Energy-efficient Task Scheduling in Data Centers
Yousri Mhedheb and Achim Streit
Steinbuch Centre for Computing, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Energy Efficiency, Power Management, DVFS.
A data center is often also a Cloud center, which delivers its computational and storage capacity as services. To
enable on-demand resource provision with elasticity and high reliability, the host machines in data centers are
usually virtualized, which brings a challenging research topic, i.e., how to schedule the virtual machines (VM)
on the hosts for energy efficiency. The goal of this Work is to ameliorate, through scheduling, the energy-
efficiency of data center. To support this work a novel VM scheduling mechanism design and implementation
will be proposed. This mechanism addresses on both load-balancing and temperature-awareness with a final
goal of reducing the energy consumption of a data centre. Our scheduling scheme selects a physical machine
to host a virtual machine based on the user requirements, the load on the hosts and the temperature of the
hosts, while maintaining the quality of the service. The proposed scheduling mechanism on CloudSim will
be finally validated, a well-known simulator that models data centers provisioning Infrastructure as a Service.
For a comparative study, we also implemented other scheduling algorithms i.e., non power control, DVFS
and power aware ThrMu. The experimental results show that the proposed scheduling scheme, combining the
power-aware with the thermal-aware scheduling strategies, significantly reduces the energy consumption of a
given Data Center because of its thermal-aware strategy and the support of VM migration mechanisms.
Cloud Computing (Mell and Grance, 2011; Wang
et al., 2010) has emerged as a novel computing
paradigm and this paradigm is so attracting that do-
ing things “in the cloud” has become a common
catch phrase these days. For that reason, increas-
ing number of Cloud infrastructures (GAE; Windows;
rackspace, ) have been established after the first com-
puting Cloud the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2) (AmazonEC2). These Cloud providers are also
data center operators, where computing and storage
facilities are now provisioned as Cloud services. With
a business model of “pay as you use”, Cloud Com-
puting offers services not only in hardware and stor-
age, but also software, applications as well as net-
work. The power of Cloud Computing is that users
can access the computing resources via Internet us-
ing a thin-client such as a Web browser. Additionally,
Cloud Computing shows the advantages in elasticity,
system management, cost-efficiency, customized en-
vironment and on-demand resource provision (Wang
and Khan, 2013; Menzel and Ranjan, 2012). Cur-
rently, data centers deliver mainly three kinds of
Cloud services, namely Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as
a Service (IaaS) (Mell and Grance, 2011; Kahn et al.,
2013) . IaaS targets on an on-demand provision of the
computational resources, normally in the form of vir-
tual machines (VM). Customers can install software
packages on the machines to establish their own com-
puting environments. SaaS provides the customers
a feature of using the provider’s applications in the
form of Web services that run centrallyon the com-
puting infrastructure of the service provider. PaaS tar-
gets on a complete platform including the hardware
and the application development environment, which
allows the users to develop their applications using
the provider’s computing platform. Existing Clouds
are mostly IaaS-featured. Examples include the Ama-
zon EC2, SmartCloud, Flexiscale as well as the aca-
demic implementations like Eucalyptus (Nurmi et al.,
2008), OpenNebula (Sotomayor et al., 2008), Nimbus
(Keahey and Freeman, 2008) and OpenStack (Open-
stack, 2013). Independent of which services a data
center offers, data centers commonly require a virtu-
alized hardware platform for either IaaS or running
the provisioned software (SaaS) or user applications
in the case of PaaS. Therefore, virtual machines are
the base to deliver any cloud services. Since a Cloud
center is equipped with thousands of physical hosts,
where each of them is potentially the target of a re-
Mhedheb, Y. and Streit, A.
Energy-efficient Task Scheduling in Data Centers.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 273-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
quested incoming virtual machine, there arises an im-
portant issue of scheduling virtual machines on the
physical hosts. A traditional approach of scheduling
virtual machines is a kind of FIFO approaches, where
all hosts are contained in a list and the first physical
machine that matches the requirement of the VM is
selected as the target host.
Issue with scheduling exists in various scenarios,
like task scheduling in parallel and distributed sys-
tems (Mhedheb et al., 2013; Ranjan et al., 2005)
and job scheduling in computing Grids (Ranjan
et al., 2006; Kolodziej et al., 2012; Kolodziej et al.,
2013). Various algorithms have been proposed by re-
searchers including those focusing on Energy Con-
sumption. In the field of Cloud Computing, Cloud
providers are surely expecting a low operation over-
head. Considering the importance of energy saving
in the field of Cloud Computing a specific algorithm
for scheduling the virtual machines on the Cloud
was here developed. This algorithm first performs
an initial scheduling and then inspects the change
of workload and temperature on the host. In case
of over-loading or over-heating, the VM is migrated
to another host thereby to avoid hot spots with re-
spect to load and temperature. We implemented this
algorithm on CloudSim (Calheiros et al., 2011), a
well-known simulation platform for research work
in Cloud Computing. In addition to the proposed
scheduling scheme we also implemented several other
scheduling policies for a comparative study. The ex-
perimental results show that the proposed approach
performs better than others with the lowest energy
consumption while the service quality is granted in
most cases.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces the related work in energy-aware
scheduling algorithms. Section 3 describes the con-
cept of the proposed approach followed by the imple-
mentation details in Section 4. Section 5 depicts the
evaluation details and Section 6 concludes the paper
with a brief summary and future directions.
Task scheduling has been investigated for many years
and is currently still a hot topic in various research
domains. For example, Cluster Computing relies on
good scheduling technologies for achieving the per-
formance of parallel applications; Grid Computing re-
quires efficient job scheduler to best utilize the Grid
resources and thereby reduce the job waiting time.
Over the last years, many research works have been
performed for investigating the scheduling strategies
on different systems with features like load-balancing
and energy-awareness.
As computing systems consume more and more
energy, increasing research works on task scheduling
show the feature of energy-awareness (Hsu and Feng,
2005; Wang et al., 2011). Most of these research
works adopt the technique of Dynamic Voltage and
Frequency Scaling (DVFS). DVFS has been proven
to be a feasible solution for reducing the processor en-
ergy consumption (Hsu and Feng, 2005). By lowering
the processor clock frequency and supply voltage dur-
ing some time slots (for example, idle or communica-
tion phases), energy consumption can be significantly
reduced with a slight performance loss. Therefore,
the DVFS technique has been applied in various do-
mains, such as the high performance computing areas
and large data centers, to reduce the energy consump-
tion while gaining high reliability and availability. As
the virtualization technology is getting hot, the prob-
lem of virtual machine scheduling has also been stud-
ied. The authors of (Kim et al., 2008) implement a
guest-aware priority-based scheduling scheme, which
is specifically designed to support latency-sensitive
workloads. The proposed scheduling scheme priori-
tizes the virtual machines to be allocated by using the
information about priorities and status of guest-level
tasks in each VM. It preferentially selects the VMs
that run latency-sensitive applications to be scheduled
and in this way to reduce the response time to the I/O
events of latency-sensitive workloads.
The authors of (Wang et al., 2012) propose a
novel VM scheduling algorithm for virtualized het-
erogonous multicore architectures. The algorithm ex-
ploits the core performance heterogeneity to optimize
the overall system energy efficiency. It uses a met-
ric termed energy-efficiency factor to characterize the
power and performance behavior of the applications
hosted by VMs on different cores. The VM’s energy-
efficiency factors are calculated and based on the val-
ues virtual machines are mapped to heterogeneous
cores with a final goal of maximizing the energy ef-
ficiency of the entire system. The authors of (Tak-
ouna et al., 2011) also address on the VM scheduling
of heterogeneous multicore machines. A scheduling
policy is designed to schedule each virtual machine
to an appropriate processing core based on the perfor-
mance sensibility to the CPU clock frequency and the
performance dependency on the host.
In addition to the research work on VM sched-
ulers of general purposes, the specific problem of VM
scheduling on the Cloud has also been addressed over
the last years.
The work presented in (Fang et al., 2010) develops
a two-layer scheduling model, where the first layer
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
creates the description of resource requirement of a
virtual machine, while the second layer takes care of
the VM scheduling on the host. By allocating the
VMs to the hosts that closely meet the resource re-
quirement this approach tries to better use the Cloud
hardware resources. The approach was evaluated on
CloudSim. The authors of (Li et al., 2011) propose a
dynamic round-robin scheduling scheme for deploy-
ing and migrating virtual machines to or across the
servers on the Cloud. The scheme uses two schedul-
ing rules, whereby the first rule avoids allocating ad-
ditional virtual machines to a retiring physical ma-
chine that will be shut down while the second rule
speeds up the consolidation process. The main goal of
this approach is to reduce the number of used physical
machines for saving energy. The work in (Hu et al.,
2010) propose a strategy for VM scheduling on the
Cloud with load balancing. The scheduling decision
is based on the historical information and current state
of the system. Authors of (Knauth and Fetzer, 2012)
proposed a scheduler, which schedules the virtual ma-
chines based on the knowledge about the duration of
timed instances to optimize the virtual to physical
machine assignment. The main goal of this sched-
uler is to reduce the cumulative machine uptime and
thereby save the energy consumption. The work in
(Beloglazov and Buyya, 2012) is also one of the few
approaches that deal with energy-aware scheduling
of Cloud-based resources. The authors implemented
a simulation environment based on CloudSim (Cal-
heiros et al., 2011) to evaluate different power-aware
scheduling policies for VM running on a large scale
Cloud centre. Furthermore, they show how the VM
migration and VM pining techniques can optimize the
load-balancing and the total energy consumption of a
data center.
Our work is similar to the last related work. How-
ever, both power and thermal-aware scheduling poli-
cies will be combined to reduce the energy consump-
tion. More importantly, the extension of this work to
support using temperature constraints as new schedul-
ing parameters. The evaluation on CloudSim has
shown the improvement of this approach over the ex-
isting one in terms of saving energy consumption.
The experimental results will be given after the de-
scription of the proposed scheduling algorithm and its
Modern processors have a tolerance limit to the on-
chip temperature named case temperature. A higher
temperature over this limit may reaches the Junction
temperature and not only increases the energy con-
sumption but also may result in some defect in the
hardware i.e., silicon chip is going to melt the inter-
nals. The design goal of our scheduling scheme is to
be aware of the changing temperature of the process-
ing cores to avoid crossing the limit. Our thermal-
aware scheduling concept is based on several exist-
ing strategies, which are applied for the requirement
of different scheduling scenarios. These strategies
are individually integrated in our framework at the
run-time based on the current load and temperature
state. The main tasks of our scheduler, called Ther-
mal aware Scheduler (ThaS), are the following:
3.1 Power-aware Energy Management
Applying the DVFS technique for power manage-
ment. Since the power consumption depends on the
CPU usage, this metric has to be measured before
each VM scheduling step in the whole execution pro-
cess in order to calculate the current consumed energy
by the CPU.
3.2 Thermal-aware Energy
The main focus of our ThaS scheme is to schedule
virtual machines with respect to the temperature of
the processors. Such a scheduling strategy needs a
temperature model to describe the property of this pa-
rameter while applications (here virtual machines) are
running. The lumped RC thermal model (Skadron
et al., 2002) will be used due to its simplicity. Accord-
ing to (Skadron et al., 2002), for an integrated circuit
at the die level, heat conduction is the dominant mech-
anism that determines the temperature. There exists a
well-known duality between heat transfer and electri-
cal phenomena. Any heat flow can be described as
a current and the passing of this heat flow through a
thermal resistance leads to a temperature difference
equivalent to a voltage. The RC model can be de-
scribed with T
= RC
+ T RP, where C stands
for the thermal capacitance of the processor, R for the
thermal resistance, P for the processor dynamic en-
ergy consumption, and T
for the ambient tempera-
ture. This model is however limited to a single-core
processor. Therefore, ThaS supports now only single-
core machines.
3.3 Migration of Virtual Machines
Our ThaS scheme inspects the change of load and
temperature on a host machine. In case that a host
Energy-efficient Task Scheduling in Data Centers
is about to be over-heated or over-loaded it performs
VM migration to avoid critic scenarios. Migration or
live migration refers to the process of moving a run-
ning virtual machine or application from one physical
machine to another. In addition to the machine im-
age, the data storage and network connectivity of the
virtual machines have also to be transferred from the
source host to the destination. The proposed schedul-
ing scheme implements this kind of VM migration
and runs the entire migration process transparently to
the user. The migration contains several steps, includ-
ing the Push phase, the Stop phase, the Copy phase
and the Pull phase. The VM migration can take a
long time when a VM has a large amount of memory.
In order to save the unnecessary energy consumption
during the VM migration, two strategies in ThaS are
implemented: i) the Pining strategy that allows the
allocation of multiple VMs on the same host to free
other physical hosts; ii) the energy-save-modus strat-
egy that sets the unused hosts (or CPUs) in the idle
ThaS decides during the runtime which VM shall
be allocated on which host. It works in the follow-
ing way: As a starting point a VM request coming
from the user is scheduled on a physical host based
on the traditional round-robin scheme. In order to
make a decision, ThaS calls the thermal model and
the power model to acquire all scheduling parameters
including the current CPU temperature, the CPU us-
age for each host, the data center configuration and
the application (VM) requirements. In case that a
physical host approaches to the critical temperature
(Temperature threshold) or the critical CPU utiliza-
tion value (Utilization threshold), ThaS looks for an-
other host with better temperature or load criteria
and migrates the running VM from the source host
to the destination host. Therefore, our ThaS sched-
ules the virtual machines not only for minimizing
the energy consumption but also for load-balancing.
ThaS is designed to be integrated in a Cloud middle-
ware to replace its original one, usually a round-robin
scheme that allocates the VMs to each host equally in
a cyclic order. ThaS implements an interface between
the VMM (hypervisor) and the virtual machines in a
Cloud centre. It replaces the conventional scheduling
algorithm of a hypervisor to map a virtual machine
request to a physical machine with consideration of
the load and temperature on the hosts. The deploy-
ment, such as start, stop, migration, etc., of the virtual
machines on the physical host remains the task of the
hypervisor. In this way, our scheduler acts as an allo-
cation decision component for the hypervisor.
A Java-based simulation environment, to verify the
concept and to validate the functionality of the pro-
posed scheduling strategies for ThaS was imple-
mented. The prototypical implementation is based on
a well-known simulator, CloudSim (Calheiros et al.,
2011), for research work on the Cloud. CloudSim
models large scale data centers with internal broker,
sensors, physical host, as well as virtual machines.
CloudSim also provides the functionality to config-
ure data center resources. This allows us to model
cloud providers with different system scale and hard-
ware resources.
By an incoming VM request our scheduler ThaS
starts first with an initial task of allocating the VM to
one of the hosts that meet the requirement described
in the request. In the following, it performs the run-
time tuning with respect to load and temperature.
The first task of ThaS for runtime tuning is to
detect the critical hosts with either higher tempera-
ture or workloads. The following pseudo-code illus-
trates how the scheduler performs this task. As can be
seen in the algorithm, the scheduler goes through all
the available hosts to find the hosts, whose tempera-
ture and CPU usage exceed the specified thresholds.
The detected hosts are then marked as candidates for
VM migration and added to the list ‘Migrating From
Hosts’. This list is applied in the second step as the
input list.
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for detecting critical hosts.
Input: HotList, VmList
Output: MigratingFromHosts
1: for each host in hostlist do
2: if isHostOverThresholdTemperature (host)
3: overT hresholdTempHosts addhost
4: else
5: if isHostOverThresholdUtilization ( host )
6: overUtilizedHosts addhost
7: end if
8: end if
9: overHosts overT hresholdTempHosts +
10: MigratingFromHosts overHosts
11: end for
In the second step, the list of critical hosts, which
has been created by the scheduler in the first step, is
processed again for finding the VMs running on them.
These virtual machines are the concrete candidates
for migration. The candidate VMs are then sorted by
their CPU usage. The VMs with minimal CPU us-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
age are marked with a higher priority of migration for
the reason of not to bring high workload on the target
host, thus to avoid possible further migrations. For
the same reason the scheduler must also ensure that
the temperature on the target host does not exceed the
threshold. At the end of processing, this scheduling
step creates a list ‘VMs to Migrate List’ that contains
all VMs, which are the actual migration objects.
Algorithm 2: Algorithm for detecting of migratable VMs.
Input: MigratingFromHosts
Output: VMsToMigrateList
1: for each host in MigratingFromHosts do
2: while true do
3: vm getV mToMigrate(host)
4: if thenvm = Null
5: break
6: end if
7: V MstoMigrateList addvm
8: host deallocatevm
9: if then!(isHostOverT hresTemp(host) &
isHostOverT hreshold Utilisation(host))
10: break
11: end if
12: end while
13: end for
The third and last step of the VM migration pro-
cedure is to find an appropriate target host for host-
ing the migration objects in the list created in the last
step. Here, the workload requirements (e.g., needed
Algorithm 3: Algorithm for detecting of target Hosts.
Input: MigratingFromHosts, VMsToMigrateList
Output: MigrationMap
1: MigrationMap null
2: vmstoMigr ateList.SortDecreasingCPUUtilisation
3: for each VM in VMsToMigrateList do
4: allocatedHost null
5: minPower Max
6: for each host not in MigratingFromHost do
7: if host has enough resources for vm then
8: power estimatePower(host, vm)
9: end if
10: if thenpower < minPower
11: allocatedHost host
12: minPower power
13: end if
14: if thenallocatedHost! = NU LL
15: allocate vm to allocatedHost
16: end if
17: end for
18: MigrationMap add(vm, allocatedHost)
19: end for
resources) have to be taken into account. Our ThaS
first observes the temperature on the destination host.
If this temperature is below the threshold value (Tem-
perature threshold) and the requirement of the VM is
fulfilled, the observed host is selected as the target
host. In case that several target hosts are found, the
one with the minimum energy consumption is chosen
for hosting the VM to be migrated.
To further improve the scheduling efficiency in
terms of energy consumption, a reallocation of VMs
is designed in the proposed scheduler. This scheme
concerns the hosts that are underutilized. In case that
the CPU usage of a physical host is below the mini-
mal value, the VMs on it are migrated to other hosts.
The underutilized hosts are then set in a sleep mode
for the purpose of saving energy. The idle hosts are
not candidates of destination host for VM migration.
5.1 Experimental Setup
ThaS is evaluated using a simulation environment
CloudSim, which models large data centers provi-
sioning computing infrastructures as services. Sim-
ulation is a widely applied approach for validating
novel concepts and implementations. For this work
a simulation platform is especially important because
of aiming to evaluate the thermal-aware scheduling
algorithm on a large virtualized data center infrastruc-
ture. For this purpose the status information of phys-
ical hosts on a Cloud centre is needed. In this case,
validation on a real Cloud infrastructure would be ex-
tremely difficult or not possible due to the missing in-
formation, which inhibits us to perform different ex-
periments in order to examine the full functionality
of the implemented scheduler and the impact of the
scheduling strategies. In contrast, CloudSim imple-
ments a view of infinite computing resources and it is
easy to extend this simulator for both monitoring and
additional functionalities.
We modeled a scenario of scheduling the virtual
machine requests of three days with a randomly gen-
erated VM request every five minutes. A VM request
contains four requirement attributes, i.e., the number
of CPU cores, the CPU frequency, the RAM size and
the bandwidth. The properties of the modelled VM
types are described in Table 1. As shown in the table,
different VMs with various values in MIPS and RAM
size to model real scenarios are used. With assuming
that all VMs run on single core machines. The band-
width and VM size for all simulated virtual machines
are set as 100 Mbit/s and 2.5 GB individually.
Energy-efficient Task Scheduling in Data Centers
Table 1: Virtual machine configuration.
1 500 613
2 1000 1740
3 2000 1740
4 2500 870
VM Cores VM BW [Mbit/s] VM Size [GB]
1 100 2.5
Table 2: Thermal constants.
Thermal parameter Value Unit
Initial CPU temperatur (T
) 318 Kelvin
Ambiente temperatur (T
) 308 Kelvin
Case temperatur (T
) 353 Kelvin
Thermal capacity (C
) 340 J/K
Thermal resistance (R
) 0.34 K/W
Table 3: Simulated physical machines.
Server Host Type Proliant G4 Proliant G5
Host MIPS 1860 2660
Host Cores 1 1
Host RAM [MB] 2048 4096
Host BW [Gbit/s] 1 1
Host Storage [TB] 1 1
As mentioned, a lumped RC thermal model is ap-
plied to describe the relationship between the temper-
ature of the processor and its dynamic energy con-
sumption. Table 2 depicts the used thermal constants
for the experiments. The values in the table are typical
values of a single core CPU obtained from (Hotspot, ).
CloudSim was here configured for modeling two data
centers with one equipped with 50 and the other 250
different hosts. A half of the hosts are modelled as
the HP ProLiant G4 servers. The other half is mod-
eled as the HP ProLiant G5 servers. Table 3 shows
the setup parameters of the physical machines simu-
lated for the testing. The frequency of each core on
the HP ProLiant G4 Server is 1860 MIPS and for the
HP ProLiant G5 Server the value is 2660 MIPS. Each
server is modeled with a connection of 1 GB/s band-
width. The corresponding power model used by each
server is gathered from SpecPower08 (spec08). The
simulation of less powerful CPUs is advantageous for
a better evaluation of the effect of the VM migration
because few workload is required to result in the over-
load of a server. The RAM size for both machines are
configured to 2GB and 4GB individually.
The final goal of our ThaS approach is to reduce
the energy consumption of data centers. To evaluate
ThaS with respect to this performance metric a model
to compute the energy was needed consumption of the
host machines (i.e., servers) in a data centre. Recent
studies (Beloglazov and Buyya, 2010) show that the
energy consumption by servers can be accurately de-
scribed by a linear relationship between the energy
consumption and the CPU utilization, even when the
DVFS scheme is applied. The reason lies in the lim-
ited number of states that can be set to the frequency
and voltage of the CPU and the fact that voltage and
performance scaling are not applied to other system
components, such as the memory and the network in-
terface. Moreover, these studies show that on average
an idle server consumes approximately 70% of the en-
ergy consumed when it is fully utilized. Therefore,
the energy consumption of a server E can be modelled
as a function of the CPU utilization u using the form
E(u) = (1 u) 0.7 E
+ u E
, where E
the power consumption of a server in full use. For
example, a server of a data centre is 90% used and
10% idle. In this case, the energy consumption of the
server is 0.9 E
in busy status and 0.1 0.7 E
in idle status. The total energy consumption of the
server is the sum of the two parts.
The implemented scheduler relies on two thresh-
olds for migration decisions, one is the Tem-
threshold and the other is the Utiliza-
tion threshold. In order to have a simulation-based
evaluation applicable, it is important to perform ex-
periments with workload traces of a real system.
The simulation experiments (Beloglazov and Buyya,
2010) have demonstrated that energy consumption
from a CPU utilization rate of 90% rises very quickly.
Therefore we have chosen a value of 0.9 as the Uti-
lization threshold. If the CPU utilization reaches this
threshold, the VMs running on it may be migrated
to another host with lower CPU usage. The selec-
tion of the Temperature threshold is not as easy as the
Utilization threshold. In the following subsection is
demonstrated how to achieve an optimal threshold of
343 Kelvin with a trade-off between power consump-
tion and SLA violation.
To validate ThaS several other scheduling
schemes for a comparative study were also imple-
mented. The first one is called Non power control,
which schedules the virtual machines without consid-
ering the CPU usage. We use this scheme to study the
energy consumption of a data center with full CPU
utilization. The second scheme is DVFS. It sched-
ules tasks on the basis of the CPU voltage and fre-
quency. It relies on the information from the CPU
performance and power model to set the priorities for
the VM placement. The energy consumption is calcu-
lated as a function of the CPU usage and is regulated
automatically and dynamically based on DVFS. The
last scheme is Power
aware ThrMu (Beloglazov and
Buyya, 2012). This scheduling algorithm focuses on
minimizing the CPU usage by setting up hosts in the
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
idle mode. It migrates the running VMs of a host with
CPU usage over a threshold to other hosts. An utiliza-
tion threshold of 0.9 for this scheme is used, the same
as our scheduler.
5.2 Experimental Results
As described above, we use a temperature threshold
to limit the temperature of the processors. This means
that in case of higher temperature than the threshold
some workload on the host has to be moved to other
hosts in order both to avoid hardware defect and for
energy reasons. Therefore, our first three experiments
were done for studying the impact of the Tempera-
ture threshold using a number of values ranging from
333 Kelvin to 360 Kelvin.
Figure 1 shows the results of the first experiment,
where we measured the energy consumption of the
two simulated data centers in a single day using our
VM scheduler. The x-axis of the figure demonstrates
the thresholds, while the y-axis presents the energy
consumption in Kwh. For each temperature threshold
there are two values with one for the first data center
(DC-1) with 50 hosts and the second for the other one
(DC-2) with 250 hosts. The data are presented in two
forms, one in bars and the other in curves. Observing
the curves in the figure, it can be seen that the energy
consumption with different temperature thresholds
can be divided into four areas. In the first area, i.e.,
the temperature threshold between 333 and 335, the
energy consumption maintains constant with a value
of 52 Kwh for DC-1 and 102 for DC-2. In the sec-
ond region, i.e., 335 < temperaturethreshold < 340,
the energy consumption goes down as the threshold
getting larger. This behavior stops at threshold 340,
where a new phase starts with again a constant en-
ergy consumption. After this phase, a slight reduction
in energy consumption can be seen but generally the
temperature threshold does not change the energy be-
havior in phase 4.
Figure 1: Energy consumption.
The next experiment explains why such scenarios
occur with the thresholds. The results are depicted in
Figure 2, which shows the number of VM migrations
with different threshold values. Observing the figure
it can be seen that there is no any migration with the
low thresholds 333 and 335. The reason is: Our ThaS
migrates the VMs when the temperature of the source
host has reached the Temperature threshold. How-
ever, there must be a destination host with a CPU tem-
perature below the threshold. Logically, all hosts may
have a temperature above the Temperature threshold.
In this case, our scheduler cannot find any target host
on which the VMs can be migrated. This is exactly
the case with threshold 333 and 335. Increasing the
temperature threshold, i.e., starting from 338, VM
migrations can be seen because the scheduler now
finds target hosts with temperatures below the thresh-
old Temperature threshold. It can be also observed
that the number of migrations growing up with the
threshold. This is because with a higher threshold
there must be more hosts whose temperature is be-
low the threshold. Therefore, more migrations can be
performed. However, starting from threshold 343 the
number of migrations is first not changed and then
decreased significantly. The former may be caused
by non more target hosts for migrations and the lat-
ter is related to the ThaS strategies. Our ThaS sets all
hosts with CPU temperature over the case tempera-
ture (T
case=353 Kelvin) in the sleep mode for cool-
ing down. Therefore, the available hosts for hosting a
migrated VM get fewer.
Figure 2: Number of Migrations.
Figure 3: Service level agreement (SLA) violation.
The last experiment with temperature threshold
was done for studying the violation to the Service
Level Agreement (SLA). that defines the quality of
the services. We define the SLA violation with the
percentage of unallocated CPU performance relative
to the total requested performance in the workloads.
Energy-efficient Task Scheduling in Data Centers
Figure 4: Optimal trade-off for the temperature threshold
(x-axis: SLA violation, y-axis: energy consumption).
Figure 5: Comparaison of ThaS with other scheduling
The experimental results are shown in Figure 3. Sim-
ilar to the results with energy consumption, there is
no SLA violation for the first phase (threshold 333
and 335) again due to zero migrations. For thresh-
old 338, where VM migrations are shown in Figure
2, we see an SLA violation. The reason is that a VM
migration causes the CPU performance degradation
and hence the percentage of SLA violations increases
with the number of migrations. For thresholds be-
tween 340 and 353 the SLA violation remains con-
stant, which is resulted by nearly unchanged number
of migrations. In the last phase from threshold 354,
however, the SLA violation arises. This is again be-
cause that many hosts are set to idle and therefore not
all user requirements can be fulfilled with a small set
of active hosts. To summarize the results in the three
figures: The number of VM migrations significantly
depends on the value of the Temperature threshold;
the energy consumption remains high when no mi-
gration is possible; VM migration is performed only
after a certain threshold; when the case temperature
(T case) is reached most hosts are put into the sleep
mode, which affects the CPU Utilization threshold
that in turn leads to a low number of VM migrations.
Our goal in thermal-aware scheduling is not only
to minimize the energy consumption but also not re-
sult high SLA violation. Therefore, we have to make
a trade-off in selecting the threshold value, where the
energy consumption and the SLA violation shall both
remain at a minimum. From the previous simula-
tion results we have observed that the third area of
the different waveforms is the optimum range and the
threshold value for the temperature shall be chosen
from this field.
In order to give a clearer view about this optimal
threshold of temperature, we made a diagram with
the energy consumption and the SLA violation. Fig-
ure 4 depicts this graph, where the data are from the
tests with the second data center. The x-axis shows
the SLA violation while the y-axis presents the en-
ergy consumption. Observing the graph in the fig-
ure, it can be seen that there is a point where both
the energy and the SLA violation are low. This point
(threshold 343 Kelvin) is exactly the optimal thresh-
old we are looking for. Hence, we selected 343 Kelvin
as the optimum value of the Temperature threshold
for our ThaS scheme. The last experiment studies
the feasibility of our scheduler by comparing the en-
ergy consumption with ThaS and with other three
scheduling schemes, i.e., non power control, DVFS
and power aware ThrMu. Figure 5 depicts the result
of the experiment, where the energy consumption was
measured during a single simulation run with all four
algorithms. We measured the energy consumption of
the two data centers in a single day.
Comparing ThaS with the other scheduling algo-
rithms, it can be observed that ThaS achieves the low-
est energy consumption with a value of 25.64 Kwh
with DC-1 and 49.4 Kwh with DC-2. The energy con-
sumption with other schemes are Non
power control
of 150.68 and 324.17, DVFS of 52.98 and 101.1, and
Power aware ThrMu of 28.9 and 63.2. For the first
data center with 50 hosts we achieved a reduction of
83% to Non power control, 52% to DVFS and 11.3%
to power aware ThrMu. For the other data center
with 250 hosts the reduction in energy consumption
by ThaS is 85% to non power control, 52% to DVFS
and 21.8% to power aware ThrMu. It can be seen that
ThaS results a higher reduction in energy consump-
tion for larger data centers than the smaller ones, es-
pecially in comparison with the power-aware schedul-
ing scheme ThrMu.
Overall, we can conclude that the support of VM
migration mechanisms is required for efficiently using
Cloud resources and combining the power-aware with
the thermal-aware scheduling strategies provides the
best results for reducing the energy consumption of
data centers.
Today, energy-efficient computing is becoming more
and more important due to the huge amount of en-
ergy consumption of the data centers. As a result,
researchers are investigating on various methods to
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
reduce the energy requirement of a computer sys-
tem. This work targets on a scheduling algorithm aim-
ing at allocating virtual machines to physical hosts
of data centers in such a way that the target host
will not be overloaded or over-heated. This means
that we schedule virtual machines with respect to the
temperature and CPU utilization of processors. We
validated the novel scheduler on a simulation envi-
ronment and compared our achievement with several
other scheduling schemes. The experimental results
show a clear benefit with our scheduler.
In the next step of this research work we will ad-
dress on the optimization of the proposed scheduler
with respect to its performance. We plan to use those
intelligent global optimization algorithms to speed up
the procedure of filtering unqualified hosts.For the
next version of ThaS the Hotspot (Hotspot, ) tool
will adopted, that models multicore architectures with
more accuracy but not more complexity. Hotspot uses
an analogy between electrical circuit phenomena and
a heat transfer phenomena. The heat flow between the
internal CPU chip blocks is modeled by connecting
thermal resistors and thermal storage in blocks. The
power consumed by each chip (which typically cor-
responds to a function unit) is modeled by a power
source. In addition, it is also our future work to
improve the models for calculating processor tem-
perature in order to support the study on many-core
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