Figure 5: Fitness value evolution (Lower values are better).
4.2 Approach Accuracy
We manually investigated the obtained design to
judge if the proposed refactorings are accurate and we
have found that the best solution produced by the GA
contains 9 components (Figure 6).
Figure 6: System design after applying refactorings.
We notice that in the original design 6 components
were severly suffering from bad smells (colored in
grey in Fig. 4). However, 8 components have been
refactored into 5 new ones (colored in blue in Fig. 6)
and the 4 remaining components stayed untouched.
Among these 8 components only 2 ones were not af-
fected by bad smells. This gives us a false positives
value of 16.66%(2/12). This low value indicates that
our approach is very accurate on detecting and cor-
recting bad smells.
In this paper, we have addressed automated refactor-
ing of component-based software systems. To tackle
this problem, we have proposed detection rules for the
recently proposed component-relevant bad smells as
well as a catalogue of component-relevant refactor-
ings. Then, we relied on these two elements to pro-
pose a genetic algorithm to find the best sequence of
refactorings to perform. We have experimented our
approach on a medium-sized software and evaluated
it in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the
first attempt to automated refactoring of component-
based applications. We believe that we can further im-
prove it in the future. In the short term, we plan to ex-
tend our extraction engine to support more component
models. In the long term, we plan to use component-
relevant quality metrics to improve the exploration of
the solution space.
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