In this paper, we proposed an abstract model of spatial
networks. This model is based on point set theory
and topology that offers a formal data type definition
of spatial networks in the form of spatial mapping.
The model provides rich details that are generic to all
kinds of spatial networks.
Future work includes the completion of the ab-
stract model with a comprehensive set of spatial net-
works operations and predicates. These operations
and predicates along with the data types definitions
form the foundation of the type system of spatial
networks. The only trouble with abstract models is
that we cannot store and manipulate them in com-
puters. The challenge of representing and storing ab-
stract spatial data types is addressed by the next level
of modeling: discrete modeling. We can view dis-
crete models as approximations, finite descriptions of
the infinite shapes we are interested in. In spatial
databases there is the same problem of giving discrete
representations for in principle continuous shapes Er-
wig et al. (1998); there almost always linear approxi-
mations have been used. Hence, a region is described
in terms of polygons and a curve in space (e.g. a river)
by a polyline. Linear approximations are attractive
because they are easy to handle mathematically; most
algorithms in computational geometry work on linear
shapes such as rectangles, polyhedra, etc.
Based on the finite representation, an implementa-
tion of the proposed spatial network model is the next
step. In particular, an implementation in a database
context is expected. Additionally, an extension of
SQL query language is to be designed and imple-
mented to support querying of the spatial networks.
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GISTAM 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management