Electric-Motion in Romania - Overview
Study on Machining Parameters of EV Charging Station Mechanical Components
Mihaiela Iliescu
, Nicolae Bercan
and Alexandru Rogojinaru
Institute of Solid Mechanics, Romanian Academy, 15 Constantin. Mille Street, Bucharest, Romania
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 10 Victoriei Street, Sibiu, Romania
E-Motion Electric, 73-75 Giugiului Street, Ilfov, Romania
Keywords: Charging Station, Electric Vehicle, Machining, Regression Model.
Abstract: This paper presents some relevant aspects of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Romania. It
evidences the charging station and fast charging stations designed and installed by the first Romanian
company dedicated 100% to e-mobility, E-Motion Electric. Also, a study on machining (milling) parameters
of some mechanical components of electric vehicle (EV) charging station is done and, finally, the regression
model for these parameters is determined. This model would be further used for machining process
Ecological technologies (Eco-Technologies) include
the technologies which does not harm the
environment so hard, when compared to traditional
similar technologies applied to obtain the products
required by the same human need (http://www.insee
.fr/en/ecotechnologies.htm, 2015).
Energy efficiency is "using less energy to provide
the same service" and it is not energy conservation
(http://eetd.lbl.gov/ee/ee-1.html, 2015).
Most of the times, the energy efficiency can be
quatified by comparing the specific energy
consumption for obtaining, in the same condition, the
product, service or, process required. By reducing
these consumptions, wihtout affecting their quality,
represents the increase on energy efficiency
The concept of energy efficiency, or optimization
of electric energy consumption has become an
essential challenge worldwide, nowadays. In fact,
saving energy does represent the cheapest energy
resource, easy to produce and environmental friendly.
One solution, with highly positive impact on the
environment, is represented by the focus on electric
vehicles (EV). These vehicles have to be charged and,
further, driven, so that to use their required energy in
an effiecient way, as well as an environmental
friendly one. The chargeable electric vehicles, hybrid
ones included, have become more and more popluar,
for person transportation (electric train, electric bus,
electric car, electric bike). There are obvious
advatages, such as: no CO
emission, travel comfort,
technology friendly over the environment, low
expenses (http://birdie-electriccar.eu/ro/transport-de-
persoane, 2015).
Based on the asepects mentioned above, it is
estimated a, relatively, high need for good charging
infrastructure for electric vehicles in Romania
In the past 50 years, Europe has changed a lot - just
like the rest of the world. Nowadays, more than ever,
in a constantly evolving world, Europe must face new
challenges. Economy globalisation, demographic
evolution, climate changes, the need for long-lasting
energy sources and modern security threats are the
main challenges of the XXI
2.1 Context
National and international relationship of Romania,
member of European Union and the focus on
sustainable development, including friendly
environmental technologies, lead to the increasing
importance of ecological technologies with high
energy efficiency for new generation of vehicles,