Exploratory Game Play to Support Language Learning: Dinner Talk
Klaus P. Jantke
, Oksana Arnold
and Torsten Bosecker
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology, Ilmenau, Erfurt & Oldenburg, Germany
FH Erfurt – University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
Exploratory Learning, Game-based Learning, Language Learning, Meme Media Technology, Didactic Design.
In response to the contemporary influx of refugees to Europe, the authors’ team has developed and imple-
mented a digital game concept to support language learning of any written language. Fast progress in small
steps is required and small and flexible software tools are necessary. The core implementation is available on
the web and runs on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, on conventional desktop PCs and on
special purpose devices such as interactive learning tables. This core implementation allows for a very flexible
and fast exchange or modification of contents to fit to varying needs. This paper puts emphasis on the potential
of the approach beyond the needs of refugees. Educators may apply it to regular courses in school, in higher
education, in vocational training, and in further education.
In response to the contemporary influx of refugees to
Europe, the authors’ team has developed a potentially
infinite family of digital games (Arnold et al., 2016).
A certain core implementation is available on-line
at https://webblebase.net/placementgame.tobo.game-
Figure 1: An early version of the core variant of the game
family DINNER TALK on an Interactive Learning Table.
There is an intelligible introduction available in an
on-line magazine (Jantke and Bosecker, 2015) that is
complemented by a short interview (Jantke, 2016).
It may be no surprise that the usage of these games
is not restricted to the language learning needs of
refugees. The intention of the present short paper is
to inform a wider audience about the potential of the
game family and to discuss the use of these games in
more detail emphasizing several issues of pedagogy.
Thanks to the advice of an anonymous reviewer, the
authors found the “Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assess-
ment“ (Council of Europe, 2001) a valuable source to
put the present work in context. This document works
as a guideline by “raising questions, not answering
them.” (ibid., p. 4) The DINNER TALK project may be
seen as an approach to provide some partial answers.
The present short section summarizes a condensed
characterization of the DINNER TALK approach with
respect to this framework.
To the above-cited framework’s initial questions
(see the NOTES FOR THE USER section of (Council
of Europe, 2001)), the DINNER TALK approach offers
the following answers. The target audience is hetero-
geneous. Not all of them have access to textbooks, but
all of them are actively using the Internet. The time
they can afford to spend is largely varying.
The original motivation of this project is liter-
ally “to avert the dangers that might result from the
marginalisation of those lacking the skills necessary
to communicate” (ibid., p. 4).
The methodology of choice is exploratory game-
based learning. The aim is to literally attract learners.
The technology and the interaction design should
allow both for single player self-controlled learning
and for collaborative learning including the discus-
sion of content. Furthermore, it should support novel
approaches such as flipped classroom scenarios.
Jantke, K., Arnold, O. and Bosecker, T.
Exploratory Game Play to Support Language Learning: Dinner Talk.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 2, pages 161-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
DINNER TALK (DT) is the name of an infinite family
of digital games. It has a large number of parameters.
Every instantiation of parameters leads to a particular
game of the DT family.
Figure 2: DINNER TALK start screens of the German (back-
ground) and the English (foreground) game’s core variant;
there are similar versions for learning French and Swedish.
Every game of the DT family is a combinatorial
game. Within the family of combinatorial games, the
board games form a quite prominent category. Board
games are characterized by a board which consists of
cells and by pieces which may be placed on cells,
moved on the board, and so on. A board game is a
path game, in particular, if most of its cells have ex-
actly two different neighboring cells. Apparently, this
is a fuzzy concept due to the imprecision of the term
”most”. A path game is a perfect one, if all cells have
exactly two neighbors. The most simple variant of
games in the DT family is a perfect path game.
Figure 3: Players shall read, understand and relate texts.
The narrative of DT is to consider the board (the
path) as chairs around a certain table. The pieces are
understood as virtual guests to be seated. The size
of the table, i.e. the number of guests to be seated,
may be chosen initially (see fig. 2). Seating a guest
is performed by placing a piece on a cell. In contrast
to many other board games like CHECKER, CHESS,
and NINE MENS MORRIS, e.g., pieces must not be
moved on the board along the path. DINNER TALK
belongs to the particular category of placement games
like, e.g., REVERSI, HEX, and CONNECT FOUR in
which playing the game means just to place pieces.
There is no concept of “moves” in placement games.
The pieces carry texts or text fragments which are
interpreted as the virtual persons’ interests (see fig. 3).
Intuitively, players should seat guests in such a way
that neighbors at the table share some interest. If this
happens, they score points. The goal of every game
of the DT family is to seat guests in such a way that
the human player scores many points. It is practically
impossible to find good seating solutions just by trial
and error without checking the texts.
For illustration, if there are 8 seats around the
game’s table, there exist 10,080 different variants of
placements. In the case of 10 chairs, the number of
possible placements sums up to 907,200. Further-
more, for 12 chairs, the corresponding figure would
be 119,750,400 which is large enough to motivate the
authors’ decision to confine themselves to 10 seats,
at most.
These figures above are the result of dividing the
factorial of the number of seats by 4. To find out all
possible arrangements, one may begin by seating the
first piece at the upper front end of the table followed
by others pieces clockwise around the table. If there
are n seats, the number of different placements is n!
called the factorial of n. Because it does not matter
whether one starts at the upper front end or the lower
front end of the table, the number of distinguished
placements is divided by 2. Similarly, because it does
not matter whether the seating is done clockwise or
counter-clockwise, the figure must be divided by 2
once more.
The issues of combinatorics mentioned above lead
to related conclusions as follows. First, because it is
unlikely to score many points just by trial and error,
players who want to perform well need to read texts
and to think about semantic relations between texts.
Second, because players tend to compare only a few
texts at a time, they may find out particular relevant
semantic relations later than others. The correction of
earlier seatings may become desirable.
In response, the rules of play are slightly relaxed.
We consider dynamic placement games in which the
players have permission to take seatings back, i.e., to
undo an action. This helps to achieve better results, to
reduce frustration, and to increase the fun of playing.
Dynamic placement games are exploratory games.
To sum up, the design of the DT game family leads
to a form of exploratory game-based learning.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The game design described in the preceding section 3
has been implemented to allow for the educational
scenarios under discussion in section 5 below. This
section is bridging the gap by informing the reader
briefly about the technology in use. Some emphasis
is put on technological features that are decisive to
exploratory human-computer interaction.
Digital games of the DINNER TALK family are
conceptually based on webble technology (Kuwahara
and Tanaka, 2010) which is a recent form of meme
media technology (Tanaka, 2003). To be available on
a large variety of terminal devices, the type of web-
bles in use for the DT games family are implemented
in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript (Fujima, 2013).
Figure 4: Webbles are essentially structured like trees.
Interestingly and, perhaps, even a bit surprisingly,
Yuzuru Tanaka’s technological approach (Tanaka,
2003) has some philosophical background. He found
himself challenged by Richard Dawkins’ speculations
about the non-biological evolution (Dawkins, 1976).
Interested readers may find a quaintly folkloric expla-
nation of Dawkins’ ideas in Susan Blackmore’s book
(Blackmore, 1999).
A variety of applications illustrate the enormous
expressiveness and the flexibility of the technology;
see (Arnold et al., 2013) and the contributions therein
as well as the following individual papers (Tanaka
and Imataki, 1989), (Tanaka, 1996), (Ito and Tanaka,
2003), (Sugibuchi and Tanaka, 2004), (D
otsch et al.,
2005), (Kaschek et al., 2006), (Ohigashi et al., 2006),
(Ohigashi and Tanaka, 2006), (Lamonova et al.,
2007), (Fujima, 2010), (Kuwahara and Tanaka, 2010),
(Fujima et al., 2010), (Fujima and Hofmann, 2011),
(Guo and Tanaka, 2011), (Fujima and Jantke, 2012),
(Jantke et al., 2012), (Arnold et al., 2012), (Fujima
et al., 2012), and (Jantke and Fujima, 2015) which
cover an interesting spectrum of approaches.
There is a current competition of meme media
variations, but its discussion is beyond the limits of
this paper.
Webbles are objects that have a Model-View-
Controller (MVC) structure and may be manipulated
on a webble desktop. The webbles’ key touch and feel
is decisive for usage. Every webble contains data in
places that are called slots. Readers may think of the
contents of pieces in the games of the DT family as il-
lustrated before. There are slots for names, for URLs
of pictures, and for text. Humans may click a webble
on the screen and move it to whatever place desired.
When one webble is dragged over another one, there
is established a slot connection. Readers may have a
look at fig. 1 where four piece webbles are dragged
and dropped simultaneously over different seat web-
bles. The slots of the pieces are connected to the slots
of the seats which, in turn, are connected to the ta-
ble webble (see architecture on display in fig. 4). The
content of slots is propagated downwards into the ta-
ble webble where the texts are compared. Similarity
values are calculated and propagated to provide feed-
back to the player (see fig. 4).
The features of meme media technology decisive
for exploratory playful learning are
(i) auto-connection (webbles latch when dragged and
dropped one over the other),
(ii) peeling off (compound webble objects may be de-
composed for trying out alternative constructs),
(iii) direct execution (Fujima and Jantke, 2012),
where the latter means that completed webbles run
immediately, an effect crucial to learner feedback.
There is a very interesting deeper relationship be-
tween direct execution and partial evaluation (Jones
et al., 1993). In logics, this is called currying. And
in recursion theory, it relates to Stephen Kleene’s
so-called s-m-n theorem (see (Rogers jr., 1967) and
(Sipser, 1997)). “Partial evaluation is a technique
to partially execute a program, when only some of
its input data are available. ((Mogensen and Sestoft,
1997), p. 247). There is no space to go into detail.
All the game variants of the DT game family are
implemented in the way sketched.
When a player picks up a piece representing one
of the virtual guests, this piece is a webble object
peeled off the repository. By drag and drop, the player
is seating the virtual guest on one of the virtual chairs.
Every chair is a webble plugged into the table webble.
When a piece representing a guest is plugged into a
chair webble, certain slot connections are established.
Data flow from the piece webble to the table webble
which is (partially) processing all the data available.
If possible, a score is calculated and visualized.
Exploratory Game Play to Support Language Learning: Dinner Talk
As Richard Mayer put it, “games are artificial envi-
ronments that are rule-based, responsive, challenging,
and cumulative” ((Mayer, 2011), p. 282).
Learners are encouraged to play DINNER TALK
by seating virtual guests at the virtual table. To score
as many points as possible, players need to place
guests with related texts next to each other.
This requires (a) reading texts, (b) understanding
essentials, and (c) relating meanings of different texts.
To prepare game play, educators assign similarity
values to pairs of texts. A first version of an editor has
been implemented (see fig. 5).
Figure 5: An early version of an editor for DT games; here
is the English version in use where the piece has be renamed
to “CSEDU 2016 Participant” with the picture “mary.jpg”.
The core variant of the digital games of the DT
family is ready for use (Jantke and Bosecker, 2015).
5.1 Single-Player DINNER TALK
At a first glance, every game of the DT game family
may be played in a single-player mode. This mode
may be adopted in and adapted to any educational set-
ting such as elementary school or further education.
Playing a game of the DT family can be assigned
as homework to students. Similarly, one may offer the
service of playing the game for free and let just those
play who are interested in.
In these unsupervised learning scenarios, there is
no immediate and apparent way of how to get learners
engaged in communication about their results.
The most simple way to draw more benefits from
playing the game is encouraging students to tell each
other about their learning experiences, to compare
their respective results, and to discuss the reasons for
5.2 Elementary Extensions
In class rooms, one can easily implement a variety of
interesting scenarios relying on the communication of
human learners. Due to the power of human-human
communication, those scenarios are light-weight from
a technological point of view.
This brings us close to the border between the
single-player mode and different multi-player modes.
As illustrated by means of fig. 1, simultaneous game
play is enabled. However, playing together is not only
an issue of interface technology and of appropriate
client-server architectures. It is primarily an issue of
game design.
Unfortunately, some investigations and related
publications on multi-player games in education
such as (Richter and Livingstone, 2011) reduce play
to competition and overlook the potential of co-
operation (Koster, 2005).
As a first scenario, let us consider the following
one. The teacher is asking the class to form small
groups which play together aiming at high scores.
This encourages learners to read texts individually
and together, to discuss the meaning of language ex-
pressions, and to compare and evaluate alternatives.
With little effort you get engaged minds.
5.3 Technologically Enabled Scenarios
Because of the limitations of unsupervised learning,
educators ask for in-game features to substitute for
the missing communication.
A comparably easy approach is to provide contin-
uous feedback to the learners which ingeniously in-
tegrates gratification feedback and control feedback
There are varying forms of feedback such as
current scores compared to scores reached so far
(local maxima) during the learning session,
current scores compared to the optimal solution
(which requires a priori calculation),
some visualization of where the current points
scored come from.
The latter item is interesting because of the over-
whelmingly large amount of possible implementa-
tions. The current implementations illustrated above
reflect the user’s success of scoring points simply by
showing the current high score. As already discussed,
the current score may be compared to local maxima
achieved before or to the global maximum w.r.t. the
present texts and their overall similarity.
An in-depth investigation of feedback in game play
may be found in (Jantke and Gaudl, 2010)
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
But how to point directly to the origin of the
point(s) recently scored? One may show speech bub-
bles between virtual guests who share some virtual
interest due to real text similarities. But what about
those speech bubbles over the table? And in case
we have more expressive similarity measures which
may return different values, not just 0 or 1, do we
show speech bubbles of different size? Or do we show
speech bubbles with score points inside?
Other scenarios assume that virtual characters are
determined by more than interest. Educators like to
see virtual in-game characters to have age, gender,
and possibly familial relationships. This requires spe-
cific slots. Whereas slots for age and gender are easily
implemented, familial relationships may require some
ontology. Do we expect ad hoc ontologies on the
server providing the learning service? Or do we aim
at the federation of relevant services over the web?
5.4 Innovative Scenarios
There are novelties like flipped classroom scenarios.
Ask one student or a small group of students to set up
an instance of the DT family for their fellow students.
After set up, all students of the class play the game.
After completion of game play, results are presented
and compared. Those who have set up the game need
to explain to their fellow students where the scores
come from. This requires the explanation of texts and
of semantic relations between texts. Teachers may
supervise the discussion and intervene, if necessary.
Seen from the technological point of view, this
scenario requires (i) the ability to save edited pieces of
the game locally, at least, and (ii) to make them avail-
able to a certain group of registered learners. There is
a need either (iii) to specify the semantic similarities
of texts put in or (iv) to compute similarity values of
texts put in by hand automatically, perhaps, within a
certain context or corpus of words.
The basic functionalities are already available (see
fig. 5).
Furthermore, one may imagine a way to publish
successful game contents. Even further, one may en-
rich these games by reports about successful deploy-
ment in education. This may establish communities
of players of the DT family world-wide.
In the very end, one should mention that techno-
logical extensions will allow for different experiences
of game play. Spoken text output, i.e. reading the texts
to the players, will definitely change the game playing
experience. All those ideas are appealing, attractive,
but computationally expensive. This is future work.
Part of the authors’ work has been supported by the
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
(BMBF) within the joint project Webble TAG under
grant no. 03WKP41D (Webble TaT).
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CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education