Security in the Industrial Internet of Things
The C-SEC Approach
Jose Romero-Mariona, Roger Hallman, Megan Kline, John San Miguel, Maxine Major
and Lawrence Kerr
US Department of Defense, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Security as a Service, Machine-to-Machine Communications, SCADA, Industrial Internet of Things.
A revolutionary development in machine-to-machine communications, the “Internet of Things” (IoT) is of-
ten characterized as an evolution of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks. SCADA
networks have been used for machine-to-machine communication and controlling automated processes since
before the widespread use of the Internet. The adoption of open internet protocols within these systems has
created unforeseen security vulnerabilities. In this paper we detail the Cyber-SCADA Evaluation Capability
(C-SEC), a US Department of Defense research effort aimed at securing SCADA networks. We also demon-
strate how the C-SEC framework could enhance the security posture of the emerging IoT paradigm.
The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is revolutionizing
machine-to-machine communications. Since the
1960s, machines have been communicating over di-
verse and proprietary protocols such as those em-
ployed in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) (Ecos-
teer, 2014). Supervisory Control And Data Acqui-
sition (SCADA) networks are an important subset of
ICS used to monitor and control critical infrastructure
and automated processes, often over complex net-
works (Curtis and Wolfe, 2013). SCADA networks
are implemented across industries as diverse as elec-
trical, water, oil, and gas utilities. The US Department
of Defense (DoD) depends on SCADA networks in
unique operational environments where disruption of
service cannot be tolerated.
The IoT concept is very broad, with differing
visions for what it is, and may be seen as things-
oriented or internet-oriented. A things-oriented view
of IoT focuses on smart devices, near field communi-
cation and RFID, whereas an internet-oriented view
of IoT is focused on IP for Smart Objects and “IP
over everything” (Atzori et al., 2010). The internet-
oriented view of IoT may then be seen as as a simplifi-
cation of the current IP protocols that can be adapted
to make any object addressable and reachable from
anywhere in the world (Atzori et al., 2010). Each ap-
proach to security for the IoT presents its own set of
This paper addresses those concerns with the
Cyber-SCADA Evaluation Capability (C-SEC), a
novel approach to cyber-physical system security
Provides a DoD-centric perspective of needs to be
Facilitates an independent evaluation, verifica-
tion, and validation of various IA technologies.
Defines a process that is standardized, flexible,
and scalable.
Prescribes security metrics that are granular and
Focuses on SCADA and ICS-specific test cases
and evaluation metrics.
Evaluates technologies of interest in a representa-
tive SCADA and ICS laboratory test environment.
Provides an online repository to enable the com-
parison of C-SEC results and the effective reuse
of previous C-SEC evaluations.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives a brief overview of SCADA and IoT se-
curity concerns, as well as an introduction to a US
Navy research effort out of which the idea for C-SEC
was conceived. Section 3 describes C-SEC in consid-
erable detail, describing its evaluation process, met-
rics, framework, laboratory environment, and online
colaborative environment. Section 4 surveys other ef-
Romero-Mariona, J., Hallman, R., Kline, M., Miguel, J., Major, M. and Kerr, L.
Security in the Industrial Internet of Things - The C-SEC Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005877904210428
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 421-428
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
forts in SCADA and IoT security, with a focus on se-
curity models and test beds. Finally, concluding re-
marks are offered.
SCADA networks are an important subset of ICS, of-
ten used to monitor and control critical infrastructure
over complex networks, that has been in use since
the 1960s. There is currently an emphasis on Cy-
ber Security for SCADA systems that suggests that
many systems had never been connected, but this is
mistaken (Ecosteer, 2014). SCADA networks are
used for monitoring and controlling machinery over
considerable distances on a continual basis (Russell,
2012). Because of their importance to critical infras-
tructure, system availability and security have been
prized above all else (Sim
oes et al., 2015). There-
fore proprietary, rather than common protocols (e.g.
ASCII) were used (Russell, 2012), though protocol
standardization has been a significant effort of the
IEEE (Kezunovic, 2002). SCADA networks are also
notoriously fragile, with many legacy devices which
are unable to support standard security technologies
(e.g. anti-malware, network scanners, etc.) (Wilhoit,
Many of the security concerns for a things-
oriented view of IoT are not dissimilar to recent secu-
rity concerns for SCADA networks (Yu et al., 2015):
Devices often lack timely software updates.
Device lifespans may continue for many years af-
ter vendor support has ceased (e.g. patching).
Vulnerable devices are deeply embedded within
Devices will communicate explicitly with one an-
other, behaving in dynamic ways that will change
with operating context.
Common security solutions may require more
memory and power than devices can support.
Due to the diversity of IoT devices and their re-
source limitations (Atzori et al., 2010), the above se-
curity concerns with the things-oriented approach are
not easily managed. The security concerns for an
internet-oriented view of IoT include well-known IP
related threats, including man-in-the-middle attacks,
DDoS, and reconnaissance. Therefore an internet-
oriented security posture that takes device vulnerabil-
ities into account is advised.
2.1 Office of Naval Research - ESTEP
Military installations resemble self-contained cities
with internally supported critical infrastructures (e.g.
electrical grids, water treatment facilities, etc). These
installations rely on SCADA networks to monitor and
control this infrastructure. As external connectivity of
these networks increases, new security threats chal-
lenge SCADA network managers. Furthermore, the
DoD is increasingly integrating smart technology into
new and existing SCADA infrastructures.
Energy Systems Test and Evaluation Program
(ESTEP) is a five-year effort, funded by the US Of-
fice of Naval Research (ONR), to test and evaluate en-
ergy technologies for use on Navy and Marine Corps
installations. ESTEP focuses on energy technolo-
gies that reduce costs, improve energy security, and
increase the reach of the US Armed Forces (ONR,
2012). In this paper, we highlight the Cyber-SCADA
Evaluation Capability (C-SEC), a research effort un-
der ESTEP to improve the cyber-security posture of
energy systems, starting with decision-making sup-
port for securing critical infrastructures.
C-SEC supports Cyber Security and Information As-
surance decision-making across new technologies by
enabling a streamlined, flexible, and repeatable evalu-
ation process against DoD-specific needs and require-
ments. Traditional security evaluation techniques are
expensive, as they often require time and resources
beyond what projects of smaller scales can afford. In
addition, these evaluations tend to be non-repeatable
and ultimately lack usability and applicability beyond
just that one instance, thus jeopardizing their long-
term return on investment (ROI) (Romero-Mariona,
C-SEC has three main components:
a software evaluation tool,
a laboratory environment,
an online collaborative environment.
The software evaluation tool walks non-SCADA
security experts through a quick, high-level evalua-
tion process for determining the highlights of specific
technologies of interest. The laboratory environment
integrates the technology of interest into a prescribed
configuration, which then provides a more detailed
evaluation. Lastly, the online collaborative environ-
ment serves as a repository of past evaluations in or-
der to facilitate reuse of results. The following sec-
tions describe each of these components in detail.
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
3.1 C-SEC Evaluation Tool
The C-SEC Evaluation Tool is composed of three
main parts: a process, metrics, and a framework
(Romero-Mariona, 2014). The approach provides not
only the process necessary to determine if a certain
technology meets DoD/Navy needs, but also provides
the metrics to measure how well those needs are met,
and a framework to enable the comparison of multi-
ple technologies of interest. Figure 1 below shows all
three of component parts.
Figure 1: C-SEC Evaluation Tool Parts.
3.1.1 C-SEC Evaluation Process
The C-SEC Evaluation Process is the first major com-
ponent of the C-SEC approach. It evaluates a specific
cybersecurity technology to determine if it meets (or
not) DoD/Navy needs. The following are the major
steps of this aspect:
1. Market survey: High-level view of current offer-
ings for the particular IA technology area of in-
terest as well as a defined set of tests to determine
the compatibility of those offerings with identified
2. Analysis and drill-down: Results from the market
survey are analyzed and the top percentage (varies
based on each study, interest, and needs) of tech-
nologies will move down to the next step
3. Focused testing: This step takes the technologies
identified during the analysis, and drill-down to
test them more rigorously by means of test cases
that go beyond the high-level used during step 1.
Often times a simulated test environment is built
to test the functionality of the test subjects. In ad-
dition, documentation reviews are also used to de-
termine if needs are met.
4. Focused analysis: This step evaluates the results
for each technology tested in Step 3 and apply
metrics to determine how well each need was met.
5. Gaps and recommendations: The analyzed results
are used to determine current technology gaps and
suggest recommendations for future research.
3.1.2 C-SEC Metrics
Metrics, and specifically those which are related to
non-functional aspects, are a tough problem. Tradi-
tional approaches to measuring are not well suited for
aspects like security and usability (Romero-Mariona,
2014). As a result, researchers, industry practition-
ers, and the government, lack the necessary tools to
baseline and track specific characteristics of today’s
technologies. C-SEC provides metrics support that
is applicable for security and usability characteristics,
as well as relevant to academia, industry, and govern-
ment sectors.
C-SEC provides metrics support across three dif-
ferent areas:
1. Metrics Discovery and Application: Develops
DoD-specific security metrics and applies them to
C-SEC Process results.
2. Metrics Manipulation: Enables manipulation and
results integrity.
3. Metrics Visualization: Enables metrics traceabil-
ity and decision making support.
These three areas make the C-SEC Process results us-
able. Figure 4 shows one of C-SEC’s visualizations
for metrics. Metrics Discovery and Application
The first, and most basic, step is to develop metrics
and determine the best way to apply them to the C-
SEC Process results. In order to provide relevant met-
rics to a variety of IA technologies, we have selected
ten different metrics areas, referred to as Capabili-
ties. These Capabilities represent the highest level of
granularity and cover aspects across two main areas,
Computer Network Defense (CND) concepts as well
as product-level. As shown in Figure 2 below, C-SEC
prescribes five types of metrics (or Capabilities) un-
der the CND area, and five types of metrics under the
product-level category.
Figure 2: C-SEC Metric Types.
The CND-level metrics refer to the basic aspects
related to security, i.e. how well does a technol-
Security in the Industrial Internet of Things - The C-SEC Approach
ogy support the protection, monitoring and detection,
analysis, planning, and response to threats and/or at-
tacks. These types of metrics are more associated
with aspects in which government programs are in-
terested in.
The Product-level area metrics refer to aspects
more commonly associated to “day-to-day” opera-
tions of a technology. Product-level metrics look at
aspects that range from the cost and difficulty of de-
ploying a specific technology, to the complexity of
maintaining that technology once it is deployed. Each
type of metric applied to the results obtained from the
application of the C-SEC Process is assigned a nu-
merical value that reflects how well the specific tech-
nology under evaluation meets (or not) the objectives
defined for that metric. Metrics Manipulation
Once the C-SEC Metrics have been established and
applied, C-SEC supports the manipulation of these
metrics in order to better understand the technology
under various shades of light. C-SEC employs a gran-
ular approach to metrics manipulation; this enables
flexibility as well as reusability of results. For exam-
ple, suppose that Agency 1 just completed an evalu-
ation of Technology X with an emphasis on the cost,
but now Agency 2 also wants to evaluate the same
Technology X but with a different emphasis on pro-
tection capabilities. Agency 2 could reuse the same
C-SEC results that Agency 1 produced, and manipu-
late the C-SEC Metrics to put more weight into the
protection aspects of the results (and less on the cost
aspects) in order to obtain a different measurement of
technology X’s ability to meet those needs.
C-SEC Metrics prescribe two new levels in ad-
dition to the Capability-level described in section
2.3.1, which further break down each Capability into
Sub-Capabilities, and those into Sub-Capability Ele-
ments. As an example, Figure 3 below shows how
a Capability, like Protection, is composed of two
Sub-Capabilities: Vulnerability Protection and List-
ing (which refer to two possible ways to achieve pro-
tection). These are further broken into Sub-Capability
Elements, such as Vulnerability Scanning and Vulner-
ability Reporting (which refer to two possible ways to
achieve Vulnerability Protection).
This granular approach prescribes a few rules:
Every Capability is composed of one or more Sub-
Every Sub-Capability is composed of one or more
Sub-Capability Elements.
Sub-Capability Elements can be duplicated across
other Sub-Capabilities.
Figure 3: C-SEC Metrics Granularity.
C-SEC computes an aggregated score from var-
ious levels of granularity (CapabilitySub-
CapabilitySub-Capability Element) as well as
provides “weights” at each element to facilitate the
flexibility and reuse of the C-SEC Metrics. This
granular system is what would enable Agency 2,
in our earlier example, to take the C-SEC Process
results from Agency 1 and apply different weights to
their scores in order to emphasize different aspects of
interest. Metrics Visualization
The last aspect supported by C-SEC Metrics is visu-
alization. C-SEC Metrics provide a visualization for
the manipulation of the various scores and weights ap-
plied to the C-SEC Process results, so that users can
see in real-time the effect that changes have on the
original results. The Metrics visualization component
is mainly driven by C-SEC’s graphical user interface
(GUI) and changes made to the original results are
stored in a database. Finally, the visualization of C-
SEC Metrics also supports decision-making by em-
ploying Bayesian-Network models in order to provide
probabilities as well as (ROI) information.
Figure 4: C-SEC Metric Types.
3.1.3 C-SEC Framework
The last piece of C-SEC is the Framework. This piece
provides the format necessary to compare and con-
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
trast multiple technologies of a specific cybersecu-
rity area. Furthermore, the framework also supports
a repository of past and present evaluation results in
order to facilitate reuse.
The C-SEC Framework serves as the key compo-
nent of the online collaborative environment (to be
discussed in Sec. 3.3), through which various users
can share results and reuse information. While C-
SEC applications are individually installed by users
(clients), the Framework serves as the hub (server)
that connects them together.
3.2 C-SEC Laboratory Environment
In order to further and in more detail evaluate the var-
ious security technologies of interest, we have estab-
lished a SCADA laboratory environment. The C-SEC
Laboratory Environment consists of several SCADA
demonstration kits from various vendors, which are
easily reconfigurable to simulate different environ-
ments. Using this setup, the Technology Under Eval-
uation (TUE) is integrated for a much more detailed
evaluation beyond just the C-SEC software tool. Lab-
oratory assets include:
SCADA and ICS components including, but not
limited to: programmable logic control units
(PLCs) (Zhu and Sastry, 2010), networking equip-
ment, valves, actuators, motors, and various other
components, which create a realistic industrial en-
vironment. These components are representative
of what is offered by the major SCADA and ICS
A DoD-mandated vulnerability scanner.
Vulnerability visualization tool, Combinatorial
Analysis Utilizing Logical Dependencies Resid-
ing on Networks (CAULDRON).
A suite of internally developed, custom security
test scripts to exercise the equipment beyond nor-
mal operation parameters.
CAULDRON, developed by George Mason Univer-
sity, is a network vulnerability visualization tool that
takes vulnerability scan results in .xml format, parses
them, and outputs a weighted network diagram (Ja-
jodia et al., 2011). The nodes represent the IP ad-
dresses within the network and the edges show po-
tential for information exchange. Each edge has an
associated weight that represents the number of vul-
nerabilities between connected nodes and shows how
they propagate throughout the network. This tool was
designed to enable network modeling; a user could vi-
sualize their existing network, then model how a se-
curity product would change the state of the network
based on placement. A set of scripts was developed to
automate a number of well-known approaches to net-
work penetration. These scripts are deployed on the
SCADA network to test the effectiveness of security
The C-SEC process for testing the effectiveness of
security technologies is as follows:
1. Perform a vulnerability scan to baseline SCADA
2. Install and configure security TUE.
3. Allow equipment to run for several weeks to gen-
erate data.
4. Re-scan SCADA equipment.
5. Visualize scan results on Cauldron.
6. Compare new and baseline results to determine
effectiveness of security TUE.
7. Initiate scripted tests on network to validate scan
This process can be seen in Figure 5.
3.3 C-SEC Online Collaborative
The C-SEC Online Collaborative environment con-
sists of a web application providing users with an in-
terface to create, search, and reuse standardized eval-
uations of security technologies that are specifically
marketed for SCADA networks. This online collab-
orative environment was created to standardize what
is currently a disparate process for evaluating security
technologies and apply a set of weights that is rep-
resentative of user needs. Users have the option to
perform new evaluations or choose previously com-
pleted evaluations. Allowing users to choose existing
evaluations enables them to make informed decisions
about which technology (or suite of technologies) to
implement on their networks.
The online environment is designed for easy de-
ployment to both enterprise and tactical networks. To
achieve this, C-SEC deploys virtual machines (VM)
which are lightweight and have the ability to be hosted
on almost any network.
The C-SEC web server sits on top of a 64-bit
Linux-based platform (
Using a lightweight Linux distribution enables
C-SEC to have a smaller footprint. NGiNX
( is the preferred web
server to host C-SEC as it is a lightweight solution and
memory-efficient, which is key when being hosted on
a network with limited resources (e.g. tactical net-
works). NGiNX is able to handle modern concur-
rency issues on websites with numerous connections.
Security in the Industrial Internet of Things - The C-SEC Approach
Figure 5: C-SEC Laboratory Environment.
uWSGI complements NGiNX by handling dynamic
The C-SEC website uses the Django framework
because it provides required functionalities of a web
framework, such as ease of use, scalability, and speed.
Websites developed on Django use Python as the
primary programming language, as well as HTML
( Django also
allows for the incorporation of additional APIs, such
as Highcharts (
Separating the database server from the web-
server is an operational decision because run-
ning both services on a single machine is re-
source intensive. Turnkey Linux is a community
that takes many of the top open-source applica-
tions and creates an easily deployable server with
a minimum amount of components to fully oper-
ate securely (
The C-SEC database server is a Turnkey distribu-
tion built specifically host a PostgreSQL database
( The database for
C-SEC’s online collaborative environment has tran-
sitioned through a couple of different database itera-
tions, finally settling upon PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL
is one of the most feature-rich open source relational
databases available.
An overarching goal for C-SEC is the develop-
ment of a repository of evaluations for reuse as a cost-
saving feature. When a user wants to reuse an ex-
isting evaluation, they have two options. First, they
can take another user’s evaluation at face value; they
are satisfied with the answers provided by the other
user and accept the score as is. Alternatively, they can
reuse existing evaluations while overlaying a set of
weights based on individual needs using the built in
wizard to establish their preferences. Weights based
on individual prioritizations are overlayed onto the
existing evaluation data. The user also sees a visu-
alization consisting of a bar graph of existing scores
over each of the Capabilities and an overlay “wave”
of their weighted preferences.
Figure 6: C-SEC “wave” overlay comparing user priorities
with existing evaluations.
This allows users to directly compare their pri-
orities to what the technology provides according to
the existing evaluation, shown in Figure 6. (Hallman
et al., 2014)
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Much of the research into securing networks of
IoT devices, particularly in the domain of ICS and
SCADA, focuses on how to apply what we know
about common devices and protocols to the IoT do-
main (Jing et al., 2014).
Yu discusses vulnerabilities introduced by collab-
orative implementations of IoT devices. Due to the
vast diversity and computational simplicity of IoT de-
vices, coupled with prolific unpatched vulnerabilities,
a network-based solution, rather than a host-based so-
lution, is the key to IoT security. The proposition is
that of a software-based solution which dynamically
adapts network security to a changing operational en-
vironment (Yu et al., 2015).
A simple IF-This-Then-That (IFTTT) rule com-
monly implemented in IoT tends to ignore the com-
plexity of device interactions, and thus the security
interpretation of a combination of known states. Yu, acknowledge that threat signatures need to be
collected in order to make intelligent security deci-
sions, and so policy extraction must be implemented
as a separate utility from firewalls and other IoT man-
agement protocols. The authors propose a brute force
method of establishing all devices and possible de-
vice states, then deriving the environmental context
and security posture from combinations of these states
(Yu et al., 2015).
In order to build an attack signature library,
the authors propose anonymous, incentivized crowd
sourced signature collection of individual devices. To
handle multiple device interactions, the authors pro-
pose a library built from the abstractions of classes of
devices, with a particular focus on the key behaviors
and environmental interactions (e.g. I/O) with other
devices. Device interactions within this library of ab-
stractions are fingerprinted by fuzzing the behavior
space, and building a model for multi-stage attacks
through graph analysis (Yu et al., 2015).
To properly utilize Software Defined Networking
(SDN) to control of a network of IoT devices, the
authors propose a hierarchical control structure with
logical partitioning of devices based on only essential
device interactions (Yu et al., 2015). In order to im-
plement Network Functionality Virtualization (NFV)
of essential devices, the authors propose a concept
called micro-middleboxes (µmboxes) implemented as
lightweight, rapidly configurable VMs running the
lightweight Click OS. These µmboxes could be de-
ployed and reconfigured to adapt to the changing se-
curity needs of their respective domains within the
system (Yu et al., 2015).
4.1 Security Models
Axelrod discusses the observation that even though a
number of studies cite the need to secure the IoT and
which entities need to be secured, little is mentioned
as to how to secure the IoT (Axelrod, 2015). Secu-
rity takes a back seat to other concerns due to many
cultural and economic factors, leading to the develop-
ment of a security model based on various incentives
and penalties to encourage vendors to build security
into their offerings.
NIST SP800-82 R2 (Drias et al., 2015) and
ISA/IEC 62443 (Stackowiak et al., 2015) standards
have been developed to provide guidance to securing
industrial systems, and are a first step in applying IT
security designs, such as network segmentation and
other fundamental security concepts, to complex in-
dustrial infrastructures. New security devices, which
do not translate well to IT security, are being devel-
oped for IoT systems, such as one-way data commu-
nication diodes, “remote access devices, and protocol
translating gateways” specifically for industrial pro-
tocols. A well-developed architecture with network
segmentation and appropriate network gateway ap-
pliances allow monitoring of ICS processes without
interfering with the time-sensitive nature of system
availability (Meltzer, 2015).
Jing, et al. (Jing et al., 2014) break down the
IoT domain into several layers of systems types, each
of which can apply security solutions directly to the
sub-types within each system. The top three layers
of Jing’s security architecture are Perception, Trans-
portation, and Application. The Perception layer is
concerned with information communication and col-
lection both in the nodes and the network, which
would be protected by RFID, WSN, and RSN secu-
rity solutions (to name a few). The Transportation
layer involves access to the network, including core
utilities and the LAN itself. The Application layer
supports IoT applications, and security at this level
would be targeted directly at weaknesses in IoT ap-
plications themselves (Jing et al., 2014).
Security solutions identified within Jing’s archi-
tecture address the technology itself, as well as de-
vices which interact with that technology. For exam-
ple, RFID technology security can be greatly affected
by the devices that use it. Some security solutions in-
clude uniform coding, conflict resolution, trust man-
agement, and cryptographic algorithms, all of which
need to be supported by devices which collect and in-
terpret RFID data. Goals for these security implemen-
tations directly include maximizing information secu-
rity during exchange, and limiting interference in the
process (Jing et al., 2014).
Security in the Industrial Internet of Things - The C-SEC Approach
In this paper we presented C-SEC, a tool to support
cybersecurity decision making across new technolo-
gies by enabling streamlined, flexible, and repeatable
evaluations. C-SEC has three components, a soft-
ware evaluation tool a laboratory environment, and an
online collaborative environment, and is designed to
assist non-SCADA security personnel in addressing
vulnerabilities in their networks. The C-SEC soft-
ware Laboratory environment provides opportunities
for testing security products on controlled SCADA
networks as well as modeling how they will affect net-
work vulnerabilities. We have also developed metrics
for scoring security product capabilities, as well as al-
gorithms for matching users to suites of products that
address their individual needs.
Many of the security vulnerabilities that charac-
terize SCADA networks are common to the IoT. The
diversity of IoT devices, their resource limitations,
and lifespans that will outlast vendor support mean
that security technology cannot be broadly applied to
smart devices. An internet-oriented approach to IoT
security that takes devices into account is the only fea-
sible strategy for addressing security concerns. C-
SEC focuses on improving the cyber-security pos-
ture of SCADA networks that have long been used
in machine-to-machine communication, and given the
inherent difficulties of building secure smart devices,
C-SEC is an ideal technology to integrate up-to-date
security into the IoT.
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IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data