Empirical Analysis of Influences on Dissertation Quality of
Postgraduates from Perspective of Psychodynamics
Ping Cheng
Wuhan University of Technology, Automation School, Luoshi Road 205, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China
Keywords: Postgraduates, Achievement Goal Orientation, Achievement Motivation, Self-efficacy, Quality of
Dissertation, Psychodynamic.
Abstract: This paper employs multivariate statistical analysis methods to empirically analyze the relationship of
dissertation quality with the factors of student’s achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation, and
self-efficacy; and to examine the influences of the factors on the dissertation quality. Through the analysis
of the investigation, the research draws following conclusions: First, there are differences of graduates’
achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation, and self-efficacy due to their gender and specialty.
Second, the dissertation quality has close relations with student’s achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation, and self-efficacy. Third, social responsibility goal that belongs to the achievement goal
orientation directly has a positive influence on the dissertation quality; and avoiding failure goal exerts a
negative influence on the dissertation quality.
Dissertation is an important symbol to measure the
quality of postgraduate education. The dissertation
work is a comprehensive training of professional and
research skills for graduate students. It is an
important part of cultivating for students' creative
ability, knowledge application and problem solving
skills. It has long been considered that students'
intelligence level has an important influence on their
academic achievement. But there are still some
questions such as why the students with the same IQ
and ability level have significant differences in
academic achievement. Psychologists found that not
only the intelligence factors affect the level of
academic achievement, but also include the same
important influence of non-intellectual factors. As a
kind of training activity, dissertation work is
significantly different from the general sense of
learning activities; it is more creative and
exploratory. As the quality of postgraduate
education is much more concerned today, we need to
know more about the impact of the on-intellectual
factors of achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation, and self-efficacy produce on the
dissertation work. We also need to understand that
whether the factors have an important role in the
prediction of the quality of dissertation. The
clearance of these questions can help us to
understand the psychological dynamic
characteristics of graduate students in their
dissertation work process, so as to guide students to
establish the correct achievement goal orientation,
improve the achievement motivation level, and help
the students to establish the correct ability view.
In the research field of educational psychology,
psychologists (Nicholls, 1984; Dweck and Leggett,
1988; Butler, 1993) are mainly divided achievement
goal in the field of learning into two types: learning
goal orientation and achievement goal orientation.
They think that learning goal orientation and
achievement goal orientation have a decisive effect
on individual achievement. Learning goal
orientation is also named the grasp goal orientation,
or task goal orientation. Students with the learning
goal orientation will regard learning itself as a goal,
and pay attention to the understanding and mastery
of learning task. And they concern the development
of their own ability. Performance goal orientation is
also called ability goal orientation. The students with
the performance goal orientation think learning as a
means, and show their ability through achievements,
but they try to avoid failure or situations showing
their lower ability. Achievement motivation is an
important part of individual psychological
motivation, and it is refers to an internal impetus for
Cheng, P.
Empirical Analysis of Influences on Dissertation Quality of Postgraduates from Perspective of Psychodynamics.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 2, pages 153-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
an individual to pursue achievements. At present, the
more common view on the achievement motivation
is that it is an inner driving force for individual to
seriously perform the work that one think important
or valuable. It is a stable personality characteristic of
a person's sense of professionalism, responsibility
sense, enterprising spirit and self-realization. It is the
psychological mechanism of encouraging self-
achievement and self-motivated. Psychology has
always believed that everyone has the achievement
motivation, but the intensity has obvious
individually differences. Self-efficacy defined by
Bandura is used to assess people's ability to perform
specific tasks. It refers to the belief, judgment, or
self-feeling of an individual to complete the action
before execution of behavior (Bandura, 1997).
The domestic and foreign research on the quality
of dissertation mainly focus on the two aspects of
quality management and quality evaluation, but the
study of students' learning motivation on the quality
of dissertation is very little. Psychological dynamics
is the power of driving behavior, which is a kind of
theory system of emphasizing the important role of
psychological activity in the behaviour (Yanfei
Wang, 2011). Psychodynamic thinks that person's
psychology and behavior is interaction results of
positive and active mental energy. It emphasizes that
people's spiritual life is constantly developing and
changing, and its basic kinetic energy comes from
people's various needs and inner drive. This paper
tries to study the relationship of dissertation quality
and learning motivation characteristics, and the
study is focus on the relationship between
dissertation quality and achievement goal
orientation, achievement motivation, and self-
2.1 Experiment Object
The data of this study comes from a questionnaire
survey of 618 postgraduates in a university in
Wuhan area. In order to obtain the effective sample,
800 questionnaires were distributed. 618 valid
questionnaires were returned from 392 boys
accounted for 63.4% and 226 female students
accounted for 36.6% of the total number. In the
involved students, 483 science and engineering
students accounted for 78.2%, and 135 arts students
accounted for 21.8%.
2.2 Tools
2.2.1 Achievement Goal Orientation Scale
We use the achievement goal orientation scale made
by Yanfei Wang (Yanfei Wang, 2011). Through the
data analysis of the questionnaire survey, a three
factors and five dimensions structure models with
good reliability and validity are obtained. The three
factors include: learning goal orientation,
achievement goal orientation and social goal
orientation; and the dimensions include dimensions
of escape results and performance target which
compose the achievement goal orientation, and
social support and social responsibility which
compose the social goal orientation.
2.2.2 Achievement Motivation Scale
We use the achievement motivation scale original
made by Nygard T, and revised by Renmin Ye
(Renmin Ye, 1992). The scale consists of two
different components: one is to measure the
motivation to succeed, and the other is the
motivation to avoid failure.
2.2.3 Self-efficacy Scale
We adopt the self-efficacy scale proposed by Lei
Wang from the psychology department of Peking
University (Lei Wang, 2005). The scale includes two
parts, general self-efficacy and social efficiency.
2.3 Data Collection and Processing
2.3.1 Questionnaire Data Collection
The questionnaire test is performed according to
subject and specialty groups. Every respondent is
required to give real answer. At the same time, the
graduate management department offers
postgraduate dissertation grades as basic data for
2.3.2 Definition of Evaluation Criteria
The quality of dissertation is the main research
object of this paper, but it can be difficult to exactly
define the quality of dissertation. Therefore, it is
necessary to give a proper definition to the quality of
dissertation, which can reflect the objective writing
level in a certain way. This paper mainly based on
the University Dissertation Evaluation Index System
as dissertation quality measurement.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.3.3 Data Processing
The dissertation grades obtained from departments
were standardized to maintain consistency. Then
each questionnaire data is processed and the original
score of questionnaire is calculated, using the
software SPSS 19.0 for Windows to remove the
abnormal data, and then carry out statistical analysis.
3.1 Test Results and Differences of
Achievement Goal Orientation,
Achievement Motivation and
Self-efficacy of Students
We carry out the 2 (gender) ×2 (subject) ×2 (work
experience) multivariate variance analysis based on
the achievement goal orientation as the dependent
variable. The result shows: the main effect of gender
on the learning goal orientation (F (1,562) =7.262,
P=0.007<0.05) was very significant, the male
students' learning goal orientation score are higher
than that of female graduate students (mean M ±
standard deviation SD: 13.43 ±1.743 for boys and
12.94±1.640 for girls).
The achievement motivation of each dimension
is used as the dependent variable, the results of
multivariate analysis of variance of 2 (gender)×2
(discipline)×2 (work experience) show: the main
effect of the gender tendency of success (F (1,562)
=5.003, P=0.026<0.05) is very significant. Male
graduate students are more likely to be successful
(mean M ±standard deviation SD: 45.16+4.889 for
boys and 43.97±5.151for girls). The main effect of
subject in avoiding failure dimension (F (1,562)
=8.963, P=0.003<0.05) was significant, graduates in
liberal arts and management are tend to avoid the
failure much more than graduate of science and
engineering (Mean M ± standard deviation SD:
liberal arts and management graduate students 37.29
±6.234> science and engineering graduate students
Self-efficacy test results and analysis of variance
showed that scores of self-efficacy (F (1,562) =
6.446, P=0.011<0.05) were significantly different
with gender, male students in self-efficacy score
significantly higher than female students (mean M
± standard deviation SD: 56.61+6.091 for boys and
54.93±5.784 for girls).
Table 1: Results of interaction analysis (gender).
Variable name Gender
Mean Standard deviation (Std.) t Degree of freedom (df) Sig.
Achievement motivation
Male 354 9.99 9.247
3.079 562 0.002*
Female 210 7.53 9.059
Male 354 56.61 6.091
3.225 562 0.001**
Female 210 54.93 5.784
Note: *significant at 0.05 level; * * significant at 0.01 level.
Table 2: Interactive analysis results (different subjects).
Variable name Subject Frequency (N) Mean
Standard deviation
t Degree of freedom (df) Sig.
Achievement goal
Science and
417 41.13 5.334
-2.234 562 0.026*
Cultural industry
147 42.29 5.481
Science and
417 9.80 9.421
3.324 283.591 0.001**
Cultural industry
147 7.03 8.429
Science and
417 56.30 5.973
2.077 562 0.038*
Cultural industry
147 55.10 6.117
Cultural industry
147 0.00000 0.98273
Note: *significant at 0.05 level; * * significant at 0.01 level.
Empirical Analysis of Influences on Dissertation Quality of Postgraduates from Perspective of Psychodynamics
Table 3: Correlation between achievement goal
orientation, achievement motivation, self-efficacy and
dissertation quality.
- -
Note: * *significant at 0.05 level; * * significant at 0.01 level.
3.2 Analysis of the Interaction of
Different Gender, Discipline, Work
Experience Student Achievement
Goal Orientation, Achievement
Motivation, Self-efficacy, Quality of
The statistical analysis results indicate that the
achievement motivation and self-efficacy sense
scores are significantly different according to
different gender; and the achievement goal
orientation and dissertation quality grades are not
significant difference. From the results of Table 1,
we can see that male graduate students scored
significantly higher than female graduate students,
male graduate students in self-efficacy score is
significantly higher than female students.
The results of statistical analysis of different
disciplines show that there are significant
differences in achievement goal orientation,
achievement motivation and self-efficacy score
between the two disciplines of engineering
discipline and liberal arts and management. The
quality of dissertation (grades) has no significant
difference. The table 2 shows the differences
between tow disciplines.
A statistical analysis of the influence of
industrial working experience shows that the work
experience has no significant effect on the scores of
achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation, self-efficacy and dissertation quality
3.3 Correlation Analysis of
Achievement Goal Orientation,
Achievement Motivation,
Self-efficacy and Quality of
The correlation analysis in Table 3 shows that
achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation and self-efficacy are significantly
positively correlated with the quality of dissertation
(p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.01); achievement motivation,
self-efficacy and are significantly positively
correlated with achievement goal orientation
(p<0.01); achievement motivation and self-efficacy
were significantly positively correlated (p<0.01).
Further correlation analysis between the
dimension in Table 4 shows learning goal
orientation, performance target and social support
are positively correlated with the quality of
dissertation; social responsibility goal and self-
efficacy have significantly positive correlation with
dissertation quality (p<0.01), and the performance
avoidance is significantly negative correlated with
dissertation quality (p<0.05); and the avoid the
failure of has a significant negative correlation with
the quality of dissertation (p<0.01).
3.4 Graduate Student Achievement
Goal Orientation, Achievement
Motivation and Self-efficacy
Regression of Dissertation Quality
Multiple Regression Analysis
The achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation and self-efficacy are used as variables to
predict the quality of dissertation. From the Table 5,
achievement goal orientation and self-efficacy are
Table 4: Correlation analysis between achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation, self-efficacy and quality of
Learning goal
avoidance goal
Performance target
Social support
Social responsibilit
Self- efficacy Paper grades
Tend to succeed
Avoid failure
Self- efficacy
Dissertation quality
- -
Note: *significant at 0.05 level; * * significant at 0.01 level.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
introduced into regression equation as significant
Table 5: Multiple regression analysis of achievement goal
orientation, achievement motivation and self- efficacy of
dissertation quality.
Standard coefficient
T Sig.
- - 0.376
Self- efficacy 0.102 2.486 0.018*
Achievement goal
0.396 2.202 0.033*
Note: Dependent variable is quality of dissertation
Table 6: Multiple regression analysis of the degree of
achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation and
Standard coefficient
T Sig.
Self-efficacy. 0.122 2.235 0.026*
Social responsibility
0.104 2.402 0.017*
Avoid failure -0.091 -2.098 0.036*
Note: Dependent variable is quality of dissertation
When the achievement goal orientation,
achievement motivation and self-efficacy are used as
variables to predict the quality of dissertation, there
are three significant variables which enter the
regression equation, namely: social responsibility
goal, self-efficacy and avoiding failure, shown in the
Table 6.
The standard regression equation is:
Dissertation quality = (0.104 × Social responsibility
target) (0.122 × Self-efficacy0.091 × Avoid
0.436**(p =0.000)
Quality of the
Achievement goal
Figure 1: Correlative path model of achievement goal
orientation, achievement motivation and self-efficacy on
the quality of dissertation.
3.5 Correlative Path Analysis of
Influencing Dissertation Quality
According to the results of the multiple regression
analysis, this paper discusses the path analysis
model of achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation and self-efficacy.
The correlative path model shown in Figure 1
informs that the achievement goal orientation
directly affect dissertation quality. Self-efficacy can
directly affect the quality of dissertation, also can
indirectly affect the quality of degree thesis though
achievement goal orientation; and Achievement
motivation indirectly influences the quality of
dissertation by achievement goal orientation and
0.233 (p=0.000)
0.208 (p=0.000)
-0.086 (p=0.047)
-0.502 (p=0.000)
0.237 (p=0.000)
0.370 (p=0.000)
0.104 (p=0.017)
-0.091 (p=0.036)
Learning goal
orientat ion
Avoid failure
Escape results
Social support target
Dissertation quality
Social responsibility target
Figure 2: Correlative path model of the quality of
dissertation is influenced by the achievement goal
orientation, achievement motivation and self –efficacy.
The path model in Figure 2 indicates that the
achievement goal orientation of social responsibility
goal directly to the dissertation quality have a
positive impact, and the avoid failure has a negative
effect on dissertation quality, in which the study goal
orientation, social support goal have a positive
impact to dissertation quality through the social
responsibility target indirectly. Through the avoiding
failure, the escape results have a negative indirect
impact on dissertation quality. Self-efficacy can
directly affect the quality of dissertation, and can
also indirectly affect the quality of dissertation
through the goal of social responsibility.
4.1 The General Characteristics of
Achievement Goal Orientation,
Achievement Motivation,
Self-efficacy of Graduate Students
4.1.1 Gender Differences
The research shows that there are gender differences
in achievement goal orientation, achievement
motivation and self-efficacy. The main effect of
Empirical Analysis of Influences on Dissertation Quality of Postgraduates from Perspective of Psychodynamics
gender on learning goal orientation is very
significant. The main effect of male graduate
students is higher than that of female graduate
students. The main effect of gender on the trend of
success is remarkable. The male graduates tend to be
more successful than the female graduates. There are
also significant differences in gender differences in
self-efficacy scores; male students' scores on self-
efficacy are significantly higher than that of female
Because the society has different expectation on
male and female graduates, this caused both boys
and girls have different self-requirements. For a long
time, boys have been given more social
expectations, they are asked to take more social
responsibilities, and in the process of growing up
they have more successful influence than girls. So
they naturally wish to be more successful than girls.
The learning goal orientation of male graduate
students is significantly higher than that of female
students, which shows that boys are more confident
than girls in their own ability. Male graduates
concern about the process of learning, focus on their
ability to improve and grasp the understanding of the
task, and they are less influenced by other factors,
such as the evaluation of others. We think this is
mainly related to the following factors: firstly, with
the traditional role positioning, and secondly the
deferent concern pointes of male and female
students. Male students tend to pay more attention to
their career development, and they more strongly
need achievement. Male students directly point the
achievement motivation to study task and study
target. But female students are more concerned with
their own image in the eyes of others, so their
achievement motivation is mainly directed to the
field of interpersonal relationships.
4.1.2 Discipline Difference
Research shows that achievement goal orientation,
achievement motivation, self-efficacy has
disciplinary differences among the students from
liberal arts and management and the students from
science and engineering. It is reflected as follows:
liberal arts and management graduates have
significant higher score in the achievement goal
orientation than science and engineering graduates;
The students in science and engineering have
significant higher achievement motivation scores
than those of liberal arts and management, the
students in science and engineering have
significantly higher scores on self-efficacy scores
than those in liberal arts and management. When
using the various dimensions of achievement goal
orientation as dependent variables, subjects were
significantly effect on the performance target. The
performance target of liberal arts and management
graduates are higher than that of science and
engineering. When the achievement motivation is
considered as a variable, results show that the
discipline significantly affects the avoidance of
failure. Liberal arts and management graduates tend
to avoid failure than science and engineering
In today's demand of talents, students of science
and engineering get more social recognition, and
have more chances to realize self-value. This is
likely to enhance their motivation to succeed.
Liberal arts and management graduates now have no
advantages over the science and engineering
graduate in the market competition. However, liberal
arts and management graduates have higher score
than students of science and engineering in the
performance confirmation and the avoiding failure.
Both the performance confirmation and avoid
failure of these two orientations are concerned about
the results of their own performance, which shows
that the liberal arts and management graduates are
concerned to display their own ability and get a
positive evaluation from others. In addition, this
discipline differences may also be related to the
nature of the discipline, thinking and learning
methods. The students of science and engineering
require logical thinking ability to creatively solve
problems, and this can naturally stimulate students'
achievement motivation. Liberal arts and
management students pay more attention to
introspection due to the influence of subject
knowledge, and they likely to depend more on the
mechanical memory and image thinking.
4.2 Achievement Goal Orientation,
Achievement Motivation and
Self-efficacy of the Influence on the
Quality of Dissertation
In our study, we find that the role of social goal
orientation in achievement goal orientation is
important, because the individual is in a complex
social system, and it is influenced by social factors
at any moment. This study found that the social
responsibility target in social goal orientation is
positively correlated with the quality of dissertation,
which also reflects the special characteristics of the
graduate group. Dissertation work is an important
activity for graduates and it needs a strong creative
and explorative efforts. The dissertation work is
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
more and more closely to contact society and is
combined with important theoretical and practical
problems in urgent need of social development,
which also inspire students with social
We found that the self efficacy is significantly
positively correlated with the quality of dissertation.
Self efficacy is the internal reason of the individual
behavior and result, and there must be relationship
with dissertation quality. Individual actions are
dominated by the predictive results of future
behavior. The goal setting is affected by self-
efficacy. The students with lower level of self
efficacy tend to have an error estimate in their
ability, and lack of enthusiasm to deal with problems
in their dissertation work. And on the contrary, the
students with higher level of self-efficacy will have
strong interests and desire in learning knowledge,
and also have confidence in their study ability. They
are more active and more confident to overcome
difficulties in their dissertation work.
Postgraduates’ choices of the achievement goal
orientation are influenced by the factors such as
capability view, learning tasks, learning activities
design, evaluation methods, sense of responsibility
and previous experience. And supervisory
intervention could be introduces to enhance the
positive factors in postgraduate training process.
(1) Graduate students need encouragement to select
correct learning goal orientation and social
orientation, and to explore their potential and
social responsibility as purpose in the choice of
task, rather than just in order to get a good
appraisal of personal ability. This orientation is
conducive to the growth of graduate students
(2) Students need guidance to attach importance to
learning tasks, and carry out innovative study
around the establishment of learning tasks. When
they recognize their own ability, they can give
full play to their potential. Especially those
learning task with clear requirements, variability,
and challenging can stimulate more lasting
motivation for learning, and constantly improve
their study ability.
(3) We can help graduate students to improve
achievement motivation level and to set up
correct capability view, improve self-confidence
and self-efficacy. This will help in the
establishment of appropriate achievement goal
and inspire deep motivation. We know that
personal capacity is developed, variable, and can
be cultivated. We should help students to set up
scientific view of ability, form correct
understanding of ability. Creating conditions to
enrich their own practice and experience can
make them to recognize that personal ability can
be changed through their own efforts, and this
will constantly improve graduates’ self-
confidence and self efficacy sense.
(4) Dissertation work is more dependent on the
sense of responsibility and obligation. Therefore,
the sense of responsibility, that is, their self-
discipline, and social responsibility, will help
them to carry on independent thinking and the
use of effective learning strategies, which in turn
helps to obtain positive self perception,
experience and evaluation ability. And there is
conducive to the self-efficacy enhancement. In
the course of dissertation work, the students' self
discipline consciousness and behavior are closely
related to the attitude of the teacher to the
students' self discipline and the degree of their
participation in decision-making. The learning
environment and learning conditions created by
teachers can affect students' responsibility, and
then influence the formation of their mastery
(5) Diversification of academic activities can inspire
graduate student's innovative thinking. Those
academic activities include students’ and
teacher's academic forum, participating in
domestic and international academic
conferences, academic reports and lectures,
academic salon, establishment of academic
organizations, and publishing academic journal
and so on. Academic activities help graduates to
enrich the professional knowledge. The
knowledge by course study is not enough, so
students should expand the scope of knowledge,
broaden their horizons, inspire thinking, and
stimulate creative ideas, through a variety of
academic exchange activities. Therefore, the
academic activities in some way play the role of
improvement of dissertation quality.
(6) Graduate students should actively obtain and use
a variety of social support. The so-called social
support comes from school, family, friends,
students, supervisors and other tangible and
Empirical Analysis of Influences on Dissertation Quality of Postgraduates from Perspective of Psychodynamics
intangible assistances. They have confidence
when facing difficulties and problems if they can
immediately obtained resources and
opportunities from outside, such as emotional
support, information support and specific help
and so on. All these help can certainly support
dissertation work and improve dissertation
On all accounts, graduate dissertation work process
is a psychological process with rich social
significance, the effects of student's learning
motivation and learning behavior on dissertation
quality can not be ignored.
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education