In this paper we presented C-SEC, a tool to support
cybersecurity decision making across new technolo-
gies by enabling streamlined, flexible, and repeatable
evaluations. C-SEC has three components, a soft-
ware evaluation tool a laboratory environment, and an
online collaborative environment, and is designed to
assist non-SCADA security personnel in addressing
vulnerabilities in their networks. The C-SEC soft-
ware Laboratory environment provides opportunities
for testing security products on controlled SCADA
networks as well as modeling how they will affect net-
work vulnerabilities. We have also developed metrics
for scoring security product capabilities, as well as al-
gorithms for matching users to suites of products that
address their individual needs.
Many of the security vulnerabilities that charac-
terize SCADA networks are common to the IoT. The
diversity of IoT devices, their resource limitations,
and lifespans that will outlast vendor support mean
that security technology cannot be broadly applied to
smart devices. An internet-oriented approach to IoT
security that takes devices into account is the only fea-
sible strategy for addressing security concerns. C-
SEC focuses on improving the cyber-security pos-
ture of SCADA networks that have long been used
in machine-to-machine communication, and given the
inherent difficulties of building secure smart devices,
C-SEC is an ideal technology to integrate up-to-date
security into the IoT.
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IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data