Building accessible software is the right thing to do
because it benefits all users – both able and disabled.
Besides, web accessibility is a legal requirement in
several countries, the United States being the first
country to have legislation on web accessibility since
1998. There have been more than 230 related
settlements and lawsuits.
In the evaluation presented in this study, we found
that all the software products in the sample have
accessibility issues. The most common accessibility
errors were missing form labels, missing alternative
texts in linked images and image buttons, and
document language missing. The most common
accessibility alerts were device dependent error
handlers and very small text. These errors and alerts
prevent certain users from fully interacting with the
software web pages.
In our proposal, for each activity of the ISO/IEC
29110 software implementation process, we
identified constraints faced by VSEs and presented
preliminary lists of accessibility-related tasks. We are
working on improving these accessibility-related lists
since they are not exhaustive.
As future work, we plan to systematize these lists
to obtain a comprehensive method that can be applied
for VSEs that develop software to improve the
accessibility of their products. This method will have
to be empirically validated in pilot software projects.
This research is partially supported by the Prometeo
Project by SENESCYT, Ecuadorian Government.
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