This work has proposed the concept and reported the
specification of a model to integrate big data, cloud
computing, IoT device-control-as-a-service, and IoT
services. The proposed model is based on NovaGe-
nesis, a “clean slate” FI proposal. A big data ser-
vice was proposed to interoperate NG name resolu-
tion service (based on pub/sub and distributed hash
tables) with Spark big data. The proposed specifi-
cation also introduces embedded proxy/gateway ser-
vices that encapsulate IoT devices traffic towards NG
pub/sub, as well as represent IoT device’s in the ser-
vice tier. Software-defined IoT devices are controlled
by proxy/gateway/controller services (Alberti et al.,
2014). A domain level management and control ser-
vice (MCS) was also specified to implement in a logi-
cal centralized way the classical areas of management
and coordinate PGCSes activities. The architecture
advances state-of-the-art by converging data, control,
and management planes for FI with big data and IoT.
Future work includes: (i) implementation and per-
formance evaluation of the convergent architecture
specified in this paper; (ii) elasticity and scalability
tests of the proposed control/management model in-
cluding cloud computing resources; (iii) evaluated la-
tency and efficiency of proposed control/management
model; (iv) to monitor and evaluate service repu-
tation; (v) explore security advantages of proposed
model; (vi) implement and evaluate NG benefits for
disaster recovery scenarios; and (vii) evaluate NG in-
tegration to other big data platforms besides Spark.
This work was partially supported by Finep/Funttel
Grant No. 01.14.0231.00, under the Radiocommu-
nication Reference Center (Centro de Referˆencia em
Radicomunicac¸˜oes - CRR) project of the National In-
stitute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional de
Telecomunicac¸˜oes), Brazil.
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