Aggregating the Flexibility of Heat Pumps and Thermal Storage
Systems in Austria
Tara Esterl
, Lukas Leimgruber
, Tarik Ferhatbegovic
, Andreas Zottl
, Mathias Krottenthaler
and Bertram Weiss
Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Giefinggasse 2, Vienna, Austria
Verbund Solutions, Europaplatz 2, Vienna, Austria
Keywords: Aggregator, Flexibility, Thermal Storage Systems, Heat Pumps, Electricity Market.
Abstract: This study analyses the challenges of aggregating the flexibility of heat pumps in Austria. Flexibility can be
provided by shifting electrical load to other points in time with the use of thermal storage systems. At first
the potential and typical combinations of heat pumps, buildings and thermal storage systems are described.
Afterwards different operation strategies and applications in smart-grid context are discussed. To make
optimal bids to the market a model is necessary that explains the thermal and electrical dynamics of the
system. Therefore a thermal model is combined with an electricity market model. Load shifts can reduce the
operational costs of heat pumps around 8-14 %, but can negatively affect their efficiency. At last a technical
concept is discussed which allows the exchange of signals between aggregator and pool participants.
At every time step electric demand and supply must
match each other to guarantee a stable and secure
provision of electricity. If deviations between
demand and supply occur, flexible loads or
generators are necessary, that can alter their
momentary electrical consumption or production
pattern to bring the system back in balance.
Historically this flexibility was usually provided by
large scale generators or loads in the MW-range.
With a higher share of Renewable Energy Systems
(RES) the demand for flexible units is rising. The
residential sector theoretically possesses a huge
potential for flexibilization of the electric demand
side. This study focuses on analyzing the challenges
of using thermostatically controlled loads (TCL),
like heat-pumps in combination with thermal storage
systems, to support smart grids. Water storage tanks
for warm water and space heating purposes as well
as the thermal storage ability of the buildings, where
the heat pump is operated, are further considered.
The operation of TCLs can be modified as long as
devices stay in a defined operational area and user-
defined comfort restrictions are met. The load
shifting potential of a single residential heat pump
and storage unit is rather low, being in the kW-
range. By combining the flexibility of many devices
however, the resulting flexibility pool is capable of
shifting a considerable amount of electrical load.
This is usually realized by an aggregator:
“Aggregator means a legal entity which is
responsible for the operation of a number of demand
facilities by means of demand aggregation” (Entso-
e, Glossary). Demand aggregation refers to “a set of
demand facilities which can be operated as a single
facility for the purpose of offering one or more
demand side response services” (Entso-e, Glossary).
Demand side response (DR) services are the
objective for the aggregation of demand side
facilities. There must be certain incentives (e. g.
monetary) to offer those DR services. Ideally a pool
of heat pumps is capable of switching its electrical
load to other points in time without any drawbacks
for the customers. The flexibility resulting from
those load shifts can be marketed at electricity
markets or used to actively support the electric grid.
To exploit that flexibility however, a pooling
concept must be developed including the analysis of
the existing heat-pump, storage system and building
landscape, potential operation strategies for the pool
and a technical concept to enable signals between an
aggregator and the single heat pump.
Esterl, T., Leimgruber, L., Ferhatbegovic, T., Zottl, A., Krottenthaler, M. and Weiss, B.
Aggregating the Flexibility of Heat Pumps and Thermal Storage Systems in Austria.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2016), pages 372-377
ISBN: 978-989-758-184-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Around 100.000 – 150.000 heat pumps are used for
space heating (SH) in Austria at the moment.
Another 50.000 heat pumps are installed to provide
domestic hot water (DHW). Heat pumps for SH are
responsible for the major part of newly installed
devices over the last years. In the year 2012 alone,
around 13.600 heat pumps for SH were sold with an
expected minimum growth rate of 5 % (Gaehmi, S.,
2013; Moser et al., 2014; Biermeyer et. al, 2013).
The exact load shifting potential is hard to determine
and depends on several aspects like season, time of
day, ambient temperature and user-specific behavior.
In winter for example the potential for load shifts of
heat pumps used for SH is expected to be
significantly higher than in summer. If also cooling
applications are realized by heat pumps, then the
potential in summer can be increased. Also the time
of day is an important factor. Gaehmi indicates that
the load reduction potential is highest between 6-8
am and 4-6 pm while at other times it is zero if the
heat pumps must run at full load. Additionally
Gaehmi estimates the load shifting potential for
1000 households around 1.3 MW. These values are
still to be closer investigated and strongly depend on
the specific combination of building, heat pump and
thermal storage system. As a consequence also the
different technical characteristics of the devices
forming the flexibility pool are of high interest for
an aggregator. Therefore a market study of typical
building and heating system combinations in Austria
was conducted. To reduce complexity, typical
combinations were summarized to homogenous
groups. An excerpt of these typologies is
exemplarily shown in Table 1 with building types on
the horizontal axis and heating system related
parameters on the vertical axis. Additionally also
passive houses, pure DHW heat pumps and large
scale heat pumps for district heating are considered.
With more pool customers, organizational as well as
technical efforts are higher. Large scale heat pumps
(around 0.25 MW) are expected to be more
favourable in terms of aggregation. Both transaction
costs and costs for the information and
communication technologies (ICT) infrastructure are
declining with fewer pool participants.
The load shifting potential of TCLs can be used
for various applications in smart-grid context
ranging from local voltage control in distribution
grids, increasing the share of RES in the power
system, to participating on electricity markets (Koch
S., Andersson G., 2009a).
Using price spreads on wholesale markets by
Table 1: Excerpt of collected typologies of buildings, heat
pumps and thermal storage systems in Austria.
Space heating
45 [~35 °C] 100 [~55 °C] 70 [~45 °C]
Heated area [ m²] 140 120 120
capacity [kW]
5 / 1.5 12 / 4 7 / 2.7
Capacity control on/off on/off variable
Heat source air ground air
Heat sink water water water
Heat distribution floor heating radiator radiator
SH storage [l] 300 500 500
DHW storage [l] 300 300 300
shifting electric load to low price periods can
significantly reduce operation costs of heat pumps,
as was shown for the Swiss market (Pfaffen, D.,
Werlen, K., 2013). Furthermore on the EPEX spot
contracts of market participants have to match the
actual schedules. Eventual deviations have to be
compensated by the responsible market participant.
So the flexibility of heat pumps can also be used to
reduce those deviations. Additionally the flexibility
to momentarily adapt the electricity consumption
pattern enables to participate on balancing markets,
where the provision of balancing energy to maintain
frequency stability is compensated by the
Transmission System Operator (TSO) (von Roon et
al., 2014). Positive balancing energy can be
provided by decreasing the electric consumption of
the heat pumps, while negative balancing power is
delivered by increasing their consumption. Different
balancing products exist. In Austria secondary
balancing energy usually features higher revenues
but also poses higher technical requirements than
tertiary balancing energy. The added value of the
pool operation must provide incentives for both,
aggregator and pool participant. Reducing the costs
on energy-bill level can motivate participants to join
the pool. In addition to monetary incentives, also
non-monetary incentives provide interesting
opportunities. While aggregators can eventually
profit from higher customer loyalty and an
innovative image, pooling participants might be
inclined to support smart-grid issues. As a pooling
concept requires an appropriate ICT solution, there
might also be positive effects for participants like a
Aggregating the Flexibility of Heat Pumps and Thermal Storage Systems in Austria
monitoring system suggesting eventual cost savings
or higher usability by intelligent control systems via
smart-phone applications.
Thermal models are necessary to describe the
dynamics of the heating system, make optimal bids
to the market and operate the heat pump pool in real-
time. As the aggregation involves a high number of
different typologies, the models should be
inexpensive and applicable to a large number of
different thermal systems. (Jungwirth, 2014) The
thermal behaviour of TCLs is often expressed by
state-space models (Pfaffen, D., Werlen, K., 2013;
Koch S., Andersson G., 2009a). Alternative
approaches model the thermal storage potential of
TCLs as battery storage systems (Khan S. et al.,
2016; Hao H. et al., 2015). For every typology
evaluated in the market study, a state-space model is
developed describing the thermal dynamics of the
system (Figure 1) and enabling the implementation
into a control system. It describes the changes of the
temperatures in the thermal storage for space heating
, domestic hot water T
, and room
temperature T
in response to model inputs. The
model inputs consist of the electrical consumption of
heat pump P
, outdoor temperature T
, heat
losses in the building and the storage systems
, internal gains Q
and a DHW profile.
Pool operation aims at gaining synergy effects
compared to separate operation. This can be
achieved by reducing the operation costs of the pool
on wholesale markets and by additionally gaining
revenues with balancing market participation. In
both cases, a schedule has to be sent to the pool
participants, to adhere to contracts made on
electricity markets. Because of the complexity of the
matter, this schedule should be determined by an
optimization model. Here, mixed-integer linear
programming techniques were applied. The focus
lies on minimizing operation costs on wholesale
markets. Load shifting is incentivized by sending
different price signals to the heat pump pool (Figure
2). Flat and high-low price signals serve as reference
cases with none or restricted incentives for load
shifts. A dynamic price signal, coupled to the EPEX
spot day-ahead, highlights the optimized operation
using flexibility via load shifts. The price signals are
scaled to allow for better comparison between each
other (Fischer D. et al. 2014). A simulation is
conducted for 1000 units of every topology (except
large-scale heat pumps).
Figure 1: Basic scheme of thermal model.
Figure 2: Price signals sent to heat pump pool to
incentivize load shifts.
Table 2 shows the operational costs under
different price signals for the year 2014. Under the
here considered assumptions, allowing load shifts,
the operational costs for the heat pump pool can be
reduced around 8-14 % depending on the specific
reference case. The major part of load shifts is
happening during the heating period. The load
shifting potential in summer is lower because only
DHW is required.
Table 2: Operational costs and savings under different
price signals for the year 2014.
Flat High-low Day-ahead
Costs [€]
2.764.870 2.590.735 2.375.584
- 6,3 14,1
- - 8,3
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Load shifts use the possibility to temporarily
overheat the temperature in the thermal storage
systems (Figure 3). In times of low market prices the
heat pumps are switched on and eventual excess heat
is stored in the thermal storage systems. The
maximum allowed temperature is set to 65 °C for
SH and DHW storage systems whereas the
minimum temperature is given by the specific
heating system set points in Table 1. Room
temperatures must stay between the interval 20-23
°C to fulfill user-specific comfort requests.
Overheating the SH and DHW storage is preferred
in contrast to the room temperature due to the higher
storage capacity of water compared to air. The
coefficient of performance (COP) is modelled as a
function of the temperature difference between
source and sink temperature (Fischer et al., 2014).
Figure 4 shows the COP of the corresponding
system with and without load shifts. It can be seen
that due to load shifts the COP of the considered
heat pumps is significantly declining. This effect is
more prominent during the heating period where the
major part of load shifts is happening. For the here
considered case, the costs resulting from efficiency
reduction are in the same scale like the potential
gains of table 2.
Figure 3: Temperatures in thermal storage systems due to
load shifts for a winter day (Case: Renovated Building).
To control a high number of different demand
facilities a suitable technical concept is necessary
enabling the exchange of signals and data between
the single pooling unit and the aggregator. The
implemented technical concept should be cheap,
secure and in line with certain grid codes to provide
reliable ancillary services. The requirements for the
ICT infrastructure depend on the chosen operation
strategy. While the optimization of the heat pump
schedule is less complex, the participation on
balancing markets must be in line with the
requirements of the TSO.
Figure 4: Coefficient of Performance without (COP_rated)
and with overheating (COP load_shift) of temperature in
thermal storage (Case: Renovated Building).
In case of a balancing energy call, the devices
must be able to track a signal of the Austrian Power
Grid (APG) to provide ancillary service. In case of
tertiary reserve an electronic communication device
is necessary to offer the minimum bid size of 5 MW
in line with IEC 60870-5-101. A point-to-point fixed
line connection like SDH or PDH and a serial
interface V.24 / V.28 not longer than 15 m should be
used. The components must guarantee a time for
data exchange of a maximum of 5 s and an
availability of 95%. Every 2 seconds measured data
has to be sent to the APG. Also during the times no
balancing energy is called, data exchange must be
ensured. The actual electrical consumption as well
as the operating point must be sent to the APG
(Austrian Power Grid, 2014). An analysis of the
different control concepts of heat pumps showed
three types of possible implementations:
ripple control signal (ERCS): Via a potential-free
contact demand devices can be externally switched-
off. This is already used by utilities offering special
tariff programmes. Interruptible tariffs e. g., are
usually less expensive than normal ones, allowing an
utility to actively switch heat pumps off for a given
Aggregating the Flexibility of Heat Pumps and Thermal Storage Systems in Austria
time, e. g. three times a day for two hours (in Austria
and Germany). ERCS are also used to manage
high/low tariffs where electricity consumed at night
is less expensive than during the day. This concept is
proved, already implemented and often existing
infrastructure can be used. On the other hand, those
external switching orders could result in a higher
wear of the heat pumps, because ERCS are
mandatory switching orders not considering the heat
pump control and operation strategy. EEBus on the
other hand is a protocol connecting IP-based devices
of utilities and distribution service operators (DSOs)
with the not yet IP-based devices of end customers.
For smart control of end user devices the KNX and
ZigBee standards can be used (Koch S. et al.,
2009b). EEBus offers a framework to flexibly
control end-user devices in a household from
external IP-based systems. Typically the devices are
connected to a Home Energy Management System.
Compared to other communication technologies this
is rather expensive and should already be considered
in the construction phase of new buildings. To
subsequently implement this concept for pooling
concepts is rather inappropriate. In Germany exists a
standard called Smart-Grid-ready (SG-ready) label
supported by the German heat pump association. It
is a label specifically designed for heat pumps and is
already implemented in around 370 heat pump
models of 19 different manufacturers. The SG-ready
label defines the operation of heat pumps according
to four operation modes (Bundesverband
Wärmepumpe e. V., 2013, 2015). Mode 1: The heat
pump is switched off for a maximum of two hours.
This includes the already implemented functionality
of interruptible tariffs via ERCS. Mode 2: Here the
heat pump is operated in energy efficient operation
mode according to the local controller taking into
consideration the maximal switching time of two
hours by guaranteeing a certain level of the thermal
storage system. Mode 3: A switching
recommendation is sent to the heat pump to alter its
electrical consumption pattern by modifying the set-
point of the room and/or thermal storage
temperature. It is not an explicit switching order but
a recommendation. Mode 4: The last operation
mode is defined as a compulsory switching order.
Two different mechanisms can be chosen. Either the
compressor of the heat pump (optionally also an
electric heating back-up device) can be directly
switched on or the set-point temperature can be
modified. The main difference to mode 3 is the fact
that the signal is compulsory. Compulsory signals
must be adhered to (mode 1 and 4) and intervene to
some degree into the local heat pump controller.
Switching recommendations leave the control to the
local heat pump controller and only provide
recommendations to alter the consumption pattern of
the heat pump (mode 2 and 3). Regarding mode 4 it
must be considered that directly controlling the
compressor might result in a higher wear of the heat
pump and its components while the control via
temperature set-points is more favourable from
technical view but leaves the exact operation to the
local controller and therefore provides not full
control of the heat pump consumption
(Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V., 2013).Of the
above mentioned control mechanisms the SG-ready
label is assumed to be the most favourable because it
is already implemented in many heat pumps and
provides defined operation strategies enabling the
external control of the single heat pump operation.
Moreover it includes the functionality of ERCS and
is considerably cheaper to implement than the
EEBus. The technical concept must guarantee the
conversion of external switching orders in real-time.
This signal S
is sent by an aggregator resulting
from the participation on the specific electricity
markets. The aggregated consumption of the pool
should match the signal S
. If S
< P
devices must be switched off until the signal
matches the consumption of the heat pumps. If S
> P
additional devices must be switched on. In
this context adequate sequencing algorithms are
necessary respecting the actual operational condition
of the single devices. It is favourable to switch those
devices which will be switched in any case in future
due to their normal operation mode. Alternatively a
defined temperature distance to the upper or lower
temperature limit can be used as a sequencing
criterion (Hao et al., 2015; Khan, S., 2016). A smart
box installed at households receives the schedule
and sends adequate orders to the heat pump
corresponding to the SG-ready operation modes 1-4.
The local controller of the heat pump executes the
schedule if possible and sends a feedback of power
and temperatures T
, T
, T
to the aggregator.
The smart box is basically a communication device
and the link between heat pump and aggregator. The
smart box can be used to subsequently integrate
other residential devices capable of load shifting.
With the use of load shifts the operational costs of a
heat pumps pool can be reduced. In this context it is
important to consider potential efficiency losses
caused by overheating the thermal system. To
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
approximate the flexibility, models are necessary
that describe the dynamics of the interaction
between electrical and thermal variables. These
models should be inexpensive and applicable to a
high number of different building types. The thermal
model here applied will be further developed by
including four layers to consider the temperature
distribution inside the storage. Additionally also the
efficiency will be considered in more detail. At the
moment a black box building model is developed
and will be validated by a more concise Dymola
model and measured data of residential buildings.
The market model will be extended to also evaluate
the participation on balancing markets considering
the probability a bid is accepted and the probability
of balancing energy calls. At last a technical concept
must be developed that guarantees a secure
exchange of information and signals. The SG-ready
standard is a promising control concept to externally
control residential heat pumps. The concepts
discussed are planned to be verified in a subsequent
demonstration project.
The work is part of the research project “iWPP-
Flex” of the Austrian Institute of Technology and
the Verbund Solutions, funded by the Austrian
agency “Forschungs-förderungsgesellschaft”.
Furthermore it is integrated in the IEA Annex 42.
Austrian Power Grid, 2014. Annex,
Anforderungen Tertiärregelreserve.
Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V., 2013. Regularien des.
SG Ready-Labels, SG Reagy-Label – für das.
Smartgrid geeignete Wärmepumpen.
Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V., 2015. Modell-Liste,
SG Ready‘-Label für Smart-Grid-fähige.
Biermayr, P. et al., 2013. Innovative Energietechnologien.
in Österreich Marktentwicklung 2012. Wien,
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und.
Fischer D., Rivera Toral T., Lindberg K. B., Wille-
Haussmann B., Madani H. , 2014. Investigation of.
Thermal Storage Operation Strategies with Heat.
Pumps in German Multi Family Houses. Energy.
Procedia 58, 137-144.
Gaehmi, S., 2013. Potential analysis of Residential.
Demand Response using GridLAB-D. Wien, IECON.
Hao et al., 2015. Aggregate Flexibility of Thermostaically.
Controlled Loads. IEEE Transactions on Power.
Systems, 30, 10.
Jungwirth, J., 2014. Lastmanagement in Gebäuden,
Entwicklung einer modellprädiktiven Regelung mit.
einem adaptiven Gebäudemodell zur Flexibilisierung.
der Wärme- und Kälteversorgung von Gebäuden. TU.
Khan S., Shahzad M., Habib U., Gawlik W., Palensky P.,
2016. Stochastic battery model for aggregation of.
thermostatically controlled loads. IEEE ICIT 2016.
Koch S., Andersson G., 2009a. Potentials and.
Applications of Coordinated Groups of Thermal.
Household Appliances for Power System Control.
Purposes. IEEE PES/IAS conference 2009.
Koch S., Meier D., Zima M., Wiederkehr M., Andersson.
G., 2009b. An Active Coordination Approach for.
Thermal Household Appliances – Local.
Communication and Calculation Tasks in the.
Household. IEEE Power Tech conference Bukarest.
Moser et al., 2014. LoadShift: Lastverschiebung in.
Haushalt, Industrie, Gewerbe und kommunaler.
Infrastruktur Potenzialanalyse für Smart Grids. Wien,
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und.
O’Connel N., Pinson P., Madsen H., O’Malley M., 2014.
Benefits and challenges of electrical demand
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Reviews 39, 686-699.
Pfaffen, D., Werlen, K., 2013. WARMup: Optimale.
Verwertung der Flexibilität von thermischen.
Speichern. Bundesamt für Energie BFE.
Von Roon,, S., 2014. Entwicklung der Erlösmöglichkeiten.
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Energie-Agentur GmbH.
Entso-e, Glossary.
Aggregating the Flexibility of Heat Pumps and Thermal Storage Systems in Austria