resources and time allowed (Donnelly, 2014). MCQs
based exams are reliable only because they are time-
efficient (McCoubrie, 2004). Brady (2005)
suggested when deciding on assessments, lectures
are carrying out an ethical activity, and that they
must be confident and justified in the assessment
that they are have chosen.
MCQs based exams have a variety of scoring
options. The most widely used method is to compute
the score by only focusing on the responses that the
student made. In this case, the number of correct
responses is counted, the number of incorrect
answers is counted and a final score is reported as
either the number of the correct answers or the
number of correct answers minus the number of
incorrect answers. The practicality of MCQs is to
evaluate large groups of students in short time and it
might be difficult or time consuming to set different
grades for each question. Another aspect is the so-
called ‘assessment by ambush’ where the choice of
questions is determined by the desire to discriminate
as clearly as possible between high and low
achievers (Brown, 1992). This may lead to
omissions of questions on essential or fundamental
parts of the curriculum because they are ‘too easy’
and insufficiently discriminatory which may drive
examiners to skip over potentially important topics
(McCoubrie, 2004). This might lead to an
assessment approach that is unable to discriminate
between students with equal total scores. A student
who answered a set of more significant questions to
the curriculum and more complex questions that
might require more time and thinking may be
rewarded a score equal to that of another student
who answered a set of less significant and easy
questions (Hameed, 2010; 2011).
Importance is based on how much a question is
essential for the curriculum. Difficulty of a question
is based upon the amount of effort needed to answer
a question, solve a question, or complete task. Such
questions, problems, or tasks are defined as easy or
hard and are determined by how many people can
answer the question, address the problem, or
accomplish the task correctly or successfully.
Complexity, on the other hand, defined as easy and
hard and relates to the kind of thinking, action, and
knowledge needed in order to answer a question,
solve a problem, or complete a task and how many
ways are there to do this. Complex questions,
problems, and tasks are often challenge and engage
students to demonstrate thinking (Francis, 2014).
Fair assessment should not just consider plain grades
but should also consider the aforementioned
dimensions as well (Saleh and Kim, 2009; Hameed,
2011). Improving the fairness of MCQ is an
increasingly important strategic concept to improve
the validity of their use (McCoubrie, 2004) and to
ensure that all students receive fair grading so as not
to limit students’ present and future opportunities
(Saleh and Kim, 2009; Hameed, 2011).
In this paper, a fuzzy system based evaluation
approach for MCQs based exams considering
importance, complexity, and difficulty of each
question is proposed. The main purpose is to provide
a fairer way to discriminate between students with
equal total scores and to reflect the aforementioned
dimensions for fairer evaluation. The paper is
organized as follows: the proposed evaluation
system is presented in Section 2. In Section 3, an
example and results are presented. Concluding
remarks and future work are presented in Section 4.
The proposed evaluation system will consist of some
modules as follows:
2.1 Difficulty Ratio
For other forms of written exams, difficulty ratio of
a question can be calculated as a function of the
accuracy rate a student has achieved and the time
used to answer a question (i.e., answer-time) (Saleh
and Kim, 2009). So if a student has obtained a
higher accuracy rate in less time, it means that the
question is easy, and vice versa. In case of MCQs
based exam where answers are either true or false, a
student will get either the full mark of the question
or nothing at all (Omari, 2013). Therefore and for
the sake of simplicity, difficulty in this paper will be
defined as ‘the percentage of the number of students
who answered the question correctly’. Difficulty
ration or coefficient can be calculated using the
= 1 - T
/N (1)
where D
is the difficulty ratio or coefficient of
question i, T
is number of students who answered
question i correctly, and N is the total number of
students who answered the question or attended the
exam. As an example, assume that (4) students from
(10) answered the first question correctly, so the
difficulty coefficient for this question is given by (1-
4/10) = 0.6. Since the difficulty coefficient is a ratio,
so its value is between zero and one, and when the
coefficient of difficulty is zero or close to zero it is a