Figure 9: Scalability.
ing number of cores, the processing time decreased
almost linearly and then became constant just under 2
seconds once we reached 28 cores and we were able
to process our EEG data in real time. The experiment
shows that Spark streaming scales well for EEG data
with increasing number of cores with low latency.
Overall, Spark streaming performs well with EEG
data, but we also notice that it has some limitations,
e.g., it does not allow making windows on the basis of
input data time stamps and is only allowed on the ba-
sis of time duration that gives variable number of data
records in each window in a distributed environment.
We have presented a parallel lightweight method for
epileptic seizure detection in large EEG data as real
time streams. We provided the architecture, work-
flow and Spark streaming implementation of our al-
gorithm. In an experimental scenario, our lightweight
algorithm was able to detect seizures in real time with
low latency and with good overall seizure detection
rate. Also, we have introduced a new feature, “top-k
amplitude measure” for data reduction. On the basis
of results, we believe that this method can be used
in clinics for epileptic patients. We noticed that al-
though Spark streaming scales well and produces re-
sults in real time with low latency, currently it is bet-
ter suitable for processing unstructured data and needs
improvements in providing facilities for scientific ap-
plications. Overall, we believe that Spark streaming
has potential for real time EEG analysis. In future we
might improve it for easier use for scientists, and this
study is a great first step.
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