Table 2 shows the results for the questionnaire
regarding the system’s ability to assist in learning. A
significant difference was observed for all the items
regarding the system’s learning assistance, in which
the neutral/negative group outnumbered the positive
group. This result implies that the participants
believed that the system helped them to learn about
ancient organisms and the eras in which they existed.
Table 3 shows the results for the questionnaire
regarding immersion. “I was not impacted
emotionally by events in the system” is a reverse item.
Therefore, we transferred the scores “strongly agree”
to “strongly disagree,” “agree” to “disagree,” and so
on. A significant difference was observed in six items
from this questionnaire, in which the neutral/negative
group outnumbered the positive group. A significant
difference was not detected in only one item, namely
“I was not impacted emotionally by the events in the
system.” These results imply that the participants
believed that the proposed system facilitated an
immersive paleoecological experience. However,
participants require more interactive and stimulating
events in order to be emotionally impacted by the
This paper summarized and evaluated an improved
version of the system developed by Yoshida et al. The
proposed system allows users to enrich their
understanding of paleontology, including extinct
animals and plants and their ecological environment.
We evaluated the proposed system in terms of its
ability to assist primary-school children learning
about such environments in museums, and in terms of
its potential to facilitate an immersed experience. The
results showed that the neutral/negative group
outnumbered the positive group. The results also
suggest that the proposed system helps users to learn
about ancient organisms and the eras in which they
existed and that it facilitated an immersive
paleoecological experience. In future work, we intend
to enhance the immersive experience of users in the
paleontological environment using a technique that
modifies the background according to the movements
of the learner.
This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (B). The evaluation was
supported by the Museum of Nature and Human
Activities, Hyogo, Japan.
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