation space problems as
often raised in the resource and QoS management in
Cloud Data Centre/IaaS Cloud.
In this paper, we identify and manage the risk
caused by physical host failure threat to the QoS of
Virtual Machines hosted in large scale Cloud
infrastructure. An evolutionary Cultural Algorithm
based risk management method is proposed and
validated to facilitate the identification (i.e.,
probability and consequences) and treatment (i.e.,
mitigations) of Cloud infrastructure reliability
related risk for Virtual Machine scheduling
optimisation. The dual interdependent inheritance
process of Cultural Algorithm is empirically
validated to demonstrate its effective support of
scheduling optimisation searching in large scale
searching space.
In future, the physical host level risk
management mechanism would be extended and
integrated into relatively high level decision making
or optimisation functional modules of an IaaS
provision; the risk management will be also explored
in the context of meta-management such as in case
An Evolutionary Cultural Algorithm based Risk-aware Virtual Machine Scheduling Optimisation in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud
of Cloud resource brokerage at SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
This work has been partially supported by the EU
with 7th Framework Programme under contract EU-
ICT-257115-Optimized Infrastructure Services
(OPTIMIS) Project and EU-ICT-317715-Model-
based Cloud Platform Upperware (PaaSage) Project.
Djemame, K., Armstrong, D., Kiran, M., and Jiang, M.
(2011). A Risk Assessment Framework and Software
Toolkit for Cloud Service Ecosystems. In Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Cloud
Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization, Rome, Italy,
September 2011.
Fitó, J. O., Macías, M., and Guitart, J. (2010) Toward
business-driven risk management for cloud
computing. In Proceedings of International
Conference on Network and Service Management
(CNSM10), pages 238-241.
Fu, S. (2009) Failure-Aware Construction and
Reconfiguration of Distributed Virtual Machines for
High Availability Computing. in Proceedings of the
9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid (CCGrid09), Shanghai,
China, May 18-21, 2009, pages 372-379.
Guitart, J., Macías, M., Djemame, K., Kirkham, T., Jiang.,
M., and Armstrong, D. (2013). Risk-Driven Proactive
Fault-Tolerant Operation of IaaS Providers. In
Proceedings of CloudCom2013, pages 427-432.
Institute of Risk Management (2002). The Risk
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Internet Society Hong Kong and Cloud Security Alliance
(HK & Macau Chapter) (2014). Report on Hong Kong
SME Cloud Adoption and Security Readiness Survey.
2 April 2014.
Jiang, M., Byrne, J., Molka, K., Armstrong, D., Djemame,
K., and Kirkham, T. (2013). Cost and Risk Aware
Support for Cloud SLAs. In Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Cloud Computing and
Services Science (CLOSER2013), Aachen, Germany,
8-10 May 2013.
Microsoft (2013). Small and midsize businesses cloud
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Reynoids, R. (1994). An introduction to cultural
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Conference on Evolutionary Programming, Sebald,
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Sahandi, R., Alkhalil, A., and Opara-Martins, J. (2012).
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Security. In IFIP International Federation for
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Zhou, W., Yan-ping, B. and Ye-qing, Z. (2013). The
application of an improved cultural algorithm in grid
computing, In Proceedings of the Control and
Decision Conference (CCDC), 25-27 May 2013,
Guiyang, China, Pages 4565 – 4570.
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science