performing a search of scientific articles in databases,
is faced with the problem of having a very large
number of documents, but much of these are not
actually useful and do not attend the user’s need.
It was then created an ontology and a search robot,
and the connection between them was established so
that the the initial goal was achieved.
For testing, in a way to assess the actual operation
of this process, the search robot was implemented
with the ability to extract articles from the IEEE
Xplore database, and the ontology has been built with
the field of database discipline.
After testing, it was observed that the use of
ontology for the search agent is an effective way to
obtain valuable information and be able to meet the
informational needs of the user.
The ontology can be effective in this case, because
it becomes a way of organizing semantic information,
and in this manner, only significant information will
be presented to the user.
Although the Semantic Web term has already
been used for some years, there is still a limitation in
their use, because much of the Web is organized in a
syntactic form in which most pages are created so that
only humans can read what is written without being
structured in a way that computational agents can
extract the data inside a context with the implied
meaning in the HTML.
The extraction agent can extract the documents
from the web, and a program can process information
by using onthology, thereby presenting the most
relevant results.
In this manner, the results obtained by using the
prototype developed can substantially narrow down
the amount of items presented to users. This research
aims, therefore, at making the user get, in a process of
Information Retrieval, more significant, quality
results. Thus, the user can evaluate more information
that is meaningful and does not waste time with data
that does not meet their needs.
Therefore, in order to address the issue of how to
insert intelligence in the recovery of web pages which
do not contextualize their information, the present
research proposes that the process of adding
semantics to these pages takes place outside the Web,
that is, the extraction of pages occurs in a syntactic
way, and from what was extracted, information is
checked by semantically entering into this process.
This method was very efficient since it is in fact able
to make a smarter search, which goes beyond simple
formulas of searches, which observe only the syntax
of the texts, and is able to analyze the context in which
the extracted documents are inserted, and then
visualize if that document fulfill the user’s needs.
The work presented in the paper was supported by the
CAPES and FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo a
Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), process
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