for each topic area one video with the length of 5-15
minutes. The students were allowed to use the
Internet. Nevertheless, it was a requirement to add
the used additional LM to the system. We
accomplished the study in a computer lab with a
time limitation of 90 minutes. Each student worked
alone on the exercises. All together the 35 students
worked 2218 minutes with the given LM. We
received 847 explicit and 7104 implicit tags. 43 new
LM were added to the system. The first outcome,
which seems to be evident, is the significance of the
lecture notes. With 1600 minutes students used the
lecture notes clearly the most. Certainly we
motivated this behaviour in section 1 already. On
average the videos were used just 32 minutes. This
is mainly because of the length of the videos. Only
the provided book was barely noticed. In form of an
expert analysis we evaluated the outcome of the
system. It is conspicuous that the system was able to
work out relevant content. For each content area
sufficiently large set of information had been
extracted. The extracted content was necessary to
solve the exercises properly. This applies for the
lecture notes and the videos. In the book the system
extracted some useful information, which has been
seen as an addition anyway. Especially for the more
difficult exercises the negative statements become
more frequent. However, the additional LM
becomes more frequent equally. This is not
surprising, since students are looking for easy or
alternative explanations cp. (Engelbert et al. 2013).
With the given results the functionality of the system
seems promising to achieve the goals proposed in
section 3. Especially the extraction of useful or
difficult content is working well. Also the number of
added LM is high and adequate enough to enrich the
given LM. In a second evaluation step in summer
2016 we will verify if students resemble the same.
For this, we will ask students to evaluate the
extracted content and further LM according to the
proposed exercises.
In this paper we presented the system LAOs. The
main goal is to assist students in the use and retrieval
of LM or OER. We described an approach on the
basis of user assigned tags in LM and the analysis of
the gathered information. Furthermore, we described
a first evaluation setting, which was intended for
collecting data. With an expert analysis we were
able to approve the proper functionality of the
system. The system extracts content according to
given exercises in a useful manner. Also the
implemented functionality for lecturers to analyse
the student’s use with LM satisfies the expectations.
We assume that the functionality will support
lecturers in getting a better understanding for the
student’s needs and weaknesses regarding to LM.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to show the usefulness
of the system outcome. This has to be proved in an
upcoming evaluation, which focuses on the
validation for recommendations from the student’s
point of view.
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