Importantly, not only does this model effectively
capture the bimodal behavior exhibited by pairs in
the experimental study, but it is also resistant to
perturbations in the sheep movement and location
and is able to spontaneously transition between the
search and recover and oscillatory containment
behavioral modes via a sheep distance dependent
Hopf bifurcation process. Videos presenting
example demonstrations and simulations of the
model, as well as a real participant behavior can be
viewed at:
Our aim here was to provide a brief overview of
how EMAD can be modeled and understood using a
task dynamic framework. It is important to
appreciate that the goal of dynamical modeling is
not to perfectly simulate the exact trajectory or end
state of system behavior, but to shed light on the
structural relations and self-organizing processes
that give rise to effective and robust behavior.
Indeed, the power of a task dynamical model rests
on its ability to validate hypotheses, generate
testable predictions, and motivate future research
questions. It is in this way that developing self-
organized task dynamic models have the potential to
uncover the fundamental processes that shape and
constrain human behavior in general.
The research was supported by National Institutes of
Health, R01GM105045.
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