the first one who put local drivers advices into query
system. These methods are based on trajectories, but
they will lead to a high responding time due to search-
ing a path on a whole road network. In addition, a
path based on trajectories which favors the high-level
roads are ignored by these methods. They are there-
fore not a good method to find a way based on trajec-
tory data.
In this paper, we propose two algorithms RLMFP and
RLMFPT (RLMFP with FG) to solve the problem
of path query. We observe two common sense no-
tions, which are selecting roads in line with local cus-
toms and choosing high-level roads such as highway.
Moreover, we study a four-step framework to solve
the problem. The first step is to set the weight to the
common graph with trajectory graph. The second step
is to divide graph into several areas. The third step is
to build an index named FG to speed up the query and
find more reasonable upgrade points. The last step is
to use RLMFPT to compute the paths. The experi-
ment results demonstrate the efficiency, the effective-
ness and the stability of our index FG and algorithm
RLMFPT. The memory size of RLMFPT is also ac-
ceptable for customers or providers. In the future, we
will extend our solution on real networks and recom-
mand custum made route via allowing drivers to select
preferable upgrade points.
This work is supported by the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China (No. 61572165) and
the State Key Program of Zhejiang Province Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.
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GISTAM 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management