metadata. In RDF, statements about resources can be
made in the form subject-predicate-objectexpressions
and they are called triples. Hence, our repository is
defined as a triple store, where we used OpenLink
Virtuoso as a storage engine. The repository is pro-
vided as a Web Service and an application for meta-
data management is built on top of it. JavaServer
Pages (JSP), Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX) and
XML are used to implement the application and the
graphical user interface.
The process of knowledge discovery is challenging.
Data relevant to the analysis needs to be selected, pre-
processed, mined and finally evaluated. Beginners are
alarmed by the myriad of operators and more experi-
enced users limit their activity to several known ap-
proaches. A thorough user assistance is necessary.
Therefore, systems with the aim of assisting the user
during this process are built. We studied these sys-
tems with the goal of identifying the metadata used to
enable the assistance. Hence, we identified the meta-
data used to provide user support during the KDD
process. We found out that important metadata such
as domain knowledge and lineage which can make
the life of a data analyst easy, have not been con-
sidered. We provided a classification of the meta-
data found. We proposed a comprehensive metadata
framework that captures the complete range of meta-
data needed to assist the user during the whole process
of KDD. We showed the importance of such metadata
in a real project by implementing a metadata reposi-
tory to store and manage the whole range of metadata.
In our future work, we are planning to extend the
domain knowledge incorporated into the repository
and we are planning to develop tools for exploiting
the metadata. We are going to test different ways of
reasoning on top of the metadata. Moreover, we will
be exploring the idea of incorporating meta learning
into the whole picture.
This research has been funded by the European Com-
mission through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
“Information Technologies for Business Intelligence -
Doctoral College” (IT4BI-DC).
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